By sujiwrites

12.4K 1K 509

𝗝𝗝𝗞 BOOK 1 (COMPLETED) BOOK 2 (ONGOING) ☊⌨✐☠ His breath fanned my cheek and I felt his soft lips touch... More

<1> Prologue
<2> First Meeting
<8> Rude
<9> Guilty
<10>The first step of Moving On
<11>Acting Shit
<14> I lost you
<15> Ignored
<17> Tired
<20> Beginning
<21> Idol
<26>Melody is deep
<28> Magical
<29>Secret bound by heart
<30> Drunk truths
<31> Showtime
<34>Nachos and Hang-Outs
<36> Kisses and Promises
<37> The day is decided
<38> Messed up
<39> Tear
<40> Onboard
<41> All A Mistake
<42> Deserved
<43> said it
<44> Stop
<45> Epilogue
<1> me? text?
<2> oh no
<3> bitch.
<4> if this is fate, i hate it

<25> Problematic

191 21 9
By sujiwrites

'Love trapped us in a windowless room'


"Oh my God, she's knocked out totally," Su-A gasped, as she took an unconscious Tori from my arms and took hold of her.

"Yeah, she's a light weight. I'm sorry, it was my fault," I sighed, my eyes still on Tori's flushed face.

"No, it's not your fault. Don't worry, you can go back now it's late," Throwing a small smile at my direction, she turned her back, Tori's flushed state all over her body.

I wanted to help her, say that I'd be able to carry her to her room. But then again, I've invaded her privacy enough for someone you met today.

Closing my eyes to take a deep breath, I didn't miss how the smell of perfume mixed with a tinge of alcohol, still hit my nose.

Hearing a small cough behind me, I turn around to see Jungkook staring at me, a small frown on his face,"Did you bring Tori here?"

My eyes ran through him for a second, before I met his eyes again,"Yes, is there any problem?"

His stare lingered on me for a bit more, before he nodded, sighing out loud,"No. Just wanted to make sure."

It felt like we were having a staring competition, before he broke it,"Okay then, good night. See you tomorrow."

I nodded a bit as he walked past me, striding towards the elevator.

My eyes followed him, before I tucked my hands in the pockets of my jacket and walked out of the hotel.

So, he's the boyfriend.


I rubbed my face in distress as I watch a shitfaced Shinee passed out in bed. I've been trying for the past fifteen minutes to get her to wake up, but no amount of tickling and pinching could wake her up.

It's the first day today, which equals, the first round of the competition - Music. And one of the participants who was supposed to 'sing her heart out and blow the stage' (as stated by her) laid in bed, her eyes tightly closed and outlined with boogers, her lips parted as her saliva wetted the bed.

The sight horrified me, not because of how she slept, but because the competition was to start within an hour or two, and this woman wouldn't budge.

I heard the front door burst open, as a sweaty Jungkook came into view. His eyes caught mine before moving towards Shinee's figure and his eyes widened.

"Shit shit shit, the bus is here," He hurried inside the bathroom, despite my several protests as I remembered the pink satin that I left there, and then I stopped when he came outside with hands cradling water.

He hurried towards the bed, a distressed and horrified look on, as he dumped the contents on his palm over the woman, pretty harshly may I add.

Shinee's eyes immediately opened, her lips parted some more as she got ready to curse her fill out.

But before she could do so, Jungkook grabbed her shoulders, practically screaming in her hears,"You have a competition to participate!"

I stood there, transfixed as I watched Shinee freak out and dash towards the bathroom with Jungkook tried to calm himself.

I wanted to go upto him and pat his shoulder and assure him that everything will be okay. But, I didn't have the guts. I never had.

"Those rascals," he muttered,"They purposely made her drink that much."

"What?" I frowned, before I finally understood the context.

Shinee was drinking with the group of Golden Child's, and they didn't stop her till Su-A dragged her out.

I closed my eyes in devastation, cursing profusely. This wasn't how it was meant to go.

Shinee rushed out the bathroom, as she shoved a jacket over her shirt and ran outside. Jungkook looked at me, his eyes showing nothing but frustration as he walked out too.

This is going to shit, and it's only the first day of the competition. We under-estimated our opponents.

Everything was going to hell. Thankfully, Golden Child was the first one to go. so, we had some time to think.

Shinee, the girl who rarely reacted and had profanities at the tip of her tongue, was huddled in one corner, inches away from breaking into tears.

A tense silence hung in the air, all of us sitting in the dressing room, when we should have started preparing for our turn.

"Shinee was the first one to go," Jungkook spoke, his jaw tensed up as he tapped the sideboard of the sofa he was sitting in. He looked minutes away from bursting, and honestly he was doing a great job at it.

"She won't be able to do it, look at her, she looks like shit," Hoseok, who was standing at the doorway with his side leaning on the wall, spoke. He was right, she did look like shit.

With dark black rings under her eyes, her skin paler than usual, and her lips dried and lifeless. Even she knew this, yet she didn't forget to shoot Hoseok a look. Though her usual glare wasn't there, instead a tear slid down her cheek.

I sighed, I belonged to that group of people who didn't know how to act when the situation demands. My mind wasn't working, my hands clammy, and my teeth clattering. I went step-by-step, one move wrong and I'll collapse.

A loud sigh broke the silence in the room, everyon'e eyes settling over the source. Taehyung looked up,"I'll go in place of Shinee."

Shinee sniffled, as she went,"What?"

Taehyung shrugged, standing up as he clapped his hands,"We can't all be brooding over here, we have a competition to attend to. I was to have the chance tomorrow, I'll have that chance now, it's not that deep."

There was a small moment of silence, before everyone burst out talking. Jungkook went ahead and patted Taehyung's arm, who got attacked by a crying Shinee, thanking him repeatedly. He looked at me for a moment, and I passed him a small smile and a nod getting a box smile in return.

Taehyung saved the day today too

A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating the last few weeks TwT

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