Mon amour | discontinued

By rodrickheffleyislove

56K 1.1K 1.4K

Strangers that fit perfectly together. Some say they are each others calm in the storm of life and others sim... More

a / n
charcter discriptions
part one
part three
part four
extra characters
part five
part six
part seven
part eight
part nine
part ten
part eleven
part twelve

part two

4.5K 114 220
By rodrickheffleyislove

Bella | f1 men are the hottest
insomniac- a person who is unable to sleep


I haven't slept properly all week, I'm fucking exhausted. Maybe it's the time difference.

Jet lagged?

Is that even real?

It's just fucking confusing. The nightmares haven't stopped, I thought that a change of scenery would help but it all still haunts me. Every night I see him again and again, the wicked smiles and taunting words.

I start at Paris fashion school next week, it's been my dream since I was little and it's finally coming true, when I was a child and we didn't have any money my mother would make our clothes and she was good at it.

I had to put off collage because of money, so when I got a scholarship I jumped out of the opportunity to leave the shit hole I grew up in, plus Amelie had always wanted to have her own cafe in Paris.

Her passion was always baking and I thank her for that because I can't cook for shit.

It was a Win-win.

My cousin made a new friend actually, the only person I've talked to is the pretty guy from the cafe and Coco, she makes for good conversation.

Hopefully once school starts I'll have more friends.

I know the guy from the cafe gave me his number but I haven't called it yet, I'm having a war in my head, a million different outcomes and possibilities run through my head.

I'm gonna call him. Just casual. He gave you his number, he wants you to call. Right?

I pick up my phone and the piece of paper that lies on my bedside table, I look at it and analyse the number written down. When did he have time to write this?


I and press call and on the third ring I hear a familiar British accent ask, "Hello?", his accent drawing me in even more and my curiosity is piqued.

"Hey! Um it's the girl from the cafe last week, I kinda need a tour guide. So are you up for it?" I say to him while putting on the innocent act.

It's fun to play with them sometimes, make them think they can corrupt me and ruin me all the while  they realise they need me and they become obsessed with the innocent little blonde girl.

It's funny, because they never expect it.

"I'll pick you up in twenty, share your location" I hear his deep voice say through the phone, it's a voice that commands attention and authority.

The line goes cold, leaving me no room to answer. I scramble away, nearly tripping on the suitcase that lies on the ground while I find something to wear.

I put on a brown top that hugs my body and goes to my belly button and I pair it with a brown zebra print skirt that reaches my mind thighs and a beige shoulder bag.

I curl my hair in a couple places and fluff it up at the crown of my head while just putting some concealer, mascara and brown eyeliner to make my eyes pop out.

Bella's outfit^^^

I walk down the stairs of our apartment, while scrolling on my phone and through my feed, not looking where I'm going, nearly tripping over my own feet about five times.

My phone dings and I look down to be met with the contact of Ares— the pretty guy from the cafe

Ares: im here.

I don't bother to respond as I make my way through the Victorian styled apartment complex, opening the doors I look around for Ares and spot the familiar dark hair that rests upon his forehead, He is leaning against a sports car with his phone up to his ear and his eyebrows furrowed— seemingly in deep conversation.

I make my way over taking, long strides until I'm about 3 feet away, I try taking a step but my feet get caught up in each other as I fly forward— I brace myself for impact against the sidewalk but instead I'm caught by a strong pair of arms.

I look up through my eyelashes and give him a sheepish smile. Those same blue eyes. He has the prettiest eyes I've ever seen. He looks down at me with a hint of amusement dancing around his irises — which is quickly replaced by his signature emotionless look but he doesn't make a move to remove me from his arms.

Gosh he is tall.

I finally stand up, removing myself from his grip and mumble a small 'sorry' before dusting off the imaginary dust. I give him a warm smile.

"Let's go" he says while opening the passenger door, I get in without hesitation and he closes the door for me before rounding the car onto his side.

This is a dumb idea. I don't even know him for gosh sake! fuck it. Who cares if the pretty guy has a little Rafe Cameron in him. Adds character.

He starts the car and starts driving off down the busy streets of paris, taking turn after turn and going down street after street, the cobbled narrow streets are different from what I am used to back home.

Pont d'Léna

A bridge.

He gets out of the car and rounds over to my side before I get the chance to unbuckle my seatbelt, he opens my door for me.

"Oh look at that, the lonely asshole is a gentleman" I say to him while grabbing my bag and standing up, he rolls his eyes in reply while walking off — I walk behind him at a noticeable distance while looking around absentmindedly.

We are right near the Eiffel tower and although we have been here for a week I still haven't seen it, which is disappointing but I'm here now.

He leads me out to the middle of the bridge and leans his forearms on the railing while looking out. He is wearing a black muscle shirt and black jeans.

Simple but effective.

We are both standing with our forearms leaning against the bridge, in a slightly awkward silence.

"So Ares..." I say trying to brake up the tension that hangs thick in the air, failing miserably as the awkwardness is back. That's weird. Awkwardness.

"Bella" he says in a husky voice, finally addressing me for what feels like the first time today

"Have you lived here for long? I mean you sound British" I say while shrugging and looking over at him casually.

"I moved here when I was 19" Ares says to me, no emotion evident as he looks out onto the water, it's a beautiful sight — the view and him.

The sun shining onto the water below, making it shimmer in a magical way.

Im bored.

I hoist myself up onto the thick railing of the bridge, and start walking along it, Ares looks up at me with a strange look. 

Like I give two shits bitch.

I keep walking and balancing on the railing while putting one foot in front of the other, I keep walking but again — like earlier — my feet get caught up in each other making me nearly fall of the bridge.


Why did I even do that?

I'm tilting back and forwards, trying to get my balence until two hand sets placed firmly on my waist— hauling me down of the railing. I tense up at the touch but instantly recognise the scent as Ares, as he places me on the ground, still not taking his hands off me.

Don't look at me like that. Yes I remember what he smells like.

No big deal my family is big for a great smell — if that make sense.

"Are you fucking crazy? Do you want to die or something" he says while looking down at me with a stern look on his face, it's intimating but comforting.

I look him up and down before returning my gaze up to his face. "I wasn't going to die" I calmly say while shrugging my shoulders and looking away from his heated gaze.

He sighs and says "whatever, while you were dandling around I had to take a call, something came up. I'll drop you back home" he says before walking off without a second look.

Damn I was kinda hoping to have longer. Hah jk no, I swear he hates me.


Ares dropped me home three hours ago it's only three in the afternoon, I have just been sketching some new designs for some dresses, we were sent an email saying that for the first day we have to bring in a dress that represents you.

What is that supposed to mean?

Represent me? Personality or looks? Wit or cluelessness? Some people always fail to specify the specifics needed to complete and assignment.

This dress will show off my potential and talent so if it's wrong then I am fucked.

Suddenly I hear the front door slam closed making me jump slightly in my seat, my Red headed cousin bursts through my bedroom door unexpectedly screaming, "BITCH GUESS WHAT, THIS GIRL I MET HAS TICKETS TO THIS RACE TONIGHT AND YOUR COMING WITH" she says squealing and running over towards me.

"Ame, I don't kn—" I begin saying but I'm hastily cut off by her loud and energetic voice.

"Oh come on! It'll be fun" she pleads — laying down on my bed and propping herself up onto her elbows, her blue eyes looking into my green ones — "plus I know how much you love these car things" she says while giving me the puppy dog eyes.

I sigh, " fuck. fine, what time" I say to her — more a demand then a question.

"We leave in 1 hour, be ready! bye love you" Amelie says— kissing my check and running out, not giving me a chance to reply.

Damn guess I'm going out tonight.

I haul myself out of bed and into the shower, the warm water cascades down my back— giving me a sense of comfort in the heat that surrounds me.

I wash my hair and shave everywhere before stepping out of the shower and wrapping myself in a towel, trying to conceal the warm air that once enveloped me snugly.

I head out of my room naked as I begin looking through my closet for some clothes to wear.
I settle on my favourite blue wide-legged jeans, a white cropped shirt and a deep blue leather jacket followed by a matching bag.

I fluff my hair at the crown of my hair, before freshening my makeup, making my eyes pop out more then they already do.

My eyes. Light green. I've been told it's a gift saved for angels but I don't see it like that. It's a reminder everyday of him. I look exactly like my father and I hate it. I hate him.

A knock at my door interrupts my thoughts as Amelie walks in, shes wearing black washed out jeans and a red tube top, that accentuates her already small waist— her auburn hair is tied in a messy sort of ponytail that accentuates her heart shaped face that resembles my own.

I stand up to my full height and she gasps, placing a hand over her mouth.

"Oh I'm so obsessed with you right now" she says while gushing over me.

I laugh at her words before walking over to the mirror and seeing what I look like. Damn I look hot as fuck.

My long blonde hair cascades down my shoulders, reaching down to my ass and my eyes look brighter then ever.

A small smile rests on my lips as i look at myself and smooth down my clothes before Amelie's impatient clicking gets to me — I glare at her and she instantly stops, straightening up again while clearing her throat.

"Cmon let's go, Chloe is waiting in the car" my cousin says to me as she turns on her heal— her bright hair swaying with her steps as she walks out my bedroom door — already making her way towards the front door, not giving a second glance my way. I follow her reluctantly, letting my mind take over and tuning out the noises of everyone.

Chloe must be the chick who got us the tickets.


Cars. I have always had a admiration for them. I knew my shit. I never had money to buy and worship the sexy things. Nissan skyline R33 GT-R. My dream car. I had always promised myself to buy her as soon as I had the money — preferably a midnight blue colour but that's only if a make it.

The main race is starting in half and hour and most people who need to here — are here. the stands are filled up to the point where its almost suffocating. Amelie, Chloe and me are all front row and excited as hell.

Chloe is a really beautiful girl, she has dark skin and dark long brown hair that reaches her ass, her skin is clear and she has a curvy body. I see why my cousin has taken a liking to her.

We continue talking to each other, having simple conversations. I feel a tap on my shoulder and i turn around with a smile on my face.

time to be nice

A man who looks to be around 22 or 23 stands before me and he is in a track suit that matches the rest of the men of the track. He's handsome.

"girls like you aren't usually my type but damn" the man says while looking me up and down.

I give him my signature smile, looking him up and down before licking my lips and checking him out again as a graceful smile lifts to my lips, "thank you, same goes for you"

"We have this afterparty tonight, you and your friends should come" he says while looking back at Amelie and Chloe

"Yeah im sure they would like that, where at?"

"I'll come find you after the race" The man says, "My names Theo, Theo Jones" he sticks out his hand for me to shake and I take it in mine, rough worker hands.

"Bella, Bella Valerie" I say to him with a smile and he smirks at me, winking and then walking off into the crowd and disappearing from my sight.

shitty alcohol here we come.


The race is starting in 5 minutes and most people are already drunk— including me.

The engines reeve around me and everyone quietens down, the anticipation eating us all up as we all wait for the cue.


The show gun goes off and the cars start moving at the fastest speeds, they all flash past us as they make there way around the track— fighting for the top spot.

A red holden car has my eyes as they drive past, in the lead by far, they all keep doing laps of the track with the red Holden never falling behind. They drive skilfully and precisely, never missing a move and never messing up. No one here has time for mistakes, they can't afford shit like that.

After 19 laps they all enter the final lap, there last chance at winning.

There is a yellow car that is just behind the red Holden, I hadn't noticed it until now as it accelerates forward — desperately trying to get in the lead but the person in front never gives him the slightest chance.

That doesn't stop him from giving hope. Fake hope. He will think he has won but the red Holden steals it right back.

The men drift around the turn and straighten up the car before accelerating once again, the red Holden is still in front of the rest of the group by far but he never stops and never gives the rest a break.

Everyone is on the edge of their seats as another car speeds up, the person tries to chip the edges of the others — trying to run them off the road, but the guy in front dodges their attempts blissfully, I can almost feel the energy and tension radiating off the crowd as we watch them round the corner to the home strip.

They both try accelerating but only one can win, the red Holden takes the lead, the crowd is screaming a number of French profanities at whoever can hear them and then just like that— head to tail— the red Holden crosses the finish line. He won.

The crowd goes wild at the victory and the man steps out of the car, throwing his hands up and taking off his helmet. His hair sticks to his forehead as he looks around panting with a smile on his face, and just like that my eyes connect with his. The same blue eyes that have been haunting my thoughts.



Ares pov:


And there she is. Her green eyes piercing into mine. She holds eye contact and a smirk graces my lips, her lips tilt up in a smile and she gives me a thumbs up which cause a small chuckle to escape my lips. I forget about the race, the win. All I can see is her.

And I fucking hate it.

HEYY MY LOVES💘💘 I'm writing this chapter instead of doing my assessment that due tomorrow and worth 25% of my grade but anyway I can't bring myself to care about that shit.

Also their is only like 2 days left of the term so it's not like I'm doing any work anyway

Lmk what you guys think, as always no fake hoes here.

#aella #bres
those are shit ship names but whatever

I already have heaps of chapters planned so I'll try to update every 2nd or 3rd day, I'm trying my best guys pls do not push me.

Anyway love you all <3

3004 words

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