Creativity Must Be Present {O...

By irl_BraadVengolor

66.3K 1K 616


Request Page (Closed)
30 Minutes.
The Bathrooms.
Making Dreams Come True
got tagged bitches
Happy Birthday, Blasty Babe!
At Fault
Bloody Orchids
Secret Society
The Best Kind of High
You Can Do Anything
Until You're Well Again
Rock You Like a Hurricane
The First Move ("Oops" Pt. 2)
A Tagged Part Appears!
Protective Dork
Ink and Smoke
!!Do Not Touch!!
Villains Never Get a Happy Ending
It's Just a Prank, Bro-
You're... What?
Not-So-First Impressions
I Ain't Ever Seen Aizawa with a Partner-
It'll Be Alright
Flirt and Avoid, That's the Strat.
One of Those Nights
Shouldn't Be Delivery, But It Is
FELL IN LOVE WITH A GUY AT THE ROCK SHOW- uh, Hidden Room? Rock Band? Rock Band
X Stone World Promise X
Meisters and Weapons; Gods and Regalia's
Boys Can Be Ballerina's, Too
Yeah... i'M a gAmEr
Subnautic Danger
If You Don't, You'll Regret It
Until Morow
30k Special(Preview)
One Last Rodeo
Poof. Thot Gone.
Secret Snuggles from a Man Built Like Burnt Toast
UPDATE(The Arcana+)
Black-Eyed Brawler
Tranquil Embrace
Eye Contact? Nah Fam-
henlo(a few tings)
Wolf Form


612 12 4
By irl_BraadVengolor

Chikara Ennoshita x Male Reader
(Part Three)

((Also, just an fyi — in the last part, I described a rip-off version of twenty-one pilots, including using synonyms for a couple of their song names. In this one, I'm not gonna do that with the song I'm mentioning :) ))

Consumption of alcohol, mentioning of drugs, drug abuse, peer pressure, and suicidal thoughts. Please, be warned.

"Are you going to his house again?" Narita asked, earning a sigh before his verbal response.

"Yeah, I am. I still have questions."

"Okay. Good luck, then." Bid Kinnoshita, walking a different way with Narita and waving the noirette off.

'Why does it seem like he's embedded himself in my head?' Chikara asked himself, an irritated look on his features as he begrudgingly walked to your house.

Just as he made it to the sidewalk at the base of your neighbor's yard, a (r/c) car pulled up in your driveway. He had expected it to be you, but.., it wasn't.

A tall male stepped out of the driver's seat, ruffling his (h/c) locks as he plucked his phone from a holder on the dashboard.

"Alright, I just got home. I'll catch you guys later, yeah?" He said to the screen.

"You can't come over tonight?"

"Sorry, but I've gotta be here for (N/n). He's been going through some shit for the past month or so." The stranger replied with a worried expression.

"That bad, huh?"
"It's no worries, (B/n). He has some personal shit he's gotta deal with — everyone does, at some point. You go help him feel better."

"Will do, ma'am!"

"You be there for as long as he needs, got it? Don't you worry about us, we can be patient."

"Thanks, guys. It really means a lot—" Suddenly, he turned — Ennoshita's eyes had accidently locked with (e/c).  "I gotta go now, I'll let (N/n) know you both said hey!" He smiles at his phone screen before pressing the 'end' button.   And then, he approached.

"Hey, you're Chikara, right?" (B/n) asked, hands crossed over his chest. Shocked at the use of his first name, he stuttered out a reply.

"U-uh, yes? Yeah, I'm-"

"Is that not what you go by..?" Your brother pressed, afraid he might've already screwed up his first formal impression.

"Um, I usually go by Ennoshita..." He trailed off, earning an exasperated gesture from (B/n) before he replied,

"Aw, shoot! Sorry, that's on me; that's just the name (Y/n) uses when he talks about you — I'm so sorry, man." He apologized, "I guess you and my brother are really close."

"Yeah..," Ennoshita felt the sting beat through his heart again, "we were."

"Ah, right..." (B/n) awkwardly fidgeted in his stance, deciding to open the passenger's side door and pull the out food he got.  "Hey, do you.., wanna come inside?" He offered, his (h/c) bangs falling into his eyes untim he shook them out of the way again.

"Sure," your.. former friend nodded, pursing his lips as he offered to take one of the take-out bags, getting a brief "thanks" from your brother.

The two walked up to the front door, (B/n)'s keys jingling until he plucked the right one from the others, unlocking the door.  As soon as he opened it, the reverberations of your music hit their eardrums.

"Shit," (B/n) cursed, nearly dropping the food on the coffee table and running to your closed bedroom door.  "(Y/n), open the door!" He yelled, banging against the wood and hoping he was being heard over the music.

Without even a hint of a response, (B/n) pulled a minuscule multitool from his pocket and tugged a thin pick from the myriad of miniature tools; he shoved the thin metal stick into the keyhole of your door and jiggled it a few times.

"Thank God this door lock's been finicky all our lives," (B/n) muttered, opening your bedroom door and rushing right into your bathroom.

"Jesus christ, (Y/n)!" You could hardly even hear his shout through the combination of base and treble, and the thoughts.., those didn't make the situation any better.

There you sat; on the floor of your shower with the curtain wide open, in nothing but a (f/c) oversized t-shirt and boxers, letting the water beat down on you and splash all over the floor across the threshold. Halfway fully clothed, soaking wet, and a bottle of cheap gin in hand — most of it was gone.

The music blasted from your speaker, 'I Threw Glass at My Friend's Eyes and Now I'm On Probation' by Destroy Boys turned up so loud the house almost seemed to rattle with the harsh volume.

You didn't relate to the lyrics, you felt, you just like the sounds; a nice white noise to feel numb to.  Unfortunately, the song came to an end — but the silence didn't last long at all.

A guitar strummed in rythm alone before the beat kicked in, and that's when you heard it. Almost like the song was screaming at you, and you alone.  The tears erupted from your already glossy (e/c) eyes as the lyrics began.

" Slow down, you're being too loud and everyone knows it's all an act"
" This freak-out, you better calm down "
" And try to gain composure back"
" Replaying all the bad things "
" You try to mask this "
" No one likes dramamtics "
" Or being drastic " ...

Strands of your hair stuck stubbornly to your face — no matter how hard you tried to wipe them away. (B/n) ignored the music and stopped trying to yell over the sounds, kneeling down to pull the bottle from you.  You didn't resist, simply just let it happen.

He didn't care that the knees of his jeans were soaked, nor the fact that his entire upper half was in the same condition. He stuck his hands out silently; you let out a sob, stretching your own arms out. (B/n) helped you stand up, halfway carrying you out of the bathroom as he neglected the water that continued to run without a second thought.

Ennoshita saw your state, quickly peering around your room and spotting a/an (f/c) towel hanging on the back of your door.  He yanked it off and lied it across your bed.

"Grab the water, 'Noshita — please?" (B/n) instructed, having immediately pinned another ridiculous nickname to yet another innocent, unsuspecting soul.  He lied you across your (b/s)(bed size) bed, silently thanking the hell out of "'Noshita" for the towel he had left there only seconds before.

The shorter did what was asked of him, ducking back into the bathroom to turn off the running shower and the music, while he was at it.  At first, he had tried to pause it from your phone that you left on the, now wet, tile floor, but set it aside when he saw you had a password; gently, noticing the screen had been cracked with a pairing thought that left as quickly as it came.

'That wasn't cracked last time I saw him with it...'

Turning the speaker off instead, he left your phone on the counter of the sink and walked back into your room.  As he watched, not wanting to impose on your brother attempting to help you get ahold of yourself, he let his eyes slowly wander.

The pictures on your wall looked hand drawn — by you, he concluded, catching the small signature that wrote '(Y/n)' in a tidy, cursive style.  Some spaces on your (r/c) walls, he noticed, were oddly bare; in such a way that certain papers had been removed from the empty rectangular sections.

The pattern of these seemingly missing artworks was nothing notable, it was difficult to even begin trying to determine which pictures had been taken down.  Leaving that subject to dwell in the subconscious pit of his mind, Ennoshita's gaze continued its journey, admiring the plant life near your windowsill. He—

"(Y/n), just stay still for a minute — I'll be right back, okay?" (B/n) reassured you, startling the young #6 from his assessment.  "Can you watch him for a little bit? I've gotta make a quick call, the dumbph hit his head on something at some point." He smiled apologetically, gesturing to you when he mentioned the harmless...insult..?

"Yeah, I've got it." Ennoshita replied, walking up to your side as you lay there, shaking your head back and forth against your towel with a blank expression.  Not because you were saying 'no' to having Chikara keep an eye on you, just because it seemed fun. Care free — distracting.

Without realizing it, the, very sober, teen's eyes wandered back over to the (f/c) spritzer bottle that was fallen on its side on you floor.  As he went to pick it up, he heard your bedding rustle; the frame creaked quietly as he looked over and saw that you had sat up, unintentionally swaying from side-to-side.

'Leave your drunken brother and his heartbroken crush alone in a room together; this is a great plan.' (B/n) thought to himself, standing on the opposite side of the door with his ear pressed against it — careful to prevent his piercings from clunking against the wood.

"Chi~kara..," you began in a sing-song tone, the same voidish look on your face as your body threatened to give out on you. "You're a dick."

'Not so good anymore—'

"I-.., (Y/n), you should really be getting some rest.." Ennoshita eased, hooking the trigger of your squirt bottle back on the end of the shelf, like you've always done it.  He approached you, ready to slowly lay you back down to take a minute until you grabbed his hand.

"You're a dick for letting me treat you like you were nothing to me..." You finished, pressing your forehead to his wrist. Your face was hot, but not from the blush on your cheeks — no, you were burning up.

"(Y/n)—" You cut him off when he tried to pull away from you.

"Let me finish..! I'm sorry, Chikaraa~!" You slurred, "I'm suh- I'm sorry.. you were so nice~ but then, me, I," you corrected yourself, holding back the giggle that wanted to slip from your throat as you continued.

"I pretende-eh-eh-ehhh-d, like I didn't even care! Which- I'm not even sure why I wans such an..." You trailed off, and suddenly you didn't seem quite as much of a ditzy drunk anymore.  "I.., there was thisss...girl, her name was.., uhm.., Yuishira.." Her name slipped off your tongue slowly, just the thought of her brought a bitter singe to your tastebuds.

"(Y/n), look, we can talk about this when you're—"

"But I won't."





"I won't talk about her when I'm sober, I just know it." You wiped your hand along your face, drawing in a long sniff as the chill from the air vent hitting your soaking wet clothes and skin alike, had started to set in.

"I was.., in my final year of Junior High, and Yuishi... she had invited me to celebrate with some other people she knew — friends outside of school..." You closed your eyes gently and titled your head up, feeling these sour memories shatter the dam you had built; the wave crashed over you and flooded your conscience.

"At... at the.. the time..," you were starting to get annoyed by your constant buffering, assuming Chikara was getting sick of it too, you apologized:  "Szorry- sorry, I-I'm.., I'm real-lly tryin' here..." you chuckled bitterly and tapped the palm of your hand to your head, almost like you were trying to kickstart an outdated generator; or start up the engine of a dry rotted lawnmower.

"Hey, don't worry... you've been having a difficult night, take your time." Your brows furrowed at this, mumbling a "don't tell me that" before you continued with your story.

"We got to.., the place, i-it was a, uh.., it was an old children's park that no one... no one came to anymore..." You felt your eyes sting as they began to blur; quickly, you tried to shake away the memories, but you stopped. You remembered who was standing in front of you right now... So patient...


"A-at first," you stuttered, "well, I was awkward to begin with — I felt out of place, but, when her and I got there, her friends were crushing morphine; they were, um.., high schoolers..? Sec- uh.., second years, at least." You continued to stumble over your words, trying to find the right ones to use, but you didn't care at this point.  You just wanted to get the explanation done and over with already, it was painful enough just thinking about it, but telling someone?   The only other person in your life who knew about what happened was (B/n) — and you didn't even tell him right after it all went down. Although, he was there come the tail end of it all. You swallowed a lump in your throat you didn't know was growing.

"Yuishira, she just... she went all in — grabbed some cash from her pocket and..." Hoping Chikara could catch on, you skipped the narration of that section, continuing the story only seconds after the girl's share.   "After a couple takes, she turned to me and said "c'mon, there's enough to go around!"" You mimicked.

"I didn't want to do it, I really didn't.., so I said no, that I was good without. She kept pressing, her friends eventually came over to me and tried to yank me over..."

"Come on, (Y/n)~! Don't be such a stick in the mud!" Yui beckoned, watching and laughimg with an amused grin as her friends, Rentaro and Kizashi, each grabbed one of your arms with an iron grasp.  The two boys cheered in agreement, picking you up off the ground and forcing you to approach the table.

All three of then ignored your struggles; you kicked and tried to tell them no over and over again, but the just didn't care.  You didn't want to yell and attract attention, you didn't want to get in trouble...

"No, stop— please—!" Yuishira only smiled and clapped her hands together with a squeal.

"Don't worry so much, (N/n)! It's fun, you'll see!" She exclaimed, putting the rolled up money in her right nostril again and lightly touching the other end to the table top, sliding it along the strip of pulverized pills.

"T-there's nothing fun about this! Yui! Help m—!" You were interrupted by a burst of pain through your jaw and cheekbone when Ren and 'Zashi slammed your face down right next to another line.

"Go on!"

"Sniff up, (N/n)~!" They taunted, trying to slide your nose close enough to the crushed morphine so even a gentle inhale would get some of the powder into your system.  You kept struggling, no one was there to help you.

"Get off of me!" You shouted, your eyes tearing up; you tried not to sob, not wanting to breathe any of this shit in.  You got your opportunity to escape when a pair of headlights were coming towards the park.


Being in the bright, incriminating spotlight, their hold wavered and you were gone. You pushed off the table, dropped the extra weight — your backpack — and took off in a sprint.  You'd never even thought of joining any type of club or sport, but the part of your brain that wanted to immediately forget everything that happened tonight had leaked an internal joking tone that you should run track for competition...

Explaining everything to him.., it was painful; uncovering those memories made it feel like your lungs had shrunken in on themselves. You couldn't focus on anything, your vision blurred and your head began to throb.

Closing your eyes to try and make the pain go away, you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder.

"(Y/n).., I'm—"

"Don't you say you're sorry." You interrupted, not moving a muscle.  "All of this happened because of me — because I have these stupid issues."

"What happened to you is not stupid!" Chikara pressed, the stern tone of his voice displayed just how serious he was; you listened.  "You went through hell like that at the age of fourteen! Of course you're gonna use that as a reference — hold it against everyone you meet..."

The room was silent for a few minutes until you drew your hand up, resting it atop the noirette's that was on your shoulder.

"Against everyone I crush on..." You sniffled.

Ennoshita was taken aback; his gaze wandered your bedroom again, in silence, when he immediately felt drawn to the shelf that was next to your TV. There, he saw the small figurine — the (f/a) carving he had gotten you for your birthday right before all of.., that, happened. His head snapped over to the windowsill shelf once more, spotting a retro 80's themed vase right in the center of the shelf, in the line of sunlight.  Those (f/f) looked familiar.

His demeanor softened, easing the air throughout the whole room as he turned back to you, his eyes glossed over.

"We're both sorry.., we both forgive each other..." He began, "How about we both give each other a chance..?" Chikara proposed.

It shocked you; you sat there, on your bed, soaking wet, drunk off your ass, with your bloodshot eyes blown open wide.  Your bottom lip trembled and he drew you into his warm embrace.

"I think we'd both like that..." You mumbled into his chest.

"Better be careful, (N/n)! Wouldn't wanna get your new boyfriend's shirt so wet that he'll just have to take it off~!" The two of you heard from the other side of your door.  You gestured to Chikara to stay silent with your index finger pressed to your lips.

He nodded, understanding. He backed away from you quietly to give you the space you needed to get up without making a sound. You walked over to your bedroom door, silent as a mouse, and looked over to your new partner.

You lifted up a paper sign, revealing a large, fist-shaped hole that went straight through to the other side — which was covered up by another simple piece of printer paper.

"If you two are gonna play leap frog, just make sure to wear pro—" You shot your fist through the hole, grabbing (B/n) by his shirt and slamming his face into the door.

"—TECTION—! AAH-HAHAAAH!" He screeched, pulling and sprinting away, only to slip and fall on his face on the way.

"Socks on freshly waxed hardwood." You said, your voice still a little hoarse.

"Oof..." Your boyfriend replied.


You liked the sound of that.


can you guys stop holding me at emoji knife-point now? ':]

Hope you guys all enjoyed! Have a wonderful day/night, and remember! Don't be afraid to submit your own request!

Catcheth thee on thine flipeth.
I bid thee ado!

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