Order Of The Rings, Fire

By Faceytp

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In a world where majic rules all, mysterious rings that lead to other worlds, appear once every year. Each ri... More

Chapter 1 - Rumors or Truth
Chapter 2 - The Family Business
Chapter 3 - Goblins, Trolls & Ogres, Oh My!
Chapter 4 - It's Getting Hot In Here
Chapter 5 - A Long Day
Chapter 6 - One Very Long Day

Chapter 7 - The Red Ring Of Fire

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By Faceytp

With fierce punches and kicks, Orlo is holding both Red Dragons at bay. Each punch or kick landed, seems to get stronger and hotter with each hit. Jumping from wall to wall, to the ground and back to the wall to land his attacks with extra force, he's giving them a run for their money.

Glena: "I've never seen someone hold their own against a dragon before, let alone 2. And at such a young age."

Anika: "Heck, neither have I. Not even my brother for that mater."

Gunken: "Mm! Mm! Mm!"

Gamya: "Over there! There's an opening! Gunken wants us to follow him. It will get hotter in the cave with all the flames dispersing everywhere! That could lead to a cave in if it gets too hot!"

Anika: "Then we gotta take these too!"

She points to the huge dragon eggs in the corner of the cave.

Gamya: "We are not taking those!"

Anika: "If we don't take them they will get crushed."

Gamya: "They can make more!"

Anika: "You don't know that!"

They glare at one another with Glena trying to pick up one of the eggs that's bigger than her.

Anika: "I'll carry them with my Force Majic! But you guys gotta make sure to lead the way, safely!"

The cave rumbles and starts to shake as Gunken nods his head and smiles. Gamya shakes her head a sighs. Glena happily claps and runs after Gunken. Orlo continues his fight, landing blow after blow, while blocking tail swings and dodging claws. The cave starts to cave in when he notices his sister carrying the dragon eggs to safety. He quickly lets off a huge burst of flames behind him, sending himself at both dragons. His high speed was too fast for them to react as he bursts again from his feet and lets off a huge burst from his hands, blasting them out of the cave. It collapses behind them as he and both dragons land on the ground below. The dragons are slow to get up and start to whine a little over their lost eggs. They then roar towards Orlo who's also slowly getting up from the fall. He's out of energy from the fall and the fight, but he assumes a fighting pose regardless. They are about to charge when they hear tiny dragon roars from hatching eggs. They look over by some pink trees and see all their eggs safe and hatched. The baby dragons are licking Anika and the goblins while wagging their tails.

Anika: "You're welcome! You're welcome!"

The parent dragons fly over and call for their young, who eagerly fly over to them as well. The bigger dragon, possibly the male, flies over to Orlo and lands hard on the ground in front of him. He looks down on him, sniffs him, then blows smoke out of his nose.

Orlo: "Right back at you... Respect."

They fly off into the distance with their young flying behind them.

Anika: "You're always getting me into trouble bro. But I saved the day today."

He says nothing, just smiles before he passes out. Gunken goes over and pulls out a black gem from his pouch and throws it to the ground, smashing it into pieces. It explodes into a wagon. He puts Orlo in it and proceeds to pull it. They start walking through the forest, until they come to a bridge.

Glena: "At least we didn't get eaten."

Gamya: "Yeah, lucky us."

Anika: "This is a great thing everyone! Not only was my bro able to use the fire ring, but he kept us safe. And.... We made some new dragon friends. He roughed them up a bit but..."

She stops talking when Gunken puts his finger to his lips. He points towards the bridge that's being occupied by Red Leopard-Monkeys. The viciously, wild, cunning, body with tail, face, agility and smarts of a mischievous monkey. With half the body size, same speed, same strength, same fangs and claws of a Leopard. Some are dragging off some goblins into some trees to clean and eat them. The others are walking across the bridge to lure more prey out. Gunken points to the hole opening up with 5 more goblins and 2 trolls walking out of it. They look very angry and are foaming at the mouth. The others realize right away that they're under the curse of the Ogre Blood. They watch as the Red Leopard-Monkeys clash with the murderous goblins and trolls. The Red Leopard-Monkeys get the upper hand right away by using their majic. Claw slashes that slice through the air, along with illusion clones and the monkey ball attack, easily put the goblins down. Having the upper hand and winning easily, it's strange when all of a sudden, the monkeys stop. They sniff the air, look towards the bushes where the group is, then quickly flee in fear. Out of nowhere, 5 Ogres come walking through the forest. Their spiked clubs being dragged through the dirt behind them in one hand and a Red Leopard-Monkey in the other. They toss the 5 monkeys to the ground for the goblins and trolls to devour, and walk back into the forest.

Gunken: "Mm.... MM. Mmmmm..."

Gamya: "Yeah, that's a good idea. Especially since it seems we've stumbled upon a war."

Anika: "What he say?"

Glena: "He said we should wait here while he scouts around to see if there's a safer way to proceed forward."

Gamya: "Those Red Leopard-Monkeys are only protecting Gully Hollow from threats. They can sense the evil aura coming from the cursed ones. Any other time, they would just prey on them regularly, when hungry. But right now, they see them as a huge threat."

Anika: "That goes for me too. But we gotta get across the waters so we can get to where we're going right?"

Glena: "Yeah, Hollow Creek is just after Gully Hollow and FairPixia, on the outskirts of the Northern Desert."

Anika: "Hollow Creek? I thought we were going to Troblin Valley?"

Glena: "Yes, Hollow Creek. It's the only way to Goboll Bridge Roads. From the bridge roads, we will make it to Troblin Valley. And from there, straight to Trolin Gorge."

Anika: "Trolin Gorge?"

Glena: "Yeah silly. It's us Goblins and Trolls original home. A huge kingdom of Trolls and Goblins living amongst each other in pure bliss and harmony. A Utopia if you will. The Valley is just a front. It's meant to be a trap for intruders but built to look similar to our home. I met my true love at the Gorge. We went to visit a few months back before all of this crap started."

Gunken: "Hmph..."

Glena: "Gunken! Stop it."

Gunken: "HMM, HMM HM! Hm, Hm Mmmm!"

Glena: "Yes, you have every right to be mad at him still. But I don't. And that's not fair."

Gunken: "Hmm Mm Hm Mmm Hm MMMMMM! Mm, Mm Mmm Mm Mmmmm..."

Glena: "He doesn't like the guy. They... They used to be close friends. Long story. Important but not important."

Gamya: "More importantly, he found another way around. Lets get to it."

Glena: "We're right behind you. Anyway. So... Yeah... That's a little bit about our history and where we're from."

Anika: "Wow! Talk about a journey. You guys sure didn't make it easy to find."

Glena: "Oh heavens no. With so many threats out there, you can't be too careful. Plus, other than Leprechauns, Sprites, Pixies, Dwarves and Fairies, us Goblins and Trolls are known for having, making, or finding the more powerful majical artifacts. Hence why the Ogres keep us around other than for fertility purposes. With the right majical items, we can create something new. Well, some of us anyway."

Anika: "So, what you're telling me is... This Ore guy has some goblins and trolls who can create majic items."

Glena: "Yes and no. Trolls are the best at finding majical artifacts. But the worst at keeping up with them. Goblins are the best at keeping them and making new items with them. But only certain goblins can make new items. And only experienced trolls are really good trackers. So far he has only a hand full of our good tracker trolls and no elder goblins who can create majic items. He was storming the other caves looking for stored items and elder goblins to create him some new items."

Anika: "Elder Goblins?"

Glena: "Yes. Elder Goblins are known for their creativity in making new items. But, if they make anything new, they are immediately supposed to request the presence of a Delestian."

Anika: "A... A..."

She stops walking and tries to speak the words that seem to not want to come out her mouth.

Anika: "A Delestian? Are you serious? They come down here? To the actual ground? On Merth?"

Glena: "Yeah! Almost all the time."

They cross over some old fallen trees and walk down to a path leading to another bridge to cross.

Anika: "I've only heard stories from my grandma and grandpa. They're to be extremely tough and powerful. Is it true their abilities are like no other?"

Glena: "If you ask me...."

Gamya: "She doesn't know. Just like you, she's but a mere child. Infatuated by boys and fruitless conversation. She hasn't a clue of what a Delestian can do. Their ranks, their speed, their power, nothing. She's only heard stories of the battles against just one of them and how armies of goblins and trolls stood no chance against them. Even the elves and mystical beasts stood no chance against them. Summoning a beast will only have the beast turn on the summoner instantly. So to answer your question child, yes, they are far more powerful than you or anyone you know can fathom."

Her tone had breaks of heartache and sadness in it. Along with anger, frustration, experience and witnessing. Anika couldn't imagine what Gamya had been through, but those words were enough for her to not ask anymore questions about the Delestians.

Glena: "It's ok, she's not mad at you. She's seen a bit too much in her long life. She's the one who told me the stories of the old. She's my older sister and Gunken is our brother. I'm the youngest of 9 siblings, now 3."

Anika says nothing. The look on her face says it all. Although she didn't mean to strike a nerve, she did. And from now on, she decided she would be more careful as to what she says and how she says it. From the way Gamya talked, the Delestians aren't the kind, angel like beings she's heard them to be, according to her grandparents. It seems there's a lot more to them than she realized and until she knows for sure, she won't be saying much about them at all. Not to Gamya and the others anyway.

Glena: "Hey, cheer up. Don't be down."

She smiles at her new found friend but stays quiet.

Glena: "Look!"

She pulls a colorful rock on a string, out of her pouch. It's blue on one side, purple on another side, green on another side and pink on the last side.

Anika: "Wow! It's beautiful! What is it?!"

Glena: "It's a Glamour Stone."

Anika: "I've heard of these! But I've never seen one in real life before."

Glena: "You know how it works don't you?"

Anika: "No, I don't."

Glena: "Well..."

She places it around her neck.

Glena: "When one wears it and rubs the green side and thinks of something of nature..."

She rubs it and thinks of vines and trees, and instantly her skin turn another shade of green. She then is able to summon and control trees and vines that raise out of the ground.

Anika: "Oh wow!"

She rubs the green side again and returns to her normal shade.

Anika: "So cool! How long does it last?! And what do the other colors do?"

Glena: "Each color lasts 15 minutes each after being activated. Once those minutes are up, you have to wait an hour to use that color again. Pink turns you invisible. Purple gives you the illusion of something, someone or anything beautiful. And Blue allows you to fly. Not very fast, but fly nonetheless. Here, take it. I want you to have it."

Anika: "Thank you! This is awesome! Did you guys make these too?!"

Glena: "Sort of. The stones are regular rocks. By using enchantment items and spells, we're able to forge them into what you see now. We have 8 colors in total to choose from. The other 4 colors are, Red, Yellow, White and Silver. Those are more advanced colors though. Their abilities are incredibly strong and unique."

Anika: "How so?"

Glena: "Yellow allows the user to open doorways to wherever they've been before, no matter where they are. Red allows the user to obtain the strength, agility, wings and abilities of a red beast. White allows the user the ability to boost his or her own majic aura and abilities by double their original strength the longer they are in the form. Most people keep that one on for the whole time."

Anika: "I bet."

Glena: "Last but not least is Silver. It gives the user the ability of summoning a silver armor that incases their whole body. Or the ability to clone up to 5 silver armor clones of themselves with enhanced strength, ability, stamina, and power. They can be controlled by the users thoughts or voice command.

Anika: "That's so cool! Can you mix the colors however you want to? Like can you mix pink with white, yellow and green? Or red with blue, pink and purple?"

Glena: "Hmmm... I'm not sure. I'll have to ask my grandma when we get to Trolin Gorge. I never thought of that."

Anika: "That would be awesome if you could. You could put colors together for a great strategy to use in different types of battles. Especially with the advanced ones being so strong and all. Actually, now that i think about it. Those would be quite dangerous in the wrong hands."

Glena: "True... Luckily, there were only 7 of them made. And with 3 of them being destroyed in the War Of Merth, only 4 of them are left. Only my grandma and grandpa knows how to make them, and they refuse to make them again."

Anika: "Wait... Earlier you said... So... I get to meet your grandparents?! I can't wait!"

Her excitement returns as they start to cross the bridge. She hugs her new friend as they get closer and closer to knowing each another more. They continue their talk, changing the subject to boys and old tall tales about giants, golems and cyclops. Safely across the bridge, setting them back some time, they enter into the jungle like area that leads to Gully Hollow.

Gamya: "Be on your guard you 2, we're getting closer to Gully Hollow. Since we had to come this way, we have to go all the way through it, instead of the safe corner path we could've taken from the position we were in before. We are bound to run into some sprites once we enter. And how long is your brother going to sleep for?"

Anika: "I... I don't know. We never used that ring before."

Gamya: "Great, he's useless to us at the moment. And with Gunken having to protect him, I have to rely on you 2 for backup if we get into a situation."

Glena: "Don't worry sis, we got your... AAAAAAGGHHH!!!"

Without warning, she accidentally walks over a snare trap, being incased in a Nullify Net. Touching the net after it's been activated nullifies that person, creature or being's majic for 15 minutes. Unfortunately, Anika doesn't know this, as she quickly goes to grab the net to free her friend.


She rushes over and pushes her out of the way. She falls to the ground hard, scrapping her knee against a tree root sticking out of the ground.

Gamya: "If you touch it, your abilities will be gone for 15 minutes. We have to cut her out using no majic."

She pulls a black gem from her pouch while Gunken helps Anika off the ground. She breaks it in 2 and watches as it explodes into a sword.

Anika: "I thought you said we can't use majic to get her out?"

Gamya: "I'm not. This is a regular weapon, it was just incased in the gem for easier travels. Don't you know anything about goblins girl? Most of the items we make are simple and ordinary looking. A rock, a stone, a pebble, a stick, a blade, a club, a mace. The simpler the better. We even make these Nullify Nets. But this one was obviously stolen. It's been cut several times and poorly stitched back together. But that's a good thing."

She walks over to her little sister and swings her sword cutting her loose.

Glena: "Hi sis."

Gamya: "Like I was saying. Since it's poorly stitched back together, Lena's lucky she'll only be majicless for 5 minutes tops. Which means, whoever put this trap here, was trying to trap help, not intruders."

Goblin Girl: "Please! Don't hurt me. I'm just trying to get home to my... Glena?! Gunken?! Gamya?!"

Gamya: "Loga!"

She rushes over, hugging Gamya with tears in her eyes. Her clothes are tattered and ripped. Her body is singed with burn marks in some places, along with scratches and bruises. She looks to have been using the net to catch food to survive.

Gamya: "What are you doing out here?! Don't tell me they already reached Hollow Creek?!"

Loga: No, not at all. We came to restore the Trolls and Goblins from the Ogre Blood Gems controls. We also brought fresh food and supplies for when we freed them. We were ambushed on the way by 5 strong Ogres. We had to go through Gully Hollow to escape. We didn't think they would give chase, but they did. Your grandpa stalled them so we could escape, scarring one across his face. We think he was the leader. They got ambushed by some Sprites so I don't know if he was captured or not."

Glena: "Who?"

Loga: "Your grandpa."

Gamya: "Pa Pa?! How long have you been out here?!"

Loga: "3 days counting today. They slaughtered all of the other males, only keeping the women they caught. The rest are somewhere in Gully Hollow still. I just haven't..."

Gamya: "Say no more. We will help you."

They hear a noise ruffling in the bushes. They take fighting stances, preparing for anything. Out walks a red Little Liger with black stripes and a pouch on its back. Behind it walks a 3 foot girl with antenna's on her forehead. She's carrying 5 dead RabDeers on her shoulders. She's wearing pink fur clothing and has a pink flower in her hair. Her skin is a light green color and her hair is a light brown.

Nature Sprite: "Oh... Hi! You guys must be lost or something. How can I help?"

Confused, she steps back while talking.

Gamya: "Uh... No thank you, we're just passing through."

Nature Sprite: "Are you going through Gully Hollow? I don't recommend it without a guide. They're really on edge lately in there. I can get you through safely if you want though."

Gamya: "Uh... Ok?! We are greatful for the offer, but..."

Orlo: "We'd love the escort Ms..."

Relieved to hear his voice and see that he's awake, she gives him a glare to his response nonetheless. He falls back in the wagon, unconscious again.

Nature Sprite: "Sorry about that. Name's... Orlo?!"

Anika: "Uh... No... That's his... Hey wait!"

Nature Sprite: "Orlo! That is you!"

Without hesitation she runs over to him, hugging him tight. She instantly checks him for injuries or bruises.

Anika: "Easy girlie, he's a little banged up from fighting some dragons. You know him? Wait... Of course you do. Somehow."

Nature Sprite: "The name's Floret and yeah, I know him. He was supposed to return back here months ago. He's so troublesome isn't he?"

Anika: "I'll say."

Floret: "It's always the cute ones that are in trouble somehow. Hee hee!!! I bet... Wait... Wh... Wher... Where'd he get that ring?"

She steps back from him with fear in her eyes.

Anika: "It's a long story. But we don't have much time to explain. We gotta go through Gully Hollow to..."

Floret: "No. We can't. Not with that ring we can't."

Anika: "We have to. We can't go back the way we came. There's too many enemies that way."

Floret: "And with that ring, there's triple more in Gully Hollow."

Gamya: "Then we go back the other way. My grandpa might be with those Ogres."

Anika: "No. We go through Gully Hollow as planned."

She walks over to her brother.

Anika: "Please Floret. We need to go this way. We need time for my brother to rest too."

Floret: "Brother? Ok. But only because you're family."

Gamya: "You've got to be kidding me?! I refuse to believe..."

Anika: "Believe it or not, she's our guide through. Plus, she knows my brother, so she has to be trustworthy."

Gamya: "Fine. But we gotta hurry and get through so we can find my grandpa."

Floret: "It's settled then. Follow me and Cody."

They walk towards the stream of water that separates one part of the forest from what looks like a bunch of tiny trees that stretch out for miles. They shrink down to the size of a 5 inch tall sprite, as they cross the stream that's now a roaring river. They notice quickly that they're falling in since they don't have wings. With 5 big splashes, they are quickly taken down stream by the extremely strong current. Floret majically sprouts 2 leaf wings from her back, which instantly allows her to glide on the air currents safely.

Floret: "Oh crap, I forgot! You guys aren't Sprites."

She quickly lands her pet and her RabDeers on the other side of the river safely. She then takes back off into the air to grab the others. She grabs Orlo and Anika 1st, taking them safely to the other side. Gamya, Gunken, Loga and Glena hold on to a fallen tree branch they were slammed into as the water rushes over them more and more.

Floret: "Hold on! I'm coming!"

She glides on the wind currents with finesse, then dives down fast, swooping up Gunken and Gamya.

Floret: "I'll be back, just hold on a little longer!"

She lands on the other side but turns around too late as the fallen tree branch finally gives way.

Floret: "Nooooooooo!!!"

Gamya: "GLENA! LOGA!"

She takes off, flying at a high speed, but the river is faster. Glena's trying to stay above water, but it slams her under several times here and there. Loga grabs onto a nearby vine and starts pulling herself to shore. She spreads out from exhaustion, breathing hard and panting. Finding a piece of the branch to keep her above water, Glena grabs hold and reaches out her hand so Floret can grab her. Seeing her chance, she dives in to swoop her up. They just miss hands as the water takes her under again just before the waterfall. Floret can't believe her eyes and starts crying uncontrollably. She flies back to the others, landing with watery eyes.

Floret: "I... I... I couldn't... I couldn't save her..."

She drops to her knees, crying.

Anika: "It wasn't your fault."

Her eyes water as she hugs her to comfort her, and to receive a hug at the lost of her new friend. Gamya and Gunken sit down on the ground with sad faces. They just lost another sibling, and she was the youngest one of them all. Her brother hugs her as she then pushes him away in anger. She storms over to an unconscious Orlo aggressively.


Floret: "NO! DON'T..."

Gamya: "OOOUUUUCH!!!"

She tries to yell out to her, to not touch the ring, but it's too late. She grabs Orlo's hand with the ring on it and is instantly burned when trying to take it off his finger. Even more angered now, she pulls out her Goblin Dagger Sword, ready to stab him in the chest, then stops. She plops back to the ground and sulks. Through the trees comes some more Nature Sprites. They're armed with colorful spears, shields and swords, made from the colorful trees of the forest. They see their princess crying and immediately think that one of the others hurt her.

Soldier 1: "What did you do to the princess?! SPEAK!"

Soldier 2: "YOU HEARD HIM, SPEAK!"

They poke and gently stab at Gunken and Gamya with their spears and swords. Floret sees them and immediately goes off verbally.

Floret: "Are you serious right now?! They just lost their littlest sister to the Falls. Show some compassion you heartless meat heads!"

Soldier 1: "Our apologies your majesty. We heard you yell out and thought they might have..."

Floret: "WHAT?! HURT ME?! WHY?! BECAUSE I'M ON MY KNEES CRYING?! STOP ASSUMING AND ASK QUESTIONS NEXT TIME! What are you guys doing way out here anyway?!"

Soldier 1: "We were ordered by your mother, to find you and bring you home."

Floret: "I can't right now, I have to lead them through Gully..."

Soldier 1: "Its your father me lady... He's dying."

Her eyes light up. Not with happiness and joy, no. It's sadness and grief. She knew this day was gonna come, she just didn't think it was going to be today. She gets up slowly with her head held down.

Floret: "Thank you for letting me know. Take us to him."

Soldier 1: "Us?!"

Floret: "Yes, us! Did I stutter?!"

Soldier 2: "No your highness."

Floret: "Did I stutter?!"

Soldier 3: "No your highness."

Soldier 1: "No your..."

Floret: "I wasn't talking to you now was I?! When I was talking to you, you kept questioning me. What is your name soldier?!"

Soldier 1: "Dakar."

Floret: "Well Dakar, consider yourself relieved of 1st command in this platoon. You, 2nd soldier. What's your name?"

Soldier 2: "Lighton."

Floret: "You will be in 1st command from now on. Now, will you lead us to my father as I requested?"

Lighton: "Yes your highness."

Dakar: "WAIT! You can't do this to me! You have no right or rank to take away my... Hmm, Mmm, Mmm..."

But his words are silent by the swift actions of Lighton's command to restrain him. 2 of the soldiers pull out what looks like pistols and shoot him with puffs of Green Sprite Sand. Using their nature majic, they immediately restrain him with some vines right afterwards, covering his mouth as well. They drag him behind them as they proceed through the forest towards Gully Hollow.

Lighton: "My apologies for his disrespectful words your majesty. I will let our general know about the change of commands."

Floret: "Thank you Lighton. And thank you for your escort."

Lighton: "It's my pleasure your majesty."

He leads them through the forest with the rest of his men and women taking up the rear.

Anika: "Uh... Floret?! Why'd they heal him before they tied him up with the vines?"

Floret: "Heal him?!"

Anika: "Yeah. Wasn't that Green Sprite Sand they hit him with?"

Floret: "Yes, but it didn't heal him. Our majic works differently on us than it do on you guys out there. What may heal you, weakens us. What may aid you in a good way, is usually opposite to us. Like the Blue, Red, White, Orange, Yellow and Black sands all do something different with us than it does with you."

Anika: "How so?"

Floret: "Just like you saw with the green sands. They heal you guys right? Well for us, they paralyze us and make us lose our majic abilities for about 15-20 minutes. It's why when the War For FairPixia happened, it was so brutal."

Anika: "I... I'm sorry... I never heard of that war before."

Floret: "It's Ok, most people haven't. Anyway... You must be careful when dealing with the rings. They are very dangerous and once they've found a host, they call out to any and all enemies to fight."

Anika: "What do you mean?"

Floret: "You mean your goblin friends didn't tell you the history of the rings?"

Gamya looks away when they look at her.

Floret: "Of course not. She obviously has some sort of grudge against you or something. Look..."

She stops walking and pulls a Light Blue Stone out of the pouch on the back of her Little Liger. She waves her hand over it and continues to walk and talk again. She talks as the stone projects a video like reel of what happens.

Floret: "The rings were forged some time ago, by whom, we're not too sure. They were given to us back when we were one civilization known as Faspixie. We were 3 races joined as one and one of the feared groups in the top 5 of groups to be feared. We were 3rd on the list. Fairies, Pixies and Sprites all living together in harmony. An elder sent a young Colonial boy named Jolei to us with his friends Wissan and Olden. They were carrying with them 7 rings in 3 black, silver and gold boxes, with a note. They were just kids, so I doubt they even knew the rings were in there at the time. The Black Ring of Darkness, The White Ring of Light, The Blue Ring of Wind, The Teal Ring of Water, The Red Ring of Fire, The Yellow Ring of Lightning and The Green Ring of Nature. They said the elders would like for us to keep them with us, but the note said more. It had instructions to keep them out of enemy hands until they returned from an important mission elsewhere. We did that, for years. We didn't know if they had forgotten about them or if they ever returned from their mission, or what happened to them, all we knew was they were safe with us. But then, a young sprite stumbled upon one of the rings. That one to be exact."

She points to Orlo's hand with the red ring on it.

Floret: "He was a bully and a punk kid, from what my dad told me. They were supposed to be best friends, but this day, he would find out why they really weren't friends to begin with."

The projection switches, showing a young Nature Sprite Prince and a young Nature Fairy Prince being scolded by 2 elder Fairies. They're being walked down a hall and into a meeting room with 2 couples with crowns on their heads. The 2 elder fairies walk them in and walk right back out, closing the door behind them.

Floret: "My father, prince at the time, followed his best friend to the catacombs in Gully Hollow. We were never to go there for several reasons. There, they were caught opening different kept sake artifacts and majical items. One of which was the Red Ring of Fire. His friend put it on and accidently burned 2 guards alive with it. He quickly took it off his finger and threw it somewhere. They were then caught by the Fairy Guard and taken to the 2 eldest fairies. They were scolded but my father's friend lied. He told everyone that he was the good one and that he followed my dad there to try and stop him. My father was furious and had enough of his lies and deceit. He tackled him, and punched him over and over again until they pulled him off of him. His actions only made him look even more guilty to everyone, except his mother. His actions were in question and immediately, his whole family was now in question of, are they fit to be royalty, since they are so deceitful. A trial was to be held by all of the royal families. But it turned into a racist, political, ignorant dispute against adults with old grudges and bad blood. In the end, the Sprite families took up for my family as well as a few pixie families we knew. But my father's best friend, whom his father was best friends with, and their family, turned their backs on us. It was an even vote due to there being more royal fairy families than royal pixie or sprite families."

Anika: "That's not fair."

Floret: "Tell me about it. The ring was the only evidence to clear my fathers name. Finding it, an elder fairy could easily wave his or her wand and use the ring itself to show which boy was wearing it and what happened. But they weren't able to find it. Not for a long time anyway."

The projection switches again, as if to do a time skip. Now her father is much older looking, a young sprite in his early 20's with her mom by his side, fighting intruders of Gully Hollow. The intruders look to be a bunch of Cyclops and other Giants. Several other Sprites and a few pixies join the fight to protect their home.

Floret: "My mom and dad, although not really liking each other at this time, were the guardians of Gully Hollow. The trial ended with my father and his family being stripped of their royal titles and banished to Gully Hollow as punishment. They were now guardians of what they thought were priceless artifacts and majic items. But in reality, they were guarding nothing but fakes. They were really just banished there as a punishment and was supposed to be wiped out by enemies that came searching for the treasures. But with more and more sprite families being banished there, they bonded together and made it their home."

Anika: "How awful."

The projection switches again, showing how they found the artifacts are fake when helping the fairies defend their home in Fairy Dale. His friend claimed he wanted a truce, and requested his help to fend off a big threat against some gnomes. It's here where they would over hear a fairy guard tell an enemy the real ones are in Gully Hollow and to go there. It shows Florets parents and a few others still helping save the now new Fairpixia even after learning that bit of info, but that would change during another encounter. They would stumble upon a plan set up by his ex best friends dad a long time ago. It shows how every year he sends out a false document saying there's new treasures in Gully Hollow. A document her dad's ex best friend reimplements every year since he's been king. The plan shows how once they were defeated by unknown forces, they would then go in and help but betray them and kill them all. Luckily her dad never called for help like the king did that day though. Realizing this was a backfire to that plan, her parents departed ways, pretending to be semi friends still but no longer trusting them at all. It switches again to a huge war with sprite sands, pixie dust and fairy glitter everywhere. Her father and mother are now married she explains as they are seen fighting side by side. The fairy king is seen being exposed as a liar and a thief. And with the help of some Goblin outsiders, who found the red ring of fire and them using a fairy wand on it, the truth was broadcasted all across Fairpixia. But he had loyal people who knew his dirt and so, the civil war, or War For Fairpixia as they called it was seen 1st hand.

Floret: "The Fairy King managed to get the upper hand when he put the ring on. It boosted his majic abilities, strength, stamina, endurance and speed to another level. The war lasted for 3 days before he got to the ring. And lasted only 2 hours after he received it. Thinking he had my father beat and that he won the war, he got arrogant and took the ring off himself. This lead to my parents winning. But the destruction of Fairpixia laid heavily on their hearts. So they decreed that the sprites would now have their own kingdom, Gully Hollow. In order to come there, pixies and fairies would need permission from the Sprite King. When asked who that is, all the other sprites declared my dad as the king. They stated he was king before and due to this whole mess to begin with, was stripped of his title unfairly. And so, the crown was returned to him. The current sprite king in Fairpixia gave up his crown and proudly followed us all back to Gully Hollow."

The stone ends the projection and crumbles to pieces. She drops them on the ground, stepping over them.

Anika: "Now I see why you guys don't like the ring."

Floret: "Yes. It alone has brought so much destruction to our home and people. It separated all of us, turning once great friends and families, into enemies, still to this day."

Walking through the gates of Gull Castle in the middle of her story, Floret and the others have reached their destination. Now walking through the hallway of the castle, to her fathers room, they continue their conversation.

Anika: "Well, you can count on my brother and I for any help you will need. Now or in the future."

Floret: "Thank you, I know I can. But what I want to know is... Why didn't she tell you guys anything about the rings? The goblins know more about the rings than anyone."

Anika: "What you mean?"

She stops at her fathers door with a glare of untrust on her face.

Floret: "Because they're the ones who became the guardians of them after the war. And they know they're forbidden here."

Elder Goblin: "I can explain that, and more."

Another door across from her fathers room opens. An elder Goblin male stands there with Glena lying in the bed behind him.

Loga: "Elder Gable!"

Gamya: "Grandpa!"

To be continued...

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