Her Majesty (JJ Maybank Fanfi...

By RealisticDream17

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Elizabeth Shoupe is evil personified. You might as well be dead to her if you aren't rich or influential. She... More

The Shoupe Family
Playlist One
The Lucky Compass
Car Trouble
High Tide
Spy Games
Fight For Me
Bonnie and Clyde
Parcel 9
Dead Calm
The Runway

The Forbidden Zone

482 10 15
By RealisticDream17

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

"So he really accepted your apology, just like that?" Sarah asks after I finish telling her what went down with John B yesterday. "Of course he would. I don't apologise often so he felt honoured." I shrug, dipping my toes into her pool. 

"Thank you" Sarah sits next to me. 

"Why are you thanking me? It was my fault anyway" I point out. 

"I know" she nods, "but I also know that you really hate to admit you're wrong and I know how hard it must have been for you to apologise and mean it" she knows me too well. 

"Well, you're my best friend, you know I would do anything for you, no matter how hard" I admit. 

"I knew there was a reason I kept you around" she jokes, hugging me tightly which I return. 

I don't understand why we are friends, I definitely don't make it easy, but she stays which I am thankful for. 

"So what now?" She pulls back. 

"I said I would help get him another job but he hasn't said anything" I reply, "I don't know, it was weird, he seemed like he had something more important on his mind" I remember how preoccupied he was. 

"I wonder what" Sarah takes her shoes off, also dipping her feet in. 

"I don't really care enough," I remark. 

"Aren't you ever curious about their hobbies?" She stares ahead, "I know their hobbies, stealing, drinking and being a pain in the ass" I list, "well all that but maybe they do something more" she chuckles. 

I think back to how good Maybank was with cars, he surprised me with all his knowledge and experience in the matter. 

For once, he actually knew what he was doing. 

It is similar to when he surfs, I have only seen him a handful of times but every time I do, he is in his element and taking on waves like a professional. I don't think I've ever seen him fall off his board, he is weirdly elegant. 

The others can never seem to keep up with him as he practically glides through the water, becoming one with the tide. 


Why am I thinking about him?

"No, I think that's all they do" I finally say after I forced him out of his mind. 

I should have never let him fix my car. 

A line has definitely been blurred. 


Sarah and I both turn to see Rafe standing a few steps behind us, his eyes locked on me. I haven't spoken to him since he called me a whore and accused me of sleeping with John B. 

He didn't reach out like he usually does when he crosses the line. 

I guess here is my overdue apology. 

"Can I talk to you?" I want to say no but I don't want to make Sarah suspicious. 

"You can't let us have girl time for more than five minutes" Sarah huffs, "it won't take long" Rafe is unbothered by her annoyance, simply watching my expressions. 

"I'll be right back" I force a smile at Sarah, hesitantly stepping out of the water and following him inside the house, walking through the same place where he threw me against the wall like a doll, like I meant nothing to him. 

I silently follow him up the stairs and to his room, not knowing where this is going to go.

Am I going to be strong or am I going to crumble? 

He walks into his room first, holding the door open for me, closing it after I've walked through. I standstill in the middle of the room, no longer feeling comfortable. I feel on edge, as though I have to brace myself for something. 

"I'm sorry, Liz" and there it is. 

Those meaningless words. 

"I'm so sorry, Elizabeth" he repeats but I refuse to turn around, staring out his window. 

"You know I never meant to hurt you" he swears, "you mean everything to me, I love you" another trio of meaningless words. 

"It's just that sometimes you make me so angry" he sticks the blame on me, "you do things, Liz and you don't understand how they affect me" what things do I do?

"You don't understand the effect you have on me, how your actions hurt me" I can't help but take his words on board. I know I shouldn't, that his actions are because of him but I can't shake that deep down, he's probably right. 

I always do something wrong. 

It's always my fault somehow.

"I love you so fucking much which is why I can get a bit intense" he continues, "like the thought of you with another man drives me crazy" he admits. "You're mine, Elizabeth" his hands caress my waist, pressing his chest against my back. 

"I couldn't live if I found out that you loved someone else" his voice softens, his head resting on my shoulder.

"I am so sorry about what I said to you" he apologises, "it's just seeing you and John B, especially after Alex told me about you and a Pogue at the boneyard, I overreacted and I am so sorry" he kisses my cheek delicately, his arms wrapping around me. 

It was all my fault. I teased Maybank at the boneyard, Alex saw it but probably didn't see the face which is why Rafe assumed it was John B. If I hadn't been for that moment, Rafe would have had no reason to be annoyed. 

Maybe mother was right, I need to treat Rafe better or he will leave me. He is the only man who can love someone like me, I can't lose him. 

"You know I didn't mean what I said" he reassures me, "I know I am the only person you share yourself with" I wish I could say the same. 

"I was just angry, you get me so fired up sometimes, Liv" I remember my argument with Kiara.

I tend to get a lot of people fired up. 

"So please, baby, forgive me, I swear it won't happen again" he promises, he plants soft kisses on my cheek, getting closer to my lips with each one. 

I wish I could fight but I am too weak. 

I am defenceless when it comes to him. 

"I'm so sorry for hurting you" he tilts my head so my lips are easier to reach, "please forgive me" he pecks my parted lips gently. "I love you so damn much" another kiss, "I need you, baby" another kiss. 

It takes everything in me to pull away from him, spinning around so we are chest to chest. 

"I love you too, Rafe" my voice is practically a whisper. 

He smiles brightly at my words, his hands returning to wrap around my waist, he goes to kiss me but I stop him. 

"But I can't continue like this, Rafe" his expression changes quickly, his eyes going dark before becoming neutral. "What do you mean?" He wonders, "you know I saw you in the woods with that girl" I bring up. 

"If I'm only yours, why can't you be only mine?" I question, bracing myself for his overreaction like last time.

"You're right" he surprisingly agrees, "I haven't been fair" he sees his fault, "it would kill me to see you with someone else, I should have realised you would feel the same" he understands. 

"I'm so sorry, baby" he pulls me closer to him, "I'm so sorry about hurting you that way" he lays his forehead against mine, looking deeply into my eyes. 

"I want us to go back to how we were before" he states, "before we had all this trouble" he adds, "the good old days" before he turned into someone else. "When it was only you and me" he lifts his hand to caress my cheek, holding my gaze.

"Can we go back to that?" His voice is just as quiet as mine. 

This conversation is only for our ears. 

"Are you being serious?" I don't want to get my hopes up again. 

"Of course, babe, I will do anything for us" he assures me, "I just want us to be happy again" I hope he is being genuine. 

"I want that too" I admit, "we used to be so happy" I remember. 

"And we will be again" he is back to being the Rafe I fell in love with.

My Rafe. 

Not the stranger in my bed. 

"How about tonight? We can dress up and I'll take you out somewhere nice?" It's hard to believe that this is the same Rafe who was repulsed by my 'whoring' around and was convinced I was opening my legs for everyone who wanted it. 

"I'd like that" I accept regardless. 

I could never say no to him. 

"Perfect" he cups my other cheek, lifting me up to my tiptoes so he can intertwine our lips. His hands slide down to hold mine.

But there is no tingle. 


Third Person P.O.V.

"So what or who is your idea?" The gang are all recuperating back at the Chateau, it has been a long night for them. 

"Okay, before I say anything, you guys need to keep an open mind" John B knows his friends will not be happy with his suggestion but he doesn't see any other options. 

The others nod, gesturing for him to continue. 

"Elizabeth" he reveals, Kiara is the first to roll her eyes, ready to disagree with whatever he says. Pope is ready to hear him out but knows he is also going to disagree with getting Elizabeth involved. 

Her name brings a small smirk to JJ's lips, he is onboard for any chance to annoy the girl. 

"Okay, before you disagree" John B stops Kiara from saying anything, "just hear me out" he requests. Kiara lets out a long sigh, biting her tongue before telling him to go on. 

"Listen the police have the envelope, right?" He starts, "it is not like we can just walk in and take it off his desk" he points out their lack of feasible options. "Plus, if any of us walk into that precinct, we will get kicked out by Shoupe or Sheriff Peterkin" he is realistic about the situation. 

"So, who better to help us than a cop's daughter?" He tries to convince them, "she wouldn't raise any suspicion by walking in and she would probably know where her father would file it" the other's see where John B is coming from. 

Practically, it is an amazing plan. 

Personally, it is a disaster. 

"Okay genius, even if we did agree with your idea, which we don't" Pope emphasises, "how would we even get her to help us out?" He poses a very good question. 

"Ward Cameron fired me" John B answers.

"Well that sucks dude, but how does that help us?" None of them understands what he is trying to say.

"Elizabeth got me fired" John B clarifies, "that was why she was here, she was here to apologise" everyone's jaw drops. "Apologise? Elizabeth Shoupe? Apologising?" Pope is lost for words, "are you sure you weren't high?" JJ chimes in. 

"Yes, I wasn't high" John B glares, "I was just as surprised as you guys were" he adds. 

"There has to be an ulterior motive," Kiara remarks, "she did not just say sorry out of her own goodwill" she scowls. 

"I don't think there was" John B shakes his head, "she said it was an accident and she didn't mean for it to happen" he recalls her words. "I think she just realised she went too far this time" he defends. 

"Please" Kiara scoffs, "that would require her to have a conscience" Pope nods in agreement.

It is too unfathomable that Elizabeth would realise she was wrong, she has no morals. 

"She also said she was doing it for Sarah" John B informs them, "Sarah must have convinced her to come and apologise" he theorises, not looking into it that much. All he needs to know is that it was a genuine apology. 

"Cause they are just such nice girls" Kiara mutters. 

"Okay, regardless of what the reason was, she offered to help me find another job" he changes the topic, "but I'm sure I could convince her to help me out with this instead as it is more important" John B confidently tells them. 

"So you're just going to tell her that you need her to steal an envelope that her father confiscated because it contains a message from your missing father that he led you to through a compass?" Pope highlights the ridiculousness of how it would sound to her. 

"No, see, that is the best part" John B leaps forward in his chair. 

"We don't need to tell her anything" he argues, "she doesn't like talking to us Pogues so she is going to try and get out of the conversation as soon as possible" the others nod, knowing it is true. 

"Well I'm in" JJ eagerly raises his hand. 

"Of course you are" Kiara scoffs. 

"I agree with John b, she is the perfect person to ask because she doesn't care about anyone other than herself," JJ says, "like John B said, she won't ask many questions because she hates talking to us Pogues and she will want to help John B out just to be out of his debt so she has no reason to speak to us ever again" he explains. 

"JJ has a point" Pope can't fault his logic, "I'm on board too" Pope agrees. 

"But what does this mean? If there is gold out there, I don't want to share it with her" Kiara refuses, "we won't share anything with her, we won't tell her more than she needs to know" John B assures her. 

"Fine, I'm in" she reluctantly agrees, "but I still hate her" she quickly adds on. 


Elizabeth's P.O.V. 

The house is quiet, dad is at work while mom is somewhere kissing up to the rich housewives. But having the house to myself is refreshing, it just means that I can never have a moment to myself, just to relax and not study. 

Even if it is a few minutes where a book is not forced into my mind or I am not being quizzed about the same information. 

In these few minutes, I can do whatever I want while I wait for my tutor to show up. 

My Spanish teacher should be arriving soon, so that is how long I have to do whatever I want. 

Should I plan my outfit for mine and Rafe's date tonight? Or should I call Sarah to have a quick gossip session?

Should I do some stretches and practise some cheerleading routines so I am not rusty when we get back to school. 

A captain always has to be at their best. 

But I don't want to do any of those things. 

My feet lead me to my true love, music. Sitting on the stool as I lift up the lid to reveal the white and black keys, the only thing mother hasn't ruined for me. 

My fingers dance across the keys, playing a random sequence to warm up before I start playing the familiar melody as though it is second nature. 

"Master manipulator
God, you're so good at what you do
Come for me like a saviour
And I'd put myself through hell for you
Hear all the rumours lately
That you always denied"

Every word that comes out of his mouth reiterates that there is a difference in the way we regard each other. I know we both love each other but it is not fair, as one love exploits the other.  

"And I fell for you like water
Falls from the February sky
But now the current's stronger
No, I couldn't get out if I tried
But you convinced me, baby
It was all in my mind"

Words that run through my mind constantly, I can sing them but I will never have the courage to say them out loud. 

"And now you got me thinking
Two plus two equals five
And I'm the love of your life
'Cause if rain don't pour and sun don't shine
Then changing you is possible
No, love is never logical"

It would be a lot easier to just leave him. It would hurt a hell of a lot less.

This is the part where I usually stop, running out of words to accompany the never-ending melody. I continue playing the melody, not wanting to stop as I don't want the silence, not right now. 

So used to envisioning him across from me, standing quietly in the corner as he watches my hands play. His eyes are dark and empty, a stranger in the body of the man I love. 

"You built a giant castle
With walls so high I couldn't see
The way it all unravelled
And all the things you did to me
You lied, you lied, you lied"

The words slip off my tongue as I look up to the corner where he stands, his vision becoming clearer with each word. 

"Oh, and now you got me thinking
Two plus two equals five
And I'm the love of your life
'Cause if rain don't pour and sun don't shine
Then changing you is possible
I guess love is never logical"

We can be happy again if he just became the man he once was, the one I fell in love with. The one I still stupidly believe will come back to me. I know it's not logical. 

"The sky is green, the grass is red and
You mean all those words you said
I'm sure that girl is really your friend
Problems are all solvable"

Tears drop onto my hands and I wish he was here to wipe them away, even though he is the one that causes them. 

"Cause loving you is loving every
Argument you held over my head
Brought up the girls you could have instead
Said I was too young, I was too soft
Can't take a joke, can't get you off
Oh, why do I do this?"

"I look so stupid thinking
Two plus two equals five
And I'm the love of your life
'Cause if rain don't pour and sun don't shine
Then changing you is possible
No, love is nev-"

I stop abruptly when I hear a sound behind me, spinning around quickly, expecting to see my Spanish tutor or my mother. But my eyes meet the last person I was expecting to see standing in my kitchen. 

John B. 

"What are you doing here? Don't you knock?" I shoot up from the stool, furious that he just intruded on such an intimate moment. 

"What? Are manners too expensive now?" I cross my arms. 

"Sorry, I uh" he stutters, "sorry, it's just your door was open" he points to the front door. "And you just walk in as though somebody invited you here!" I snap. 

"I said I'm sorry" he holds his hands up. 

Realising there is no point in arguing, I give up, letting go of my frustration. 

"What did you hear?" I ask. 

"Nothing" he answers too quickly for my liking, "maybe the tiniest bit of your singing" he mumbles. "You didn't hear anything, are we clear?" I phrase it in a way that shows he has no choice. 

"I heard nothing" he nods. 

"Okay, good, now what do you want?" I lean against the entryway. 

"I'm here to collect my favour" he answers. 

"Favour?" I scoff, "I don't owe you any favour" I dismiss. 

"You said you would help me find a job" he reminds me. 

"That was not me owing you a favour, that was me offering to help you out" I explain, "in no way am I obligated to help you out" I clarify. "Man you Pogues are so self-entitled, you think the world owes you," I remark. 

"Well, that's a bit rich coming for you, don't you think?" He retorts. 

"You know I could just kick you out" I gesture to the door. 

"But you won't" he challenges. 

"And you're so sure?" I challenge back. 

"Listen, I'm not here to argue, I just need your help" he drops the attitude, becoming more sincere. "Okay, I'll help you get a job" I accept, "do you want like a waiter gig or gardening or do you only want to clean boats?" I give him the choice. 

"Actually, that's not what I need your help with" this is interesting. 

"It isn't?" I tilt my head in curiosity. 

"I need your help to get something back that your dad stole from me" he informs me. 

"My dad? The police, stole from you?" That makes no sense, he has nothing worth stealing. 

"Well more like confiscated" he corrects. 

"See, all I'm hearing is that this has nothing to do with me" I point out, "good luck with whatever dance you do with my dad, but I want no part in it, so see you never" I try to nudge him out the door but he stays in place. 

"Please" it must be really important if he is willing to beg for my help.

"I really need it back, it was my dad's" that tugs at my heartstrings a bit, "and your dad won't listen to me" that sounds like my dad. 

"Whether you owe me a favour or not, you still offered to help me out" he highlights, "so I am accepting the help you offered, please help me out" he pleads. 

I stay quiet, thinking of how to play this. 

"It must be important for you to come here and beg me, so what is it?" I want to know more, "just an envelope that my dad addressed to me" he downplays. "It can't just be that menial if my dad confiscated it" I argue. 

"It was a misunderstanding" he explains. 

"So you want me to risk getting in trouble for an envelope?" That seems like a lot of work. 

"Yes," he nods. 

"And you won't even tell me what's in the envelope" that is very suspicious. 

"Why do you want to know? I thought you didn't care about us Pogues" he makes a good point, "you're right, I don't care" I shrug. 

He waits impatiently for my answer. 

"I'll help you" I agree. 

He bites his lip to hide his smile. 

"Just to get you off my ass, not because I owe you anything" I emphasise, "understood" he doesn't argue.

"Thank you so much, Elizabeth" he is genuinely relieved I said yes. 

"Whatever" I brush him off. 

"Is that all?" I wonder.

"Yes, thank you again" he walks out the door by himself, jogging backwards before turning and running down the road. 

My Spanish tutor walked up at the same time. 


After my Spanish lesson, I have an hour until my Maths tutor arrives so I take this as a chance to make myself a snack.  

Chilling in the living room, watching Netflix as I munch on the sandwich I just made, my other hand already diving into the bag of Doritos to mix in with bites of my sandwich. 

Not the most elegant. 

My alone-time is disturbed by knocking on the door. 

If that is my Math's tutor, they are way too early. 

Wiping my orange stained hands on my loose old t-shirt, I stand up and walk over to the front door. I peak through the peep hole but there is no one there, confused because I can still hear the knocking. 

It takes me a second to realise the knocking is on glass, which means it is our back door. 

Spinning around, nearly having a heart attack when I spot Maybank, John B, Pope and Kiara. They realise I have seen them so they stop knocking and start waving at me, all but Kiara. 

What are they doing at my house?

Looking down at my attire, I switched into more comfortable clothes after my Spanish session, which is now stained with Dorito powder. My hair tied up and my glasses on, clearly not expecting any company. 

I can tell they were also not expecting to find me this caught off guard. 

"Okay, when did I ever imply that it was okay for you guys to show up at my house?" I open the back door, "well we needed to talk about the plan and I thought you might be more comfortable here since you won't catch anything" John B uses my words against me. 

"Fine" I am not in the mood to argue back and forth, I just want to be done with this. 

"Please come in" I invite them in, being extra polite so they know I am being insincere. 

"Thanks" John B walks in first, "something about you is different, I just can't place it" Maybank stops in front of me, mocking my appearance. "I can, it looks like we caught Cinderella when the spell wore off" Pope insults. 

Kiara stifling a laugh. 

"Yeah, very funny" I roll my eyes, "now let's get this over with" I lead them to the living room. 

"I mean if it makes it feel any better, I like it, you look like a sexy librarian," Maybank says what I think he thinks is a compliment, "thanks" I don't react. 

"Sit down where you like," I tell them, "can I get you anything?" I offer in my most mundane voice. 

"No, we're good, thanks" John B answers for everyone. 

"Can I have some of these Doritos?" JJ takes the almost empty packet I was eating, "help yourself" I allow. "You're in a good mood" Pope observes, "I was in a good mood" I correct. 

"Wow, you really are up-yourself" Kiara comments, looking through my study room where all my accolades are framed and on full show.

"Not that it matters, but my mom designed the room" I defend, "nothing wrong with a mother being proud of her daughter who actually has something to be proud of" I add, definitely meaning it as a snide comment.

Kiara recognises this but doesn't reply, continuing to look through the room before leaving to go back to the living room, leaving just Pope and I in the study room.

"That is a lot more books" Pope observes, "yes it is" I agree. I notice him checking the spines of each of the books, actually interested in what they are. "The last time I was in this room, there was only one bookshelf and it was half-filled" he recalls when we were best friends and would study together. 

I don't respond, not wanting to go down memory lane.

I just watch as he admires the sheer amount of knowledge on these shelves.

"If you see any you like, you can take them" I offer in a casual way, not wanting to make it a big deal.

"You sure?" He is rightly suspicious of my kind gesture. 

"Yes," I assure him, "I've read them all anyway, you would be doing me a favour by taking some off my hands" I chuckle lightly, too drained to be the mean girl right now. 

"Thanks, B" He genuinely responds. 

"Whatever" I shrug, leaving him in the study room and joining the others in the living room. 

Kiara and John B on one side and Maybank on the other side, his legs on the table as he loudly enjoys my Doritos.

"Where were you raised? A barn" I smack his legs off the table before sitting next to him because that's the only space left. 

"Something like that" he responds. 

"Alright, I don't have all day" I ignore him and get back to the matter at hand, "let's get this over with" I instruct. "Where's Pope?" Kiara looks around, "with the books" I answer and they understand, all confused as to why I am being accommodating. 

"Well, long story short, I found the envelope in my great-great-grandmother's mausoleum" I blink at John B's words, not expecting that sentence, "and your dad thought I stole it but my dad left it there for me to find" he explains. 

"Okay" I am so baffled but I don't have the willpower to try and understand this.

"So where would your dad put it? In his desk?" He asks. 

"No" I shake my head, "if they think you stole it, it would have been bagged and then categorised and put into evidence before it can be examined and the origin of it be discovered" I inform them. 

"So the evidence locker?" Kiara wonders, all of us ignoring Maybank's loud chewing.

"Yes" I nod, "but since it it just a random envelope, it's likely just going to sit in that evidence locker because no one is going to take time out of their day to deal with it" I explain. 

"So no one would notice it missing?" John B understands, "pretty much" I shrug, "and how do you access it?" John B asks. 

"With a code and a fingerprint, you can't get in unless you have clearance" I explain, "so your dad would have clearance, right?" John B queries. "Of course, he's the deputy" I point out, "but I wouldn't have any access and even if I had his code, I would still need his fingerprint and my dad would never let me into the evidence locker" I inform them of the bad news. 

"So she's useless, great plan, John B" Kiara huffs.

"I'll pretend you didn't say that" I take the high road. 

"Or you could fight it out, in your shower or-" Maybank stops talking when he sees my glare.

"She's not useless," John B tells Kiara, "she is still our best chance, we just need to think of another way" he tries to remain positive. 

"I have an idea" Maybank sits up, licking his fingers clean. 

"Oh yay" I sarcastically comment but he doesn't let it affect him. 

"The evidence locker is controlled by an electric pad, right?" He starts off well, "yes" I answer, giving him the benefit of the doubt that he might impress me as he did before. "Well, it's simple, to get in, we would just need to disable it" he logically sets out. 

"And how would we do that?" I query. 

"Easy" he smirks, feeling smug that I am the one asking him questions. 

"Since the storm messed up the power lines, a lot of backup generators are taking longer to activate" I listen intently, "so we cut the power, Eliza would have, give or take, 2 minutes to get in and out of the evidence locker undetected and with the envelope" and he's impressed me again. 

"Plus, the electricity cut will disable the security cameras and the security camera's they use are so old that they would take at least 3 minutes to reboot, plus the 2 minutes from the generator, meaning the security cameras would be down for 5 minutes" he expertly notifies us. 

"How do you know all that?" I don't hide that I am amazed by his knowledge. 

"I'm just a low-life thief, right" he winks, throwing my words back in his face. 

"Well, now I see you as an experienced, low-life thief/mechanic" I almost crack a smile, which he notices. 

"Told you, I'd grow on you" we hold eye contact. 

And for a moment, it's only us in the room. 

I finish getting ready, double-checking my outfit in my full-length mirror.

It's a black bodysuit that is tucked into a pair of skin-tight black trousers. The bodysuit has a cutout to show off my best assets. A belt to accentuate the waist, all paired with black low heeled boots. 

I haven't really done any sneaking around, especially sneaking into an evidence locker but I just thought that all black would work. 

Grabbing a flashlight, I make my way downstairs. 

I leave the book reviews on the kitchen counter, knowing mother will definitely want to look through those when she gets back. Thankfully, she is still out so I don't have to explain my absence. 

Getting into my car, I start driving down to the Chateau. 

I never expected that I would be driving to the Chateau twice in the space of 48 hours, but at least I can help them out and everything can go back to the way it was. 


Third Person P.O.V.

The Pogues are waiting on Eliza in John B's backyard, sipping on a couple of beers. 

"I can't believe she actually said yes" Pope comments, "I know, I thought I was going to have to get on my knees" John B chuckles. 

"I am still half expecting her to tell her dad our plan" Kiara has no trust in the girl, "she wouldn't go through all this trouble" John B disputes. "Maybe she would, to make us believe she is actually going to help us out but then John B ends up in jail" she overexaggerates. 

"Why do you hate her so much, Kie? You were never even friends" JJ questions. 

"Because she's friends with Sarah Cameron and they both made my life a living hell" she answers, "they are so arrogant and treat us like dirt, you might have a kink for being disrespected but I don't" she sips on her beer. 

"It's fine, after this, she will probably never speak to us again" John B shrugs. 

"One can hope" Kiara mutters as they fall into silence, Eliza should be showing up at any minute. 

They are oblivious to the sound of her car parking in front, only becoming aware of her presence when they hear the sound of her heels on the wood planks of John B's patio. 

Maybank is the first to turn around, speechless with the sight in front of him. 

She is so effortlessly beautiful, even today when he saw her in her most natural state, he couldn't take his eyes off her. 

The sight in front of him has him biting his lip, her tight clothing accentuating her natural curves, tempting him with what he could only imagine. 

"Woah" he didn't mean for it to slip out. 

The others look at JJ, wondering what he is looking at before noticing he is too engrossed with something behind them. 

All spinning around to see Eliza in her own catsuit. 

"Well, are we going to get this show on the road, or what?" She puts her hands on her hips, stopping in front of the group. 

"Yeah, yeah" John B stands up, also feeling quite flustered. 

Kiara rolls her eyes, it was obvious that Eliza was gorgeous but the way men were almost hypnotised by her was a bit much. 

"We should get going" he frantically looks for his keys. 

"Guys, I don't think it's a good idea if we all go" Pope tears his eyes away from Eliza, "it would be far too suspicious and we are more likely to get caught" he makes a good point. "That's fine, I only need one of you to cut the electricity anyway" Eliza agrees. 

"John B, you should go, it's your envelope" Kiara suggests. 

"Actually" Eliza chimed in, "I don't really want to get caught so I would rather do this with the experienced low-life thief" she pats a still speechless JJ on the shoulder. "So Maybank, what do you say? Want to be my partner?" She requests. 

"I don't know" JJ leans back in his chair, "maybe if you got down on your knees and begged, I might consider it" he looks up at her. 

"It's not me who needs this envelope" she reminds him. 

"Good point, let's go" JJ drops the smug attitude, jumping up from his seat.

"JJ, are you sure about this?" John B isn't so confident letting JJ go as he can sometimes be reckless. 

"I got this, John B, don't worry about it" JJ assures him, "plus I have her majesty to keep me in control" he gestures to an impatient Eliza. 

"Alright" John B gives in, "just be careful, both of you" he glances between them both. 

"Oh please, what's the worst that's going to happen, I get grounded" Eliza scowls, "come on" she instinctively wraps her hand around JJ's wrist, tugging him behind her as she leads him to the front of the Chateau. 

The other's watch curiously.

Did she willingly choose to go with JJ?


Elizabeth's P.O.V.

He doesn't resist when I wrap my hand around his wrist, tugging him behind me as I make my way to my car, avoiding the small talk. 

"Can't keep your hands off me, I see" he smugly comments as he catches up to me.

"Do not flatter yourself" I release my grip, stepping over to the driver's seat while he goes to the other side. "I just want to get out of here" I huff, "we can get out of here anytime" he winks, "not like that" I roll my eyes, "I just want to get this over with" I clarify.

"Why the rush? What are we keeping you from, her majesty?" I slide into the seat when he does. 

"Something that actually matters" I snidely remark. 

"And here I thought we were actually getting along" he smirks, "well you thought wrong" I start my car and start driving away. 

"You know this isn't the way you should thank the guy who saved you money with your car" he refers to him fixing my car, "and how exactly should I thank you?" I keep my eyes on the road. 

"I don't know, a thank you would be good" he shrugs. 

"Fine" I give in, "thank you, Maybank," I say with a dull voice. 

"You're welcome" he accepts it anyway, his eyes lingering on my body.

"Stop staring, it's weird" I catch him through the corner of my eye. 

"All black really? What is this? James Bond?" He mocks, "well excuse me for not knowing the appropriate fashion choice for sneaking into a police station to steal evidence" I sarcastically reply. 

"Well you definitely shouldn't wear heels" he gestures to my shoe choice, "they're boot heels, they don't count" he chuckles at my response. 

I turn down a road, leading us away from the cut and in the direction of the precinct. 

"I really hope you thought this plan through" I mention, "what am I saying? This definitely isn't your first time stealing" I add before he can respond. "You know I am not surprised that your only talent is stealing, you probably learnt it from your father" the words leave my mouth before I can respond. 

He cringes at my words, jaw tightening as he stares out the window, his whole mood switching. 

I realise I have once again gone too far. 

"I shouldn't have said that I'm sor-" I go to apologise, "no, it's whatever" he cuts me off, "like you said, no point apologising when it's the truth" I know I have hit a sensitive nerve. 

"I'm just like my dad, I'm never going to amount to anything" he mumbles to himself. 

"I never said that" I deny, "you are-" I try again, "so, back to the plan" he changes the topic quickly. 

I take the hint, biting my tongue. 

"Remember you have two minutes to get in and out of the evidence locker with the envelope and you have an extra three minutes to leave the precinct before the camera's start working again" he informs me. 

"Got it" I absorb the information as I park around the corner from the precinct. 

"Let's do this!" He goes back to being his overexcited self which makes me more concerned about his earlier words, how can he just switch like this? He leaps out of my car, making me look slow in comparison. 

"Wait, I have something" I reach into my pocket to hand him my old cracked phone. 

"What is this?" He wonders. 

"In case I need to get in contact with you and in case you need to call me" I show my new phone, "my new number is saved under her majesty in the phone" he chuckles lightly at the fact that I used the nickname he calls me. 

"Alright" he puts it in his pocket. 

"Now, you have five minutes from when you walk into the precinct to find out how your dad categorises the evidence before I switch off the electricity" he explains, "and then after that, your next five minutes start" I follow along. 

"Alright, simple" I nod to show I have understood. 

"One more thing, how are you going to cut the power?" I ask, "I have my ways" he keeps it vague but I trust him to come through, it is why I picked him. 

I don't know why but I trust him to have my back. 

He starts walking ahead so we are not seen together. 

"Wait!" I call out after him and he turns around immediately. 

"Every police officer in Kildare County knows who you are" I point out, "I know" he sees it as an accomplishment. "I'm serious, Maybank, you get caught and you'll be in so much trouble" I worry, "so be careful" I insist. 

"Worry about yourself beautiful, I got this" he winks at me, invigorated by my words as he continues jogging towards the precinct and cutting to the back of the building. 

Guess it is now or never. 

I take my time walking into the precinct through the front door, trying to be as normal as possible. I greet the officers at the desk, smiling brightly as I wave to the other officers in the bullpen. 

"Elizabeth?" I turn to see Sheriff Peterkin. 

I always liked her, she is fair and doesn't have any biases. She treats all wrong-doers the same, not afraid to go after those in Figure Eight. She definitely hasn't been bought out like some of the other officers.

She respects the badge. 

"Sheriff Peterkin" I mentally countdown in my head so I don't waste any time. 

"How are you?" She genuinely asks. 

"Fantastic, and you?" I keep it short and sweet. 

"I'm well, what brings you here?" She casually asks, not seeing anything weird with me being here. 

"Here to see my dad" I answer quickly, "he has been working a lot of hours later, I don't see him as much" I make an excuse. "Understandable, well he is in his office, you know where that is" she steps to the side so I can walk past her. 

"Yes I do, thank you, nice speaking to you" I smile before making a bee-line for my dad's office. 

"Hey dad" I happily greet him, "Eliza?" He looks up from his paperwork, "are you okay? What are you doing here?" He immediately goes into concerned mode. 

"I'm fine" I reassure him, "I just thought I would stop by on my way to see Sarah" I lie. 

He almost doesn't believe me, questioning my outfit. 

"Is that like a new style or something?" He grows suspicious, "yes, all black is totally in" I nod. "Like running in jeans?" He shoots me a look that he isn't that convinced, "you really need to read Teen Vogue dad" he shakes his head, giving up on trying to understand me. 

"So what are you doing?" I sit in the chair in front of his desk, crossing my legs, "just filing paperwork" he doesn't lookup. "You working late tonight again?" I ask, hiding my disapproval with how many hours he is working. I know he is working overtime for me and not because he wants to. 

"Yes I am" he nods, "tomorrow as well" he adds. 

"Isn't tomorrow your usual day off?" I remember.

"It was" he replies, "you know you don't have to work this hard" I bring up. "We are not having this conversation again" he shuts me down immediately, still focusing on his paperwork. 

"I heard from Sarah that you found John B and his group in the graveyard last night" I focus on the plan, knowing the time is ticking away, "what about it?" He is never forthcoming with information regarding his job. 

"They are so weird, what were they even doing in a graveyard anyway?" I try to remain casual. 

"Doing what they usually do" I mentally roll my eyes at how blunt he is being, "you know they must have the wildest stories, maybe I should make friends with them again just to hear the stories" I know it will get him angry. 

He finally glances up at me, not impressed with my words.

"You stay away from them, you understand me!" He orders, "no daughter of mine will be hanging out with those scoundrels who steal from a graveyard" he doesn't realise he fell right into my trap. 

"They stole from a graveyard?" I act dumb. 

"Imagine that" he nods, "I don't know what for, it was just some stupid envelope" he shrugs, too angry to realise he is sharing too much information. "What was in it?" I ask, "I don't know yet, it is just sitting in evidence" he unknowingly reveals all I need to know.

I watch him unlock one of his draws with his keys and pull out a binder. 

"What's that?" He hasn't caught onto my game anymore. 

"It's where I have to document all the calls I have responded to" he replies, focusing on writing stuff down. This must be where I can find the corresponding number to John B's envelope. 

"Damn it!" He mutters before he gets up and leaves his office in a rush. 

I take this as my opportunity to grab the binder that is filled with notes and pictures which correspond to certain cases. He is documenting his last call, so I look through the book for the incidences from yesterday, with John B's being the last one for the day. 

I just about get a glance at the number before the door opens and I rush to put everything back in place, quickly grabbing his keys and standing up because I have 30 seconds until JJ cuts the power. 

"You leaving?" Dad asks, looking up from the documents he is carrying. 

"Yeah, I need to meet Sarah" I nod, "love you" I give him a tight hug, "love you too sweetheart" he hugs me back. 

I leave his office, waving at the other officers just as the power cuts, sending everyone into a frenzy. 

I sneak past everyone in the complete dark, I get to the evidence locker in one of the back rooms. The electric gate is disabled, so I easily open that one but there is a second gate that needs a key to unlock. 

It takes me a few seconds to find the right one of my father's keys before I rush in, closing it behind me. Fishing my flashlight out of my pocket, I turn it on and flash it around the room that is filled with boxes of evidence, each with a different number. 

There is a room in the back of the evidence locker and I remember from my intern admin work that this room is for evidence that is yet to be processed by the lab. Once again struggling to find the correct key, I manage to get inside eventually. 

It has already taken me one minute to get this far, I only have another minute to locate the evidence and get out of here.  The evidence here is not in boxes but simply bagged, with the evidence number taking up most of the plastic. 

Spotting the envelope immediately, I double-check the number and it's the right one. I shove the envelope down the back of my top before leaving. I lock the door behind me but just as I get to the gate, the electricity comes on and the electric gate is enabled, locking me inside the main evidence room. 

I was only seconds away from escaping. 

Starting to panic, I glance up at all the cameras that line the walls. I have 3 minutes until they turn on and my father finds me in here. I am going to be in so much trouble, staring at the electric gate, I can't leave without a fingerprint and code and if I try my dad's code, it will alert him that his code has been used. 

There is no way I am getting out of here. 

I hear footsteps so I rush towards the corner of the evidence locker, hiding behind all the boxes. An officer unlocks the electric gate, shutting it before making their way to the room I was just in as they unpack the bags of evidence collected today, that still need to be processed by the lab. 

He is unaware of my presence but this could be my saving grace. I need him to be distracted so I can keep that electric gate open. 

I quickly take out my phone, texting the phone I gave Maybank. 

"I'm stuck" I send. 

"What do you mean you're stuck?" He responds immediately.  

"I have the envelope but the generators kicked in before I could get past the electronic gate" I send back, "the cameras are going to turn on soon and there is a guy in here, I just need a distraction and I can get out" I send him my plan. 

"Don't worry, I'll get you a distraction" he assures me. 

"Don't do anything stupid" I quickly reply, not wanting him to endanger himself for me. He reads it but he doesn't reply. 

I don't know why but I trust him to get me out of this.


Third Person P.O.V:

Eliza is sitting on the floor of the evidence locker, hidden in the corner as her head leans against the cold wall. She can't believe she is about to get in trouble all for a stupid envelope, if she gets caught in here, she knows she doesn't have an explanation. 

The officer is still unaware of her presence, focusing solely on unpacking the bags of evidence in the separate room. 

JJ leans against the steering wheel of Eliza's car, his mind is going into overdrive to find a way to get her out of there before the security cameras turn back on and Eliza is discovered. 

He know she is relying on him, he can't let her get in trouble, she was just helping them out. This isn't the best plan but it is the only way to let her escape, he needs to be a distraction. Hitting the accelerator and crashes into the bumper of one of the police cars. 

The damage is minimal, not enough to activate the airbags and at most, it will leave a scratch for both cars but the sound was enough of a distraction. 

All the officers, including Peterkin and Shoupe, all turn to the front of the precinct after hearing the crash. They rush outside. The officer in the evidence locker overhears the commotion and puts the box away, rushing out of the evidence locker and towards the office area. 

Eliza knows that JJ was responsible for the commotion, he came through for her. 

Just as the electronic gate is about to shut, Eliza takes her shoe off and slides it towards the door, the heel landing perfectly to stop the electric gate from shutting completely. 

"And he said I shouldn't wear heals" she mutters before glancing at her timer, 30 seconds before the security cameras turn on. 

She leaps up, grabbing her shoe before exiting, letting the gate shut behind her. All the attention is at the front of the precinct, allowing her to sneak out the back. 

Meanwhile, JJ sheepishly steps out of Eliza's car, ready to face the rage of a furious Shoupe with an audience of officers behind him. Peterkin looks at him concerned, wondering what is going on with him and his friends. 

They seem to be all to something. 

"Sorry about that, I just lost control" JJ flashes his usual smirk, his plan worked. 

"You crashed into police property Maybank" Shoupe starts telling him off, "you really are trying to get arrested" he crosses his arms. 

"It was an accident" JJ shrugs. 

"And this car? Is it stolen?" Shoupe glances at the car but before JJ can reply, Shoupe does a double-take and realises it is his daughter's car. "What are you doing with Eliza's car?" Shoupe steps forward, ready to arrest JJ for stealing his daughter's car. 

"Oh yeah, that-" JJ scratches the back of his head. 

"You better answer me right now, Maybank!" Shoupe's anger intensifies, Maybank better not have done anything with his daughter. First, he finds Maybank in his backyard talking to Eliza and now he has her car. 

Elisa looks at the precinct from across the street, she watches as her father yells at JJ. She realises that his plan for a distraction was to crash her car but she isn't mad because he risked himself for her and now it is her turn. 

"Really Maybank!" She rushes across the street, "I leave you with my car for one minute and you crash it!" JJ turns to her, relieved she made it out and impressed with how good of an actress she is. 

"I can't believe this" she sighs, committing to the role. 

"I am so sorry about this" she apologises to Sheriff Peterkin and her father, standing in front of JJ unconsciously, just wanting to defend him. "I was only going for a minute, I didn't think he would crash my car" she fake glares at him, JJ looks down to avoid giving her away with his laugh. 

"You can totally take it out of my allowance dad" Shoupe doesn't believe her, his eyes not leaving Maybank. Something is going on and he is doesn't like it at all. 

"I'm so sorry again" the other officers get bored and make their way back inside, leaving the sheriff and her father. "Don't worry about it, Elizabeth, mistakes happen just make sure it doesn't happen again" Sheriff Peterkin lets it go. 

"It won't happen again, I promise" Eliza flashes her famous smile. 

Sheriff Peterkin glances at JJ before going back inside. 

"What is he doing in your car?" Shoupe lowers his voice, not wanting to yell at his daughter. "He is my group for my lab project" JJ is impressed with how easily Eliza can lie, wondering what else she is lying about. 

"The teacher thought it would be a good idea because I have the best grades and I could help him concentrate better" she continues. "I thought you were going to see Sarah" Shoupe recalls her words from earlier, "I am" she nods, "she is also in our group" Eliza doesn't miss a beat. 

Shoupe doesn't want to believe it but he would rather this than the reality. He doesn't want to know the truth so he accepts the lie. 

"Don't worry about the damage" Shoupe gives up, "just be careful and don't be home late, you know your mother worries" he finishes before going back inside. Eliza turns to JJ, no longer hiding her joyous smile as she launches herself into his arms, not caring if anyone sees them. 

JJ accepts her warmth happily as they celebrate. 

They got away with it. 

Eliza's P.O.V.

"You're lucky I didn't crash your car that bad" Maybank comments as we drive back, taking his hoodie off and throwing it into my backseat. "It's only a couple scratches, no damage to the engine" he gets comfortable in the seat. 

"You really think I am going to thank you for crashing my car" I glance over at him before turning back to the road, "considering if it wasn't for me, you would still be stuck in the evidence locker, I do expect a thank you" he fires back. 

"I will send a thank-you note along with the invoice for the damage to my car," I remark, "I can help you out with that if you want" he offers. 

"You fixed my car once, get over yourself" I don't know I revert to being mean but it doesn't bother him. 

"So you don't want me to fix your car for free?" He questions, "I didn't say that" he chuckles at my response, "but if you are going to fix my car, I would like to help" I don't know why I just said that, even he is surprised. 

"Sounds good to me" he immediately accepts, "I know many ways to get your hands dirty" he winks. 

"You disgust me, Maybank" I roll my eyes but my words bounce off him. 

I notice him fidgeting with the envelope in his lap. 

"Why is it so important anyway?" I ask casually, "I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you," he remarks, "I thought this wasn't James Bond" she retorts. "Well you are dressed like a Bond girl, so it's fitting" he flirts to change the topic.

"Do you ever get tired?" I wonder. 

"Of what?" He looks up from the envelope. 

"Of flirting with me knowing it will never get anywhere?" I state, "I got this far, haven't I?" He makes a point I refuse to acknowledge leading to the rest of the drive being in silence until we get to the Chateau. 

"This is you" I park my car, I still stare right ahead, too afraid to look at him because I don't trust myself.  

"Thanks for helping with the envelope, I know you don't care but we appreciate it" he genuinely thanks me, "yeah whatever" I force myself to be unbothered. "See you around, I guess" there is an awkwardness that wasn't there before like something should be said. 

"Yeah, I guess" I shrug. 

He gets out and I watch through the review mirror as he walks towards the Chateau. 

"Wait! Maybank!" I go with my instinct, jumping out of my car. He turns around confused with my mood swings. Not thinking, I ran over to him and throw my arms around him, feeling the same serenity I felt earlier. 

He drops the envelope and wraps his arms around my waist, our chests pressed against each other. Inviting him to hold me tighter, the tingle that I have been searching for returns and my heart races like the first time we got this close. 

Flashing back to when we played Romeo and Juliet in middle school and we had to kiss. It was nothing more of a childish peck but it was my first kiss and as much as it hurts to admit, no kiss with Rafe even compares to how cherished I felt under his gaze. 

Reluctantly pulling away, I step back and pretend his touch didn't just send chills through my body. 

"Thank you for helping me out in there, I know you probably did it because you needed the envelope but I'm glad you had my back" I honestly admit, he chuckles, appreciating my words. 

"Now I have done my bit, so you and you're friends can leave me alone" I switch back into bitch-mode to avoid how intense I was getting, I need to keep my distance from them, it would hurt my family and my reputation. 

"Man, you really just had to ruin it" I bite back a smirk. 

Spinning around, I go back to my car. 

"See you around, Her Majesty" he calls from behind me. I don't turn because I don't want him to see my smile or the red in my cheeks. 

Wasting no time driving back to my house. 


Once I get to my house, I notice my mom's car is still not there but there is another car in the driveway, leaning against it is Rafe. 

Oh no!

Our date. 

I completely forgot. 

He watches me pull in, not hiding how annoyed he is as he stands up, straightening up his suit jacket. I keep my expressions controlled, my mind spinning with a million excuses for our forgotten date. 

"I am so sorry babe" I jump out of my car, rushing over to him to hug him but he pushes me away. "I've been waiting here for 2 hours" as I look into his eyes, I know it is not Rafe I am talking to.

"I am so sorry" I apologise, "I completely lost track of time" I know I am not going to get away with this as easily. He shakes his head, battling with his other side, I step back when I notice his hands forming fists. 

He looks me up and down, not impressed with my attire, his jealous side appearing. 

"Where have you been?" He keeps himself composed, "I was with the girls, you know, the girls from cheerleading" I can't say I was with Sarah because I wasn't at their house. "With the girls?" He doesn't believe me. 

"Yes, we went out to get something to eat before practising for our Midsummers performance" I know he doesn't believe me. 

"The time escaped me, I am so sorry" I apologise again. 

"I really hope you are not lying to me" he steps forward making me step back, "I'm not" I lie. "Are you sure about that?" He steps forward again, "yes" I go on the defensive, stepping back again but I trip and fall down. 

Before I can register it, his hand is in front of my face, I flinch and reach up to protect my face, bracing for the hit but it doesn't come. I drop my hands and realise that the hand was to help me up and not to hit me. 

He is shocked by my impulsive reaction, the first time he doesn't enjoy the fear he instils in me. 

I take his hand and he gently lifts me up, letting go immediately. 

"Are you afraid of me?" He quietly asks.

I pause, not knowing how to respond but my silence is enough.  

He wordlessly gets into his car and drives away, leaving me very confused about what just happened. 


Third Person P.O.V. 

"And you didn't have any faith in me!" JJ struts into the Chateau, holding the envelope in the air. Kiara, John B and Pope all jump up from the couch and rush towards him, they didn't think actually think that the plan would work. 

"JJ! YOU'RE THE MAN!" John B excitedly takes the envelope from him, ready to see what his father left for him. 

"Everything went to plan?" Pope wonders, "had to improvise a little but it was light work," JJ misses out on the troubles they faced to get the envelope. "Where is the evil queen anyway?" Kiara looks behind JJ, expecting Eliza to walk through. 

"She left, said she did her part and to leave her alone" they all nod, expecting nothing less from her cruel heart. She helped them out and that was enough. 

"Well let's not wait any longer, let's see what is inside" John B sits down with the envelope, excitement replaced with anxiety as he doesn't know what to expect. They have gone to extreme measures to get this envelope, it better be worth it. 

JJ finds his way to the kitchen, feeling peckish from the heist he and Eliza committed. 

"That bread had mould on it three days ago" Pope points out, "I'll just pull off the bad parts" JJ shrugs, continuing to make his toast. "Plus, mould is good for you, it's just a natural organism" he makes up. 

"JJ" Kiara stops him, noticing how silent John B is being, all his attention on the envelope. The only form of direct contact he has had with his father since he went missing at sea. JJ rushes over to the others, spitting out the mouldy bread as John B opens the envelope. 

John B pulls out a folded sheet of paper, opening it to reveal a map of some sort. 

"Oh shit. X marks the spot" Pope points out the 'X' at the top of the map, none of them knows what this means. 

"Longitude, latitude" John B traces the map, "I think there is something else in there" he feels inside the envelope and pulls out a tape recorder. 

"What's that?" JJ wonders. 

"It's a tape recorder, dumbass" Kiara rolls her eyes as John B examines it and turns it on. 

"Dear bird-" a voice starts. 

"Who's bird?" JJ asks. 

"That's what my dad called me" John B can't believe he is hearing the sound of his father's voice, after so long. 

"I hate to say I told you so but I told you so and you doubted your old man" his father continues, "I suspect at this moment, you're filled with guilt and self-loathing over our last fight but don't kill yourself just yet, kid" the others watch John B's unreadable expression, worried about the emotional turmoil this may cause.

"I didn't expect to find the Merchant either" They all glance at each other, double-checking that they heard correctly. John B's father found the Merchant after all. 

"You were probably right to call me out, wasn't exactly father of the decade" John B turns back to the recording, "what can I say, kid? I could smell the barn and hopefully, we're listening to this in our brand new sugar-shack down in Costa Rica living off passive investments and pulling on permits" tears pool in his eyes as he listens to the voice that he has been missing most. 

"If not, and you find this for less than optimal reasons, well that's what the map is for" he looks at the map again, still not making much sense of it. "There she is, the wreck of the Merchant, if something happens to me, finish what I started" they can't believe their ears, all the pain to get this far has been worth it. 

"Go for the gold, kid! I love you, Bird, even if I didn't always act like it" there is a strange pause, "I'll see you on the other side" his father whispers before the tape finishes.

John B is too overwhelmed to even respond, getting up from his seat and walking away from the others. No longer biting back the tears, he leans against the wall, crying as all the emotions hit him at once. 

"He did it! Big John, he found the Merchant!" JJ celebrates, "can you please?" Kiara tells him to shut up as they all register John B's sobs. 

"Right sorry" JJ apologises as Kiara rushes over to console John B, she wraps her arms around him and holds him. 


Eliza's P.O.V.

Lying back in bed, staring at my phone as all my messages to Rafe are being ignored. I know he is reading them but he isn't responding, I don't know what to do to fix it. We made a promise to go back to the way it was before but yet he is still acting like this. 

Sighing, I give up on messaging him, turning off my phone so I can try and get some sleep. Just as my eyes close, there is a knock on my door. 

"Mom?" I sit up. 

"It's me" Dad walks in, he looks upset and disappointed and I can already tell that he knows. 

"You and I need to have a talk" he sits at the end of my bed, "what about?" I play dumb. "I know you took my keys and I also know that the envelope was taken from the evidence locker" I drop my act, knowing I have been caught. 

"That's why you came to the precinct, you weren't there to see me but to steal it" I don't say anything, not wanting to incriminate myself any further. 

"Now, I have been racking my brain trying to figure out why you would do such a stupid thing" he continues, "and it all makes sense, he made you do it, didn't it?" I frown, wondering what he means. 

"He forced you to steal the envelope, didn't he?" He has made up his own narrative and I don't know how I am going to change his mind. 

"What are you talking about?" I don't know what to say.

"Maybank, he is behind this, isn't he?" He moves closer to me, "you don't have to be afraid to tell me the truth, if Maybank or his friends are making you do anything you don't want to do, I will make sure they pay for it, all you have to do is tell me" if I say yes, then I will be out of trouble but I can't betray Maybank like this. 

Wait? Why can't I sell out Maybank and his friends?

It's not like I care about them. 

It was all their idea. 

"No, they didn't make me do anything" I state, "Maybank did not force me to steal it, I offered to steal it because John B told me it was very important to him" I take responsibility. He puts his head in his hands, not happy with my response. 

"It was all my idea" I lie. 

"He isn't in your lab group is he?" He figures out. 

"No" I confirm. 

"What the hell is going on with you, Elizabeth?" He stands up, pacing back and forth to control his temper. "Then tell me why he was in our backyard the other night and why he was in your car" he demands. 

"There was a fight at the party I went to with Rafe and he came to check in on me that night because I was pretty shaken up" I don't tell the whole truth, "and for why he was in my car, he was my getaway driver" I am ready for the consequences.

"I am going to ask you this one time and I want you to answer very carefully" he stops pacing, "is anything going on between you and Maybank, that I need to know about that?" I can't even answer that question for myself. 

"No, nothing at all" I don't even know if I am lying. 

"I won't tell Peterkin about what you did" he turns away from me, too disappointed in me to look at me, "but only if you stay away from them, I don't want Maybank anywhere near you, do I make myself clear?" I know I don't have a choice. 

"I understand" I nod. 

"And this goes without saying but you're grounded and if anything like this happens again, no more cheerleading and no more music" he warns. 

"Understood" I don't argue, happy to take the fall for him. 

Dad leaves without another word, closing my door behind him. 

Falling back into bed, I let out a sigh of relief, knowing I got off lightly because I already keep my distance from Maybank and his friends. There is no need for me to ever see him again and it's not like I want to see him again. 

Or do I? 

My eyes close again and I drift into slumber, Maybank being the last thought on my mind.

Third Person P.O.V. 

"How much was it again?" JJ asks as they sit by the fire, "400 million" Pope answers. 

"All right, let's talk the split" JJ brings up, "now before we say evenly, may I remind you that I am the only one who risked my freedom to steal the envelope back in the first place" JJ states. 

"Technically, it was B who stole the envelope" Pope points out, "but if it wasn't for me, she wouldn't have got out, so teamwork" he shrugs. "That's at least a 5% bump right there" he continues. 

"Any objections? Didn't think so" Both Pope and Kiara raise their hands but JJ ignores them, "I don't hear any, so" Kiara rolls her eyes. 

"What are you gonna do with your 100 mil, Pope?" Kiara asks, "pay for college in advance" Pope answers, "and also textbooks, those are expensive" Kiara and JJ look at him weirdly, expecting a more extravagant answer. 

"What about you, Kie?" JJ asks, "yeah what does a socialist do when she's rich?" Pope adds on. 

"Just wanna make a double album" Kiara shrugs, "about OBX, the Pogues" she chuckles. "You know the way Catch a Fire is about Kingston, record it at Marley Studio, Peter Tosh producing" she continues. 

"Peter Tosh is-" Pope interrupts, "Peter Tosh is dead, I know" Kiara finishes off for him, "but the spirit of Peter Tosh will never die" she holds up her beer can. 

"Actually, I know what I'm gonna do" JJ chimes in, "I'm gonna get a big ass house on Figure Eight and go full Kook" he leaves out how he wishes Eliza would be in that house with him. They all like to joke that money is the only thing she cares about but in reality, she can't be bought, not when she knows her worth. 


"You're gonna go full kook?" Pope mocks. 

"Yup" JJ nods, "gonna get a marble statue of myself and then I'm gonna get a koi pond, put a bunch of those fish" he states. "Lemme guess, you think transforming yourself into Rafe will make B want to be with you" Pope chuckles. 

"Oh I thought we were over this, 100 million or 100 billion, she's will always see you as a no-good Pogue" Kiara adds.

"Don't be so hard on him" John B mumbles, the first few words he has said since breaking down earlier, "not everything is as it seems, you never know what the future holds" he remembers Eliza's singing, the lyrics of the song detailing a relationship that left her feeling unwanted. 

JJ was right, they are not as strong as they seem. 

"Why do you say that?" Kiara wonders. 

"No reason, just a feeling" he doesn't say much else, turning back to the water. 

"What are you going to do with your share of the money, John B?" Pope asks. 

He pauses, watching the calming water as the others wait impatiently for his answer.

"To going full kook." 

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