Let's be free?..(sal x Travis...

By doiknowyou1502

474 3 5

Travis Phelps is a lonely boy that has no friends only his Bible, will he survive after meeting the boy he ca... More

Warnings/side notes
Prolugue/disaster dog effect
Entering the room, turning the lights on, searching. 
Larry's Discovery.
It's time.

Movies and pain

85 1 1
By doiknowyou1502

Knock knock
"Come in"

I opened the door of the classroom of everyone that stares at you, all the eyes followed as me and Sal walked in next to each other, i went straight to my seat while Sal handed her a note that had what happened and why were late on it

She gasped then looked at both of us
"In the school stall? Really?"
I blushed out on knowing what she meant. I just stared at Sal as he sat in his seat looking down at the paper on his desk and grabbing a pencil out of his backpack that was on the floor beside him.

We continue the class and went it was done me and sal were asked to stay back..
Larry, Ashley and Todd were waiting for Sal outside the classroom, while me? Nobody..
Me packerton started full on telling me and sal off about having intercourse in the restroom. It was awful, being yelled at for maybe the 3rd time of the day just for a lie to get us out of bigger trouble
Me and Sal left the classroom side by side

"So..that was interesting morning.."
Sal said before staring up at me, I stared into his eyes, what I can see of his eyes..
"Y-yeah..I'm sorry..about- pushing you into the cabinet..uhm..you were touching me and I just- u-"

"Travis" Sal said simply

Sal's friends came closer to him
"It's alright, it was actually pretty funny hearing the teachers tell us stuff that we didn't even do"
He chuckled
"What? No way, I thought it was horrible!" We both laughed
My stomach started to grow butterflies
I smiled at him, soon I stopped when I was pushed by my shoulder against me packerton's door

"Go get a room already and go jack each other off!" The guy that was sitting next to me that was in the principal's office said as he shouted it across the hallway
I looked at Sal again then started to speed walk away from him when people started to stare at us.
All eyes were on me, I was pushing through just to get to my next class

The officer that was there earlier his morning gave me a death stare while I ran to my class, I ran his through, I didn't know why I was run or what I was running from but I just wanted to get away from it all..anything to get away from it all.
I got to my class and sat down like nothing happened..that was the best to do.
The day went like that all day, I ended up eating lunch in the bathroom while getting harassed for it

Either Sal or that boy told everyone..would Sal do that? Maybe I should give him a note and ask him..I don't think we would be able to talk face to face in school..ever..
And that's what I did. I made the note: did you tell anyone about this morning?
Since it was the end of the day
I walked down the hall to where my
Locker is
I hated myself for this but it was the perfect moment
Sal grabbed his backpack from his locker and his books and belongings

I slammed my hand on his locker door that was mostly open but now my hand on it against the locker next to it
He turned around quickly and stared into my eyes
I got instant butterflies..
I looked down at his hand that was in a fist by fear
I made him fear me..
"I'm sorry..I didn't mean to scare you.."
I looked up from his hand into the hallway, two girls were watching us and giggling while a gang of boys that was close to us were chatting and some looked over
Sal mumbled something I couldn't hear
I sighed as I pull the locker door up to us so we couldn't see the others in the hall
"Can you repeat to me what you said..please?"
I asked as gently as I could

"Uhm..could we go somewhere private?" He whispered into my ear

"Why are you whispering-" I felt a tug to my shoulder
Looking over and up a tall stoner

"I- no- this isn't- " I started pushing my hands up
Sal grabbed me by waist and pulled be off of Larry's grip

"Dude what the fuck is happening with you and this Christian dickwad? You said you've been anxious all day about him and now your over here grabbing him TO you vs away? What the fuck Sal?" Larry argued at Sal

I sat there while Sal and Larry were trying to work it out.. Sal had me at a full grip, I couldn't move..I..I didn't want too..
I felt safe, like I was home. I know I have to get out of his grip..for the situation that it was..I needed too and of course..the public..

"Sal..sorry to break this up but your uhm..your hurting me.."
Sal and Larry stopped yelling and stared at me
Sal let me go then Larry went to go and pull me by my collar but Sal shielded me before
Ashley and Todd struggled to keep him back
Out of fear I placed my hands on his shoulders
Everyone in the hall was staring
I looked around..it's not a safe environment, I need to go.

"I- I think I should go Sal uhm- meet me at the Phelps church whenever- please then- " I said to Sal as I took my hands off of his shoulder and ran down the hall and ran through the halls until I thought it was safe..
Before I left I heard Sal start yelling for me, for something? I think he yelled about a package-? I'm not sure but I'll figure it out..whenever he comes..if he comes. Or..just when we're in private..

I walked out of the school with no thoughts other than what's gonna happen when father gets home..I walked home, I walked the whole way without a doubt that I should get ready to be sore..
When I got to the church I grabbed my extra key that's hidden behind a rock and opened the door and put the key back. I went in and there was a bowl of fruit, I suppose the kind lady that goes here dropped them off.  I grabbed a apple and bit into it while I was traveling up the stairs. I'm not supposed to bring food into my room, or anything but what's in there already so while my dad is away I do my homework and other stuff like stare at the ceiling and thing about my blue boy..

Realizing it now, I don't have my backpack..it had my cellphone..homework..and..Bible..
Oh no..I can't go back to the school now it's too late! I can't get it before father comes home..I'm so screwed tonight..

I took another bite of the apple in panic, just thinking about what I should do..what could I do..nothing literally..just until father gets home I won't..I won't have any bruises to clean until he's home.

My eyes shot to my door, someone's ringing the doorbell? Who could-
I ran down the hall with the apple in my mouth

Opening the door I see the blue boy
The apple fell out of my mouth as a smile grew on my face

"Oops- sorry I just- uhm- " I went to bend down to get the apple that was at my feet but he bent down to get it before me
He handed it too me
"I don't think you should eat that- it touched the concrete"
He giggled
I chuckled after

There was a moment of silence, I just stared at him, I loved his presence..
Seeing that I wasn't going to invite him in I then asked seeing that he didn't know what to do
"Oh, Come in!" I invited him in which he accepted, looking down at my shoes I realized I didn't take my shoes off before I came in

"Crap- uhm- if your staying a bit could you take your shoes off by the door? Sorry just my father's wishes when there's visitors.." I embarrassingly ask
"Oh yeah that's fine, where do I put them?" I directed him to the spot while I took mine off as well and put them next to his
"Do you want anything to eat? I could make you something..if I could find something.." I said as I walked into the kitchen with him following

"I'm not picky, just something easy and delicious" he leaned on the door frame of the kitchen
I looked at him then into the fridge
"That lady is so kind.." I whispered as I looked at the cookies left with a note
I read the note while putting the cookies on the counter

As I read it a hand snacked a cookie, I stared up to see sal next to me reading the note
"Who's that?"
He asked
"There's a kind lady that comes to the church and she gives me food as a gift for 'giving her the lord' "
I continued to look in the fridge for something
"How do you feel about- uhh..there's not really something I could make for you in here.." I sighed
"I'll have to go food shopping when my father asked me too"

I looked at Sal
"I could offer you fruit? I'm sorry Sal, I didn't really make the decision beforehand it was just the best decision at the moment.."
He just giggled
"I'm good with this cookie. How long do you mind me staying?"
He asked as he put the cookie in his side pocket of his backpack
"I suppose before my father gets home"

"Shoot! Right I need my backpack..maybe I could find a Bible.." I mumbled
I walked over the "living room" area and walked over to the cabinet that held a big cross and in the drawer there was bibles, I grabbed two,
I looked at Sal
He follow me upstairs
We walked into my room
"Your room is so..bare and clean..how do you keep it like this?" He asked

"Nothing for me to do or use other than study or use my phone but there's no use if I don't have any reason to use it. Hours of studying a Bible and then being able to day dream for the rest pays off. Anything to keep me from..him.."
I said as I sat on my bed, Sal followed and sat beside me
I looked over at him then felt my stomach drop. My face began to turn red because of how long we've been talking without me shouting a homophobic slur

"How are things going with your dad?" He questioned

"He doesn't know about this morning still..I'm scared that he's gonna.." I gulped
Sal put his hand on mine

"If it gets really bad or too bad, come to my apartment alright" he took out a pen he had in his pocket and grabbed my wrist

He started writing on my wrist:
Addison apt. 4 403(4th floor)
^sal's phone number here^
-Sal <3

It was adorable how he wrote it smoothly across my skin..how close he could feel my breath..
Me and sal hung out secretly a few times just to get away from the world..my father let's him stay because he think's I'm teaching sal about the lord

I heard loud roaring steps come up the stairs
"Quick! Under my bed! Now!" I rushed him under my bed

I pulled over my Bible and settled my mood

The door slammed opened

"Father? What's wrong?" I asked with a simple questioning face I always gave

"You know exactly what happened Boy.."

My father didn't even take in that we were both 18 and young adults about to be seniors but no, the lord comes first.

Within the seconds I was pulled up by my collar, even if I was taller than him he was able to rise me from the ground
My feet dangled as he started yelling versus's i suppose from the Bible, I couldn't make out what versus but I just was looking for a way to get out of his grip

Soon he threw me to the ground with a great thump
I felt my back hit against the sharp solid dark wood
I looked over in pain at Sal that was in a ball tugging at his hair staring back at me

I looked over at my father, he was towering over me
He looked at me in disgust. True disgust..

"I gave you for the last 18 years..a home, food, a wonderful life with the lord and this is how you repay me. Get out of my home, church and never come back." He said with a deep still voice.

He left the room and I heard him walk down the stairs following by the front door slamming shut

I coughed at the pain, I rubbed my back as I sat up
I saw Sal start to crawl out from out the bed and he crawled over to me on top while he inspected my back and touch it as he asked what hurt

"Right here?" He questioned
I groaned when he touch the part that hit exactly the floor when my father threw me down
Sal moved his fingers away from that part and traced them really back to where my shoulder were, he put his hands on each of my shoulders
"Hey..it's gonna be alright, I promise okay?" He said as he stared into my eyes, at least I think he was..well I was staring back into the dark apse

I started tearing up, I moved my legs, from them being straight just a tiny bit up bent
Sal was sitting on my right leg while he had his hands on my shoulders, staring at me crying

He simply chuckled then moved himself closer and hugged me, he put his prosthetic in the crook of my neck snd just held me close while I cried my heart out, rubbing circles into my back and making sure he didn't touch around the spot that hurt the most..he then ran his fingers through my dirty blonde hair as he just wiped my tears away

I felt so many more butterflies than I felt before..I really wanted too..Kiss him this time..
I calmed down thinking about if I should do what I thought or just not..
Sal kept his head when it was, the butterflies when I ran my hand up from his waist to his shoulders then neck. I pull him off of my chest with my other hand which left him staring at me confused

"Uhm- could I- do something?" I questioned as I completely blush out.
He waited a few seconds before replying with a simple response with a sure

"Just..stop me when you get uncomfortable"
I said quietly but making sure he could hear
He nodded then waited for me to continue

I took the hand that was on his neck and moved it up, I felt his jawline then a weird texture that was skin but different..
I tucked a Strand of hair behind of his ear then moved my hand to the buckle of his prosthetic
I bit my lip thinking he would stop me

Click, click

The prosthetic dropped into my lap, I stared at it drop

I looked back up and my eyes widened
Sal saw my eyes, saw my expression. He started moving away from me as he started trying to grab his prosthetic and to stand up but I just held him by his wrists which made him look down, his bangs covered his face

After a few moments of silence he slowly looked up to me
I just gave him a warm smile

He then looked to the side. I sighed as I moved my hand from his wrist to the side of his face, gently touching the scars as I moved his face back to me.
He leaned in, my nose touching what's left of his
I stared into his blue bell eyes, oceans of the sea I get lost in ever time we meet.
His lips started to quiver, he didn't want this..at least I didn't think he did
I closed my lips and gave him a small smile as I started to pull away letting him have room only then..I loved that moment

When I was moving my head back he wrapped his hands around my neck and moved closer to me, sitting his whole torso against mine.
Within the seconds he pushed his dried scared lips onto my soft ones, I kissed back next and he moved his hands up my neck to run his fingers through my blonde hair.
The butterflies raised more and more
I felt my cheeks getting redder and hotter
I put my hands on his lower back and down to his hips

Everything was happening so fast, I didn't process what was happening until we calmed down kissing gently against each others lips

I needed to breathe but I didn't want to let go of him..
My eyes fluttered open to meet his, my face only got even more hot
I wrapped a strand of his hair around my fingers and played with it gently as he parted our lips

I was stunned, absolutely stunned.
Sal started into my eyes as he huffed for breath
I did the same but Sal started looking down and I did as well

I covered my pants and stood up a flustered mess
"Travis- Travis it's alright-" Sal tried to calm me down as I stood looking the opposite way from him trying to get a hold of my grip of what everything happened

"Oh no...no no no no...Oh my god.." I said as I put my hands on my face covering my eyes
"I..kissed you..I did more than kiss you, I grabbed you against me and-" I started to panic
"What would my father think about all of this?!" I shouted

Fear ran through my veins, I was fragile to everything. I uncovered my eyes as I rested my hands to my sides in fists
I felt a hand grab mine softly and slowly
I ripped my hand away which my elbow nocked Sal in the chest that made him fall to the ground

He yelped out of pain, I turned quickly and stared at him as he was laying on the ground

"I- I'm sorry!" I said as I helped him up
When he stood up we went both silent
My fear mellowed into calmness
"Travis, your dad kicked you out..you don't have to follow his rules anymore" Sal tried to explain

He reached his hand up to put on the side of my cheek, I felt his cold hand touch my hot burning skin
I put my hand on his and pulled it down off my cheek and down resting to both of our hands intervened

"Travis, where are you gonna go now?" Sal gently said trying to set the mood into a more comfortable place
"I..don't know" I left his hand as I started to walk to my closet

I found a few clean white collared shirts and two purple sweat shirts that had the same pattern as the ones I had on now
I grabbed my two pairs of skinny jeans one black and the other a light blue with a pair of black shorts then my dress black pants

Sal came up beside me see what I was carrying
"You can..come live with me in me and my dad's apartment for the time being, if you want?" He said softly
I looked over to him
"I would love that..I didn't know you had freckles.." I said as I stared at his beautiful face of scars and features new to me

He touched his cheek, I think he realized his prosthetic was off
He walked over to the bed and bent down and grabbed it, I walked up behind him waiting for him to turn around

When he came back up from bending down and turned I smiled while our eyes met

He then struggled to put his prosthetic on
I grabbed it from his hands
"You look so much more adorable without it on..one more kiss?" I mumbled the last part
I was already embarrassed enough saying something sweet instead of insulting by accident
But he just chuckled

He put his hands on the sides of my neck and moved his fingers up and put his fingers gently through my hair
Then when he got to a good spot he pulled me down.
We kissed in silence, a happy comfort silence..a silence I wish lasted forever

He started to fall back onto my bed so I fell with him but was careful, I put my hands against the bed and my left knee in between his legs

We started to kiss more roughly, it was..amazing

He stopped right when things were getting more rough than before
He put his thumb against my lips and pulled my bottom lip down while I just stared, eagerly wanted to kiss him more and more

He smiled softly then chuckled
"How about we save this for later" he said as he started to move, putting his prosthetic on, looking like he was ready to get off my bed. I got off of him helping him up while I grabbed the clothes I had in my hands that fell when I was kissing him.

I got everything I needed, my clothes, a blanket, and a pillow. My cell phone and school stuff was in my locker so I didn't worry much about that anyways

We walked silently out of the house, my father's car wasn't there..I don't know where he would of went too..
I don't care anymore. What I thought to myself now is Sal gave me my freedom, how can I pay him back? He's letting me stay with him until..? Will I be a burden?..

The walk was silent but comfortable
I held my stuff with both hands but shifted to one while resting my other beside me
I felt a warmth enter my rested hand
I just smiled, life couldn't be any much better than this

We walked up to the complex, the door looked gross and musty
Sal opened the door for me so I could walk in, I heard some chatter but I didn't know who I could make out
"Sal! Where were you? I was starting to get worrying about you, lar-bear is busy fixing a toilet for me right now so when he comes back down I'll send him over?" I heard a ladies voice, it was sweet and calming

"Oh, I'm sorry Lisa, I have a friend over that might be staying for a bit at my apartment so I'll be getting him settled in, lar-bear is welcomed to come over maybe tomorrow after school but depends on if we have plans and stuff" Sal explained to the lady I supposed is named Lisa

"Okie dokie sally, could you give this to your dad for me? Just a little note between me and your father love" Lisa said, she handed Sal a piece of paper as we waited for the elevator, when it got to our floor we stepped in and Sal waved to Lisa when the doors started to shut tight

Sal looked over at me then giggled and looked back at his feet

"What are you giggling about?" I said confused
He looked at me again and walked up to me then bopped me on the nose gently
I giggled at his child-ish act, when I was about to bop his nose back the elevator dinged
"Oh this is our floor" he said as he grabbed me by my hand and pulled me to his apartment

He took a key out of his back pocket and opened the door
When I walked in I got a sent of vanilla and..cat fur?
I looked on the couch that was beside where the door was and saw a ginger thick cat sitting watching tv?

Sal walked into the kitchen and looked at something on the fridge
I heard a sigh and a object tap the counter
I saw sal's prosthetic on the counter and a sticky note posted next to it
I walk up next to Sal that was standing in front of the note and his prosthetic
Grabbed the note I read: hey Sal, I left you some money and there's food in the fridge. You and Larry or Ashley, Todd can come over and you guys can hang out, there's $120.
I'll be home next week
- Dad

"Your dad isn't gonna be here for a week?" I questioned Sal

He nodded
I put the sticky note down and have him a half smile
"So what are we gonna do now?"

Sal lead me to a room that was distant off in the apartment, he opened the door and I found myself in a room of posters and a game console with a desk and chair and all sorts of stuff but it was clean and organized
"This is my room, where you'll be staying? Unless you want to sleep somewhere else..we have uhhh..the couch? But other than that the floor" he said as he sat on his bed

He stared at me standing in the front near the door frame
"Well? Get over here and sit with me" he motioned

"Oh- yeah, yeah sorry." I said as I walked over and sat down close beside him

"So..your decision?" He asked

I just stared at the floor in front of me, gripping my hands on my knees

"Travis? You alright? Do you wanna just try sleeping in different places and seeing what works best with you?" He asked as he pulled my chin over to see his face

"Y-yeah" I simply said, swoon by the face that he was holding my chin and I was sitting so close to him

I started to lean my head in and Sal saw that I was
"I- I'll get you comfortable, how about trying to sleep in my room on the floor?" He said as he pulled his hand away from my chin

"Yeah that's fine" I said as I moved my head away and scratched the back of it

Sal sighed as he helped me make the bed on the floor next to his, he got on his bed and sat down from the bottom staring at the floor then lying back to the ceiling

I giggled at his floaty moody as I walked out of the room, he didn't seem to notice
I looked at the rooms that were in the apartment and found the bathroom then went to go see what the next room was, I assumed it could of been Sals Dad's room but I was nosey so I went in to see what was inside

I looked around, a plain bed like sal's, a desk with a computer, and a dresser. Nice- oh and before I forgot to mention, there was booze bottles spread around the floor
I heard the shuffle of the carpet behind me with a hand on my hand which was on the door knob
And with one quick swipe, the door was closed shut
Sal pulled his cold hand off of mine and slowly moved his body against the door frame of the room like a body shield
"Please don't go in there, I don't want my dad to rage if something is missing or misplaced" Sal said with some fear in his voice

"Yeah of course I won't go in there, your wish is my command" I said as I backed away from him holding hands up showing that I wouldn't go in there without permission
Sal walked past me after and back to his room and which I followed him too
"It's only 8 so do you wanna watch a movie until it's late?" Sal asks while looking at his cellphone

"Sure, I'm used to sleeping late so it's not a problem with me" I smiled at him while we walked side by side to the living room

Sal sat me down on the couch which I waited for him patiently to come in when he was getting stuff for the movie

When he came back he had a blanket and a couple of throw pillows in one hand and the other a bowl of popcorn
He sat beside me while put the cover and a pillow on my lap
"It gets really really cold out here so it's best to have a blanket and the pillows are just to lean on"
He spoke softly to me

We put a horror movie on, waiting for the jump scares we simply fell into the trap of wondering what's gonna happen next in each scene
He watched the movie, a few jump scares, hands hitting each other in the popcorn bowl, yeah fun.

"John? John! Where are you?" The lady named Jane said while she entered the house
There was a lying corpse in front of her. She screamed unexpectedly but expectedly
I jumped at her high pitched voice which I held Sal's arm too
When I felt his arm I let go again

11:34 pm:
Sal fell asleep at the opposite end of the couch from me
When the credits came on was when I realized he was asleep
I stood up carefully and grabbed the bowl and set it in the kitchen so I could clean it later
I came back into the living room to a dead asleep Sallyface, on the table next me was his prosthetic
I picked it up, starring into the details
The pinkish purple piece was glued and taped onto the white, so many little dents and different tones of white showing that it was tore and wore together

I placed it down gently and walked silently back to Sal
I shook his shoulder gently
I then guessed he was a heavy sleeper when I shook his shoulder a bit harder
I sighed
I bent down and put my arm around him and my hand against his side to his waist. My other holding his upper back from behind
I held him bridal style and walked carefully and quietly to his room
I rested him in his bed and covered him, I made sure he looked comfortable then I gently closed the door

I heard a meow behind me, turning around I see Gizmo sitting staring into my soul

I bent down and let gizmo smell my  hand before I pet him softly
He seemed to like it
I stood back up and walked to the kitchen then cleaned the bowl we used for the popcorn, in the living room, I turned the tv off and folded the blanket and placed the pillows nicely aligned.
I got back to the room and realized I didn't have any clothes to change into, oh well..I thought
I laid onto my floor bed and got as comfortable as I could while thinking about my day and how it has changed so much now.

How long am I staying cuz..I wanna stay forever

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