Like a spy undercover


372 20 2

Your just finished one of your mission, and you succeed in this mission incredibly well. To celebrate this yo... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15

Episode 3

27 1 0

« You really want me as special agent? » I ask shocked « yes really! You have a lot of potential! » the man from the spy agency answers « thank you so much ! » I thank them « you have to know that you can't tell to anyone about it for now but to help you to have an official statut you will still have the statut of a police officer. » he explains


Author's POV

Being a spy can sometimes be hard. Each of them couldn't tell the other that they were spies. Even tho they work for the same agency, the supernatural department was one of the biggest secret of the government only 4 people were aware by it: the president, the minister of defense and the directors of the both agency of spying (random and supernatural) and of course all the supernaturals spies.

Your POV

It has been a week since I met Jungkook for the first time. You have been texting every day and you both got a good feeling and you wanted to see him soon.

 With your schedules and his, it was hard but you had sometimes and you gave it a try « Hey Jungkook. How are you? » I ask when he answers the call « I'm fine! How about you? » he asks back « I'm great! I wanted to know if you are free tomorrow? » I ask straightly « ummm.... Oh yes I'm free! You wanna meet? » he says excitedly « sure ! Where do you wanna meet? » I ask « do you want to do to the beach ? » he proposes « oooh yes cool! See you tomorrow then! »

I was so excited and couldn't hold myself back. I feel so relaxed when I'm with him like all the stress of the work fade away when I'm with himI get prepared for the date I wanted to look my best for him (omg it's so cliché but anyways)

The next day at the beach

« Hey Y/n! Wow you look beautiful ! » he says waving at me « hey! You don't look bad yourself » I smile. We walk near the water and talk for hours « what do you do in life? » I ask him « oh umm... I'm a police officer! And you ?» he answers unsure « ooh that's cool! I work in a fashion workshop, i love designing » I smile, it was my work cover and I really had a degree in designing and even have a portfolio.

When we finish our training they ask us what kind of work we would like to do and this was my choice. « Wow that's so cool! So you can design me a suit for our next date... » he smirks « mmh I guess I can » I giggle. I was like a child with him. He leans on me grabs my cheeks and puts his lips on mine. He kiss me slowly and I melt under his touch. We break the kiss and he looks straight into my soul « Y/n I really like you and I don't want to let my chance go away from me. Do you wanna be my girlfriend? » he asks without any second thoughts « I like your honesty. I would love to. » I smile

And from that moment I have been living the best moment of my life with someone I really care for and who really cared for me. 

2 months later

Everything was extremely perfect between me and Jungkook and we were really happy. We had with Suga and HOBI a new mission. « Listen BP team (BPteam stand for bulletproof team ;)) this mission is quite particular because the country is apparently victim of spying by an enemy country. You are our best team for this mission we count on you! » our project manager explains us « Yes sir! » we bow « I will give instructions and informations as things progress. » he continues.

Meanwhile at Jungkook's department

Jungkook's POV

« Jungkook and Namjoon ! We need you to go on an important mission for the safety of our nation. We are under an enemy spying! » our project manager explains « we will do our best ! » we both bow « they are trying to found the secrets of our country and we have to make them leave or kill them. Since they are here as spies, if we kill them they can't engage in a diplomatic conflict or they will expose themself. » he explains

 « understood sir ! » we answer « I can't tell you anything about it since it's too secret just know that you have to found them and kill them. You will have a new colleague for this mission, he will introduce himself later. »

Later that day

I was with Namjoon in the refectory waiting for our new coworker « Hello! You must be Jungkook and Namjoon, I'm David Rose your new teammate! » he introduces himself « nice to meet you David. We hope we will do a good job together! » Namjoon answers.

Author's POV

« Thank you! » David thanks them « let's go get our equipment ! » Jungkook proposes « Course! Just give a sec, go I'll catch you in a few. » David says.

« Hello? Yes, I'm finally in their teams! » he says in the phone « yes! I will do as we said! The country will fall apart soon! » he continues.

Your POV

Our manager told us to wait 2 weeks before starting the mission for letting them settle every things down with others member of the government. I took this precious time to enjoy the most of the time with Jungkook.

HOBI and Suga proposed me to hang out with them and the group we met with Jungkook when we met. I gladly accept to enjoy more time with my friends. At this moment I didn't know how far all this story will go.

The night at the party

« Hello everyone ! » Suga, HOBI and me greet « hi! Let us introduces you our new colleague, David Rose! » Namjoon says « Ooh nice to meet you!! Nice name !! » HOBI smiles wide « Thank you man! » he tells

We enjoy our night and have a lot of fun. The only thing that bothered me was that this David guy was really weird but it was maybe just me, I don't know....

It was my last day before the mission so I decided to meet Jungkook to tell him a lie obviously about a business trip for an unknown time. I met him in a Starbucks « Hey babe! Wassup? » he asks me « Hey! So I wanted to talk to you about my job... » I start « really? Me too I have something to tell you about it! But go first » he answers « okay. So I have a business trip tomorrow and still don't know when I will come back so we will have to communicate only by phone for a while... are you okay with that? » I ask embarrassed « oh really? I have the exact same problem ! I have a trip with my team and we don't know when we will come back.. I guess it's a good thing that it happen at the same time » he smiles « thank god then we won't feel lonely waiting for each other while the other one is far and working » I say relieved « yes ! That's a good thing! » he answers

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