Larry's Discovery.

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I get on sal's bed checking the bed in case it could of fell off when I was carrying him last night. I sat on my knees checking under his pillow and under his blankets that were messy and unfolded.
I huffed as I couldn't seem to find it.
"What are you doing here?"
I heard a tall deep voice asked.

I turn suddenly, the anxiety strikes through my heart, my stomach starts to turn as I meet eyes with his. "I- I- was- w-was-" I clinched the blanket that was beside me in my right hand.
"Tell me now! Why the bloody hell are you here?!" Larry punched the door with his fist, it made a echo while the door hit the wall, I saw him slightly jump after. There was running footsteps to the doorframe  "What's going on?!" Sal yelled seeing a angry Larry and I suppose my scared expression.

"Sal, why is HE here?!" Larry turned over to Sal, towering over the poor boy..
As much as I was shaken off fear, I stood up and ran to defend Sal. I pushed Larry back from Sal as he was about to take a step closer.
"Dude why the hell-" he got a grip to the door knob but right before he fell. Everything went quiet, everything but just me and Larry heavily breathing as we stared at each other with rage.
"I'm staying with Sal for a few days." I said as I see Larry's eyebrows turn from furious to a soft form of confusion.

"Why the hell are you staying here? Can't you just go home!?" Larry shouted at me powerfully, each word made me wince and jump little by little.
Sal stood beside me and pushed his hand against Larry's chest showing that he should be talking to him right now, sal calmed Larry down and gave us both a look.

"Hey Trav, I'm gonna talk to lar privately for a few minutes so you could wait outside the door until we're done?" He said as he walked in front of me and looked up to my eyes. I gave him a soft half smile and nodded.

I looked at his prosthetic then look up at Larry, I left the room and closed the door which rewarded a soft sound of a click. I crossed my arms and leaned against the door waiting.


I sighed as I was sitting down on the ground.
They've been in the room for 10 minutes, it didn't feel like just ten minutes though, it felt longer.. I stood up and started to walk out to the living room and to the kitchen.

I heard a polite meow down beside me which I met a ginger creature. I bent down and kneeled beside the ginger cat that graced me with his presents and love.
I ran my fingers down head and to his body.

Knock knock knock

I pulled my head back up from the cat and turned my attention to the door that was being knocked at. I stood back up and walked to the door, the cat followed me as I opened the door to a tall women as well as a plus one beside her, Ashley.

Ashley gave me a confused look, probably since I'm in Sal's apartment- the lady on the other hand gave me a gentle smile.
"Hello young man, my name is Lisa, nice to meet you" she held her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Travis, pleasure to meet you as well.." I felt unsure since I could feel some energy coming from Ashley and questions to come along with soon enough. I felt the warm soft energy of the small boy now behind me. Sal stood beside me, actually slightly pushing into my arm with his hip which made me push over a bit but I didn't mind.
"Hey Lisa, I'm guessing my dad asked you to come about the lights right?" sal asked politely.

I looked at Lisa as her face turned into a soft smile and a small giggle, she nodded and waiting for his approval of her coming in.
Sal's hand was warm against my cold one as sal took it, pulling me gently out of the way so Lisa could come in and Ashley that was following behind Lisa.
Sal gave Ashley a fist bump and then he let go of my hand to close the door that made a awful creek.

Let's be free?..(sal x Travis fan fic )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ