
By angelic746

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George, who bullied sebastian discovers about Sebastian and his own family's past after Sebastian's tragic su... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Cut-out scenes

Chapter eleven

77 33 25
By angelic746

What do I do? If I tell dad about everything in front of this guy, he might kill him or something. Besides, dad might not even believe me. so, I should stay calm. I should tell dad everything without him hearing us...

"George?" dad said and I realized that I was staring at the guy. I turned to dad

"What's wrong?" dad asked

"I... I just... Umm... know that girl?" I pointed at the TV. "She's in our school"

I was stuttering and my response came out as a question. 

I turned and nearly run to my room

My head was throbbing and my hands were shaking. What if the guy kills us? Do I need to call 911? Then say what? The guy who's talking to dad in the living room is a member of an unknown gang and was the same guy who killed Paula even though you all think Veronica did it. And he was the one who made Sebastian kill himself even though mom confessed? This is driving me crazy

I then put the paper Paula has sent me, Sebastian's notebook, and mom's two letters on my bed. Trying hard not to think of Paula and what could have happened 

but first, I opened the envelope. I need to be sure

There were two papers in the envelope. I pulled out the first one. there were some words at the top that I didn't understand but at the end, it read that the DNA of mom matched with Sebastian's. good

But then I read the other paper and it confused me. something must have gone wrong. because there's no way what's written on this paper could be true!

Then remembered that Paula had said that she will Email me the rest and I went to my dad's office. I then opened his email. But Paula hadn't sent anything. I was about to turn the computer off when a received email caught my attention. It was an email from dad's boss. It said that the vacation he took for a month had expired. and it was received yesterday

There's no way I thought there's no way what I am thinking about could be true!

Then the realization hit me. There's no way dad knew nothing about this, because I heard mom tell him that JoJo was taken away from her. and mom didn't tell me to run away with dad in her letter, it was more like to run away from him. And she didn't hid the letter from the police she hid it from him. This could only mean that, that the other guy Roni talked about... was dad.

I closed the computer after checking one last thing and everything suddenly became so clear and confusing at the same time.

I went to dad's safe and opened it. He had told us the password in case something bad happened. And I took out his gun

I held the gun with both hands and went downstairs. They were still talking. And I aimed the gun at dad


"Yes George... why the hell are you holding a gun?" he said and the other guy turned to me as well.

"Where is veronica?" I said

"Who? What are you talking about?" he tried to stand up

"No! Sit back down" I yelled "Or I'll shoot"

His eyes widen "Why the hell would you do that?"

"Because I know everything. I know what you did. And who you are"

They both looked at each other

"George, I think you should..." the guy who was silent began

"No! Shut up," I said "I know you both are in that gang. And that you killed people"

Dad's eyebrows furrowed

"Don't be ridiculous George! This is your mom's lawyer"

What? no... noway!

"Then why was there an Email about you having a vacation for a month?" I started "and I saw your deleted Facebook account and I know that you talked to Sebastian with it. I know that he was the one who delivered the letters to him. I know that you two killed Paula and that Sebastian wasn't your son! Now tell me, dad. Which part looks ridiculous to you?"

His face turned pale

"I did all of this for you," he said "if you knew what your mom did to me you would have had the gun at her. not me"

"What do you mean? What did she do?"

"You wouldn't understand" he averted his eyes

And then it was my turn to laugh

"You got me into this! You turned my life to hell. You drove my brother to suicide, made mom in prison, and killed Paula. And now you treat me like a baby?" I yelled

He looked at the gun, then at me

"Alright alright!"

Then the guy took a sip from whatever they were drinking as if we suddenly became entertaining

"After you were born, I overheard your mother talk to her friend, JoJo. She told her that she had this huge debt on a gang group and that they threatened to kill her baby if she doesn't pay. Her friend then suggested going to Australia until things calmed down and she agreed. But she never told me anything about it. she said she was only going for a vacation. And I didn't ask 

After she went, I expected her to come back early but she didn't. I was worried. Then after four months, I couldn't wait anymore. So I reached for this gang group and paid them the full million dollars. Then I wanted to surprise your mother and go there, where she was staying. And saw her kissing JoJo's brother. I was so angry. But I still loved her. And didn't want to lose her. So I did the only thing I could do. I got rid of the guy and his sister and made it look like it was the gang.

Then I came back home and waited. After several months, she came back and surprised me with this house and I took that as a sign that everything was getting back to normal" he sighed

"Then now, A month ago, I discovered that she had had a baby with that guy and that he was living in our neighborhood and going to the same school as you. I thought it was alright but then I heard that she wanted him back and that she fabricated a court paper and even bought a house for him.

That's why, when I saw that he was bullied at school and that he wasn't treated well at home, I started writing letters to him telling him to end his life. Then I talked to him on facebook and told him that I was his dad, who hated him. Then I sent pills to him with the letters that day. And it worked. He killed himself. But the stupid kid didn't burn the letters as we agreed to. if only he had, it would have worked out.

Then your mother saw my texts with him. she threatened me to tell the police. So I told her that you were the prime suspect and that I will kill you or get you arrested if she doesn't turn herself in. I wasn't serious, I would never do that. But she believed me and turned herself in as soon as she heard you were in the police station.

"Then Vincent saw you one day in a café with JoJo's sister." He said motioning at the guy beside him "Then he started following you two. I didn't think much of her at first but then she started digging information on your mom. I was afraid that she would contact the gangs and figure it out so I had to kill her. I am sorry George, I never meant for all of this to happen. And I didn't make your mom turn herself in to hurt her. I did it so that she would learn from her mistake and be a better wife and a better mother." he then looked at something behind me. That's when I realized that Vincent, who was sitting beside dad, was standing behind me. Holding the gun I had dropped 

oh shit!

I then run before he could catch me to my room. I locked the door and turned around

I gasped when I saw that Veronica was sitting on my bed

"George," she said, her eyes were puffed and red. And she was still crying

"you're okay! Thank god!" I said, "wait, how did you come in here?"

She then looked at me then at the window, which was open oh!

"Did you hear all of that?" I asked and she nodded, letting another tear drop down her cheek

Then I heard dad at the door "George! Come out. There are still other things we need to talk about"

"We need to go" I whispered and she nodded

We then went to the window and I let her go down first. But before I climbed down,

"George? open this door right now!" dad said knocking harder

I then motioned for her to go then closed the window and opened the door

"What do you want," I said

"We need to talk"

"About what?" he didn't answer but went to my closet and picked up some cloths

"Change into these. it's cold there"

"What? Where?"

He looked at me "Canada of course. We're going there right now" 

oh no!

"Please dad, don't do this!" 

"I am sorry George. I don't really have a choice right now"

Remind me why I didn't run out of the house when I had the chance


hey guys I hope you liked this chapter

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love you all

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