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Pan's Game: Day 7

I was sitting near the campfire waiting for Devin, John and Michael to get ready for our walk to the beach, Pan still hadn't decided if I was allowed to join the Lost Boys for dinner yet and I was starting to feel like he wasn't going to allow me to. The three Lost Boys walked up to me and I got up from the log I was sitting on so we could start our walk.

We were walking along the beach talking and laughing at each other's jokes while looking for things that might look familiar to me. After a couple hours of walking around we decide to sit and take a break, eating the fruits and nuts we gathered during our walk. The four of us continued talking and telling each other jokes while we ate, I almost choked on my apple from laughing so hard at one of Devin's jokes. I was about to get up to continue looking around when I saw movement behind one of the nearby trees, "you three stay here" I said walking towards the tree "no way! Pan told us to keep an eye on you so you don't get hurt" Devin said "I thought it was so I don't run off?" I said looking back at the boys with an eyebrow raised "well, yeah, that too" John said "but there's new peop-" Michael started but stopped after Devin elbowed him in the side "what are you three not telling me?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest "it's nothing you need to worry about" Devin said "yeah, let's continue searching" John said "no, not until you tell me what you're hiding from me" I said raising my voice. The three boys looked at each other, exchanging looks, before Devin nodded his head and Micheal finished what he was going to say "there are some people that arrived on the island a few days ago and Pan thinks they might be dangerous" Michael said "dangerous to me or him?" I asked "to him, he thinks they're your family" John said looking at the ground "and you kept this from me!?" I shouted, all three boys flinched, this was the first time I've yelled at them since we became friends, I took a deep breath to calm myself down before looking back at the three boys and sighed "I'm sorry for yelling, just annoyed that you kept this from me" I said "honestly I was waiting for when you guys were going to tell me" I now had a small smile as I looked at the boys shocked faces "you knew!?" Devin asked "I overheard you and Pan the other day" I said "are you mad we didn't tell you?" Michael asked "only a little but I'll get over it, just no more keeping things from me please, no matter what Pan tells you" I said "what if he does something to us though?" John asked "I have a force field and can hide you all from his powers, trust me he won't be able to lay one finger on you" I said "but, can't he hurt you to get to us?" Devin asked "again I have a force field, plus I'm pretty sure I'm more powerful than him" I said with a small chuckle "what do you mean?" John asked "you'll see, maybe" I said, "we should head back now before Pan gets mad that we didn't get back in time" I said. The three of us started walking back towards camp when, again, I saw some movement behind a tree. I looked back at the three boys "did you see that?" I asked before looking back at the tree "yeah, someone's here" Devin said taking out his dagger, the other two Lost Boys took out their daggers and I did the same "I'll go check it out" I said, before I could move forward Devin grabbed my arm and shook his head "if you get hurt Pan would get mad at us and then who knows what will happen" he said. I rolled my eyes "what did we just talk about back at the beach? I can protect myself" I said "oh...right" Devin said letting my arm go. I closed my eyes and imagined a force field surrounding me and the three Lost Boys before walking closer to the tree with my dagger out. I quickly looked behind the tree but no one was there. I was about to turn around and go back to the boys when I saw a women with blonde hair running off, I was getting ready to follow her when I heard John calling my name. "Did you see anyone?" Michael asked when I got back to the boys "no, didn't see anything they probably ran off"I said, the boys nodded slightly before we continued our way back to the camp.

When we arrived back at camp Pan was talking with some Lost Boys, when he saw us approaching he dismissed the boys and turned is attention to us. "Find anything?" he asked "nope, now if you'll excuse me I would like to go read in my tree house" I said starting to walking away, but before I could get very far Pan grabbed my wrist to stop me. I looked back at him confused "I've thought about what the boys said" Pan said looking at the three Lost Boys before looking back at me "and I give you permission to join us at the fire again" he continued, my face lit up with joy and the three Lost Boys were smiling "thank you!" I said and, without thinking, I hugged Pan for the first time. When I realized what I was doing I quickly pulled away and looked at Pan who was slightly shocked by my actions "sorry, thank you" I said before running off to my tree house.

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