Lost Girl

By AxolotlWriter_2022

341 13 2

Auburn, the only girl in Peter Pan's group of Lost Boys, and labeled, unbenounced to her, as "Pan's Girl" by... More

Lost Girl
Sneaking Out
New Lost Girl
Ever After


38 2 1
By AxolotlWriter_2022

It was the next day, I did my usual morning routine getting dressed and braiding my hair before grabbing my weapons and leaving my tree house. I was walking to the campfire when I heard voices, they belonged to Pan and Felix, "where did you two go?" Pan asked, he sounded angry "we just went on a walk" Felix said "you know the rules, Felix, no one is allowed to leave this camp at night unless it's life or death!" Pan said almost shouting "I didn't know what else to do, she would have gone without me as soon as she had the chance" Felix said "you were the one who wanted me to watch her last night anyway" Felix added, his voice also getting louder "I'd watch what you say to me Felix, you might be my right-hand-man but I'm not afraid to kill and replace you" Pan said. I peaked threw some bushes and could see Pan's hand hovering close to Felix's chest, he looked scared while Pan had an evil smirk on his face "I'm sorry, won't happen again" Felix said "better not" Pan said. It went quiet for a second and I was about to walk away when I heard Pan start speaking again "you can come out now Auburn" he said, I came out of my hiding spot becoming visible to Pan and Felix. "You know it's very rude to eavesdrop on private conversations" Pan said "well it's not very private when you're almost screaming for the whole island to hear" I shot back "now what did I just say about watching what you say?" Pan said walking closer to me, Felix quickly got in between me and Pan "Auburn, lets go out and gather some fruits for the camp" Felix said looking at me "is that okay, Pan?" Felix asked looking back at Peter, he just gave a slight nod then walked away. "I can protect myself" I said as soon as Pan was out of earshot "I know, but you're still learning how to use your powers, they don't always work when you want them to" Felix said "then lets change that, we haven't done any training in a while" I said before turning and walking in the direction of mine and Felix's cove.

We arrived at the cove and placed our satchels down on the ground. "Are you sure you want to train instead of search for more answers on the beach?" Felix asked "yeah, we can always head to the beach after, but right now I need to learn to control my powers in case Pan finds out and tries to stop us from leaving" I said, Felix was about to pick up one of the swords we brought with us when he looked at me "us?" he asked raising an eyebrow "yes us, do you really think I'd just leave you?" I asked "you know Pan decides who comes to Neverland and who leaves, and he definitely won't let us leave" Felix said "plus, the only other way to get off this island is Captain Hook's ship and he left years ago" he added "we will find a way, don't worry" I said walking towards Felix taking his hands in mine, he looked down at me into my eyes then leaned down to kiss me, before his lips could touch mine I quickly swerved and grabbed one of the swords pointing it at him "we should start training before we run out of time" I said. Felix looked at me and chuckled "alright, but you owe me a kiss after" he said.

We had a small sword fight before deciding to practice using my powers. Felix would swing at me with the sword and I had to try and block it using my force field. There were a few times where I couldn't get my force field to work in time but I was able to use my fast reflexes to get out of the way of the sword in time. After a while I started to get a better hang of this power, blocking all of Felix's attacks with it. "You're getting better" Felix said sitting next to me, we decided to take a break before going to the beach "thanks, although I'm curious about something" I said before taking a bite of the apple in my hand "what is it love?" Felix asked "do I have any other powers? and if so when will I get them?" I asked "I don't know, maybe on your birthday? that's when you got this power" Felix said then he took a bite of his apple.

We finished our snack then started making our way to the beach but when we got there, there was a surprise waiting for us, and not a good one. "Why hello there" Pan said leaning against a tree, he had an evil smirk on his face "P-Pan! what are you doing here?" I asked "I own this island therefore I own this beach, which I should remind you, is off limits!" Pan said walking towards us "how did you know we were going to be here?" I asked "a little birdie told me, now I want to know what you two are doing here" Pan said. Felix and I looked at each other before looking back at Pan "well!?" he shouted, Felix looked at the ground "if you knew we were going to be here, then you should already know why we're here" I said "watch your tone, Auburn, you don't want to get me angry" Pan said scowling "you can't do anything to me" I said, Pan smirked and raised his eyebrow, he walked closer chuckling "maybe not you" he said looking away from me, I followed his eyes to where he was looking and saw him starring at Felix, I went to look back at Pan but he was gone. When I looked at Felix I saw Pan standing in front of him with his hand in his chest "NO!" I said, I meant to push Pan away but instead he had been thrown threw the air and landed hard on the ground. I covered my mouth with my hands in shock and Felix quickly looked at me, eyes wide "how the-" he started "I don't know! I got angry and meant to push him not..." I said making hand motions of Pan being shot up into the air then falling. Felix and I ran to go see if Pan was okay, but he wasn't where he landed, then I sensed someone behind me and quickly turned around putting up my force field stopping Peter from grabbing me or Felix, all three of us looked at each other shocked, not only did I have a new power that could make others be sent flying to the other side of the beach but I was able to protect someone other than myself with my force field. "Looks like your powers are growing" Pan said from outside of my protective bubble "you can bring the force field down, Auburn, I won't hurt either of you" he said, I looked at him skeptically, he sighed "please Azalea" Pan said looking a little more calm now, I let my force field disappear and looked at Pan, still unsure if he meant what he said. He moved closer slowly "all I want is for you to answer my question, why are you two here?" Pan asked I sighed "we've been looking for things that could bring back my memory, so I can find out who my family is" I said looking at the ground "let me guess" Pan said, I could hear the smirk in his voice and looked up at him "you think that if you can get your memory back and remember your family then you can leave?" Pan continued "w-well..." I said "but here's the thing darling" Pan said grabbing my chin, causing Felix to pull out his sword, Pan looked at him and stopped him before looking back at me "no one leaves without my permission, and the only other way out left years ago" he said "but, I think we can turn this into a fun little game" Peter said letting go of my chin and walking away from me "what do you mean?" I asked, Pan turned to look at me again "I'll give you fifteen days, starting tomorrow, to find out who your family is" Pan said "if you succeed then I'll let you leave to find them, but if you run out of time you must stay here on Neverland with me forever" Pan said smirking. He turned away from me again and started walking away, "and one more thing!" he said over his shoulder "I don't want to see you two anywhere near each other anymore, you're my Lost Girl, Auburn" Pan said before finally disappearing into the trees.

I looked at Felix feeling the tears form in my eyes, instead of saying anything he just looked at the ground and started walking away, "Felix! wait!" I said chasing after him. He continued to ignore me till we got back to camp, then he went to his tent, I just stood there starring tears running down my face, then my emotions changed from hurt to anger and I stormed to Pan's hut. I was banging on the door as soon as I got there "OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR PAN!" I shouted, all the Lost Boys in camp heard me yell and circled Pan's hut to see what was happening "yes darling?" Pan said opening his door, he had an amused smirk on his face "you're a dick you know that!" I said, the look on Pan's face changed immediately after I said that. He grabbed me by they arm and pulled me inside slamming the door behind him "don't EVER speak to me like that again! I am the leader of this group!" he shouted "No! you're a bloody demon!" I screamed, I was full on bawling now from anger towards Pan and hurt because of him not letting me see Felix "you have no right in saying who I can be with! you don't own me!" I said then I tried to push past him to leave, but he grabbed my arm and pinned me against a wall "this island is mine and everything on it! therefore I do own you and you will do as I say or else I will make sure Felix pays for your mistakes!" Pan said, I looked at him in fear and anger "now, you will have some new rules" Pan said backing away from me "you will only be able to go to the beach and leave camp during the day, Devin will be going with you" he started "every night you will have Devin and one of the other older boys standing guard outside your door so you can't sneak out or go see Felix" he continue "and if I find out you haven't been following these rules, Felix will pay for it dearly" he finished "understand?" he asked, all I could do was nod my head "good, now go to your tree house, and send in Devin and John" Pan said before letting me leave.

I walked out of the hut and walked towards Devin and John who were talking with each other, "Pan wants you both" I said quickly before running to my tree house. I got to my tree house and slammed the door behind me before flopping down on my bed and crying.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I woke up still in my day clothes. I got up and looked at my reflection in my vanity mirror, my eyes were all red and puffy from crying, I looked out my window to see what time it was, I couldn't see the moon but it was dark out so at least I knew it was night time which meant John and Devin were outside guarding my door "wonderful" I thought to myself. I walked over to my library to read when I heard my stomach grumbling "right, I missed dinner" I thought, I sighed and went to go open my door but it was locked I knocked on the door to get the boy's attention. "What is it Auburn?" Devin asked opening the door "I'm hungry, do you have any food?" I said "yeah, here" Devin said handing me a plate with pork and mushrooms on it "thanks" I said walking back to my library while Devin closed and locked the door. I sat in my chair and started reading while eating my food. After I was done eating I placed the plate on the table next to my chair, put my book away, changed then went back to bed to get more sleep.

Pan's Game: Day 1

I woke up the next day and got ready to head to the beach with Devin. As I was braiding my hair, though, I had an idea. I finished my braid then took out a piece of parchment and started writing a note to Felix, when I was finished with that I stuffed it into the inside pocket of my cloak then packed my satchel and grabbed my weapons before walking out the door. Devin was waiting for me at the bottom of my tree with a pate of eggs and bacon "eat then we can start heading to the beach" Devin said handing me the plate. I quickly stuffed the eggs and bacon into my mouth then Devin and I walked to the campfire where I put the dirty plate into the washing bin for one of the younger boys to clean then sat on one of the logs waiting for Devin to grab his crossbow. I looked around to see if Pan or any of the other Lost Boys were watching before getting up and walking to Felix's tent leaving the note for him on his bed. I went back to where I was sitting before Devin came back and saw me gone. When he did get back we started walking to the beach.

"Pan is only giving you six hours each day, by the way" Devin said as soon as we got to the beach "what!? six hours are you kidding me!?" I yelled turning to look at Devin, he took a step back and had a look of fear on his face "what?" I asked getting more annoyed "Pan told us about your new power" Devin said "calm down, I'm not going to use it on you, it's not like I can control it anyway" I said turning away from Devin "that's what I'm afraid of" Devin said following me, but making sure to keep is distance "just don't piss me off and you'll be fine" I said sarcastically. We continued walking around the beach, stopping every time I saw something new to see if anything from my past came to me, Devin would just stand and watch me until I started moving again, every once in a while he would try to start a conversation. "So...I heard about you and Felix" he said "mhm" I said not really paying attention "kinda surprised he's still here" he continued "what do you mean?" I asked looking at Devin "well, there was a meeting the night you were brought here about how you were going to be a Lost Girl and that you were off limits, Felix wasn't there though he was hunting" Devin said "wait, off limits?" I asked "yeah, Pan told all of us that you would be his and to not try taking you from him" he said "interesting" I said continuing forward "a-are you mad...?" Devin asked "oh no, I'm just fine" I said sarcastically with a hint of annoyance, I'm guessing Devin noticed because he stopped talking after that. We continued walking until I saw something sparkling in the sand, I ran towards it with Devin close behind, and bent down to see what it was. I picked up a silver locket with and "A" made out of little rubies on it, I opened it to see a Delphinium on one side and a picture of me on the other. I looked about eleven in the photo, I was wearing a black and blue dress(see picture at top for the dress) and my dirty blonde hair was in it's signature fishtail braid, I had a huge smile on my face making my dimples visible and my blue eyes were full of joy. I couldn't stop looking at the picture until I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked up to see Devin behind me "we need to start heading back" he said, I nodded and stood up putting the locket around my neck then following Devin along the path back to camp.

When we got back to camp I went straight to my tree house so I could look over all of the things I've found on the beach so far. I closed the door behind me as soon as I walked in and pulled out the chest under my bed. Now I know I said that I had a secret spot where I hid these and you're probably think "how is a chest under your bed secret?" well I wasn't completely honest in the beginning, I actually gained two abilities on my seventeenth birthday, my force field and cloaking, I can make any object invisible to others or disguise it and make it look like something it's not, when Pan discovered this he made me practice the power until I could control it to hide the camp from any enemies, and I used it on mine and Felix's cabin after I found it that way none of the Lost Boys could find it, instead they'll see a cliff with sharp rocks at the bottom. But even with this I've never used this ability on another human before, and I don't even know if it could block Pan's sensing ability. But I had a plan to test that out later tonight, a plan that you'll have to wait for.

I opened the chest and took out all the things I've already found on the beach, placing each item on my bed. After I finished taking everything out I looked at each item: A yellow baby blanket with my name embroidered on it, A picture of me wearing a black t-shirt, jean, pirates hat and a red leather jacket(I looked about 12), A dagger with my name engraved on the handle and a ruby at the end, the holster that the dagger was in, The read jacket from the picture, and finally the map of Storybrooke. I picked up the map to look it over again when I noticed something, I turned the map around and on the back was a list of abilities: Force Field, Cloaking, Manipulation, Conjuring, Apportation, Teleportation, Energy Blast, Telekinesis, Lie Detection, Immunity to Heart Removal.

Four of the abilities had check marks next to them, Force Field, Cloaking, Telekinesis and Immunity to Heart Removal. That last one confused me, I've seen Pan rip other's hearts out and crushing them but I didn't know someone could be immune to it. I continued looking at the other abilities on the list when it finally clicked in my head, this was a list of my abilities and the ones that had marks next to them were the abilities I already had. I started looking at the rest of the back of the map to see if it said anything about when I would get my other abilities, but there was nothing else. I put all the items back into the chest and pushed it back under my bed, then left my tree house and started making my way to Pan's hut to test something but before arriving there I made a quick stop at Felix's tent. I peaked in the tent to make sure he was there and sure enough he was sitting on his bed sharpening a knife, "Felix" I said he looked up and his eyes grew wide "what are you doing here? Pan-" he started "won't do anything, he's in his hut and the others are either gathering or training" I said "okay, but what are you doing here?" Felix asked again "I wanted to test something, but I need you to get out of here" I said "what are you planning Auburn?" Felix asked now looking concerned "it's nothing you need to worry about...yet, I'll tell you tonight, you did get my note?" I said "yeah, still confused how you plan on leaving with out Pan knowing, plus you're going to have Devin and John guarding your door" Felix said "I've already thought of that" I said "alright? but I'm still concerned about what you're planning on doing" Felix said, I rolled my eyes and sighed "just stand still" I said. I closed my eyes and pictured Felix in an invisible bubble imagining it shielding him from Pan's sensing abilities. I opened my eyes and looked at Felix who still had the confused look on his face "what did you do?" he asked "I used my cloaking power to make you invisible to Pan's sensing power" I said smiling "how do you know that it works?" Felix questioned "only one way to find out, just don't let me see you leave in case it doesn't work and Pan decides to ask questions" I said before walking out of the tent. Felix followed me out then we went our separate ways, me going to Pan's hut and Felix going to our cabin.

I arrived at Pan's hut and started knocking on the door, it took Pan a few minutes to open the door and let me in but while I was waiting I kept going over my plan in my head "oh this is going to be fun" I thought to myself with a smirk.

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