dsmp oneshots

By ghostgoburr

92K 1.4K 5K

hello! just some dsmp oneshots. used to be dnf stuff but it'll start branching out soon enough. :] cover by @... More

info :D
update / requests
Fundy/Dream Wedding
Hockey & Figure Skating AU
Bookstore [1]
Prison Visit
Memories [TommyInnit Death Angst]
Proposal On The SMP
Highschool AU
Cheerleader - Part 2
Bookstore pt. 2
blankets & comfort

Royal AU

1.9K 42 80
By ghostgoburr

hi hi!!

wrote this on my school computer |:)

hope you're having an AWESOME day :D

prince!george and knight/guard!dream

enjoy <3

"Your majesty, I mean this in the kindest way possible, but you cannot be real when you say this."

Prince George of Kinoko Kingdom gave a long sigh. "Tommy, I've had a long day. Please, just-"

The servant placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know, Prince George. I know. We all have." He glanced out into the window, where the sun was setting in an array of reds and oranges. "It's just... a marriage into Las Nevadas would help the entire kingdom-"

"I will not marry my best friend's ex-husband for a kingdom that hates me!" George snarled, finally snapping. "No one cares! My parents don't care, my kingdom doesn't care-"

"I care," Tommy said gently, fixing the crown that had fallen lopsided on his friend's head. "And so does Sapnap. And Karl. And Tubbo. And Ranboo."

Tears fell down the prince's freckled face as he buried his head in Tommy's shoulder. The blonde took a second before melting into the hug. "You'll be okay, George. We'll get through it. I know we will."

George gave a broken, shattered-sounding laugh. "You always say that, and we never do."

"We're still here, aren't we?"

The brunette lifted his head and traced a long, curved scar on Tommy's face with his ragged fingernail. "Barely."

"But still."

George gave yet another sigh, flopping down on his bed while Tommy held back. Just because they were good friends doesn't mean his social status had magically changed and he could sit on the prince's bed without being imprisoned if they were caught. Literally. Just. Sitting.

The shorter (but older) gave an annoyed huff as he took off his crown. "I hate this thing. I just want to live a normal life outside the gates, not be some broken prince who's just a pawn in this great big game.

Tommy gave a gentle smile. "Pawns can still cause a checkmate."

"Don't get all philosophical on me now, Tommy. But I do."


George rolled his eyes. "I want to go outside the gates. Or at least go into the gardens without 10 guards watching me."

Tommy gave a small smile. "I think I know a guy."


"Tommy, you can't be serious."

"Please, Dream?"

The guard gave a long sigh, watching as the younger gave puppy-dog eyes. "You know that only works on Wil, right?"

Tommy gave a pout. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Rolling his eyes, the taller one took a step towards Tommy, who instantly backed up. "I'm only doing this for you, aight? Not because I have a singular drop of respect for the royals, okay? But because you've helped me out of some... situations."

Tommy had, in fact, helped Dream out in a lot of situations. One stood out in particular.


It was a dark and stormy night...

"Tommy, it was not!"

"Okay, okay..."

It was a relatively nice day. The regular guards had a break today, due to the fact that the guards-in-training were trying out their possible posts once they graduated guard school. Dream, Sapnap, Tommy, Techno and Wilbur were going into the woods to do a little hunting. Food had been scarce and any good, real food had been going to the royal family.

Dream gave a sneer at the thought of them. The stupid little royals, taking everything for granted, while they had to go out and get their own food.

Although, in reality, he didn't really mind. He enjoyed spending time with his friends outside, on horseback and going through the woods. The forest on the back end of the castle wasn't all that dangerous, less thick and seemingly endless than the Whispering Woods that began further on.

They had shot a few rabbits so far, and had entered a thicker part of the woods. Normally, gardeners would cut down the branches along the paths as royals occasionally took walks and they wanted it to look perfect. But they had gone deeper, and branches and roots stuck out every which way.

And the animals. There were wolves in the deeper parts, though they didn't often appear in the day. But when they did....

A low howl shattered the comfortable silence. The horses instantly bolted, all running away from the noise that came from deeper into the forest. Dream, who had been in the front, was now in the back of the pack and with the wildest horse of all of them. Which led to a small problem.

You see, Dream wore a mask. It was durable, but could still break if hit hard enough. Say, if you fell off a horse and onto packed-down dirt.

The blonde had tumbled off his horse and slammed face-first into the ground, his mask in pieces. Tommy, who had been in front of him, pulled the reins of his horse (i know nothing about horses so apologies if this is wrong yall) and the horse slowed. (Wilbur had insisted he get the easiest-to-control one, considering he was the smallest) He then leaped off the horse and bent down beside Dream.

The blonde looked up at him, and Tommy didn't even flinch and the olders face. The pupil and iris of his left eye were gone after an encounter with an unkind magic user, and had so many scars there were perhaps more scars than skin.

Instead, the younger untied his thin, worn bandana and handed it to him. "Here. It's a little tough to see through, but I'm guessing you're going to be riding my horse back, since... well..." He motioned to the horse-less path behind them.

Dream looked like he was going to cry. "Thanks, Tommy."

The two rode back, Dream sheltering bandana covered face. People seemed more interested in the fact that Tommy's neck looked like a giraffe than the bizarre face covering the other was wearing.


Dream unfroze as Tommy raised an eyebrow. "You still there, big man?"

"Yep. Just thinking."

The shorter gave a shrug. "Whatever you say. But go up to George's now, will you? The sunsets almost done and I think-"

"He wants to watch the sun go down, huh? How nice," Dream spat, walking past Tommy. "See you in a bit."

"See you, Big D."


George fidgeted with the collar of his tunic. He hadn't worn this casual of clothes in a long time. He wore black leggins and a simple navy-blue tunic. The only indication that he wasn't a lower-class citizen was the small golden earring he wore on his left ear, a gift from Ranboo on his 17th birthday only a few weeks ago. His parents had been furious when he got his ears pierced- apparently it was 'Not princely' or something, but he liked it.

A knock came at his door, and he nervously unlocked and opened it. He was met with possibly the second-tallest person he had ever seen. (second to ranboo)

A tall blonde stood at his door, a simple sword fit at his hip and a Guard Captain uniform. He wore a smooth, circular mask that covered his entire face, only showing a small sliver of skin where his face met his lightened-by-the-sun hair.

George blinked for a few moments before the guard sighed. "I'm Dream," he growled, his tone making George flinch. The blonde snorted. "I don't bite, Prince."

The prince bit his lip. "If you say so... Dream."

To Dream's surprise, the brunette didn't question his odd name, and he was grateful. Every other royal he had guarded had demanded his 'real' name, and a small part of him broke every time he said it. So George had the smallest sliver of respect so far. 0.1, perhaps.

"I'm supposed to take you to a garden, I believe," Dream said, motioning for George to go first. "I believe this is how we're supposed to do it."

George looked confused. "What?"

"You're supposed to go in front, so I can guard you? Right?"

The prince wrinkled his nose. "But how do I talk to you?"

Dreams eyebrows shot up, although George couldn't see. "I wasn't aware you were going to voluntarily talk to me, Prince."

"Just because my parents are self conceited a-holes doesn't mean I am too," George snapped, instantly recoiling. "Sorry."

Underneath his mask, Dream smiled. "Nah. Nice to meet a royal that has a back bone. Shall we continue?" He expected another remark, but George simply closed the door behind them and moved to Dream's side.



The walk to the garden wasn't too challenging. There were very few servants moving around at this hour, when many royals were either eating or preparing for bed. The only hitch was when they found Sapnap patrolling and the ravenette made a kissy face at Dream.

"Are you two dating?" George questioned, and Sapnap made a face of disgust.

Dream snorted. "Nope. He's, uh..." Sapnap gave a smirk. "Being weird."

"Is he ever not, though?" George retorted.

"True- wait, you two know each other?" Dream said in surprise.

Sapnap gave a small smile. "We've been friends a long time, Dreamie. Now, you two go catch the sunset." And with that, he sped off to the knight quarters of the castle.

The rest of the way to the garden wasn't at all challenging. They reached the door to the outside quite quickly, and stepped outside.

George instantly gasped. The small garden wasn't nearly as flower-filled or blossoming with roses and daisies, but with a more real-seeming type of beauty.

Because it was springtime, an abundance of unevenly spread out tulips were sprouting all over the flower beds, in all different colors and heights. They were the only flower there, but it seemed like every tulip in the world had bloomed in this garden. There were also tall, not even remotely trimmed hedges blocking off the sight of the garden to the fields that were on the other side of the hedges. The only opening was at the west side, where you could see the sun setting over the forest. (the castles on a hill so it's really pretty okay don't judge my bad layout skills)

There were also a few old, rickety looking benchest facing the setting sun, and George immediately sat down in one after inhaling about half the tulips. Dream wandered behind him, watching as the brunette gazed at the setting sun.

He found himself gazing for far too long to be normal, but he couldn't really help it. George had such a soft, gently looking beauty to him that made Dream want to keep looking. His toffee brown hair contrasted with pale skin. He also had bright red cheeks, which were spotted by the signature white freckles that littered every Kinko Kingdom royal family's face. He had a sharp jawline, and Dream partially wanted to run his fingers down it just to see if he could draw blood from his tanned fingers.

"Is this what's called 'golden hour'?" George questioned, looking up at Dream. Half his face was illuminated by the setting sun, the other half a mere shadow.

Dream gulped. "Yes." Then, to George's surprise, the guard sat down beside him. "Have you never seen a sunset before?"

George's face tinted pink. "Through windows, but never in an open air area." He paused. "I'm not allowed outside without at least, like, five guards. I don't ever really get privacy to act how I want."

An arm wrapped around the prince's shoulders. "I assure you, you can act however you'd like right now."

In response, a head fell onto the blonde's shoulder. "Thank you. It means alot."


"So, how'd your date go with Prince Charming?" In response, a shoe hit Sapnap in the stomach. "That was painful!"

Dream snorted. "That's kinda the point, dummy." He rolled over, lifting his mask slightly so he could breath in the small room. "Go to bed."

"Not until you give me the details, Dreamie," Sapnap cooed, prodding Dream with the bottom of his spear. "C'monn, please!"

"Fine," Dream grumbled, turning over and sitting up. "I walked up to his room, told him my name, and he didn't even question it." He pinched the thin sheets of the bed. "He roasted his parents after I kinda snapped at him, and then I walked him down, we ran into you, and then we watched the sunset go down from that little garden."

Sapnap's eyebrows were possessed by a strange spirit. "Karl says he saw you with your arm wrapped around him when he walked through the west wing-"

In response, Dream stood up at his full height, and Sapnap instantly cowered. "Karl saw nothing, okay? Nothing," he growled, looming above his friend. "I want nothing to do with George. He means nothing. I was just using him to get out of the castle, okay?" His voice had risen, and he seemed to realize. "Sorry, man. I... just... you know."

"I know," Sapnap agreed softly, "I know, Dream. Believe me."


The next day, when Dream returned to the guards quarters for lunch, he was surprised to see Tommy shooting him a dirty look. The older man took his regular seat beside his fellow blonde, but continued to get looked at as though we were a rat.

"...what did I do this time?" he questioned, shifting on his rickety stool and beginning to scarf down his bread. His lunch was only about 15 minutes, which meant he had to eat fast. Tommy had already been sitting down for about five minutes, since their lunch schedules were slightly different.

Tommy shook his head. "Not my place to tell you, man," he said quietly, nibbling at his bread.

Dream looked confused underneath his mask. "What? What do you mean?"

"You know how royals sometimes come to do inspections of rooms, right?"


Tommy gave a sigh. "Well, Prince George came down, saying he was doing an inspection, when he just wanted to come down and talk to Wilbur and I." His gaze sharpened. "And did you know, Dreamie, that the walls down here are paper-thin?"

Dream froze, and Tommy gave a scoff. "Yeah. Wilbur's gonna take George out to the garden today, per George's request." The younger shook his head. "Pretty sure you just blew something that could've been special, bud."

The taller's hands curled into fists. "Is- he heard-"

"Pretty sure every soul in the dining room knows you don't give a crap about Prince George of Kiniko Kingdom," Tommy murmured, voice laced with genuine anger that Dream rarely heard from him. "But I just hope you know that George is different than a lot of other people you've had interactions with. He cares."


Every inch of George wanted to curl up in a ball and die when the knock at his door sounded. He knew it wouldn't be Dream, but a small part of him hoped it was just so he could slam the door in his face. But he opened it, and there stood Wilbur, whom he already knew.

The guard gave a small smile at George's slightly disheveled appearance. "You alright, your majesty?"

George shook his head, stepping out into the hallway. "Bit of a tough day."

Wilbur nodded as they began to walk. "You comfortable talking about it?"

"...I guess." George took a deep breath. "I guess... well... my parents are trying to arrange my marriage, right?"

"Yeah, that much has made its way around the grapevine."

George sighed. "But I love someone else."

Wilbur immediately brightened. "oOOoooH dRaMaaa! Who's this secret lover of yours?"

The brunet looked like he was about to fall over and die. "I- it's not..." he gave a sigh. "It's not like that. I like someone. They don't like me back."

Wilbur stopped, then turned very slowly to look at George. "You like Dream, don't you?"

George picked a piece of dirt out from underneath his fingernails. "Liked would probably be a better word. I heard what he said." He gave a shrug. "I suppose I might as well accept the marriage. It'll help the country, and maybe I can convince Quackity to apologize to Karl and Sap, and then I don't feel useless."

A hand was placed on his shoulder. "Give Dream another chance. I don't think he meant that, he was just trying to get Sap off his case."

George shook his head. "Maybe so, but... it still hurts, y'know?"

"I know."


"Bye, Wil! See you- oh, hey Tommy."

George shut the door to his room as Wilbur trotted off the the guards quarters, then turned to face Tommy. "Whaddya need?"

Tommy leaned against the wall, tilting his head. "I just talked to Dream."

George flopped onto the bed. "Don't, please. I was having such a good time."

The blonde snorted, poking George on the back of his head. "C'mon, man. The dude was just trying to get Sapnap off of him. The fiery bi- guy can get pretty annoying about that kinda stuff."

George did know. Once, when on a walk with Sapnap, he had confessed to the ravenette that he was gay. Sapnap immediately pestered him to death about who made him decide this until he had to threaten to throw him into the dungeon to get him to shut up.

"I know, Tommy. It's just..." He paused. "I want to have someone, you know? Someone I can just lay next to and forget everything else except for them."

Tommy sat beside him. "I... I can't say I know what you mean." George nodded. He knew this- Tommy had been out as aro ace for the longest of times now. "But I understand that it's different than having a friend. A lover..." He drifted off, unable to put it into words.

The brunette nodded, though, understanding completely in a way. "What does Dream want, anyway?" He willed his voice to sound as uncaring and cold as possible, but judging my Tommy's expression it wasn't working.

"Another chance."


Combat boots hit marble as Dream walked down the halls to the garden.

His stomach was twisting, which didn't normally happen. He was cool, calm and collected. Nothing to be worried about. Nothing.

He had barely even known the prince until yesterday. Or was it a lifetime ago? His internal clock seemed to have broken after Prince George of Kinoko Kingdom had waltzed into his life for just a few hours.

He pushed open the double doors to the outside.



yall are gonna haaaaate meeeee <3


see you next chapter ;)

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