How's the weather?

By M_suka

4.4K 243 63

Katya learns the hard way that promises dont always go as planned More

Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter three, Part two.
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven.
Chapter eight.
Chapter nine.
Chapter ten.
Chapter ten, part two.
Chapter eleven.
Chapter twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteenth
Chapter fifteen, part two.
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter eighteen
IMPORTANT!!! (Please read!)
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine, The last chapter.

Chapter One

438 8 0
By M_suka

Hi! Before you start reading this story, I encourage you to read my newest stories, "We Rose Up Slowly" and "Women In Black". Which I consider better written and planned out. With that, enjoy the story!

-Boston, 2008.

Katya walked through the hallway with violet by her side, her shoes clacking on the floor on purpose, her hair brushing her shoulders and a relaxed smirk on her face. She knew she was five minutes late to biology, but she didn't care, not when she had violet on her ear reading all the other high schoolers on their outfits and making funny comments about them. Everyone thought violet was a loud judgemental bitch and nothing more but apart from being a loud judgemental bitch she was honest and cared for Katya, Violet helped her throughout their whole high school experience with her trustful advice and blunt personality. They both stopped next to each other to say their goodbyes and went to each of their classes.

"Late again Zamo, last warning." Said the teacher looking over his shoulder while writing on the green board with chalk

"I know I'm sorry, won't happen again Miss Charles," Katya said in her best attempt to seem to care.

She glanced over to where she could sit, after scanning the class she found an empty desk next to the window and a blond girl who she didn't know, was she new? or did she just never notice her? She looked actually interested in what the teacher was saying, unbothered by Katya's interruption to the class and taking notes in her pink notebook with her purple pen, then she took a look at the girl's outfit, she had black skinny jeans that showed her thick thighs, a yellow tank top with a light pink jacket, with that Katya started looking out the window at the brown leaves falling off the trees to the grass, and the birds standing on the tree branches, wanting to get out of this class.


Lunch break was something Katya wasn't the biggest fan of, mainly because she had the lame-ass plain food plan from the cafeteria, Today's menu was, green beans, mashed potatoes, which consisted of powder and water, beef, and water. The food never really tasted like food it felt like chewing on rubber, however, she was happy she wasn't in class for 40 minutes.

As she walked into the cafeteria to get in line for the food with Violet, she took a look around the room to seek the table they were gonna sit at, she found the table where Bob and Adore sat.

"Hey, Violet" Violet was zoning out. "Purple!" Katya said with a snap of her fingers.

Violet snapped out of it. "I swear to god Kat if it's another complaint about this food I will-"

"It's not dumbass, let's sit at the table with Bob and Adore"

After Katya got her food they went to the table with Bob and Adore, Bob and Katya had known each other since 1st grade, he was the person who knew Katya the most, what she needed, and when she needed it, he seemed to be the only person that could read her mind, he is a very fun person to be around both because he is a great friend and because he's a funny guy. Then there is Adore, she has been around since freshman year when she caught Violet's eye for her outfits, and her look clearly fit her personality, fun, dumb but lovely, rule breaker and your typical party girl, but she had something special, she was the most no judging person ever, she would not doubt to help her friends either with advice or taking action.

"Hi kitty, hi Violet," Bob said moving aside giving them space to sit at the round table.

"So what's up girls, anything new" Adore asked

"Nope, just horrible fashion as always," Violet said deadpan

"Why? Where?" After Adore asked that Violet put out her hand, her palm looking up, moved it up and down, showing Katya's outfit.

As Adore and Bob laughed Katya argued "Not my fault you can't understand how deep my sense in fashion goes, every piece in my closet is part of my personality, self-expression at its finest sweetie"

"Get a better sense of self then"

"fuck off," Katya said with a soft chuckle and looking to her side

There she was, sat a table away from them, and she was... alone? She didn't seem sad about it tho, she was eating while typing something in her Nokia E71 rocking her feet back and forth hanging from the seat, she had eyeliner, visible blush, and a mauve lip on, Katya weirdly liked it, she normally liked a more "edgy" or "dark" style and make-up but a softer make-up suited the blond girl, Katya turned her face back to her friends.

"I think there's actually some news guys."

Author's note: Hey, If you wanna read other stories from mine (Which are better in my opinion), you can check out "Women In Black", an almost finished story, and "We rose up slowly" a story that is ongoing and still fresh.

Thank you for reading! I know this isn't the greatest chapter. With love, Musuka <3.

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