Not What You Think~ (bakugou...

By Moody-teenager

101K 3.3K 5.3K

"....YOUR A WOMAN!!" HE YELLED SCHOCKED. [I am a lot of things, but one things for sure] [I.AM.A.WOMAN] In a... More

《Story Info》
Time to run《chapter 1》
Katsuki bakugou《chapter 2》
Start of the Journey《chapter 3》
Friends or foe's?《chapter 4》
Ice breaker《chapter 5》
Shelter《chapter 6》
Calm down!《chapter 7》
Walking out《chapter 8》
Plan《Chapter 9》
Run away《Chapter 10》
Moment《Chapter 11》
His Hugs《Chapter 12》
Apology《Chapter 13》
Hanta sero《Chapter 14》
Cook《Chapter 15》
Sparring!《chapter 16》
Clean up《Chapter 17》
Supplies!《Chapter 18》
Is this goodbye?《Chapter 19》
Festival《Chapter 20》
Dance?《Chapter 21》
Let's go《Chapter 22》
Snow《Chapter 23》
Thank you《Chapter 24》
Protected《Chapter 25》
The bar《Chapter 26》
Alone《Chapter 27》
A child?《Chapter 28》
Jealousy《Chapter 29》
Blood《Chapter 30》
Picture this《Chapter 31》
Can't sleep《Chapter 32》
Rikko...《Chapter 33》
Meet again《Chapter 34》
Prince has returned!《Chapter 36》

Here it comes《Chapter 35》

1.6K 58 42
By Moody-teenager

Closing your eyes, you calmed yourself down as you took in a breath and turned away.

"the other's are gonna leave us behide, best we continue walking" you stated, ruining the moment you knew would make things worse.

Bakugou stood dumbfounded, but nonetheless let it slide, not wanting to turn the situation into a mess of awkwardness.

As you continued walking to catch up with the other's, Bakugou stayed back for a while, pouting lips as he so badly wished you had leaned in to connect the space in between his lips with your own.

Taking in a breath, he walked behide you while you furrowed your brows.

'focus on the matter at hand, no ones worth losing your goal'

"hey y/n! Bakugou! There you two are, walk faster or we'll leave you behide for sure!" Kaminari teased, chuckling as he did so.

"i don't know, something tells me they wanted to be left behide, alone~" Mina whispered.

Kaminari catched on, smirking as Todoroki stared confused.

"why would they wanna be alone, left behide?" The duel haired boy asked bluntly, the other's to focused to hear the small conversation.

Kaminari sighed at the young princes innocence and bluntness, mina sweat dropping as she rather not be the one to explain this joke.

"sometimes, i think about weather your innocence is a good thing or bad thing" Kaminari sighed, but Todoroki still stood with raised and confused brows.

"Kirishima, mina, its starting to become dark, is it alright if we fly the rest of the way?" You asked, face serious yet trying to hide the embarrassment of your lips being so close to Bakugous back then.

"you got it" Kirishima nodded, mina smiling as her wings flapped out.

Your turned your head around as mina and Kirishima transformed, head facing Bakugou as he walked to your direction.

His eyes caught yours, and he noticed the slight hint of sadness, although he couldn't tell why, he knew he had something to do with it.

Shifting your eyes to the ground, you knew the plan had to take place tomorrow. If you wasted any time longer with Bakugou, things wouldn't turn out as planned.

You took in a breath, Facing back forwards as you climbed onto Kirishimas wing and sat at his neck besides Midoriya.

Bakugou raised his brow behide you, Sitting a good distance from you and the other's to have his thoughts to himself.


Head resting on your hands behide your skull, you layed on your back feeling the cold breeze slowly become warner.

Mina and Kirishima had been communicating in their own dragon language the whole ride, both flying in joy with carrying the weight of their friends on their backs.

"is it just me, or has the winter become warmer?" Kaminari questioned confused.

"thats because we're nearing the kingdom of magic!" Midoriya beamed, ready to explain his learnings of the world.

"as you know, every kingdom has different seasons and changes. Some constantly changing, and other's staying the same thoughout the whole year" his cheeks blushed as he grinned widely, finger in the air as he taught his lesson to the electric blonde.

"the kingdom of magic stays warm and sunny for every year. since we're close, the temperatures changing slowly to the sunny climate close by. We should be close to the barrier!" Midoriya grew excited as he turned his head both ways, looking out for the season barrier.

Listening in on the conversation, you knew it'd be time to leave tomorrow. For your plan to finally start.

"im almost there mom, just you wait" You whispered, None of the other's hearing.

"I think its time we land and rest, shall we?!" Momo shouted from Minas side.

"Of course, besides im getting hungry!" Kaminari shouted back, rubbing his stomach as he knew iida had prepared food waiting.


"thanks for the food" you all bowed before digging into the prepared meal.

"Good thing we reach the kingdom tomorrow" Momo smiled, iida agreeing.

You shot your eyes to look at the two, knowing their smiles would soon fade.

"Bakugou, im looking forward to meeting your mother again, The queen was very pleasent our last discussion on ruling kingdoms" Todoroki bluntly bowed, some of the other's shocked to hear Bakugou was the Famous prince, while other's shrugged it off, already knowing from the land.

"Tch, shut up icy hot, I'll be the best king to rule the entire land!" Bakugou shouted back.

"Oh yea, how are you so sure about that" Kaminari raised his brow.

"More like best king of crap personality" He teased, Bakugous neck snapping in distaste.

You watched and listened unfazed as the two bickered on, iida trying to calm them down as the other's laughed along.

Taking in this opportunity, you sneakily escaped the situation, slowly falling into the darkness the fire light couldn't reach.

Kirishima and mina are distracted, both their guards down, giving you a chance to signal the other's without them being traced or tracked.

Walking a good distance quietly, you stopped behide a bush, barley able to see if it weren't for the moonlight and small fireflies around to help your vision.

Grabbing your satchel, you looked through it, pulling out a small emerald gem. Holding it in your hand, you pressed your fingers to wrap around the small object, seeing as it slowly began to glow a faint arua.

Looking behide you, you could still hear the other's loud voices, sighing at how easily they could be found by anyone or anything.

Turning your head back, the gem had glowed brighter, before a purple mist appeared before you and the glow had stopped.

"Been awhile, huh?" a raspy voice was heard, before hands covered shigarakis face and body.

"y/n! I missed you so much!" toga jumped to your apperance, arms latched onto your neck as she smiled widely.

"you saw me not to long ago himiko" you hugged her waist, small smile as you started back at her.

She giggled, before dabi stepped in, and she had let go of you, love trailed in her eyes as she only imagined you with blood on your face.

"i dont know how long the dragons are gonna be distracted before they realize im gone, so I'll make this quick" you stood serious, arms crossed as you almost glared at shigaraki.

"Plan starts tomorrow, thats when I'll be in the territory of the kingdom and the royal guards will have catched up by the time everything is already in place" you started, eyes Shifting to dabi.

"remember, trail me, but dont get caught. I already have the prince wrapped around my finger, which acts as a double bonus to this plan. and two dragons on my side as shields, plus some extras. That should be enough to be believable, and after, I'll handle the rest" shigaraki took in the information, smirking as he scratched his neck in joy.

"This world will finally come to an end, i can just almost feel it" he laughed.

"Tch, dont you forget whos in charge here" you glared.

"i have a few extra things i wanna do once the plans finished, just you wait, once im done, your all free to do whatever your hearts please" you smirked.

"sounds like fun" dabi smiled with low eyes, bright blue in the dark as his teeth showed his more devilish side.

"we'll be off then, dont mess this up" shigaraki continued to scratch, before leaving with dabi back into the portal of kurogiri.

"Your not inlove with that Bakugou guy, are you?" Toga looked blood thirsty as she grew jealous.

You started at her unfazed.

"still thinking. Love is pointleas" you scoffed.

"oh silly y/n, you'll realize sooner" Toga held her hands to cup your cheeks, blush spread on her cheeks as she stared into your eyes dreamingly as you stared back.

"get back with the other's himiko, we'll talk about this tomorrow" you spoke, Grabbing her hand as you moved it from your cheek.

She giggled, placing a kiss to your lower jaw before twirling back into the purple mist happily, dance of grace yet off, as she slowly disappeared. With her, went the portal as well.

Once gone, you placed your fingers softly onto where she kissed your jaw, sighing as you stared towards the ground in all hopes lost.

"you really are something, aren't ya himiko" you lowly chuckled.

After returning back to reality, you turned around and began walking back to the other's. Fire in the distance becoming visible as their laughs of joy only grew more louder and joyful.

Slowly and quietly appearing behide a the bushes, nobody had noticed your disappearance and reappearance as you sat back down to your now cold spot.

Watching the other's laugh, you listened in onto what was happening.

"What did you say! Ill kick your ass!" Bakugou shouted, as Kaminari only teased him futher on with the background of the other's giggles and chuckles.

"Oh noo, im soo scared~" Kaminari sarcastically motioned into a faint of faked troubledness.

"save me y/n!" He shivered teasingly towards Bakugou, as he only went to hide behide you in jokes and laughs.

Only, the already angered ash blonde couldn't stand seeing him next to you, watching as he inched closer, hands on your shoulders and head resting at your side of scalp.

He felt jealousy, and rage, but as soon as he locked eyes with you, he just knew he couldn't bring himself to lose his cool and look bad infront of you.

Instead, he scoffed, low glare at Kaminari as you watched the scence infront of you, the other's laughs stopping them from feeling the arua you and Bakugou were giving off.

Multiple feelings mixed into one. Saddness, anger, jealousy, disappointment, connection, love, and feeling a missing part.

"Kaminari, im gonna go to bed already. Id like to have my own space right now" You informed, said blonde looking disappointed and saddened at the same time.

"Aww, your no fun" He whined, speaking to your early sleep, rather then you not staying up longer with them.

Playfully rolling your eyes, you stood up and grabbed some soft blankets momo had made with her quirk.

Uraraka had used a spell to create a small barrier keeping the cold out, allowing for this night to be warm and peaceful instead of cold and restless.

Laying in a spot near the fire, but still keeping a distance, you turned away from the other's as you layed in silence.

Kirishima had been following your action, getting his own spot ready for bed as he announced to the other's he was ready for some rest.

Unfortunately for mina and Kaminari, iida had rose up, ordering that they all get to sleep already, otherwise theyd be drained extra weight.

"Goodnight master" Kirishima smiled, body close to yours as you repeated his Goodnight.

Before you knew it, the sounds of the night and the warm barrier had started swaying you to rest, falling deeper into slumber as your eyelids had fallen to heavy for their eyes to carry.


Morning had rosen, and your group had been up and set, ready to finish their journey that was soon to come to an end.

"Is everyone ready?" Momo clapped her hands with a smile.

"All set!" uraraka grinned, tumbs up as the other's nodded.

Bakugou stayed with his normal scowl on his face, ready to return back home and meet once again with his people.

Turning his eyes over to look at you, he watched as you slung your satchel over your shoulder, fixing your hair afterwards as you stood still faced towards momo. Your side veiw was Amazing to him, the way your jaw curved, and the color of your eyes from the side had been peaceful.

Noticing he was staring for far too long, it was to late to stop as you had already noticed him, your eyes sifted and making clear contact with him.

"tch, are you a creep, or just bad at flirting" you scoffed, making him turn white with color.

Walking ahead, you walked with Kirishima as he smiled at your presence. Bright smile as he grew excited with the near end journey.

"Master! I forgot, theres something I've been meaning to do!" Kirishima gasped, remembering a question mina had asked him before, making him feel bad he hadn't already bounded you.

You nodded your head with a hum, signaling you were listening as he went futher on to explain himself.

"Us dragons have this special thing we do with our master's, we call it bonding them. If we feel theres a tight bond or connection, then with the permission of our master's, we can tie the bond closer by "bonding" them! Its a bit weird of a process, but the connection is worth it!" Kirishima beamed with excitement, hoping youd agree to letting him tie the bond.

You smiled, lip curving at his excitement.

Opening your mouth to speak, you were about to allow his permission, untill you realized how much that would affect him afterwards the plan. You'd hurt him more then he'd originally be.

"..., Im sorry Kirishima, but I'll have to deny" You sighed sadly.

What pained you more was how his bright smile slowly fell, expression falling with the emotion in his eyes.

"oh, well...thats alright! I cant force you anyways" He nervously chuckled.

Your eyebrows twisted up in saddness, lips curving up in regret, yet you knew this was the right choice.

"Ej-" you were cut off by Bakugou.

"Y/n!" He called, making you turn back to him in confusion as you noticed his semi-shy expression, trying to hide it behide toughness.

"I'll be back" you patted Ejirous shoulder, as he smiled with a nod.

Walking back towards Bakugou, you two were the ones in the back of the group, everyone else having someone to talk to in excitement of reaching the kingdom.

"listen, im only saying this once, so pay attention" he growled.

Walking side by side, your shoulders brushed with his as you nodded, face serious with his words.

"When we enter my kingdom, and you guys meet my old folks, i want you to stand next to me" he held his head high as he spoke, eyes focused forwards as you watched and let him continue.

"The old hag can be to much at times, so ignore her stupid words. Tch, she can be a pain in the ass, but i just want you to stick by me. I dont want anyone else laying a single finger on you, you hear that" he furrowed his brows as he spoke.

You raised your brow "whys that, you think im gonna be some pretty doll at your side?" you chuckled sarcastically.

"you dont have to worry about anyone touching me, i know how people are. Besides, i have Kirishima, not only him, but a certain jealous spiky haired blonde" you huffed Jokingly.

"Jealous! Ha, theres no way" He growled.

"hmm, sure about that?" you smirked.

"say, what if a random butler were to come up to me, being to touchy with me huh?" you raised your brow with a smirk, watching his face scrunch with jealousy as he Imagined that.

"tch, id send him off to a life sentence" he growled.

"Thats if hes not already dead by you" He added, making you surprised at his response.

"can't tell weather thats a compliment or insult" you remarked.

"just promise to stay with me, alright" he scoffed, tiny blush under his eyes as he spoke those words.

You stayed quiet, not answering him as your expression changed to a more normal, yet guilty one.

Thats when you noticed the light shining on a certain red ruby sticking out of his pocket. Your eyebrows raised at the sight, realizing it was the ruby you had given him.

A warm feeling ran through your chest as you thought deeper into it.

"ⓚⓐⓣⓢⓤⓚⓘ" You softly called.

His head turned to look at you, noticing you were staring softly at the ruby.

Quickly shoving the ruby deeper down his pocket, he hid it as he was about to make up an excuse, before a loud shout had been heard from the distance.

"Prince Bakugou!"




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