Warnings/side notes

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Hello everyone :)
This small chapter is talking about just the warnings and some notes I wanted to make

Please read the warnings so everyone that has these triggers doesn't read this without me absolutely telling them that there is things that could trigger them

• Harm to self(this isn't shown plain out of course just more or less things that count as that

• suicidal ideation/thoughts or talk

• hospitals


•homosexual behavior and talk normally about it


•racism (comments/jokes)



• alcohol and drug use

end of warnings until I do a update which will go down here:

•eating disorder/detailed(?) kind of language(describing body parts) that may cause triggers

•I like to add things onto the characters like in my other au I made Sal trans because I thought it would be a great idea to show symbolism into trans rights and more or less the lgbtq+ community, I mean your reading a gay fan fic there's gotta be a trans person in there •.•

•I personally hate homophobic comments and racist jokes or comments so I will try not to mention them much

•this story will only be written by the original owner which is me! 

•also I am slow at checking chapters and making chapters so I'm sorry :( I'm trying my best to make fan fics while still working on myself and others

That's all I have for right now :^
Updated Notes
•I'm getting mentally tired a lot easier which is starting to concern me so I may be very very slow in the future due to this


That's everything I have to say for right now so I will be starting the next chapter as soon as I can :}

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