Ever After

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I woke up in my room in my parent's house in Storybrooke, I looked around for a second and saw that nothing changed. I got up and went down stairs, everyone was in the kitchen talking. I entered the room and everyone went silent, then all of a sudden I was pulled into a tight hug. It was my brother and he was squeezing the life out of me. "Henry, you can let go now. Please? I can't breath" I said, he finally let go after a few more seconds of squeezing me "Sorry, I've missed you" he said. "Where's Hope?" I asked looking around the kitchen "Napping, Pan wanted to force her powers early and it tired her out a lot" Emma said "So that's why he wanted her? So he could use her powers to find me?" I asked "Yes that's what we are thinking" Regina answered. I stood there for a second until a realization hit "Where is excalibur!?" I asked, I just remembered that it was on the ship with us when the storm hit, but I never saw it wash up on the beach in Neverland. "Merlin has it, after you disappeared we took it out from its case and gave it to him to keep safe. It's waiting for you in Camelot" Hook said. I sighed a breath of relief "So when are we going?" I asked "What?" Snow asked "When are we going to Camelot? I've been gone for five years, I need my training so I can start my rule over the kingdom" I said, everyone looked at me a little shocked. "Auburn, we just got you back and tomorrow's your birthday. Why don't we wait a while before traveling again" Emma said "No! I want to go to Camelot!" I said slightly raising my voice "Auburn please, just take some time to get settled. Like you said it's been five years and we just got you back, please just take some time to spend with us first" Snow said getting up from her seat and walking towards me. She tried to pull me into a hug but I pushed her away, "If none of you are going to take me then I'll go myself!" I said before running back to my room. I conjured up my chest from Neverland and started filling it with clothes and keepsakes. Once I finished I teleported myself and the chest back downstairs and started walking out the door. "Auburn wait!" Emma called after me "You can't change my mind" I said walking down the sidewalk, Emma let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine! We'll take you to Camelot, but are you sure this is what you want?" Emma asked
"Yes" I said looking at my mom, Emma nodded "Okay, but we'll leave tomorrow instead. Get some rest and then prepare the ship and everything."

That night I was sitting in my bea window staring up at the stars. A shadow appeared in front of me blocking my view.
"What do you want?" I asked, I recognized it as Pan's shadow. It pointed at me then held it's hand out "I thought he was told to leave me alone? I have a destiny to fulfill you know" I said annoyed and walking to my bed. "Oh I know, love, but I don't want that to happen" I heard Pan's voice behind me and I quickly turned to look at him.
"Why can't you just leave me alone!?" I ask whispering
"Why do you want to go to Camelot so bad?" Pan asked dodging my question
"That's none of your business" I respond
"Just come back with me. Trust me, you'll be a lot happier with us on Neverland than ruling a kingdom alone" Pan said stepping closer to me. "I've spent five years on that Island and never once felt happy" I said "What about with Felix? Don't tell me that you felt nothing with him" Pan said with a raised eyebrow. I froze as I recalled his death in my mind, I could feel tears forming in my eyes. "Of course I did! And you don't get to talk of him after what you put us thru!" I said
"And I apologize for that, but please understand that-"
I cut him off "Understand what!? All you did was make it difficult for us to be happy! There is nothing you can do to fix that"
"What if I helped get revenge on his killer?" Pan asked
I looked at him to see him smirking, "Excuse me?"
"I already knew the real reason you want to go to Camelot, Auburn. You want excalibur so you can repair it and kill Rumplestiltskin"
"How did you-"
"I'm not stupid Auburn, why else would you want excalibur? You don't care about Camelot, not anymore, you only care about avenging Felix. And I can help with that" Pan said
"Why would you help me kill your son?" I asked. Pan looked shocked for a second that I knew about his relationship with the Dark One but answered without questioning it. "I have my reasons, ones that you don't need to know about" He said.
I nodded. "Fine, I accept your help. But only if we can leave now, it'll be quicker to just teleport there than travel realm to realm on my dad's ship" I said. Pan nodded then held his hand out for me to take, I did and we disappeared in a puff of green smoke.

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