A Heart in New York (Klaine A...

By cumberbatch-hooked

11.1K 483 180

Kurt Hummel is nine-teen years old. Two years ago he graduated from William McKinley High School in Lima, Ohi... More

A Heart in New York
Cute Smile
Feeling Better?
Off all the restaurants in New York City
Trouble St. James
My Inner Stalker
Lima Kurt
Home Sweet Home
Ice, Ice

Goodbye Glee

612 32 9
By cumberbatch-hooked

This isn't a story update sorry... An update will be coming soon!
I watched the finale, and now, that I finally stopped crying, I wanted to take some time to write a post about what glee meant, and frankly still means, to me. Feel free to comment what glee was or is to you, you guys are all so sweet and funny, I love talking to you.

When I first heard about the show, I was skeptical. The first time I watched season 1, I wasn't too enthusiast about it. I thought it was fun, but a little absurd. But soon, that little bit of weirdness that comes with glee started to grow on me, I started to love the characters and care for them as though they were my own family. The show began to mean something else entirely to me. The show was no longer about adults playing teenagers who sing and dance around in their high school. I realized that the show was about so much more. About not giving up on your dreams, about accepting who you are, about not being afraid of anything, and about the fact that you're never alone. I learned that unlikely friendships are possible. That loving yourself is more important than the need to be accepted by everyone else. That you can get through anything, as long as you don't give up. It's been an honor to be able to watch, and love this show. And as far as I'm concerned, the show might be over, but that doesn't mean it won't live on. Because I will carry glee with me, in my heart and my head, for the rest of my life. It will keep giving me the courage and the strength to keep going.

I don't really have anything else to say, except thank you. To the amazing cast of glee, the writers, crew, and every artist who gave permission for their songs to be covered on the show. All together they created an amazing experience that will always be remembered. Thank you Cory, even though you couldn't be here for the final note. Thank you guys, not only for reading and keeping up with this story, but for sticking with glee, with all of us, the whole fandom. We could not have done it without you either.

Goodbye glee, I will never stop believing.

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