Prolugue/disaster dog effect

92 1 4

All of this book is after the bathroom scene, things from episode 4 are played out but not exactly the same, episode 5 did not happen.
They are all 18 as of now
September 20th: not reread yet

I sighed, staring at my blank, colorless ceiling.
I heard the slow steps from the stairs approaching, when I heard them I jumped from laying down in a relaxed position into a panicked formal sitting position, opening my Bible to my tabbed page. I breathed in and out as I calmed my heart to make it look like I was reading the whole time. I've read the Bible 3 times, I know each paragraphs sayings, studying the Bible until 4 am sometimes pays off when your father is gonna wake you up every morning at 5:30 am to start the day off. Bible studies suck.

I heard the jingle of my door opening, it was a quick and loud when my father opened it. "Travis, are you reading your Bible?" I heard my father's angry tone, "Yes sir, I am reading Psalm" I said softly looking up from my Bible. My father was dressed in a black suit with crosses covering it from top to bottom, his hair was neat and done well, his hazel eyes stared at me like he wishes death upon. As for I? I was wearing a purple sweater, a white collar shirt under and Jean shorts that go down to my knees, with my bright green shoes with my white socks. I can't forget my beloved cross that I hate so much.

My father stepped forward, walking through my clean and bare room. He walked in front of me, staring down at me, I stared up in freight. He snatched my Bible from my bruised hands, he was staring at the page and when he looked back he gave me a look of disgust. He closed the Bible with one hand and continued to stare at me as I flinched at the sound of the pages and hard cover smash together. "What was the last line you read." He said stiffly as always, "The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;"

He raised his arm up that had my Bible in it and slapped me across my face, my head moved to the side, as the pain of the cover remains. "No breakfast for you. You were supposed to read 24 by this time. " he said as he dropped my Bible onto the hard wood ground. I felt my face, he left with a simple door slam.

I thought to myself, what time is it? I looked at my desk, it was 5:46. I sighed as I stood up and walked to my closet, inside the drawer was a small mirror with some foundation that was the correct color of my brownish tan skin. I took it with me over to my desk and I started to put it on gently. Sighing at my bruised face, thinking to myself sadly
why do I have to be bruised every morning..I'm just not trying hard enough..but what can I do? I've done everything of my control..whatever, it doesn't matter anymore..
Standing up from my desk, I push the chair in and put the foundation away, hidden.

I grabbed my bag that was hanging on a hook on the back of the door. I grabbed the Bible off the floor and put in my bag and grabbed my cellphone that was hidden under my bed.
I put that in my bag as well. I opened the door as I walked to the bathroom and put my bag down next to me and then started brushing my teeth and fixing my blonde hair.
I left the bathroom with my bag in my hand, making steady steps on each part of the stairs that didn't creak.
As looked over the railing, poking my head was clear to just walk out silently, down the porch

I sighed staring down at my hands that are balled up in a fist, my elbows hit the ground while my knees against the sharp rocks
I rose my torso up so I was sitting on my knees. My wrist hurt from the impact of catching myself from falling on my face
I brushed off the rocks that stuck on the side of my hand and the side of my arms then pushed them off my lap as I stood up.
I felt a weird feeling like something dripping on my knee. I looked down and saw that my pants on my knees and down my legs were covered in dirt and must as well as my right knee's pant leg now had tiny blood stains starting to shine through the Jean cuff, silently cursing myself then praying on my sin, I continued to walk down my long driveway and walking to the school

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