It's time.

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•^•^•^•^•^•^•^Sal'S POV •^•^•^•^•^•^•

My cheeks burned with heat and redness, my ears were on fire, am I dying?
My back was pressed against the wall of the elevator while my tongue intertwine with his.
This felt wrong, it was wrong, but it felt so right. I wanted to get out of there..I wanted to leave but something inside of me told me not to push him away this time. Just to sit back and enjoy this

Travis pulled his tongue out of my mouth while he had his arms against the wall cornering me, both of us stared at Chug as he dropped his chocolate bar from his hand with his mouth open wide. I pushed Travis off of me, putting my prosthetic back on quickly and grabbed chug by the collar and threw him against the wall of the elevator as the doors closed. "Listen to me. Don't. Tell. Larry." He looked shocked and scared "o-okay- but..what do I get out of it?" Chug replied. I sighed verbally and let go of his collar and stepped back and crossed my arms. "Two weeks, I'll get you lunch AND you can have my lunch during the two weeks " chug nodded quickly.

I looked at Travis that was now in the corner of where I was standing rubbing his other arm awkwardly staring at the ground. I turned to him and watched him look up at me with a gentle face expression. It was a kind, gentle, shy was new and calming.
I felt like I could hear my heart beating out of my chest. Ugh I can't keep doing this..

the elevator stopped with a clatter and me and Travis stepped out and walked side by side outside. I started walking behind the building and heard Travis following me. I turned the corner and saw my black and white designed bike that had covering of red spray pain strips on the back of the bike near the wheel. Travis looked at me then at the bike. "What? It's the only way we're gonna get to the mall, my dad has the car and I can't call Larry unless he knows about..uhm.." I stopped and moved toward Travis and put my hands on both of his shoulders "this.." I said staring into his eyes. He had adorable blue eyes that sparkle only once you look into them deeply.

I moved one of my hands to his cheek and the other as I started to unbuckle my prosthetic when I felt his hands hit my hips, I started to lean in but let go when I heard a door open.
I pushed Travis against the bricks behind the dumpster. He looked at me in shock, I suppose the height difference made it worse. I pushed my finger to my prosthetic lips and watched him nod his head before I starts to sneak up on..

"BOO!" I jump on his shoulder, He started to cough like a manic. "Larry- Larry are you okay? " he turned to me with a blunt in his hands "oh-" I scratched the back of my head and chuckled softly. "Here, take a hit before you will calm you dude" Larry glanced at Travis that was standing behind me in the distance then handed me the half used blunt. I pulled my prosthetic up and gave it a hit, not even coughing.

I gave it back and waved at Larry as he waved back with a numbing look on his face. "Gosh it's cold out here, how are you not cold?" I asked Travis as I hugged myself while walking to keep warmth. "I'm used to the cold, it's refreshing and I feel like I'm free to breath" he stated back at me, I giggled at him because his expression was adorable- not that I was staring at him just the expression he was making looked stupid. God how did I end up here?

The years of torture and bullying that damaged me mentally and physically, now I'm taking him to get clothes? What a situation I didn't see myself being in now..what's up with this guy anyways? Why now does he want to kiss and do all of this, at least let me do this to him? I want him to go away, that's why I'm kissing him and doing's not working, does he have a actual crush on me?

I thoughts stopped when we were at the mall, turns out I was spacing out while riding the bike with Travis on the back and I didn't notice. I locked the bike up and started walking inside the large doors in front of us.

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