Sneaking Out

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A/N: The beginning of this chapter will have a lot of cussing so if that triggers you please skip.

Pan finally opened the door to let me in "why hello there my beautiful Azalea" he said but I ignored him and pushed passed him acting annoyed "don't hello me, I'm still pissed at you!" I said doing air quotes while saying "hello", "hey! watch the ...

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Pan finally opened the door to let me in "why hello there my beautiful Azalea" he said but I ignored him and pushed passed him acting annoyed "don't hello me, I'm still pissed at you!" I said doing air quotes while saying "hello", "hey! watch the language!" Pan said getting annoyed "no! you aren't going to tell me what to do, I'm sick of you being a bossy asshole all the time!" I said my voice getting louder "Auburn I'd watch what I say if I were you" Peter said in a warning tone "or what!? what will you do Pan!?" I said now full on yelling at him, the anger on his face becoming visible "don't test me Auburn, you know what I said would happen if you disobeyed me!" Pan said also yelling "I don't think you'll do it, you're too much of a coward!" I shouted at him, I looked into his now dark green eyes and could tell he was so close to the edge "don't push me or you will regret it!" Pan said taking a step closer to me "what could a weak little coward like you possibly do!?" I continued to yell, his eyes kept getting darker the angrier he got, they were almost black now, "Auburn don't!" Pan warned but obviously I didn't listen, I need him angry, I need to push him enough so he would do the thing I wanted him to do "don't what Pan!? all I'm doing is saying the truth, you're a weak coward, you don't have the power or the strength to do anything!" I shouted, he was right in my face now eyes fully black and filled with nothing but evil and anger "this is your last warning Auburn" he warned "or what, you can't do anything to me, you're too weak!" I said, that was it the last straw. I braced myself expecting to feel a sharp pain in my chest as Pan shoved his hand in to it to rip my heart out, but nothing happened. I looked down and saw Pan's hand hover over my chest but something was stopping him from going any further, he looked at me shocked with a hint of confusion and anger. I was starring straight into his eyes and smirked "something wrong Pan?" I asked raising my eyebrow. The map was right, my heart was untouchable, no one could use it against me " is that possible!?" Pan asked still shocked. I had a proud look on my face, I was untouchable, nothing could hurt me "looks like I'm more powerful than you Pan" I said still smirking. 

I pushed passed Pan, who was still in shock, and walked out of his hut. I was about to walk back to my tree house when I heard Pan's voice behind me "I might not be able to do anything to you physically, but I can still hurt Felix!" he shouted from his hut, I turned around to look at him and chuckled "can you? may I ask when the last time you saw him was?" I said with a huge smirk on my face, Pan looked at me confused but his face quickly changed from confusion to anger as he stormed out of his hut and towards Felix's tent. He looked inside before turning back to me "where is he!?" Pan shouted "why would I tell you? he's safe from you and you can't do anything to me" I said grinning, Pan had a look of defeat on his face, but that quickly changed into and evil grin "I might not be able to use Felix as a threat anymore but I can still make sure you two stay away from each other" Pan said "you will now have three Lost Boys going with you to the beach and guarding your door at night, you'll also be staying in your tree house for the rest of the day after getting back from the beach" he continued, the grin on my face quickly disappeared as Pan said these words "excuse me!?" I shouted "you heard me, you are only able to go to the beach, but you can't leave your tree house for the rest of the day" Pan said now smirking, he then walked back to his hut and shut the door.

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