The Revealing of a Stark

Por W4fflez_

5.2K 136 3

A secret, hidden since before his eyes ever took in the world, unintentionally unveiled in a video recklessly... Más

Some Idiot Couldn't Keep a Secret
Peter Actually Tells the Truth. Sorta.
The Beginning of a Legend
One Step Closer to the Truth
Let's Give the People What They Want
Some People are Actually Kinda Smart
It's Hero Time
It's Time to Face a New Beginning

A Stressed Out Police Man, and a Grudge Holding Giant

422 12 0
Por W4fflez_

The first thing Peter noticed when he and Emma turned the corner was that the crowd had moved several feet back, abandoning the metal fence the police had set up. Some people were being pushed back into the busy streets of New York and holding up traffic. Of course, that didn't really bother the drivers too much because they were too busy staring at the second thing Peter noticed. A huge man, who could only be described as a giant, with a backpack the size of a small car sitting on his back. He wielded dual swords made of pure electricity that Peter could only assume were powered by the bag. He came to this conclusion in two ways. One: A thin line of electricity connected the swords to the bag, and two: Iron Man was currently flying around the giant's head, shooting his repulsors at the pack.

Peter picked up Emma and secured her safely in his arms. He couldn't think about his dad or the giant his dad was currently fighting right now. First, he had to get Emma into the crowd of people, where she would be safe, and to her dad, who he assumed was the man interviewed on the news.

Peter darted between park benches and trees, hoping they would protect him and Emma from flying debris the giant would occasionally pick up and throw. Not being seen by the man himself would also help greatly. He didn't want Mr. Electricity to suddenly decide that he and Emma were more worthy opponents than Iron Man.

When Peter and Emma finally got to the crowd, the first thing Peter did was look for Emma's dad. "FRIDAY, scan the crowd for the man interviewed on the news earlier," Peter mumbled.
Hundreds of faces flew across Peter's glasses as FRIDAY searched for the right one. After a few seconds, one face remained, a blue-eyed man with tousled blond hair. Peter made a beeline for him.

The man noticed Peter and Emma right away. He rushed toward them and pulled Emma out of Peter's arms. Emma immediately wrapped her small arms around the man's neck and hugged him.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you," the man frantically repeated as he hugged his daughter close. "I've been so worried for Emma and my wife, Julia."

Peter bounced on the balls of his feet and smiled, "You're welcome, sir." The man's head shot up at the sound of Peter's voice. He looked Peter up and down. Peter self-consciously wrung his hands together. Finally, the man spoke, "You're the kid who flew off earlier," he pointed out.

Peter sheepishly smiled. "Yeah. . . " he trailed off. "I knew your daughter was on the 39th floor. FRIDAY scanned the building for me. Nobody else knew she was up there, and there was nobody on that floor, so I decided to go get her," he rambled.

"How did you—" Peter didn't get to hear the rest of the question because somebody yanked him away from the man. He could probably guess, though: 'How did you use FRIDAY?' or 'How did you fly up there?' or even 'How did you know she was my daughter?' The possibilities were honestly endless.

Peter decided that he should probably look to see who was currently dragging him through the crowd in case someone was trying to kidnap him. Or steal the flying shoes in his bag. Of course, they didn't know they were in his bag, and they obviously weren't on his feet anymore.

Peter tilted his head back and came face to face with the back of an angry officer. Probably the one he had disobeyed earlier. He hoped he wasn't about to get arrested. That would be unfortunate.

The police officer eventually stopped in a slightly less crowded area. He released Peter's arms and crossed his own over his chest. "That was some stunt you pulled, kid," the man scolded.

Peter nodded his head in agreement. He decided that agreeing with the man would get him out of this situation much faster. A crowd of civilians were standing a few feet from a very dangerous fight, and he had a way to protect them. If this officer would stop talking.

The policeman looked down at Peter's feet. "I see you don't have the shoes on anymore, so I trust you won't do that again."

Peter nodded his head again and clasped his hands behind his back. "Of course, sir," he smiled. "I much prefer my boots to those sneakers any day."

The police officer studied Peter's face. Probably trying to find evidence of his words being genuine. Fortunately for both of them, Peter actually was being genuine. The man nodded his head and walked away. Probably back to the front of the crowd in an attempt to protect them with his small pistol.

Peter smirked. Time for my next performance, he thought.

Peter ran through the crowd, dodging and twisting around the different people watching the battle. He was honestly worried about them. They were standing only a few feet from a real fight and watching it like they would watch some action movie on the TV. They weren't at all concerned about getting hit by rogue debris.

Peter slid to a stop at the back left corner and shrugged his backpack off. He crouched down and started shuffling around in his bag. It didn't take long before he produced four small boxes.
Peter slipped his backpack back on and placed one of the four boxes on the ground, then he ran back through the crowd and did the same with the back right and two front corners. Hopefully, no one would venture past the boxes before he could finish setting it up.

Peter made his way back towards the middle of the crowd but made sure to stay near the front so he could keep an eye on his dad. He ended up standing a few feet from the suspicious officer, who kept sending him distrustful looks. Peter just innocently smiled at him until he turned away.

"FRIDAY," Peter ordered softly, "activate the shield."

Blue lines shot out the sides of the boxes, connecting the four cubes together. The people standing near the lines got startled and backed away. Hundreds of blue lines shot out the top of the boxes, meeting each other in the middle, high above the crowd's heads. When they connected, a faint blue sheen materialized between each line.

A few people near the edges placed their palms on the shield and tried to push through, but the nearly invisible wall stopped them.

That's when the giant boulder, the size of a bus, hit the shield and harmlessly bounced off. The people standing where the boulder should have hit screamed and pushed back on the people behind them.

Peter smiled to himself. If he had put that shield up any later, hundreds of people would have died today. I guess it's a good thing that worked, Peter thought to himself.

Of course, not everybody saw the shield as a good thing. The police officer from earlier started marching toward Peter as soon as the lines connected. The giant rock did scare him for a bit, though.

The officer stood in front of Peter with crossed arms, once again. He pointed towards the shield. "Is this you?"

Peter threw his hands up in defense. "Why do you automatically assume it's me?" he asked, exasperated.

The police officer narrowed his eyes. "Because you're the only kid who's proven to have the technology to actually do this," he exclaimed. "I also saw you nearly running people over five minutes ago!"

Peter dropped his arms. "Okay, it was me." He straightened up. "But if I hadn't of done it, all of those people would've just died," he protested.

Peter could practically see the gears turning in the officer's stormy eyes. After a few moments, he sighed, "You're right, kid. But that doesn't mean you can just put up a shield without telling anyone!"

Peter crossed his arms. "I'm sorry." He was so done with this conversation.

The police officer nodded his head and turned away from Peter. He ran a hand through his dark hair.

Peter watched him thoughtfully. He didn't think about how his actions were affecting the man. His stress levels were probably already elevated because of the situation they were stuck in, and Peter obviously wasn't helping. Yes, they didn't know each other, but the man's job was to protect the citizens of New York. That included Peter.

"FRIDAY, scan the building for Bucky's heat signature," Peter commanded. He didn't even try lowering his voice, which caused the police officer to face him again. Six heat signatures showed up on Peter's glasses. Five were attacking one in the middle of a small group. Peter almost laughed when he saw who was winning.

"Bucky appears to be just fine, Peter," FRIDAY informed in his ear.

"Yes, he's doing ju—" he hissed "—Ouch! That had to hurt." Peter noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. He glanced to the right. The police officer's head was tilted to the right, and the small space between his eyebrows had a few wrinkles in it.

Peter decided to answer the question he obviously had brewing in his mind. "Bucky just punched a guy in the nose with his left arm. The metal one." The police officer winced.

Peter turned back towards the tower to checked on his dad. He was still aiming his repulsor's at the giant's backpack, but none of his shots were hitting their mark. Despite being so big, Mr. Electricity could seriously move. But Peter's dad could move, too. He was flying around the giant's head like an annoying gnat. Most of Mr. Electricty's counter-attacks were actually him just swinging his swords through the air, hoping for a lucky hit that would knock Iron Man out of the sky.

The police officer made a small noise, drawing Peter's attention toward him. The officer's mouth opened and closed a few times before he decided to speak. "Do you actually know the Winter Soldier?" he asked.

Peter nodded his head. "Yes, but he prefers White Wolf now."

"So you didn't just see him running through the crowd and decide to use the opportunity as a way to sneak past the fence?"

"Of course not," Peter defended. "We were jus—" his whole body stiffened up. Concern shined in the officer's eyes, but Peter ignored it. A chill crept up his spine spreading into tingles throughout his body. Something's wrong, he thought to himself. Peter whipped around to look back at his dad as soon as the thought entered his mind.

One of Mr. Electricity's swords hit Iron Man across his chest. Peter could see the pure electricity dancing across the top of his red armor. The lights constantly glowing underneath the suit faded, and Iron Man fell straight to the ground like a bullet.

Hundreds of gasps echoed out of the blue shield, but they were all lost to Peter's blood curdlingscream of, "No!"

Nobody spoke after the scream. You could probably hear a pin drop on the concrete. Every mouth was closed, every eye was on Iron Man, anticipatedly waiting for his suit to power back up and fly into the sky.

What felt like minutes, but was probably only seconds passed, and it never happened. Iron Man had fallen, and it didn't look like he would be getting up any time soon.

"FRIDAY?" Peter whispered, but he might as well shouted in the silence of the crowd.

"I don't know, Peter," FRIDAY responded solemnly. "The Iron Man suit is offline."

"Can you scan him?" A chart of his dad's vitals popped up on the screen. They were everywhere, but his heart was still beating. Peter let out a sigh of relief. The relief didn't last long, though. The giant started picking through a path in the rubble, making his way towards Tony. He probably wanted to finish him off, once and for all.

Peter didn't think. He ran out of shield and straight towards the giant of a man. He would probably look back on this and think, Wow, that was stupid of me. I can't believe I just ran out like that. But we're also talking about Peter Stark here, so maybe not.

"FRIDAY, activate the Iron Man repulsors in my web-shooters," Peter rushed out. Nanotech flowed out from inside Peter's leather bracelets. They formed sleek red gloves over his hands. In the center of each palm sat the classic Iron Man repulsor, each one faintly glowing blue.

The broken glass made crunching noises underneath Peter's boots as he sprinted across it. He jumped over a few chunks of broken concrete and almost face-planted when he tripped over a fallen telephone pole in his haste to reach the giant.

When he was standing a few feet behind the man, Peter yelled out, "Hey, Pikachu, why don't you pick on someone who's actually conscious?"

The giant twirled around and got a face full of pure energy from Peter's repulsors. Before the man's vision could clear, Peter jumped behind a mountain of concrete to hide. He may be a superhero, but he currently did not have on the costume. So right now, he was only Peter Stark with a few fancy gadgets and a brain.

"Where did you go?" rumbled the giant.

Peter smirked. "Does it really matter?" he cheekily asked as he jumped out and shot another plasma blast at the giant's face, making sure to jump behind a new pile of rubble after.

The giant ran forward and smashed the concrete Peter was just using as a hiding place. He growled when he didn't find Peter there.

The fight continued like this. Peter, shooting plasma blasts at the giant's face and the giant chasing him until Peter deemed them far enough away from his dad. Now, he could come up with a plan.

"So, why are you after Iron Man," Peter asked, stalling for time. He made sure to end his question with another blast to the face and a new hiding spot, so he wasn't in any danger of being crushed to death.

"It's not Iron Man I'm after," Mr. Electricity growled. "It's his son."

Peter gasped loudly, giving away his location. He barely jumped away from the pile of rubble before the giant smashed it into pieces. Now they were in a standoff. Peter slowly took small steps backward.

"Why are you after Iron Man's son," Peter hesitantly asked.

"Tony Stark ruined me," the giant roared. "All of my research, forgotten in the shadow of Tony Stark. I plan to get my revenge through his son."

Peter stopped short. "You mean all of this—" he waved to the giant mess in the middle of the streets "—is because nobody liked what you invented?" he crossed his arms. "That's just childish, man."

Mr. Electricity growled and charged at Peter. Peter squeaked and quickly uncrossed his arms, firing another plasma blast at the giant's face in the process. He swiftly jumped behind another pile of rubble before his opponent's vision could clear.

Peter peeked out of a crack in the concrete and saw the giant prowling around in front of him, checking behind every piece of rubble big enough to hide him. There was a lot, which was very fortunate for Peter.

"Why are you even here, kid," Mr. Electricity asked in an attempt to draw Peter out. "Why choose to defend Iron Man. There are far more capable people than you." The giant drew closer to Peter's hiding place. Since he already had to move, he decided to answer the question.

Peter jumped out behind the pile of concrete. "You seem smart. Figure it out yourself." He followed his answer with another blast and jumped behind yet another pile of rubble.

This time Mr. Electricity didn't growl when the ball of pure energy hit his face. In fact, all Peter could hear was soft crunches of glass being trampled over, but the noise never left one area.

Peter peeked out to see what was happening. It looked like the giant was—pacing? Yes, pacing. His hand rubbed across the dark stubble on the bottom half of his face, and he appeared to be thinking. Peter's mouth fell open. Is this dude actually trying to come up with an answer? he thought to himself.

"You have a lot of tech, kid. And it's obvious it's Stark's," Mr. Electricity said, but it seemed to be more to himself than Peter. "I know that's nanotech on your hands. That technology can make any weapon you can imagine, but you specifically chose Iron Man's signature weapon . . . Why?"

Peter's eyes widened, and his mouth fell even farther towards the ground. This guy was way smarter than he originally gave him credit for. At this rate, the dude would probably figure out who he actually was!

Peter peeked back out just as the giant stopped short. His whole body froze for a few seconds before a devious grin spread across his face. Peter gulped. Yup. He figured it out.

Mr. Electricity started laughing. It was a psychopathic kind of laugh. He actually leaned down and held his stomach because of how hard he was laughing. "That's funny, kid. That's real funny." He straightened up and wiped an imaginary tear from his eye. "This whole time I've been trying to find Stark's kid, but it turns out, I've been fighting him this entire time."

Peter ducked down when the giant's eyes wandered his way. This was bad. This was really bad.

Peter peeked back out when he knew the giant had looked away and scanned the terrain for any ideas of how to quickly end this fight. He smirked when his eyes landed on a bright red fire hydrant.

Peter stepped out from behind the rubble, drawing Mr. Electricity's attention. He held his hands up in surrender, making sure to whisper a command to FRIDAY to deactivate the nanotech covering his hands. "You caught me," he exclaimed.

The giant's grin grew, and he started walking forward but only got a few steps when he stopped. The smile fell, and he looked at Peter with narrowed eyes. "What are you planning," he asked.

Peter shrugged his shoulders. Well, shrugged them as best as he could with his arms raised above his head. "I'm weaponless, dude. What do you expect me to do," he shot back.

"You still have those glasses on," the man pointed out.

Peter sighed. Of course, the supposedly genius electric giant would find a pair of glasses threatening. They were, but Peter wasn't going to tell him that. "They're just glasses," he assured.

Despite his casual response, Peter still took the glasses off and slid them into his pocket. He raised his hands back up. "There, now I'm defenseless."

Mr. Electricity studied him for a few moments, but Peter assumed he determined him safe because he proceeded forward. With caution, of course.

When Peter ascertained that the giant was in the right place for his plan, he dropped to a crouch, pulled his knife out, and threw it at the red fire hydrant.

Mr. Electricity stood shocked still, waiting for something to happen. When nothing did, he started to laugh again. "That was your plan, little Stark," he wheezed. "Throw a knife at me, and miss?"

Peter raised an eyebrow. "Did I miss?" he asked.

Following his question perfectly, the fire hydrant exploded into a geyser of pressurized water. Gallons of liquid fell onto Mr. Electricity, drenching him to the bone.

Unfortunately for the giant, electricity and water don't really mix that well. Peter saw the lighting dance around the top of Mr. Electric's skin, just like it did on Iron Man's armor minutes before. The electricity wouldn't kill him. Considering how many times Peter shot pure energy at his face earlier. And how he got right back up. He figured the guy had thick skin. Hopefully, the volts of electricity would knock him out for a while. Peter mentally begged for at least an hour.

As soon as the giant hit the ground, Peter was running straight for his dad. To do this, he had to run towards the crowd a bit. Their faces were comically hilarious. Most of them were staring at Mr. Electricity in shock and horror, while others were following Peter's movements like a hawk. Peter could only hope that the fight was far enough away and that they didn't hear that short identity-revealing conversation. But he doubted that.

Peter knelt down beside Tony and closely inspected the suit. The glass piece protecting the arc reactor had shattered. Either the giant got a lucky shot in, or he knew exactly where to throw his punch. Peter leaned more toward the latter. Hopefully, the thick piece of glass did its job, and the arc reactor underneath was unharmed. If it wasn't . . . Peter didn't really want to go there.

Peter looked closer. The armor itself was definitely scruffed up. Some of the red and gold paint had chipped away during the fight. It seemed like the giant had gotten in a few more hits than he had originally thought. Normally, there would be strings of light weaved between the different pieces of metal, but Peter didn't catch sight of a single one. Even with his enhanced eyes.

Peter gently placed his hand on top of the cracked glass. Considering the lights were completely off, he didn't think this would actually work, but it was worth the shot. Peter waited a few seconds, but the metal plates didn't budge. The nanotech wasn't responding. Mr. Electricity definitely got in a good hit.

Peter bit his lip in thought. What could he do? There's no way his dad could get medical attention if he was hurt. Not if—he was hurt. FRIDAY had told Peter that much. An idea struck.

Peter slid his backpack off his shoulders and set it on the debris-strewn ground. He pulled on one of the silver zippers and extracted a thin black cord from inside. Peter lifted up one of Tony's armor-clad hands and pressed down on a golden plate on the inside of his wrist. The gold plate popped open, revealing a small port. After plugging one end of the cord in, Peter stuck the other end into a similar port inside his web-shooters.

Peter slipped his glasses back on. "FRIDAY," he mumbled. "Transfer enough power from my web-shooters so I can get this suit off." The lights between the metal plates began to brighten. Peter took their glow as a good sign. His lips twisted up into a faint smile.

Peter, once again, placed his hand on the broken glass. This time the technology responded. The armor disintegrated into tiny pixels, and the nanotech slid back into the arc reactor, revealing an unconscious Tony Stark.

Blue and purple bruises were already starting to show up on Tony's skin. Peter grimaced at the sight. It wouldn't surprise him if some of his dad's bones were broken.

Peter would normally be able to hear Tony's heartbeat. But with all the noise the crowd was making behind him, he could barely make out his own. This would also keep up appearances. He didn't want someone to suspect him of having enhanced senses and possibly connect him to Spider-Man, so he leaned forward and gently placed his fingers on his dad's neck. A light thumping vibrated through his hand, and up his arm. Peter let out a sigh of relief.

During the small fiasco, Bucky had walked up behind Peter, keeping careful watch over him. Not every civilian was inside the blue shield. A few had walked up after Peter had activated it. They probably hadn't heard the giant screaming about Peter being Stark Jr, so unless they talked to the crowd inside the shield, he had nothing to worry about.

Peter looked up into Bucky's eyes. "Can you carry him for me?" He asked. "Dad's probably already going to kill me for the secret that's already out. I can't imagine what'll he'll do to me if the other one is released."

Bucky nodded his head. He squatted down and gently pulled Tony into his arms. Once he was secure, Bucky stood up.

"Can you take him up to the Med Bay?" Peter asked. "I'll go see if I can find Dr. Lee."

Bucky nodded his head again and started making his way to the building. Peter breathed out a small thank you and then rushed back over to the crowd.

Every eye followed his movements. He especially took notice of the reporters standing at the front, who definitely weren't there before. They were waving their hands at Peter, trying to draw his attention. A few of the reporters were even yelling out questions, probably hoping he would answer them. Peter didn't even pay them any attention.

Peter stopped a few feet in front of the blue shield. If he went back inside, he would probably get swarmed by people. That would for sure cause a sensory overload. Dealing with screaming people was a whole lot easier with a mask on. That's for sure.

Peter breathed in deeply and exhaled. Remember your training, Stark, he reminded himself. He focused his attention on the crowd and put on his best paparazzi smile, loudly asking, "Is Dr. Lee out here?"

There was movement in the mass as someone tried to force their way through the obstacle of people. Eventually, they pushed through the line and stood at the front of the crowd, shooting a kind smile towards Peter.

Dr. Lee could only be described as small. Small face, small height. But that's okay. Because, what she lacks in size, she makes up for in kindness and intelligence. Dr. Lee was one of the most brilliant doctors currently working at SI. She had a heart of gold and even treated the Avengers.

Peter returned the doctor's smile and mumbled a request to open the shield for Dr. Lee to FRIDAY. Peter nodded at the doctor, and she swiftly stepped forward, right through the blue shield. A few people who saw tried to push through themselves, but they were stopped by the almost invisible force.

Peter immediately turned around when Dr. Lee reached him. His smile dropped as soon as his back was to the crowd. "We need to get up to the Medical Bay before my dad gets worse."

Dr. Lee nodded her head. "I didn't see what happened. All I know is his suit shut off, and he fell. Did FRIDAY scan him?"

Peter nodded his head, "His vitals were all over the place. There's bruises all over his body and possibly a few broken bones." He glanced over at the doctor. "I already sent Bucky ahead. They should hopefully be in the Med Bay soon."

The low rumble of thrusters cut through Peter and Dr. Lee's conversation. A Quinjet landed a few feet away from Mr. Electricity, shaking the ground and sending a gust of wind blowing towards them.

Before the ramp even touched the concrete, Steve, Nat, and Clint rushed out and immediately took on their fighting stances. Bruce hesitantly peeked his head out behind them. The four scanned the surrounding area for any trouble. When they saw Peter casually standing in front of them and watching, they relaxed their stances. But Peter highly doubted they let down their guard.

The four Avengers split into groups of two. Bruce and Natasha started making their way towards Peter, and Steve and Clint walked over to the giant. Probably to cuff him and take him into custody.

As soon as the two were in talking distance, Bruce asked where Tony was. Peter gestured to the tower, "Bucky brought him up to the med bay. Me and Dr. Lee were about to go up there."

"Is he okay?"

"A few bruises and probably some broken bones, but he's alive."

Bruce nodded his head, and Nat gently pushed past him and pulled Peter into a quick hug. "I'm glad you're alright маленький паук," she whispered in his ear.

Peter returned the hug. Nat pulled back, keeping her hands firmly on his shoulders. "Is there anything we can do to help?"

Peter nodded, "When I take away that shield—" he pointed a thumb toward the blue box full of people "—a mob of people are probably going to rush towards me. It'd be great if you could hold them back."

Bruce's eyes widened, and Natasha tilted her head. Peter knew they had picked up the hidden meaning behind his words. "You don't mean. . ." Bruce trailed off.

Peter hummed. "Yes. Mr. Electricity over there was screaming his head off about it," he said. "Me using unknown and advanced StarkTech probably didn't help disprove it, though."

Natasha chuckled, "Only you, маленький паук." Peter grinned. "Now, go ahead and get to your dad. We'll take care of this."

Peter nodded, and he and Dr. Lee walked off towards the tower.

The two stepped through the glass entrance doors. Well, it was more of a doorframe. The glass was shattered all over the floor.

Peter stopped and faced the crowd. Bruce and Natasha were conversing with the reporters and paparazzi. Most of the civilians were listening in, but a few still had their eyes trained on Peter. He turned back to the doctor.

"You're going to have to get on the elevator and hold the doors for me," Peter told Dr. Lee. "I have to deactivate the shield. Nat and Bruce can keep most of those people distracted, but I can guarantee some of them will slip through. As you can see, security is currently nonexistent, so I'll have to make a run for it."

Dr. Lee gave him a firm nod and jogged over to the elevator doors. Peter turned back toward the crowd. "FRIDAY, when I give the signal, shut off the shield and activate the magnets."

"On your mark, Peter," she replied.

Peter hummed an okay and prepared himself to sprint through the building. He glanced over his shoulder to see the doctor entering the elevator. It's now or never, he thought, but aloud he said, "Let the games begin!"

The shield fell back into its containers, and the small boxes flew towards Peter's hand. As soon as he had a grasp on the boxes, he twisted around and sprinted towards the elevator.

Peter heard Nat and Bruce yelling and then the thumping of running people shortly after. The noise vibrated up into his body through his feet. It sounded like a few more people than he originally thought had slipped past the two Avengers.

Peter noticed the bodies first. They littered the ground floor of the building, every chest slowly rising and falling. Bucky hadn't killed anyone, just knocked them out. The breath of a few did look to be more labored than others, but Peter knew help would get to them soon. And then they would go straight to prison.

The mounds of employees streaming down the two glass staircases is what caught Peter's attention next. Some of them were leaning over the safety railings on both the stairs and the second-floor landing, while others were pushing against the people in front of them to see what had stopped their escape from the building.

When the workers in the front had seen Peter sprinting through the destroyed lobby, they had halted in their steps. Probably wondering what Tony Stark's personal intern—that's who they thought him to be—was doing running through the first floor. They got their answer soon enough because right after, the people chasing Peter pushed through the entrance. Some of them didn't even have the courtesy to go through the door. They just leaped right through the already broken windows. Peter thought that was very rude of them.

Peter didn't spare them his worry of being caught because the elevator stood only a few feet in front of him. He shouted for Dr. Lee to back away from the doors—which she immediately did—and he jumped through the opening. It closed seconds after he landed. Peter made sure to throw up a small "Thank you" to FRIDAY for that.

Peter lay spread across the floor, panting. A hand gently sat on his chest, rising and falling with his breath. After a few moments, he looked up at Dr. Lee and grinned. "That was wild!"

The doctor blanched, green eyes widening. "Wild?" She practically screamed. "Ten years of my life disappeared just from watching you run from that mob of people!"

Peter placed his hand on the wall and pulled himself to a sitting position. He rolled his eyes, "There weren't that many people."

Dr. Lee crossed her arms and huffed, "You're just like your father."

Peter climbed to his feet and tilted his head. "Really?" he somberly asked.

The doctor nodded her head, still miffed.

The corners of Peter's lips lifted into a small smile, despite knowing the doctor's comment was meant as an insult. He took great pride in knowing he was even a little bit like his father.

The moment of silence created after the short exchange broke when the elevator doors slid open. Peter and Dr. Lee took one look at each other before they ran out of the small room. The two headed straight for the Avengers Medical Bay.

Peter and Dr. Lee rushed into the Med Bay, practically throwing the doors off their hinges, to see Bucky gently placing Tony down on a crisp white bed. The doctor didn't waste any time. She immediately pushed Peter and Bucky out of the room, so she could fix Tony in peace.

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