Adventures in The Omniverse:...

By TheMiraculousMatt

715 59 126

Destiny!Error, Matt, and Crayola's adventures. Fun! All AUs mentioned go to respective owners MommaCQ belongs... More

The. . . Anti-void?
That One Time Crayola Accidentally Created an AU
Mattie, Karma, and Crayola meet ???
The Castle Pt. 1
Castle Pt. 2
Castle Pt. 3
Castle Pt. 4
Castle Pt. 5
Castle Pt. 6
Castle Pt. 7
Matt and Mattie meet Young Matt and Mattie
Castle Pt. 8 Finale
Alt. Delete.(Control Pt 2)
No Money
I Pulled a Raven
A Conversation
Lord Fantastic
Karma and Mattie meet - ???
Literally Therapy... + Fluff
Charlie Miraculous
Its my Birthday Today..?
Are You Alright?
Omniverse Gen2 Chat + Token Kids
Sneak Peak


12 0 0
By TheMiraculousMatt

Warning: Abuse/blood

   "I-I know I was the villain. I tried to kill you and everyone else but I was just- He never stopped talking about you! It was always you and sometimes he forgot my damn name! I thought researching enchantments would make him happy but no! He destroyed my research and he hit me. He actually hit me. Remember how he told everyone I got this scar? The fight I picked? Someone attacked me. I never saw his face but I heard him and it was that doctor. He attacked me and I remember hearing him talk to James after that. Funny huh? I was almost passed out and my attacker is just talking to my dad like its nothing? I figured that dad told him to hurt me and that's when I finally stopped. I told myself what I was going to do. I was going to use the crown to get rid of him and then the old saying came into play. 'Power corrupts' ya know?" Charlie chuckled wiping at the tears under his eyes. He felt hysterical and he could hear the cuff on his wrist beeping frantically because of his heart rate. 

   Matthew had flinched in fear and cation near the beginning but now he just held sorrow in his eyes. "Charlie..."

   "What...?" Charlie spat out. 

   "You didn't... He shouldn't have done that... I'm not what he thought I was. I didn't know..."

   Charlie swallowed lightly and looked down his fists shaking. "I know..."

   Fingers brushed his bangs from his face. God his touch felt like mum's. Charlie always thought that Matthew was like dad... He turned into the touch pressing his face deeper into the hand. His brother wasn't like dad. His brother was like mom. 

   Matthew sighed and pulled the younger into a hold. "I'm sorry..." The reveal was unthinkable. His father was that cruel to his brother? He almost couldn't believe it. But Charlie had a point... "I'm sorry."

   Charlie wrapped his arms around his brother and let his cried bubble over. He was so starved for the attention after his time in prison... 

   "You're okay..." Matthew shushed his brother lightly. He dimly recalled having conversations like this with Matthieu and sighed. "I promise..."

   Charlie sank into the hug more. He could feel mum in his older brother. He closed his eyes and let himself calm in the embrace...

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