You Belong With Me (Loki x Re...

By UsagiShira

18.8K 385 70

You work for Loki Laufeyson. You thought it was going to be a regular job. But you were wrong. More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1

3.2K 59 9
By UsagiShira

You step through the doors to your new job. You had just been hired to work at Asgard Enterprises. It was run by two brothers, Thor Odinson and Loki Laufeyson. The reason for the two different last names was a big mystery for everyone. They never commented on it when asked but they were the place to work. There were many different buildings all across the world but you were hired at the main building.

The brothers were insanely rich. From what you knew, Thor was the main Salesman. And Loki was more in Marketing. You weren't sure which one you would be working under you were just glad to have a job. You had your own first apartment and you needed a job for rent and bills.

You walked up to the receptionist at the front desk. She was young, pretty, blonde, and blue eyed. She looked up at you. "What can I help you with?" She said sweetly.

"Yes, I'm here as a new hire." You answer.

She turned to her computer and began typing away. "Name?"

After you give her your name she types some more then picks up a visitor pass and places it under a scanner and then hands it to you. "This will your temporary badge for the day." You take it and she stands up and leads you through a pair of doors. "You'll get your official badge tomorrow so don't forget to give that back when you leave today." She leads you into a room where there are a bunch of other people waiting. "Just wait here and someone will be here shortly."

You nod and thank her then find a seat. Five minutes later the door opened and a man and woman came in. "Alright new hires! Today will be your training day and picture day!" The man said jovially. For the next few hours you went over what the company did, what the company expected of its employees and had your picture taken for your badge. You were then taken on a tour of the building. Apparently Thor and Loki's offices were on opposite sides of the building.

The ground floor was the reception area, and in the back was the mailroom. After looking at that you really hoped you didn't get placed to work there. The first floor was the cafeteria. It covered everything from breakfast, lunch, and dinner plus snacks. The second and third floors were mostly meeting rooms. The fourth floor was where the offices were. After the tour it was lunchtime and you were all taken to the cafeteria. There was so much food you had a hard time choosing.

You sat down with your tray with a bunch of the other new hires at a table.

"Hi! I'm Jennifer." The girl across from you said. You gave her your name.

"I hope I don't have to work in the mail room." She stated as she took a bite of her food.

"Me too. I'd much rather work in one of the offices."

"Same. I heard that they decide where you work at the end of the day. Let's hope for the best."

When lunch was over you were taken back into the room you had started in. It was time for your picture to get taken. Then it was time to sign various papers then the man and woman left the room. Jennifer came and sat down next to you.

"Hey who do you want to work for?"

You shook your head. "I don't know. Thor looks to be the more personable one than his brother but they're both hot so I don't know."

Jennifer nodded her head. "Yeah. Though I think I want to work for Thor."

The other two employees came back with a few more people.

"Alright everyone, we will now assign you where you are going to work and the rest of the day will be spent learning your job."

You smiled at Jennifer when her name was called to work as a personal receptionist under Thor. And your name was called to work as one under Loki. You got up and walked up to the woman you were directed to.

"Follow me." You went through the building to Loki's side.

"This will be your desk." The woman pointed to an empty desk with computer. There were three other women there. "Your job will be mostly answering phone calls as well as emails and taking notes during meetings."

The woman's name was Nancy and she showed you how to log into the computer with your new login and password. She showed you how to answer the phones and emails. Taking notes for meetings would come later as there was always to be two receptionists at each meeting.

"Before you go, there is a dress code for us. Either a button up shirt or blouse and a black or green skirt and heels." Apparently Thor's receptionists wore black or red skirts.

You hummed to yourself. You didn't have a green skirt but you did have a few black skirts. Looks like you would have to do some shopping once you got your first paycheck. You were good on tops though. Nancy led you back through the building and back to the young receptionist. You handed her your temp badge.

"Be sure to be here everyday at 8 am or before. Mr. Laufeyson is very strict about that."

You nod and exit the building. Looks like you had a busy night tonight planning out your outfit for your first day on the job.

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