The Rebel (Thorin x OC)

De iAltoSax

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Bellethiel is a she-elf who has lived a long life. Along with this life has come many trials and suffering. S... Mai multe

The Shire
Story For A Story
It's Second Nature
An Illusion
Chased Back Home
An Unexpected Reunion
Rivendell Downtime
A Glimpse of What's To Come
The Truth or Lies, That Is Your Choice
Tensions Run High
A New Level of Understanding
I Do Believe The Worst Is Behind Us
A Safe Place To Rest
Queer Lodgings
Venture Into Mirkwood
Welcome To Mirkwood
Bard the Bowman
It Was Supposed To Be A Celebration
The Last Days of Peace
What Lies In Dale
What Have We Done?
Descent Into Madness
Too Far Gone
The Consequences For Their Decisions
Nothing Has Changed
Prepare for Battle! Fight!
It's A Bloodbath...
I Will Not Let You Fall
The Line of Durin
Everything I Did, I Did For Them
There and Back Again
Thank You Everyone!
Please never do this to other writers...

You're Part of the Company (Side Story)

9.4K 336 111
De iAltoSax

Author's Note: Thank you for taking the time to give my story a chance ^^ This chapter and all the cute scenes is was made with the help of my sister. I had asked her what the events should be and she offered some input on certain scenes and she came up with some pretty cute ones. So this chapter is dedicated to my little sister who helped me while making weird faces at me while we came up with ideas haha.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit! All rights belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. Anything you see that is from the book or the movie belongs to those two wonderful men that bought Middle Earth to life. Any grammar errors you see, I apologize because I tried my best to do what I can on my part but I do hope that this chapter is still easy enough to read. I will fix any errors I see once I get some sleep I promise. I hope you enjoy!


"A hammer is better! You can't deny that!" Dwalin growled out.

"I will deny it!" Balamaethor growled, glaring down at the tattooed dwarf. "Why would you use that hammer of yours? It's heavy and weighs you down when you lug it about! Now, a sword! Light and easy, strikes your enemy down and it doesn't weight you down, that's the way to go!"

"Nonsense!" Dwalin argued.

"At least we're not comparing it to a bow!" Beriohtarion mumbled.

"Can't we just all come to an understanding that we all have our weapons of choice and that all weapons are satisfactory?" Thenidiel smiled nervously, trying to calm the three arguing warriors.

"No." Balamaethor and Dwalin yelled, starting up another argument while Beriohtarion added his opinion every so often.

"Nana!" Balamaethor called out, pointing toward Dwalin. "You'll settle this argument, which is better? Sword or Hammer?"

"Do not drag me into your argument..." Bellethiel mumbled, pinching the bridge of her nose.

The day started off so peacefully in Lake-Town, with Bellethiel sitting across from Thorin reading a random book when her nephews and Dwalin began talking about wars they had fought, that soon escalated into an argument on which weapon is better.

"She agrees with us!" Balamaethor claimed.

"She had no opinion to add!" Dwalin glared. "She said she didn't want to be apart of this argument."

"To end this tiresome debate, I will say hammer..." Bellethiel mumbled.

Dwalin smiled proudly at the twins as the two boys groaned in frustration.

"You don't believe that Nana!" Beriohtarion called out, pointing accusingly at his mother.

"You asked for my opinion and I am giving it..." Bellethiel sighed, now flipping through the pages of her book, rereading the same sentence several times over due to the distraction coming from her children and Dwalin.

"Let's ask Thorin then." Balamaethor stated, glancing to the king.

"Hammer." Thorin answered quickly.

"But you use a sword!" Balamaethor emphasized, pulling at his hair. "This is unfair..."

"Three to two." Dwalin smiled smugly.

"Thenidiel! Dear sister...please!" Balamaethor pleaded.

"I don't want to have a say..." Thenidiel mumbled, shuffling nervously. "I dabble in healing."

"How about we go outside and settle this then?" Beriohtarion suggested, causing Balamaethor and Dwalin to instantly jump to their feet.

"Agreed." They both said, already headed toward the door with Beriohtarion dragging Thenidiel behind him.

The door slammed shut leaving Bellethiel and Thorin alone in the house, both simultaneously letting out a sigh.

"I do not understand my nephews sometimes..." Bellethiel mumbled, getting up to return the book back to the bookcase. "I better make sure they do not hurt themselves..."


"Gamut manan ai-menu." Bellethiel repeated flawlessly after reading the words written on a paper Balin had handed her.

"Excellent Belle." Balin praised. "You are a quick learner lass, and your pronunciation is superb!"

"What did I just say?" Bellethiel questioned.

"Good day to you." Balin answered.

"Is it really okay that I am learning your language?" Bellethiel questioned. "I know how sacred it is, not to mention how secretive your race is...and I do not wish to upset any of your kin because you are sharing your secrets to a stranger."

"There is no need to worry." Balin smiled, shaking his head. "With what you have done for us, I don't think anyone would take offense."

"That is good, your culture and traditions are so fascinating..." Bellethiel commented. "some of your traditions are a bit different from ours."

"What is elven courtship like?" Balin questioned.

"Out of all things to be interested in, you ask about courtship?" Bellethiel asked curiously. "Is there a reason for that?"

"Curiosity." Balin smiled.

"Well, of course we are able to choose freely who we marry. Once we choose, the betrothal is announced between the two houses and they would exchange rings. The betrothal will last a year, though it is rarely broken, but the betrothal is revocable by returning the rings. Once the year is up a time is set for the bond. During the marriage it is celebrated by a feast between the two houses, in which the two would return their rings and receive others worn from their index finger. Words are exchanged by the woman and the man, along with consummation to seal the marriage." Bellethiel thought, placing a finger on her chin.

"Was that what you did with your younger sister?" Balin asked.

"The joining was proclaimed and it was celebrated between our family. It was not needed since Anameleth was of age, but they had come to my brother and myself and asked for my blessing. It was only my brother and myself present while my sisters husband had his mother, father, and his grandparents." Bellethiel remembered fondly. "There was another celebration soon after when we had found out she was pregnant with twins."

"What about your brother?" Balin said.

"Their marriage was completed a little before the dragon took the mountain." Bellethiel said, letting out a sigh. "What about the courting ritual of dwarves?"

"Well, it is not so different from elvish courtships, of course they do proclaim to everyone that they are courting, to show that they are 'off the market' as some would say. Blessings from the family members, exchanging of gifts, rings could be one but instead of rings it is braiding a courting bead into their hair. Along with the position of where the braid is will show that they are courting because of course you know that braiding each others hair in dwarven culture is very...intimate. Once the marriage date comes around a large feast is held to celebrate the union. Though because dwarf woman are so scarce other lads are competing with each other for the lovely maidens attention." Balin stated. "It's a small summary of the courtship between dwarves."

"I guess our cultures are not so different." Bellethiel smiled. "Must be hard to compete for the attention of a maiden if more then one dwarf wishes to court her."

Balin nodded before placing his hand upon the paper in between them on the table.

"Let's go back to more phrases shall we?" Balin smiled, bringing the paper toward him, scribbling once more before sliding it toward Bellethiel.

"Men lanan...lananubukhs menu." Bellethiel read off with slight difficulty.

Balin nodded before Bellethiel looked to Balin suspiciously.

"What does that mean?" Bellethiel questioned.

"I love you." Balin smiled, causing Bellethiel to flush.

"I think lessons are done for the day." Bellethiel mumbled as Balin laughed.


On this particular day the company, minus Fili and Kili, were lounging lazily around the house. Oin had decided that Bellethiel needed to learn some basic healers technique after what had happened back at the Carrock. And though Bellethiel tried to tell Oin it was pointless, considering she did not have the knack for it...Oin still pushed on and insisted that she try. So, she politely listened as Oin started listing basic herbs that could come in handy for the future.

"Help!" Kili called out, barging into the house. "Fili's been injured!"

"What happened lad?" Oin questioned, quickly getting to his feet.

"I accidentally...grazed him with my arrow." Kili mumbled, shifting uncomfortably as he bought his brother toward Oin.

Oin then began to inspect the wound on Fili's shoulder.

"It's just a scratch." Oin stated, looking to Bellethiel who stood in the kitchen area. "Come here lass, give it a try."

"I do not think so Oin..." Bellethiel called out. "As I have said, I am a warrior...there is a reason I am not a healer..."

"Just come and give it a try." Oin said, urging her to come over.

"Should I be worried?" Fili mumbled.

"Very..." Bellethiel mumbled as she came beside Fili, Oin handing her a clean white cloth.

By Oin's instruction, Bellethiel began cleaning Fili's wound, applying some herbs, and slowly (but carefully) began binding the cloth around Fili's shoulder.

"Very good Belle." Oin praised, as Bellethiel stepped away so Oin could give another look over.

"Oin, I can bind wounds, but everything else dealing with herbs, poison and sickness...I would fail." Bellethiel sighed.

"Wow, Nana did that?" Beriohtarion exclaimed, coming close to our little group.

"I'm surprised you are alive dear prince!" Balamaethor smiled cheekily. "Nana couldn't even wrap our wounds when we were little, our uncle had to deal with those types of things."

Bellethiel grabbed her two nephews in a headlock, her eye twitching in irritation as her nephews struggled to get out.

"We're just joking Nana!" Beriohtarion called.

"Please let go!" Balamaethor pleaded.

"How about we study some more lass?" Oin suggested.

"I think I will just stick to what I know best Oin." Bellethiel smiled, about to walk away with her nephews.

"Nonsense." Oin said, taking a hold of her elbow and dragging her to the table. "Come on lass, we will start with herbs you can use to deal with poison."


"Give that back!" Gloin yelled out.

It was another day of training for the company, and the only ones that weren't practicing were Gloin, Beriohtarion, Balamaethor, and Thenidiel.

"Give back what our red headed dwarf?" Balamaethor smiled, tossing something to his brother.

"The pouch!" Gloin growled out, headed toward Beriohtarion who tossed it back to his brother. "I will call your mother here if I have to!"

"We're just having a bit of some fun Gloin." Beriohtarion smiled.

"Besides, Nana is busy training with her beloved King." Balamaethor smirked, pointing toward the two sparring leaders. "I never understood the fascination of gold."

Balamaethor tossed the pouch up and down, keeping it out of reach from Gloin before tossing the bag to Beriohtarion, laughing.

"Guys, just give Gloin back his pouch of coins." Thenidiel said, nervously looking between her cousins and Gloin.

"Yes, listen to your sister..."

The two boys halted in their laughter, tensing at the voice behind them. The two turned to see a very angry and irritated Bellethiel, glaring straight at the two.

"Hello Nana." Thenidiel greeted, smiling as she stepped far away from her two cousins.

"Belle! Thank goodness you're here!" Gloin breathed out heavily, leaning over to catch his breathe. "Your nephews are worse then the Durin Princes."

"Nana!" Balamaethor called, recovering quickly. "Finished sparing with King Thorin already?"

"We took a break." Bellethiel mumbled, glancing between the two, holding her hand out. "Hand it over."

Beriohtarion tossed it to Bellethiel who caught it with one hand.

"I am sorry about that Gloin." Bellethiel smiled, handing the pouch back to Gloin who took a deep breath. "I do hope they did not take anything else."

"I should've just called for you first, thank you lass." Gloin said, whipping the sweat from his brow. "I've had just about enough practice for the day..."

"Thenidiel, keep Gloin company." Bellethiel smiled to Gloin. "Sit back and relax."

Thenidiel nodded before taking a seat by Gloin as Bellethiel turned her gaze to her nephews, her eyes now ice cold.

"Now, Nana...remember that you love us." Balamaethor said, quickly going to hide behind his older brother as they both took a step back.

"Of course I love you." Bellethiel smiled eerily. "And because I do, I suggest you guys do our normal morning exercise."

"Morning exercise meaning..." Beriohtarion questioned nervously.

"Have a nice run until Gloin tells you to stop." Bellethiel said causing the two to groan. "Maybe that would teach you two that when we are supposed to be practicing...we should be practicing, yes?"

"Yes Nana..." The two replied in unison before taking off.

"I shall leave them in your capable hands." Bellethiel smiled when she turned to Gloin. "Do not think you have to go easy on them."

Gloin let out a hearty laugh as he watched the two run about.

"I will take good care of them, don't you worry." Gloin promised. "Go back to your spar with Thorin."

Bellethiel nodded before leaving her niece and Gloin to relax under the shade of a tree.


"What is so fascinating about what you smoke in that pipe?" Bellethiel questioned to Bofur.

Bellethiel had decided to go out for a walk and Thorin had said that someone had to accompany her around. Bofur had quickly volunteered and that is where they were now, walking around while Bofur had pulled out his wooden pipe.

"Old Toby?" Bofur questioned, looking at his pipe. "It's nicotiana, and it smells really good. Plus it's very relaxing. Have you tried?"

"I have heard about it and smelled the sweet scent, but I never tried it." Bellethiel replied.

"Would you like a go?" Bofur questioned, whipping the mouth piece on his sleeve before lifting it toward Bellethiel.

"I do not think I should." Bellethiel replied, looking strangely at the pipe.

"Come one, just one puff Belle." Bofur smiled.

Bellethiel hesitated before reaching over and taking the pipe from Bofur's hand. She began inspecting it over, the fragrance of Old Toby drifting to her nose. Bellethiel then copied what she had seen some of the company do when smoking from their pipe.

"Oh, before I forget don't-"

Bofur was interrupted by Bellethiel suddenly having a coughing fit, smoke escaping with every cough. Bofur winced before nervously chuckling to himself.

"don't breath too much in..." Bofur smiled before Bellethiel tossed the pipe back to Bofur still trying to recover from her coughing.

Bofur shuffled as he tried to catch his pipe without dropping it.

"Are you okay Belle?" Bofur asked in concern as he tried to pat the elfs back.

"I *cough* do not think *cough* I will try that again." Bellethiel said through her fit with strain. "I am sorry...I do not like the taste..."

"Don't worry," Bofur laughed. "it's not for everyone."


"Who's ready for dinner!" Thenidiel called from the kitchen area, alerting the whole company who began to make their way to the table, pushing and shoving their way there.

"Thank you for making the food tonight." Bellethiel smiled as she went to stand beside her niece, watching the company digging into the plates of food that was set on the main table.

"You were in charge of preparing our meals every day, I figured you needed your rest Nana." Thenidiel smiled.

"You're terrible at healing, but you can cook a fantastic meal." Balamaethor spoke through a mouth full of food. "It's very hard to believe."

"Hey!" Thenidiel called out. "Manners Balamethor!"

Bellethiel let out a laugh as she patted Thenidiel before heading to take a seat beside Bombur.

"I am starving..." Bellethiel smiled, placing food upon her plate and slowly began to eat.

Something (a bread roll) was thrown at Belletheil and she turned in that direction to see who had thrown it...only to not catch the culprit.

The elf glared slightly before turning back to her plate...that now was empty of the food she had put on.

'I do not recall eating everything on my plate...' Bellethiel thought, reaching for more food and placed it on her plate.

Another roll was thrown at her, hitting her head from the opposite side. And just like before she looked and did not catch the culprit followed by her plate coming up empty.

Bellethiel grumbled quietly to herself as she looked around warily, listening carefully as she reached to put food back on her plate.

Bellethiel pretended to keep her attention back to her plate, but she had seen movement in the corner of her eyes and reached up to catch the roll in her hand while looking to see that it had been thrown by Kili.

"So I found one of the people who threw the rolls..." Bellethiel smiled as she reached to her plate and caught the hand that was reaching for her food. "And I caught my food thief."

Bellethiel looked to see Bombur smiling up at the elf as she let his hand go and decided to just hand her plate over to Bombur.

"There." Bellethiel stated. "I do not know why you would want to take my food, but that should be enough."

"It was the lads idea." Bombur said motioning to Fili and Kili. "But thank you Belle."

I glanced to Fili and Kili who glared at Bombur before quickly averting their eyes to their plate when they saw that Bellethiel had glanced in their direction.


Bellethiel had felt something was wrong with Bifur, for he had come barging through the door of their house grunting loudly before plopping down close to the window sill that looked to the mountain. The elf was worried about the dwarf when he started mumbling in his language.

"Bifur." Bellethiel called, gaining the dwarfs attention. "Is everything okay?"

Bifur started mumbling in Khuzdul, the elf catching only small sayings before he got a bit feisty and began grunting and using wild hand gestures. Until he finally settled and crossed his arms across his chest, letting out a angry huff.

"I am sorry I do not understand what you are saying Bifur..." Bellethiel smiled apologetically, causing Bifur to let out a defeated huff. "but I am going to assume that you are upset about something?"

Bifur perked up and nodded rapidly, again using hand gestures, moving slowly so Bellethiel could see.

"Did someone say something to upset you?" Bellethiel questioned.

Bifur motioned to Bellethiel and himself, and then pointing to Lake-Town before pointing at the axe embedded in his forehead.

"Someone from Lake-Town commented on the axe in your forehead?" Bellethiel questioned.

Bifur nodded furiously before turning his back to her, slouching down deeper into the cushions by the sill.

"Do not listen to the comments the people of Lake-Town say Bifur..." Bellethiel comforted, and when the dwarf did not turn the elf quickly came up with an idea.

Bellethiel began looking around before heading to the second floor.

A few minutes later Bellethiel had come down the stairs with her hands behind her back. She came up to sit beside Bifur as she tapped his shoulder.

The said dwarf took a glance at Bellethiel before she pulled out the same little toy wooden bird he had shown her back in the Goblin tunnels. Bellethiel began cranking the tiny lever on the side making the wooden wings slowly begin to flap.

Bifur and Bellethiel shared a smile as she handed the tiny toy back to Bifur. Bifur relaxed, grunting what Bellethiel interpreted as a 'thank you', and gently patted Bellethiel's head before getting up and went in search of his cousins.


"Are you interested in my uncle?"

It was close to the afternoon, the sun was high in the sky, and Bellethiel was resting peacefully under the shade of a tree after the elf had practiced early in the morning. Fili had gone in search for Bellethiel to talk about something he thought was important and he had found her relaxing beneath the tree.

"Good afternoon Fili." Bellethiel called as the dwarf placed himself beside her. "What was it you had asked?"

"Are you interested in my uncle?" Fili repeated.

Bellethiel opened one of her eyes to stare at the blond haired dwarf.

"I care about my uncle, both Kili and myself, and we worry for him. We want him to be happy with all that he's been through, we do...but we don't want him to get hurt. If you plan to hurt him, or you're only interested because he is a King...then we want you to step away." Fili stated seriously.

Bellethiel stared at Fili for a second before she had let out a little laugh which caused Fili to flush in embarrassment.

"I don't see the what's so amusing..." Fili mumbled.

"I am sorry Fili." Bellethiel smiled toward the blond dwarf. "I am...interested in your uncle as you put it. I have no intention of hurting Thorin, if anything I plan to protect him at all cost...even if it costs me my own life."

Fili came up close to Bellethiel, staring intently into her eyes before he smiled and nodded in approval.

"Our mother would love you." Fili smiled, moving away and leaning against the tree. "Why did you laugh?"

"My brother and myself did the same thing to my brother-in-law when he started showing interest in my sister." Bellethiel smiled. "Though we were a bit more intimidating."

"I can be intimidating..." Fili pouted.

"It is strange to see you so serious." Bellethiel laughed again.

"I'm going to be King one day." Fili claimed. "It can't always be fun and games right?"

Bellethiel nodded before Fili quickly jumped to his feet.

"I also came seeking you because I wanted a rematch!" Fili challenged, bringing out his twin dwarven swords.

"A rematch?" Bellethiel questioned lazily.

"Back at Beon's lodgings! I was taken by surprise, but I have improved and I demand a rematch." Fili called out, urging Bellethiel to stand.

Bellethiel smiled before getting to her feet, taking up her sword.

"Prepare yourself Fili." Bellethiel smiled.


"Belle?" Kili asked.

It was night time and the company was asleep, aside from Bellethiel who could be found in the living room area and Kili who was tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

"Yes Kili." Bellethiel called from her spot at the table, having decided to read another book from their bookcase to pass the time.

"Can't sleep..." Kili mumbled.

"Then you can keep me company until you grow tired." Bellethiel smiled at the dwarf.

Kili smiled thankfully before heading to sit across from Bellethiel on the table.

"Can I ask you something?" Kili asked after a moment of silence.

"Hm?" Bellethiel mumbled, turning the page from her book.

"Can you...teach me some words in your language?" Kili questioned nervously.

Bellethiel looked up to Kili, an eye brow quirked before closing her book.

"And why would you need to know some words?" Bellethiel questioned curiously, smirking just a bit.

"No reason!" Kili breathed out a bit too quickly.

"Would it have anything to do with a certain elf captain I know back in Mirkwood?" Bellethiel questioned.

"No!" Kili responded, twiddling his fingers and averting his eyes away. "Maybe..."

Bellethiel smiled sweetly at the dwarf archer.

"Repeat after me." Bellethiel replied. "Le maethor veleg a gornui, which means 'You are a mighty and brave warrior'."

"Le...maethor...veleg a gorn...gornui?" Kili repeated slowly as Bellethiel nodded. "Le maethor veleg a gornui."

"Your radiance shines like the moon...'Law lîn síla sui Ithil." Bellethiel said as Kili repeated once more.

"Le bainon...'You are so beautiful'." Bellethiel continued as Kili repeated soon after, slowly getting better at pronouncing the words.

"How do you say 'I love you'?" Kili questioned, catching Bellethiel a bit off guard.

"Le melin." Bellethiel said. "Le melithon anuir means 'I will love you forever'."

Kili nodded, their lessons continuing on before Kili let out a yawn.

"I think you know enough to win the heart of Tauriel." Bellethiel smiled. "I think you should get some sleep Kili."

Kili nodded before slowly getting to his feet and making his way towards the stairs.

"Good night Belle..." Kili quietly called back, stifling a yawn.

"Good night Kili." Bellethiel called back.


"Would you like a cup of chamomile tea?" Dori questioned.

Bellethiel snapped out of her thoughts before looking to Dori who was holding a tea pot. Most of the nights you would find Bellethiel sitting alone in the living room area lost in her thoughts, and one particular night Dori had been the last one to go to bed having wanted to make some tea.

"I am fine Dori, thank you for the offer." Bellethiel smiled before going back to staring at nothing in particular.

"You know, when I'm troubled or stressed by something...I find that drinking tea would calm myself." Dori commented.

"What makes you think that I am troubled?" Bellethiel questioned curiously.

"Because I have been down here trying to ask you if you would want tea for several minutes now and you've been staring at nothing." Dori stated.

"I have?" Bellethiel asked. "I did not notice."

"Here." Dori said, placing a steamy cup in front of the elf. "This will help, freshly made."

Bellethiel took the cup into her hands, warming her hands before taking a small sip from the mug, letting out a sigh of relief.

"So what troubles you?" Dori questioned.

"Just had much on my mind...with the mountain being so close and the possibility of waking the beast that resides in there..." Bellethiel trailed off, shaking her head and taking another sip from the cup. "This tea is really delicious Dori, thank you."

"Rest easy Belle, we will deal with the problem when we get to it." Dori smiled, taking a sip from his cup.

And there the two sat comfortably, sipping tea from their cup. One worrying and fretting about his brothers while the other thought about the fate of the sons of Durin and what she would see in the ruins of Dale.


"Has anyone seen my bead?" Bellethiel questioned, walking down the stairs from their house, fiddling with her left ear. "The one Bifur made for me?"

"Your earpiece?" Thorin questioned.

"Yes, Bifur made a replica for me after I thought you had lost it...I had it yesterday and now it is missing..." Bellethiel mumbled sadly.


Bellethiel turned behind to see her nephews rushing down the stairs with her niece following close behind. The two looking around in a panic before looking nervously at their mother.

"What is the matter?" Bellethiel asked curiously.

"Our ear piece is missing!" Balamaethor touched his left ear sadly.

"I don't recall taking it off..." Beriohtarion mumbled.

"Yours is not the only one missing..." Bellethiel mumbled, placing a hand under her chin. "Now that I think about it...I do not remember ever taking it off except for that time back in Imladris."

"We had it on yesterday." Balamaethor said. "I don't think we dropped it on our walks through Lake-Town."

"What does the earrings mean?" Thenidiel questioned, interrupting the three edgy elves.

"It represent the promise we made to Uncle...everyone who went back to the mountain has one." Beriohtarion answered.

"Argh!" Balamaethor growled out. "I can't believe we lost it!"

"Is this it?" Nori questioned from the kitchen.

The three elves turned to see Nori pushing away some of the spices Thenidiel had bought a while back. And behind the spices lay two small silver beads and a wooden one.

"What is it doing there?" Bellethiel pondered.

"Did you take it?" Dori asked, accusing his younger brother.

"Why would I take something that means so much to our friends?" Nori questioned, glaring back at his older brother.

"You stole those 'keepsakes' back at that elven home!" Dori stated.

"So I took those things, doesn't mean I would take something sentimental such as those earrings!" Nori argued.

"Be at peace Dori, I do not believe Nori is at fault." Bellethiel defended.

Balamaethor clapped his hands together, a sudden realization crossing his features.

"I remember now..." Balamaethor called. "we took them off when we got home yesterday remember? It was raining and we wanted to dry them off."

"We must have forgotten that we placed it there after we dried them. We probably just assumed we put it back on our ear." Beriohtarion said, taking one of the silver beads.

"I must have accidentally hid them when I bought those spices..." Thenidiel mumbled, looking sadly at her nephews and Aunt. "I'm sorry."

"It is fine." Bellethiel smiled, reaching for the wooden piece and placing it back on her ear, her nephews following suit. "I am sorry Nori for the trouble it caused."

"It's alright Belle." Nori smiled cheekily, reaching forward to give Belle a hug.

Bellethiel patted the head of Nori before he pulled apart, the two smiling before Bellethiel turned to head back up to the second floor.

She suddenly stopped and began patting herself, searching through her pockets before she turned to smile at Nori...holding out her hand.

"I think you have something of mine?" Bellethiel chuckled as Nori laughed nervously.

Nori took out a small pouch and tossed it to Bellethiel who easily caught it.

"I thought I really got you this time." Nori smiled.

"Keep trying," Bellethiel advised. "as I have said, I had two siblings and raised two boys who would always try to steal things."

Bellethiel laughed as she turned around.

"Best of luck next time dear dwarf."


"What are you doing Ori?" Bellethiel questioned, bending down and peering over Ori's shoulder.

"Oh, I'm documenting our journey." Ori smiled, handing a leather bound book to Bellethiel.

Bellethiel read through the book from the beginning, impressed by the details Ori had scribbled into the journal.

"This is very impressive, I believe once our journey comes to an end...everyone would want to read about it." Bellethiel complimented. "And I did not know you could draw."

There in the back of the book were beautiful drawings of the company, touching moments captured in every piece. From Fili and Kili laughing by the fire, to Bellethiel smiling lovingly toward her kin.

"Everyone will know of what you and your kin did for us." Ori smiled.

"You have captured the scenes perfectly." Bellethiel praised.

She looked through more of the drawings before coming to a stop at two particular pieces. It was a picture of her and Thorin, from what looked to be the time they had just escaped the Goblin tunnels. Bellethiel had her hand over Thorin, her eyes looking lovingly down at Thorin while the Kings expression was one of surprise. Another picture was of the two again, but on Bard's boat when Thorin had asked about her injuries. Bellethiel was on her knees holding Thorin's hand while his other was engulfed around hers...a small smile could be seen on the King's face as he looked back at Bellethiel with the same emotions portrayed on her face.

"You can keep one if you like." Ori smiled, noticing the pictures that she was looking at.

"I could not possibly take one..." Bellethiel mumbled out, admiring how Ori had captured both moments.

"I insist...I can always create another." Ori smiled.

Bellethiel smiled, before taking the picture of Thorin and her on Bard's barge and tucking it into her coat.

"Thank you Ori." Bellethiel said gratefully.

This chapter once again is dedicated to my lovely sister! I've noticed that from the beginning the only people in the company that interacted mostly with Belle was Fili, Kili, Ori, and Bilbo (and of course Thorin since this is a Thorin love story haha). So, now we see how close they've gotten to Belle (and her kin) during their stay in Lake-Town. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I thought the scenes between the Belle and the dwarves of the company were adorable honestly lol.

If I had any information wrong, with the elvish and dwarvish courtship, the Sindarin translation and Khuzdul translation then forgive me. I found it on the sites I've found when I looked it up and thought it was accurate.

Was this chapter good? Are you enjoying this story? Then comment! Follow! And Vote! Not to mention share with fellow Hobbit (Thorin) fans! You are all just fantastic! I shall see you guys in the next chapter! We are so close to the mountain!


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