Seeing The World In Color (Gi...

By KaydenxSullivan

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-✾-When Kayden Shawn Matthews was just a baby he was given away by his mother and father to their best friend... More

Seeing The World In Color
Kayden's Playlist
Season 1
Meet Kayden
Girl Meets Boy
Girl Meets Sneak Attack
Author's Notes <3
Girl Meets Father
Girl Meets Truth
Author's Notes <3
Girl Meets Popular
Girl Meets Maya's Mother
Girl Meets Smackle
Girl Meets 1961
Girl Meets Crazy Hat
Girl Meets World: Of Terror
Girl Meets the Forgotten
Girl Meets Home For The Holidays (Preview)
Girl Meets Flaws
Girl Meets Friendship
Girl Meets Brother
Girl Meets Home For The Holidays
Girl Meets Game Night
Girl Meets Master Plan
Girl Meets Farkle's Choice
Meet Mason
Girl Meets First Date
Girl Meets Demolition
Season 2
Meet Kayden (Season 2)
Girl Meets Gravity
Boy Meets Coming Out
Girl Meets The New World
Girl Meets The Secret Of Life
Girl Meets Pluto
Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels
Girl Meets Tell-Tale-Tot
Girl Meets Rules
Boy Meets Theater (Preview)
Girl Meets Hurricane

Girl Meets World

7.6K 131 39
By KaydenxSullivan

As Kayden finished getting ready for school, He noticed the letter on his bed. His birth father had written it for his 13th birthday, just a couple of days ago. He was scared yet thrilled about what was written inside. Did he and his mom get remarried and want him back? Why did he suddenly want to talk to him after 13 years? He knew a lot about my parents, but he didn't know who they were.

His birth dad, Cory, birth mom, and Topanga were all very close and were the first people to know when his parents got divorced. Cory and Topanga would tell him about his birth parents, but refused to tell him who they were because he wasn't ready to know their identities. Cory and Topanga respected his choice of not to know. But now this letter was making him reevaluate his decision.

Staring at the letter, he finally decided to open it:

Dear Kayden,

Happy 13th birthday son. It must seem strange that I am writing you a letter. First of all, I want you to know your mom and I love you both very much and we could not be prouder of you. We are not perfect parents, but we have done our best to help you make your way through these difficult years growing-up and prepare for the future.There is so much I wish to share with you! I want to tell you what it feels like to fall in love with the person you will marry. I want you to know the indescribable joy I felt when both of you came into my world. And how much it hurt when I had to let you both go. Me and your mother have been keeping in touch with Cory and Topanga and it seems as if you have grown into an amazing young man. We are so proud of you and your talents. Cory constantly tells me how intelligent you are, how well you sing, and that you have picked up the guitar. You have already made me and your mother so proud. When you finish reading this you will hopefully understand the reason we had to give you up. Me and your mother were fighting all the time and we couldn't bring a child in to a broken home. Cory and Topanga were about to have their daughter so we asked if they could take you and they said of course. We do love you and as soon as you are ready I really want to see you. Continue to be the strong, brilliant, talented man you are.


Your father.

From the letter Kayden could tell his parents loved him and he loved them too. They wanted to make sure he had successful parents that loved each other as well as him. He couldn't be mad at them either, and had already forgiven them when Cory told him he was adopted. He put the letter on his dresser and walk into his sister's room.

Kayden let out a quiet scoff under his breath while simultaneously rolling his eyes at his best friends talking about a subject they had been discussing since he entered the bathroom to get ready. "If you can't decide in the next five minutes, I'm going to choke you-"Maya couldn't help but flinch at her best friend's rather threatening words, as she was quick to shut him up by throwing her hands up into the air and exclaiming, "alright, Riley tell him your dilemma."
The boy turned his focus away from the blonde and towards the conflicted brunette who scored the title of his best friend and sister, Riley Matthews. Kayden nearly caved in as he watched Riley furrowed her eyebrows in confusion while staring at both of her best friends. The girl was too adorable for her own good. "Why do we have to sneak out of the house if we're not doing anything wrong until we sneak onto the subway?"

Riley's hands were folded and placed neatly on her lap, back straight as she sat by her beloved bay window, the same one which both Maya and Kayden seemed to prefer over the front door. Her facial features were twisted into a look of both confusion and innocence, a look that seemed to always have Kayden pouting in adoration for the young girl.

Maya, on the other hand, had one leg crossed over her other and her elbow resting atop Kayden's shoulder while she leaned against the boy, the both of them sitting next to Riley by her bay window. "You think you're ready to just walk by your parents?" Her question held a sense of rhetorical meaning, as she did not expect much of a reply from Riley. Neither did Kayden, to be honest, for both he and Maya knew that Riley was much too kind hearted to disobey her parents.

Maya's posture held a high contrast in comparison to Riley's, but it also had Kayden smiling. It was clear that the two girls were at variance with each other, but to Kayden, there were two pieces to a whole; a whole which he loved with all of his being.

"I think I'm ready!" The amount of enthusiasm blaring out of Riley's words had Kayden both proud but worried. Over the years,Kayden had learned that what Riley's expectations were and the reality she was faced with were two very different things, but he did his best to stick by her and help her come to terms with such things, along with Maya.

Maya didn't look to be as surprised as Kayden, or she was doing a better job at concealing her expression. Either way, the blonde merely lifted a challenging eyebrow and continued interrogating her best friend. "Let me see your face as you walk by your parents."

Kayden visibly flinched as he watched Riley's look of determination morph into one of disgust crossed with fear. "Put it away, please," he pleaded as he buried his head into Maya's neck in an attempt to avoid Riley's facial expression.

Maya let out a snort while dropping her elbow from Kayden's shoulder and instead raising her hand to gently brush against Kayden's head of hair in a comforting manner. "There, there, it's okay little guy. Riley's a nice monster!" For emphasis, Maya nodded her head encouragingly, before turning back to Riley. Clearing her throat for a better effect, Maya put on her best act as a concerned parent while questioning, "why are you making that face at us, Riley?"

"Because I'm sneaking onto the subway." Riley made no attempt of hesitating as she set the truth free right past her lips, an act that certainly would not help her lie to her parents.Kayden let out a troubled groan before finally lifting his head off of Maya and facing a torn Riley who seemed conflicted between what to do.

The tanned boy reached both of his hands out towards Riley, before grabbing ahold of her and gently rubbing his thumb against the back of her hand in a comforting manner. "Listen, my little gummy bear-"

"I love it when you call me your little gummy bear," Riley exclaimed. Her lips stretched out into one of her innocent grins while her eyes brightened as if on cue. "I know you do, my little gummy bear." Kayden nodded his head knowingly, after all, it had been the nickname he used for the brunette ever since the two were babies. His tone was soft and gentle as he spoke to the girl who he believed was an actual ray of sunshine. "Now, what have we learned from this little experiment?"

Riley shared one simple look with both Kayden and Maya, before abruptly pointing a finger towards one of the windows which sat opened behind Kayden. "Out the window!" She declared. Maya nodded her head approvingly, thankful that Riley had gone with the option that the blonde had proposed. "Let's go!"

"That's my little gummy bear!"Kayden cheered as he started to follow behind the two girls but stopped remembering what was going to occur next. The two were on their hands and knees as they crawled out the open window in an act of sneaking out, however, it was only momentarily played. "Three. Two. One." Kayden counted looking at his watch and holding up three fingers, then two, then one.

Both Maya and Riley had stopped in their tracks, recoiling immediately. Letting out a disgruntled sigh, the young boy saw Riley and Maya crawl backwards, through the window, and back into Riley's room joined by a surprise guest.

Cory Matthews, a man who Kayden highly respected that took him in as a baby, certainly was not on Kayden's good side at the moment. In fact, Kayden was narrowing his eyes into a scowl at the older man, not at all appreciative of his disturbance. "Here's what I'm thinking," Cory started, still in the process of climbing through the window and into Riley's room as he spoke. "It's not your world yet. It's still my world, because if it was your world, Maya would have you on the subway already, thinking you put something over on me, and
Kayden would reluctantly follow because of how much he loves the both of you. But you didn't, know how I know? Look atcha, you're right here!"

During the duration of his speech, all three teenagers had made themselves comfortable on Riley's bed, knowing fully well that Cory would be making one of his famous lectures. While Maya and Riley stared at the man with guilty grins, Kayden was still making it his point to scowl at him. He swiftly stood on both of his feet, advancing towards the older man. "Really Dad?"He questioned.

"You couldn't have let us slide for once? Do you understand that it took these girls a good half hour to come to a decision, a half hour which I will never get back!" For emphasis, Kayden pushed his face closer to Cory's and cried, "ever!" With a final glare, the irritated boy stepped away from Cory and back towards Maya and Riley who each reached out for one of Kayden's arms and pulled him down to sit on the bed between them. "There, there, it's okay little guy," Maya repeated, now rubbing Kayden's back in an exaggerated, comforting manner.

"How long do I have to live in my father's world?" Riley asked, a lingering smile clear on her face, though it also sounded as if she was on the verge of defeat. At the sound,Kayden automatically frowned, before giving her hand a comforting squeeze.

"Until you make it yours!" Cory was doing his best to stress his point to not only his daughter, but her friends who he'd grown to consider his own. He squeezed his daughter's shoulder reassuringly, giving her a knowing look as he continued. "Riley, do you know what I want more than anything? Go ahead. Make it yours." Cory held his arms out towards the door to Riley's room rather than the windows, a simple action which granted an unbelievable amount of freedom for the younger girl.

However heavy the freedom may be, Riley was still a careful and hesitant girl. "I will, " she nodded reassuringly, no sign of hesitance in her words. However, as she asked her next question, there was no denying the amount of skepticism and hopeful doubt. "And when I do, will you still be there for me?"

"Right here."Kayden couldn't help but allow for his lips to lift into a wide grin as his eyes darted towards the door. The sight of Topanga Matthews,a woman who became his mother figure,was enough to get rid of his irritation. She held a bright smile of her own as she walk closer to her husband and the three teenagers, looping her arm around her husband's while reassuring her daughter. "We'll be right here."
That was all Riley needed as confirmation, before she turned her attention towards her two best friends, all three of them exchanging smiles of their own. "You two are lucky that I love you so much," Kayden let out a playful sigh and linked his arms with Riley and Maya, the three of them making their way out of Riley's door. They were ready to meet the world.

Kayden's Pov
There were very few places in existence where I felt safe. I felt safe sitting by Riley's bay window with Maya and Riley.I felt safe with my family. I felt safe anytime I was with my male best friend, Farkle Minkus.The place where I felt the most safe was in the subway station on Bleeker Street.

For as long as I could remember, the subway station had been my one gateway to the world. It was funny, how a place so crowded could be such a safe haven for a guy like me. After all, safe havens were usually supposed to be peaceful and calm areas where one could actually hear themselves think.

As funny as it sounded,I often claimed that I could always hear myself think in the subway. The subway itself was like a representation of my mind; full of diversity and always running. I always felt as if I could go anywhere with just one simple subway pass, and the freedom to be able to escape my reality of my family giving me away. I know I said I've forgiven them but every time I open my eyes i'm reminded that they didn't want me.

As soon as Maya,Riley, and I had made it to the underground confinements that was the subway station, the three of us were met with the sound of rhythmic drumming coming from a teenage boy sporting a beanie and pants with the American flag printed across it. In his hands were drumsticks which he used to beat garbage cans as drums.

I wasn't sure where to look; at a dancing Maya who seemed to be digging the boy's beats, or at an awestruck Riley who looked as if she had just stepped into a completely different dimension. "Dweezil!" I exclaimed as soon as the drumming boy had finished his note. Reaching down to high-five the older boy and slap him on the back.

"Kayden!" Dweezil echoed back, a friendly grin on his face as he high-fived me.
"And Maya! Who's the new chick?"
Riley's eyes only widened further at Dweezil's words, looking as if she was trying to come to terms with what he had just called her. "Chick!" She exclaimed excitedly, baring an vibrant grin. "Down here I'm a chick! No wonder my parents don't want me on the Subway."

I merely shook my head at Riley, still smiling at the girl, before the three of us walked farther down the station. "You're slouching Maya," one girl called out, looking to be much older than the three of us.

"Thanks Gretchen!" Maya called back, exchanging knowing smiles with the girl before she suddenly straightened up into a model-like pose and made sharp turns as she walked. Out of wonder, Riley mimicked the blonde and did her best to straighten up and walk in straight lines all the way into the train.

I followed behind the two without hesitating, knowing fully well that losing Riley in a subway station would score me something far worse than detention from our father. There were no open seats for all three of us to sit together, so standing with a pole as our support was the next best option.

"Is that lip gloss?"I ask as I watched Riley apply lip gloss on her lips, an action I was sure Cory Matthews would not at all approve of. "If dad asks, I had no idea."
Maya, on the other hand, seemed much more supportive of Riley's actions. "Woah, Riley, you don't do lip gloss." Her comment sounded more approving rather than disapproving, as her proud tone contradicted the supposed meaning behind her words.

Bouncing on her toes with excitement coursing through her veins, Riley's delighted grin only widened at the discovery.She put away the lip gloss and quickly grabbed ahold of the standing pole for balance, before delving into her explanation. "What I forgot to mention is that I'm completely reinventing myself. I ride the Subway now, I have kiwi lips now, and I'm just as cool as you two now!" As she spoke, Riley had been waving her hand around in a manner that mocked the televised actions of older, teenage girls when they spoke. Maya had been staring at something, or someone, behind both Riley and I.

A smirk crept across her lips and wheels were practically spinning in her head as she turned back to both of her friends. "Yeah?" She challenged, a mischievous look clear in her adventurous, blue eyes. She gestured towards whatever she had been looking at before, and suggested, "let's see how cool you can be when you look at him."

Eyebrows furrowed, I turned my head and followed the direction of Maya's line of sight. It had taken a few moments for the path in front of me to clear up, seeing as how there were many people in the way, but once they had,I was able to get a clear view at what Maya had been referring to.

It had been his lips; those were the first things that I first noticed. My eyes had been drawn towards the boy's lips first. They looked soft and held a pale pink color, almost inviting in a sense that had me blinking in order to get a better grip on myself. I couldn't help but find entertainment in the way they moved, soundlessly speaking words being read by the eyes.

The eyes had been the second thing that I noticed. My attention had traveled up the boy's face and towards his eyes which I couldn't help but compare to the color of jade stones. They were light and and held an unspeakable amount of depth to them, depth which drew me even closer.

Sitting by himself was a teenage boy who looked around our age, maybe a year older. His dark blonde hair was styled and out of forehead, revealing his baby face-like features. A backpack was held by two straps which joined together to form one that was hanging atop the boy's shoulder and positioned across his chest. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a light, black jacket with a hooded sweatshirt underneath and a baby blue t-shirt underneath that one.

Baby blue, it seemed to be his color.
I was snapped out of my daze by a round of awkward giggling coming from the brunette right in front of me. I blinked rather sharply, my head jerking the slightest as I came to my senses. It was only then that I realized, Baby Blue was staring back at me with a smile.

A smile which I couldn't help but find utterly adorable. He waved at me and in an attempt to conceal the very thoughts which ran through my mind,I smiled and waved back, before swiftly turning my head back towards Maya and Riley, not bothering to swallow the lump which had formed in my throat until I was no longer facing the boy.

Much to my relief, neither of the two girls in front of me had caught onto my expression, and I hoped that it would continue to stay that way, as it had ever since I had met both girls. If there was one thing that I was scared of, it was people finding out which way my heart went. Maya's attention was too focused on Riley's delight to notice the look of nervousness that I discreetly showcased. "Yeah, you're gonna need some lessons." She confirmed, glancing over the starstruck and frozen smile which was clear as day on Riley's face. "Let me show you everything you need to know about boys and girls." I was quick to plaster a smile onto my face as Maya shot me a playful wink, before confidently making her way towards Baby Blue.

I couldn't help but snort in amusement as I watched the blonde spin around one of the standing poles before coming face-to-face with the blonde boy, who had looked up from the book he had been reading. With a disgustingly sweet tone portrayed through her words, Maya started her demonstration. "Hi, I'm Maya. You're really cute. We should hang out sometime." With a charming smile, Maya took a seat next to Baby Blue, who carried a somewhat confused grin of his own. "You make me happy. You don't pay enough attention to me. This isn't working out." Rather abruptly, Maya stood back onto her two feet with both her hands in the air as if to distance herself from the boy. Any traces of his previous grin were now gone, as Baby Blue now had his eyebrows furrowed while staring questioningly at the girl in front of him.

"It's you, not me. We can still be friends, not really."
With her last words hanging in the air, Maya turned on her heel and walked back towards Riley and I just as she had walked towards Baby Blue; confidently. "He's available," she announced, obviously pleased at her handiwork while sporting her proud smile. "We just broke up."

Riley, however, looked concerned rather than proud of her best friend, and that bit alone was enough to have me chuckling. "Are you okay?" She asked in a soothing tone, looking genuinely concerned for Maya and her well-being. "Do we need to talk about it?"

I sighed once more for my best friend, before placing both of my hands on each of Riley's shoulders. "You poor, innocent little thing," I mumbled, loud enough for Riley to hear.
"You still wanna be like me?" Maya questioned her best friend, pulling Riley and I's attentions back towards her as I dropped my hands back down to my sides.

Riley nodded her head excitedly. "I want to be exactly like you," she announced, pronouncing each words as if they were valuable. A dazed expression became clear on her face as she continued. "I think too much,and you don't think at all."

"Which is also the reason for her record-breaking number of F's."I mumbled."See, you get me!" She cooed, a proud smile still clear across her lips as she patted my head. "So let's not think!" Maya's hand grabbed ahold of Riley's wrist which she pulled away from the standing pole. With a smirk replacing her previous smile, Maya let go of Riley, whose eyes widened in intense fear at the sudden loss of balance. A frightened cry left her lips as she stumbled backwards halfway across the train and landed perfectly in the lap of Baby Blue.
"You are an actual genius." I muttered under my breath, giving Maya a look which suggested how much I couldn't believe the girl.

Maya tossed her hair over her shoulders in a rather amusing manner and sassily placed her hand back on her hip. "It's what happens when you don't think."

"Hi," Riley's tentative voice sounded, dragging my focus back towards the girl and baby blue. "We were just talking about you. You used to go out with my friend, Maya." I nearly shook my head at my best friend's lack of flirting skills, but then again, Riley wouldn't be Riley without her awkward greetings.

Baby Blue nodded knowingly at Riley's words, a charming smile clear on his features as he turned his head towards Maya and I, before looking back. "I'm Lucas," he introduced himself, holding out a hand for Riley to shake, only for the girl to offer him yet another stunned smile. "I love it," she sighed dreamily still stuck in her fantasy when Lucas gently placed her in the seat next to his.

Lucas, so that's what his name is.I mused over the name in my head for a while, before coming to a final decision. It suits him.
"You're staring." I froze as Maya sang the words which caught me completely off guard. The blood in my veins stopped their advance and I felt my body temperature go cold on cue. A lump was starting to form in my throat, as I was now sure of one thing. I had been caught. "Come on Kayden, Riley's a big girl. She can take care of herself."Oh, thank God.

The blood in my vein continued their journey throughout my body, and my body retired from its cold state as my paled look disappeared. The lump in my throat, however, still stayed until I managed to swallow it down with a forced smile and a rough nod. "I know," I lied as I pursed my lips, hoping I could play out the lie long enough for Maya to never notice who exactly I had been staring at.

"I just can't help worrying about her. She's my sister, both of you are." Despite my previous thoughts not surrounding the idea of Riley's safety, they now were, and every word I now spoke was the absolute truth. "If anything were to happen to the both of you, I don't think I'd be sane enough to live with the guilt."

If there was one thing that I loved more than the subway, it was my Riley and Maya.It had always been clear as day how much I love the two as my own family, and how much he would be willing to give up for their happiness. Heck, I had literally taken a bullet for both of them; a Nerf gun bullet.

Both Maya and Riley were well aware of how much I cared for both of them, and the feelings were well reciprocated. So it made sense to see Maya nod knowingly at my words. "I know Kay," she mumbled. "I know.""That was great!" Riley's delighted and slightly dazed voice declared as she bounced on her toes while standing in front of Maya and I yet again.I couldn't help but notice Riley's looser grip on the standing pole.

Maya's grin automatically stretched at Riley's joy. "You're welcome," she replied in a satisfied tone. I frowned as Riley's joy dimmed and the tips of her overjoyed smile lower into a frown. Her eyebrows drew in from concern and the radiating brightness from before was no longer identifiable, an event which I most definitely did not want to witness ever again. "What if that was the best moment of my life?"She questioned, the daze no longer evident in either her tone or expression. "What if nothing ever happens to me again?"

Riley's sudden switch in moods was not an event that I approved of, or wanted to see. It was like the sun disappearing and the night sky taking over with the absence of any sort of light. I didn't want to see the sun disappear, I didn't want to see my sun disappear. Even if it meant risking my own happiness and letting my mind go of all thoughts surrounding Baby Blue.

Sometime you have to put aside your own feelings for the ones you love. With a confident look of my own, I showcased yet another smile. However, I made sure that this one wasn't forced or plaster; this smile, was genuine for Riley Matthews. My hand latched onto Riley's wrist which I pulled away from the pole, only to let go and give the brunette no place to balance.

Riley's eyes widened yet again and another strangled cry was released from her lips while she fell back halfway across the train just as she had done before. This time, however, Riley had not fell into the right lap. She had fell into the lap of an older woman with her facial expression practically screaming 'cranky and irritated'. "It's for you," she muttered, picking Riley up and placing her onto Lucas' lap.
"Look at her go," I cooed beside Maya, the two of us watching our best friend with satisfaction.
Maya let out a noise of laughter from beside me. "Yeah, we did good."


I slammed my locker closed when I had received my history textbooks. Riley and Maya mimicked me. "Did you have trouble with the homework?" Riley asked. I shrugged. "Piece of cake." Maya and I said. We look at eachother with a confused expression. I look at Riley. "One of us is lying." I told her. "You didn't do it, did you?" Riley asked Maya. ¨Good girl." I said patting her back. "I don't even know where my books are." Maya admitted. "They're here and they're heavy." I said, taking out Maya's textbooks from my bag. The bell ringed. We all walked into our classroom, and walked over to our desks which were next to each other and at the front.

"You have to do the homework, Maya. This teacher's insane..." Riley started. ¨A total nut job." I interjected as Riley nodded. ¨I think there's something seriously wrong with him." She finished. "Hi, honey." Dad said, standing in front of Riley. "Hi, daddy." Riley greeted our father. "Hello, son." Dad said. "Hi, dad." I greeted. ¨A nut job huh.¨ Dad asked looking at me pointedly. ¨Is it not true?¨ I said and shrugged my shoulders. "Fair enough but you're late to your father's class." Dad informed us. "Oh, don't worry, Mr. Matthews." Maya said. I smirked and looked at Maya who was already focused on me. ¨You wrote us a note." I said, taking a piece of paper out of my pocket. "I did?" Dad asked as Riley asked ¨He did?.

"He did." Maya and I answered in unison. "You did." Riley said, as I handed Dad the note.
"Riley and Kayden are late. Deal with it." He read from the note. He looked up at Maya and me. "Well, you two got my signature down pretty good this time." He complimented. "Oh, it was easy. You write like a girl." Maya said, taking her seat next to me. "Yeah, you do. Maya copied it easily from my report card." I told him, taking my seat, in between Riley and Maya.

"Okay, let me get back to jamming some learning into your heads." Dad said, beginning class, "The civil war." "The civil bore." Maya said. "Thank you, future mini mart employee of the month." Dad said. "Would she be making more money than you father?" I asked. Dad hesitated before continuing.

"The civil war! Anybody?" He said to us. I got ready to answer but Riley speaks. "A war we fought against ourselves." she answered. I raised my eyebrows questioning how she knew this. "What, you actually studied it? I thought only me and Farkle are the only ones who know the lessons in advanced." I asked. "You are trust me." Maya said as Dad nodded. "No, I'm actually living it." Riley said. I nod as she bumped her head on her desk.

"People, people, are we here to learn or not?" said Farkle my best friend. "What do you mean, Farkle?" Dad asked. I turned around to look at Farkle. Who was sitting behind Maya. "I've been in love with Riley since the first grade. But I'm also equally in love with Maya. Some might say the great mystery of the universe is who's gonna be the first Mrs. Farkle." Farkle said. Maya turned around and faced Farkle.

"You don't want this." Maya warned him. "Bring it on." Farkle said. We all looked forward again. "I always thought he'd wind up with back-of-the-class Brenda." Riley told us. We all turned around to Brenda. Who sorta resembled a female Farkle. I shuddered. "Ew, yuck!" Farkle exclaimed as we turned back in our seats.

"Actually, the great mystery of the universe is how you could love two women the same who couldn't possibly be more different." Dad told Farkle. "We're not so different." Riley protested. "May I overstep my bounds, sir?" Farkle asked, raising his hand. "You always do." Dad said. Farkle and him switched spots. Farkle flipped dad's name plate so it showed his name.

Farkle slammed his hands on Riley's desk. "Riley is the sun, warm and bright and lights up my whole day." Farkle said, and then ran to Maya's desk. He slammed his hands on her desk. "Maya is the night, dark and mysterious. And the night has always been a mystery to me. Because I go to bed at 7:30." Farkle tells us. He backed up.

"How could I love these two different women? How could I not? Thank you! I am Farkle!" He exclaimed, and walked back to his desk. Dad walked back to his. He flipped his name tag around. "So we were indeed trying to find out who we were as a people. Who am I? What should I be? History shows that bad things happen when you don't know who you are." Dad explained. The back door opened. The whole class turned to the door. I turned to see the boy with the mesmerizing blue eyes.
"Who are you? I don't know who you are." Dad told the young boy as he walked over to our teacher. "Subway boy." Riley whispered to Maya and I. I smiled at her happiness concealing the feelings I also shared for the boy we met in the subway.

"I'm Lucas Friar from Austin, Texas." The boy introduced. "Oh, new student, Mr.
Friar?" Dad asked. "Yes sir." Lucas answered. "Great, you're just in time for today's assignment. Have a seat." Dad told him. Lucas nodded and walked over to the seat behind me. I noticed Riley was watching Lucas with her full attention.

"Okay, so we-" Dad started, but stopped when he noticed his daughter wasn't paying attention. He turned her head around. "So I'd like you guys to open your books to page 48." Dad instructed. I opened up my textbook and turned to page 48 with the rest if the class. "Now I'd like you to turn to page one." Dad told us. I turned to page one like the rest of the class. "Now I'd like you to read from page one to 48." Dad instructed. The entire class, excluding me and Farkle, groaned. "Oh, too bad on you." Dad told us.

"Okay, so for tonight's assignment, I'd like you to write me a three-page essay on anything. Anything at all that you guys believe in so strongly you'd fight for it." Dad explained.
"That! I'd fight for no homework! I come here every day. Why can't you teach me everything I need to know while I'm here?" Maya exclaimed. "Whoo!" Riley said, pumping her fist. She earned a glare from our father. "Not Whoo." Riley said. I rolled my eyes. "He gets our days. Let's take back our nights." Maya said standing up. "No homework, more freedom. Who's with me?" she asked. The entire class began chanting "No homework, more freedom" over and over again. Maya leaned down closer to me and Riley. "This is it, kid. You want to be like me? Stand up," Maya told Riley before chanting again.

I smiled and stood up. I loved school but I loved my friends more. "No homework, more freedom." I chanted with the rest of the class. Riley eventually joined us. We all continued chanting, as we stormed out of the classroom. Outside of the classroom stood Lucas by himself. I walked away from Maya and Riley and went to introduce myself to the boy who captured the heart of my sister and I. "Bet this doesn't happen in Texas." I said approaching him. "No, not at all." He said with a cute nervous grin. I stuck out my hand. "I'm Kayden." I said.

"Lucas." he replied grabbing it as we stared into eachothers eyes with smiles.

I entered my apartment to see my mother Topanga in the living room. "Hey mom." I said giving her a hug. "Hey honey." she said hugging me back. I then began counting down from three while looking at my watch. Mom gives me a confused look. Riley bursted through the door, "Ma!" Riley exclaimed angrily. "Ma!" Dad said mimicking Riley as he entered. "Whatever this is, do not put me in the middle of the two people I love equally. Just kidding! Come here, honey." Mom said hugging Riley.

" Our teacher followed me home. Can we keep him? Can we keep him? Please say no!" Riley said to our mother. "They walked out of my class. She's trying to be Maya. Kayden followed them." Dad argued. Mom looked at Riley. "Because she's cool, she has a wild side. She does what she wants." Riley explained to mom with a smile on her face. "But you're such good people!" Mom said referring to Riley and I. "Who cares about that? Do you really think I'm one of those girls who follows all of the rules and never gets into trouble?" Riley asked our parents. "I was hoping." Dad said. "Do you think I'm well-raised?" Riley challenged our parents. "Half!" Mom says after looking at dad. "How important is it that you don't know me at all?" Riley said storming off into her room. "Well that was dramatic.

I'm going to Farkle's house." I told mom and dad. "Have fun." Mom told me. I gave them both a hug before walking out the door.


I had made it to Farkle's house. Even though I had been here countless times before the massive house had always left me mesmerized. I was currently sitting at his desk doing Math homework while Farkle did the History homework. After I had finished my Math homework and Farkle finished all of his work. We watched TV and played video games. It had gotten really late and I informed my parents that I would be staying over. I stared at the history essay I struggle to write. "Kayden," I looked up to see Farkle in his pajamas. "Yes Farkle?" I asked. "Can you play me a song?" Farkle asked. "Sure." I said smiling as I grabbed on of the many guitars Farkle has for when I come over. I started playing. "You've got a friend in me. You've got a friend in me.

When the road looks rough ahead. And you're miles and miles. From your nice warm bed.
You just remember what your old pal said. Boy, you've got a friend in me. Yeah, you've got a friend in me." I sung and stopped playing when I heard light snores from Farkle. (A/N: you got a friend in me is above for those who want to listen. Olivia Holt also sings just to let you know. Ok that's all enjoy the story <3) I turned off the light went back to the desk turning on the desk light and began writing my essay.


I sat at my usual spot with Maya and Riley the next day at school. I ate my lunch which I packed every day. "Aww, look at him looking for a place to fit in." Maya said. I gently smiled. "Do you think he'll sit with us?" Riley asked. "We should invite him over." I said. Riley look at me as if I had grown four heads. "That's crazy! Lets plan this out first." Riley exclaimed. "Riley its simple. No planning needed." I said as I smile and waved at Lucas who began to walk over. He smiled and waved back approaching us.

As Lucas was about to take the seat, Farkle took the seat it before he had a chance to sit down. "Ladies. My best friend Kayden." Farkle greeted. "Farkle!" Riley, Maya, and I all greeted. "Interesting lunch-line dilemma: Sloppy Joe or Chicken Pot Pie? Or Sloppy Joe? Or Chicken Pot Pie?" Farkle asked. "Is that all you got?" Maya asked. Farkle nodded. "That's it. Same time tomorrow." Farkle said, standing up and walking away. "Bye Farkle, see you later." I yelled after him. He turned around and waved goodbye. I looked around and saw Lucas still looking for a place to sit. "There he is. Invite him to sit down." I told her. "What do I say?" Riley asked. "Hey, Lucas, looking for somebody special?" Maya suggested. "I can't say that." Riley said. "Hey, Lucas, looking for somebody?" I suggested. "Too forward." Riley said. "Hey, Lucas." Maya suggested. "Like we're on a first-name basis?" Riley asked. "Hey." I suggested. "Hey, I'm back." Lucas said, sitting on the seat in between Riley and I.
Riley looked up at him with a weird terrified expression on her face. "Hi. You're sitting here." Riley said.

"Is that okay?" Lucas asked. "Can you excuse me for just one sec?" Riley asked. She turned around to face me and Maya. The two of them started squealing and then went back to our lunches.

"How ya doing?" Someone ask. I turned around to see my father Cory Matthews. I rolled my eyes, knowing how much of a big deal he was gonna make about this.

"Dad, you have a choice here. You can either understand that this is just a boy talking to me in the cafeteria," Riley began. "I'm gonna do whatever you say next." Dad said cutting her off. "But this is so innocent." I defended. "Fathers don't see anything as innocent. We see it as. What's the opposite of innocent?" Cory asked. I looked at Maya as she pointed at herself. "Right here!" She said. "And you were suppose to stop her from doing things like this." He said pointing at me then gesturing to Lucas. "Talking to people?" I asked confused. "Yes!" He exclaimed.

"Please don't embarrass me." Riley pleaded. "I'm just going to talk to Mr.
Friar about geography." Mr. Matthews told us. He turned to Lucas and put a hand on his shoulder. "You know, I've been to a lot of places. Never been to Texas though. What part of Texas is closest to Mexico?" He asked. "That'd be El Paso, sir." Lucas answered. "Great. Let's go right now." Mr. Matthews said. He took Lucas chair and pulled him and the chair away. Lucas gave us a small wave. I waved back letting out a little chuckled. And continued eating my lunch.


"So did you do the homework?" Riley asked Maya. "No, I didn't do the homework. The question on everybody's kiwi lips is did you do the homework?" Maya asked. "No. I'm one of the founding members of the homework rebellion. You think I did my homework?" Riley defended. "You did yours and hers. You would've done mine too if I didn't do it." I responded to her.

"I did, I did and I really liked it." Riley said, happily. "Riley, don't save me." Maya said. Riley gave our best friend a confused look. "What?" Riley mumbled. "Let me be me." Maya said.

As Maya said that, Farkle walked over to us with two different cakes on his tray. "Oh, you got two desserts?" Riley asked, "Angel's food cake." "And Devil's food cake. Let me guess who's who." Maya said. "Hey, Farkle's just hungry. Not everything is about you." Farkle defended walked off with his cake. I let out a small giggle.
"Hi. Apparently you have a better sense of direction than I anticipated. You are a really good-looking guy." Dad said. "Okay, so today we're gonna find out. If anybody here believes in something so strongly they'd fight for it." Dad said, walking over to Maya's desk, "Maya." "Yes sir." Maya replied. "Present your homework." "Can't do that, sir." "Why not?" "That's what I'm fighting against, sir." "Oh, this could go on for a while." Farkle said. He put a sleeping mask on and went to sleep. "Farkle Farkle Farkle Farkle." Farkle said, snoring.
"I didn't do my homework either." Riley told him. "Oh really?" Dad asked. "Yeah. We're the same now. I don't believe in homework." Riley replied. "Guess what, Riley? That doesn't make you the same as Maya at all." Dad informed her.

"I have something to say." Maya said, raising her hand. "Wow, I don't know what to do. I've never seen this before. The floor is yours, Ms. Hart." Dad said, offering Maya the floor. Maya stood up and turned to Farkle.
"Get up, Farkle. You're gonna want to be awake for this." Maya told the boy. "Is it our honeymoon?" Farkle asked standing up. "No, you missed that. Now it's time to hand in our essays." Maya told him. "

"Oh, Farkle goes first! Farkle always goes first!" Farke shouted. He ran out of the room to get his project. Maya stepped up to the front of the room. "All right, everybody who did their homework, put it on your desks." Maya instructed. "Careful there, Ms. Hart." Dad warned her. I took my essay out of my bag and placed it on my desk. "Are you sure about this?" Riley asked Maya. "I got this." Maya reassured and continued to collect the homework from the students. "Please don't go too far." I pleaded with her. "I won't." she said back to me. Farkle came in with a diorama with sparklers sticking out of it.

"The burning of Atlanta led to the end of the civil war and to peace. I believe that peace is worth fighting for." Farkle said.
Maya walked up to Farkle and took one of the sparklers from Farkle's display. "Hey, that's a pivotal part of my diorama!" Farkle shouted. Maya took another one. "And there goes Virginia." Farkle mumbled.

Maya walked back to her desk and stood up on her chair. She held the sparklers and the essays in separate hands, with a little distance apart from each other. My eyes widened as I realized what she was going to do. "The burning of the homework led to the end of the homework rebellion because there was no more homework." Maya said. "All right, all right, that's far enough, Maya! I get it!" Cory shouted, running over to Maya and snatching the homework from Maya.

Maya held the sparklers up. "No homework, more freedom!" Maya shouted. The fire sprinklers went off and the whole class began to scream as the fire alarm began to ring. "Okay, so those work." Maya pointed up. Everyone ran out of the classroom. The only people left in the room were Farkle, Maya, Riley, Lucas,Dad, and me. "Is this still part of your presentation or is this actually going on?" Farkle asked.Lucas approached me and held his jacket over his head."Why didn't you stop your friend?" Lucas asked me. "I can't stop her from being her." I answered. "You don't have to stop her from being her just keep her from going to far." Lucas says to me.

I nod my head thinking about what he said. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Farkle climb on my father and Riley trying to get him off. "Ms. Hart, you have detention. The principal will determine if it goes further than that." Dad told Maya. He turned to Riley and I. "Ms. and Mr. Matthews, please leave." Cory told us. "I deserve detention too!" Riley protested. "No, you don't. You didn't do anything. And because you didn't do anything, your best friend is in very deep trouble." Dad told her. Me and Riley left Maya alone to talk to dad.                                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                                                                                                              After trying to dry ourselves off Dad came to talk to us."Down, Farkle." He ordered. Farkle climbed off the man. "You're looking at us pretty hard there, Mr. Matthews." Maya told him. "We just want to stand by our girl. " Riley said. Maya, Riley, and I looked at each other.

"You missed the moment to stand by your girl. You were so busy trying to be her, Riley, you forgot the best thing you can do for her is be you." Dad told Riley. "Riley, take Farkle for a walk." He told her. Riley and Farkle walked out. I started to follow. "Kayden don't go just yet." He said. Maya and I stepped forward.
"Listen, for as long as I can remember, it's always been Riley, Maya, and Kayden. Now I always believed friends helps another friend out of trouble, not into it." Mr. Matthews told us. "I'm sorry." Maya said. "I am too. Because you go too far. Do you understand me?" Cory said. Maya nodded. "Yes, sir. I understand," Maya said, before walking out. Dad turned to me.

"Kayden you are suppose to be the balance in the friendship. You keep them both from going to far or being eachother. You let thing get out of hand this time. Once that happens things go crazy like they did today. Do you understand me?" Dad told me. "I know dad. Maya didn't just do this because she doesn't want to do homework. She did it because she has no one at home to help her. So please don't give her too hard of a time dad." I said. With that, I walked out of the building and caught up with Maya and Riley outside. We walked to the subway.
"Riles? Kay?" Maya asked. "Yeah?" we asked. "If we can't hang out with each other as much anymore, don't worry about it." Maya told us. "Wait. Why wouldn't we-" Riley started. "He's going to make you end the friendship." Maya said, cutting her off. Riley's face fell. "He said that?" Riley asked. "He's really upset with us," Maya said. "He loves you." I protested. "I don't think so anymore. I just want you to know that I get it wouldn't be your fault." Maya said. The lady next to me laughed. I turned to her.

"Beyootiful! You three little bumblebees got a sweet thing going. But where's your hunk?" The lady said, earning a look from me, "Not you sweetpea i'm talking about a love interest and if you ain't got no love interest, you ain't got no story!"

" I haven't been your good friend." Maya said. "You are our best friend," I said.
"She's your best friend! Best friends are important. I got a best friend. I'm not talking to her right now." The lady said. "I go too far. And I don't think that's gonna stop. I'm bad for you." Maya said to us.

"Did he say that?" Riley asked. "He will." Maya said. The train stopped. Maya stood up. "This is your stop." she said, walking over to the two of us. "Don't be me." She said, taking our hand off the pole. "You don't go as far as us." Maya said. "No. No." Riley protested as Maya pushed us off of the train. The doors began to close.

"No! Do not push them off this train! You do not push your best friends off the train." The lady said. I opened the doors of the train with my hands. "That boy pushed those doors open with the power of love!" The lady shouted. "You are not allowed to abandon our friendship! I would never do that." I told her. "Riley, Kayden, I'm pushing you away because I'm not good for you anymore." Maya said.

"Only we decide that! You know why?!" Riley shouted. "Why?" Maya asked. "Because if this is my world now, the first people I want in it is you two." Riley told us. I gently smiled. "You're gonna save me, aren't you?" Maya asked. "We are." we said in unison as we grabbed Maya hands and went home.
"Where is he?!" Riley exclaimed, as we got there. Topanga and Auggie, our little brother, pointed to Cory who was sitting across from them at the table. We walked up to him.
"There is no way we're gonna let you break-up our friendship with Maya!" Riley shouted. "Is that what you think I want, Riley?" Cory asked. "No. What you said you really want is for us to make the world our own. And you want us to do our homework. Well, we're doing it right now. Here's what we think is worth fighting for," I said. I put my arms around Riley and Maya.

"These are my best friends. she's gonna get us into trouble and he's gonna get us out of it. And They did. Because here we are. Look at us, dad. We're right here. My civil war is over, dad. I won." Riley said. I smiled.
"What happens now?" I asked.
I stood in the subway station with the Matthews, Maya, Lucas and Farkle. "Friends, family and all you other subterranean mole people. We're here today to celebrate Riley being Riley and Kayden being Kayden. Now some may call this a New York City subway pass. But you, Riley and Kayden, can consider this a ticket to the world." Cory announced, holding up two subway passes. "You think were ready?" Riley asked. "You showed us you are. Riley, Kayden, I've already met the world. It's your turn." Cory told her. "Hey, this isn't so different from Texas. Look, there's a pony." Lucas said pointing to a rat in the corner.

"That's a rat." I replied and he shuddered. "Oh cowboy you have so much to learn." I said patting his back and laughing.
Maya, Riley, and I walked farther away from the others. "So where do you wanna go?" Maya asked. "Don't know. Big world." Riley said. "Ours now?" I asked. "Yeah, but my dad did say I have to be home by 5:00." Riley told us. "Don't worry, he wrote you a note." Maya said, holding up a note. I giggled as we walked into the train.

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