The Black Sheep | George Weas...

By Sydney3027

1.2M 36.1K 13.6K

Lyra Malfoy has always felt like a stranger in her family, she felt misplaced. As she feels torn between hers... More

Twenty-Eight (Explicit)
Sixty-Three: Wedding


9.4K 328 146
By Sydney3027

Lyra was trying to save her relationship. She had to. So, studying was started to be done in moderation, especially after she aced her last two quizzes and Healer Sallow told her not to overwork herself. He also told her he saw the day where he was working under her. That made her heart flutter and she almost threw herself into his arms and hugged him close. But once Louisa tried to hug him and it didn't end well.

Lyra dressed real pretty, she put in dangling earrings and had her hair up. She even put red lipstick on. They were going to a nice restaurant, one that was still open in town. He was excited when she told him.

When he arrived to pick her up, he was dressed sharply. She gave him a big grin and kissed his soft lips. They had a nice date ahead of them.

When they arrived, they had a window seat, wasn't much of a view but there were large crystal chandeliers and a red carpet. The tables had white table clothes and everyone looked so posh.

George had trouble reading the menu. "What is veal?"

"Calf," Lyra answered. "Don't get it. They nearly torture the poor baby."

"Got it, we are boycotting veal." He nodded his head as he scanned it some more.

"I'm getting lobster," Lyra announced.

"And that's not cruel?" He smirked.

"It's not a prolonged death. The calf only knows suffering." She counter.

"Fair point, my love. Fair point."

They ordered wine for the table and like a gentleman, he poured her a glass, filling it to the brim, making her laugh. Old people looked at them and scowled.

George raised his glass. "To us,"

"To us," they clinked their glasses and took a sip.

"Want to see who can finish their glass first?" He asked.

"We are supposed to be classy, George."

"What's more classy than chugging red wine in a five star restaurant?"


The waitress came over to see if they were ready to order. Lyra bit down her jealousy at seeing her smile a little too much at George and she knew she wasn't just making it up in her head because George made a lame joke and the waitress laughed like it was the funniest thing she had ever heard. But Lyra wasn't going to start a fight. They've been fighting nonstop as of late. Their last argument was a few days ago as she was studying at his house. He kept trying to kiss her and she snapped at him. She didn't want to have sex. She yelled at him, calling him a horny dog and all he wants is sex.

"You never want to have sex! You are always studying or not in the mood!" He shouted at her.

"I don't need to justify for why I don't want you fucking me!" She shouted back, a vein popping out of her neck. "You fucking horny bastard!"

"Oh! Real mature! I'm a horny bastard? You are a fucking prude!"

"Fuck you, George Weasley!"

She stormed out of the flat, taking her things with her. He let her go as she slammed his door behind her. She broke down in tears as she walked down the stairs. She stopped and sat on them as she broke down.

She then heard someone enter the stairs and they stopped on the landing as she wiped her tears.

"Look, I'm sorry, Harp." She heard George say softly behind her. "Maybe I have been pushy, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have called you names."

He sat beside her on the stairs and they sat in silence. His eyes were rimmed red. "What's happening to us?"

"I don't know." She admitted. "But it'll stop, we must vow not to fight. We'll have a nice romantic night this Friday and we'll shag."

"I don't need a shag for it to be a perfect night." He smirked.

"I know, but I do miss you. I'm just so stressed out."

"I know, Harp, I know."

"And for you, Miss?" The waitress asked, bringing her out of her thoughts.

"Er, the lobster please." Lyra replied as she handed the young lady the menu.

"Coming right up," The woman left and Lyra gave George a polite smile.

He reached across and held onto her hand. "You look absolutely stunning tonight."

She blushed. "You are the one who looks stunning." She gestured to him. "You are so smashing."

"Thanks, Babe, I did it all for you, my hot girlfriend."

She rolled her eyes playfully.

When they got their dinner, George getting spaghetti and meatballs, they were both underwhelmed. The plate was huge with only a small amount of food. Lyra had maybe a few squares of Lobster with garnish and some oily sauce over it. It looked good for show, not for eating. George had a small gather of noodles and two meatballs.

They looked at each other, both horrified.

"Where's the rest of it?" George asked.

"I hate posh food," Lyra groaned. "I forgot they are always small portions here. Sorry, George. I've grown used to hamburgers and chips, not this."

They finished it all in a few bites. They were very disappointed. They downed their wine and paid the hefty bill. They left and decided to get a cheap burger.

Lyra wore George's suit jacket as they sat in a sticky booth and had a fat burger for their consumption. They both took a bite and looked much more satisfied.

"Let's never go to that place again." George told her through a mouth full of food.


Lyra had sauce on the corner of her mouth, making George chuckle. He used his thumb to wipe it away. How romantic it was.

"How do you still look so beautiful with a mouth full of food?" He asked her.

"You have bad vision," She responded, making herself burst out laughing.

"Maybe you're right, Harp."

She playfully kicked him.

They went back to his flat where he slowly peeled her dress off her body and smeared her lipstick as he kissed her hard.

The bed creaked under their bodies as they collided. The darkness was filled with their heated breathing as he whispers of praise in her ear. The warm streetlights rayed over them as they made love.

It was nice not having to worry about annoying brothers interrupting the beautiful moment. They could just enjoy each other.

Lyra wrapped her arms around his neck as he thrusted deeply. They clung to each other, even as they both finished and left them feeling labored.

George stroked her hair and she listened to his hammering heart. She didn't want to leave that bed or him.

They both needed that release, they needed it so bad.

Maybe their relationship can be saved. They both loved each other greatly, but they kept fighting like they were having a personal war amongst them. Maybe they were taking their frustrations out on each other. Maybe they weren't being fair.

The next morning, Lyra woke up before George. He was snorting by her ear. She tried not to laugh and got out of bed without waking him (wasn't hard, he's a heavy sleeper). She grabbed her dress and decided to take a shower.

The water pressure in the shower wasn't the best, beat but got the job done. She had to wash herself with the homemade soap Mrs Weasley made in her spare time. It smelled like any masculine smelling soap would. She imagined she made Ginny an overly floral scented one.

She got out and wiped away the remaining eyeliner that collected on her bottom eyelid. She walked out and could still hear him snoring. She wondered if she should wake him or let him sleep in longer.

She entered back into the bedroom to see him now sprawled out, the sheet wrapped around his ankles while his manhood was on display. She rolled her eyes and started picking up his discarded clothes and turn to place them on a chair when she noticed something she hadn't before. There was a woman's shirt on it, it was a graphic tee shirt and bright pink. Lyra didn't own it.

She felt her heart sink like a weighted stone. No. No. This couldn't be. Maybe it was Ginny's. Maybe Ginny stayed over, don't get angry.

She dropped everything and lifted the shirt. She was about to scream. She then saw something sewn into the tag of the shirt. She heard of parents doing this, mainly for their young children. Her clothes were always custom or sent from a designer so she could have the latest fashion before the public. Her mother would never touch quality fabric like that.


She stilled at the sight. Alicia... Her best friend. She burst into anger. She felt so betrayed. She threw the shirt at him, hitting him in the face.

"WAKE UP!" She screamed.

He flinched awake, groggy and half-awake. "Huh?" He looked around while squinting, dried drool on the corner of his mouth.

"What the fuck is this?" She hissed, gesturing to the top.

He looked down and looked utterly confused and appalled. "It's not what it looks like!"

"Oh, really? Because it looks like you are cheating on my with my best friend!" She leaned down and picked up his trousers and hit him with it.

"I didn't cheat!" He got up and started putting his underwear on. "I swear Lyra! I don't know why it's here!"

"You don't know why it's here? So her top magically appeared here? Burn in hell!" She stomped away, collecting her belongings and disappeared before he could stop her.

                        ---Malfoy Manor---

Narcissa wouldn't stop entering Lyra's bedroom. She would disappear inside and smell her clothes and go through her belongings. She'd read unsent letters that Lyra had written to feel like she had a part of her.

She sobbed continuously when she was alone. She knew she must forget her, but how can she? Lyra was her baby, her sweet daughter. She can't pretend she never existed.

Narcissa wasn't allowed to speak her name. She wasn't allowed to show how much she missed her child. She just wished she hugged Lyra a little tighter and protected her better. She shouldn't have allowed Voldemort to place his grimy hands on her.

The door opened, interrupting her pity party. Lucius looked awful and there was no sign he'd get better. He rarely slept and he numbed the pain with alcohol. He too regretted everything. But it was too late. They were cowards.

"Going through her belongings won't bring her back." He told her plainly.

She wiped her eyes and looked down at the dress she held. "She wore this at Christmas, do you remember? She looked so pretty." Her bottom lip quivered. "She hated it so much."

He walked further into the bedroom. He looked like he was falling apart at the seams. "The Dark Lord had asked for my presence."

She perked up. "Oh? And?"

He struggled to swallow the lump in his throat. "Bellatrix miscarried. This is the second time. He has reasoned that she's too old."

"Lucius," she warned. Not wanting to hear his next words.

"He's set on getting Lyra. She works at St Mungo's and we know where Andromeda lives. We might be seeing our daughter again and very soon."

These were the worst words Narcissa had ever heard.

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