The x Other x Kurta

By babyneko21

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Akari is a Kurta who was born in Yorknew City, so she was never present for the massacre. As such, her life a... More

I. Yorknew Public Library
II. Breakfast Meeting
III. Confrontation
IV. Library Visitors
V. An Unlikely Find
VI. Critical Information
VII. An Unexpected Reunion
VIII. Unpleasant Encounters
X. Surprising Turn of Events
XI. Rescue Mission, Kind Of
XII. The Missing Peace
XIII. Empty Threats
XIV. The Showdown
XV. Finale
Author's Note

IX. Fight!

137 3 0
By babyneko21

• Feitan •

Feitan stumbled. "What?" How the hell did she know about her?

"I said, what would your sister think of you? You clearly cared enough about her to look for her." Akari's eyes held a fierce look.

Feitan was stunned. Akari wasn't supposed to know about Mika at all. "How'd you know about her?"

"I have my sources," Akari responded confidently.

Phinks, clearly shocked himself, spoke up. "Feitan, don't lose focus."

Feitan nodded. "Right." Without hesitation, he charged at the young Hunter and swung his sword at her. She jumped out of harm's way. How?

An unsettling feeling began to rise up in Feitan's chest, one he'd so long suppressed. Normally, he'd have no remorse when it came to killing, but his sister's request to get rid of her own daughter was a difficult one. It was a new level of heartlessness in Feitan's eyes.

Since Feitan had missed Akari, Phinks used that as an opportunity to rush at the girl and try to grab her. As long as she was in his grasp, Feitan could do anything to her. Unfortunately for Phinks, Akari slipped out of his reach and kicked him in his back. "Yooowww!!" he yelled.

Feitan snapped out of his thoughts in time to see Akari create a cloud of dust and leaves around her. When it all settled, she was gone. Feitan whipped his head around and searched his surroundings. Did his niece just make a fool out of him?

Phinks was still on the ground, clutching his back. "Man, she knows how to deliver one hell of a lethal kick!" He looked at Feitan. "Who is she anyway? Is she normal?"

A confused Feitan shook his head. "She's a Kurta. Apparently a Kurta's power increases when he or she is very emotional." He crouched down to inspect Phink's back. "Can you stand up?"

Phinks shrugged. "I think so." He grunted as he steadied himself against a tree.

Feitan looked around one more time. "Let's get out of here before anything happens. I don't want a surprise attack, especially with you down."

Phinks nodded. "Sorry I couldn't be of much help."

Feitan waved him off. "It's fine. Just don't tell anyone we failed. We'll get her next time, dead or alive."

• Akari •

While the cloud was still up, Akari dashed out of the forest. Every second was critical for her survival. She was proud of herself for managing to get out without using either of her rare nen abilities. As long as no one knew, she would be fine.

As she neared the opening of the forest, she slammed into another body. Akari fell upon impact, and the other person tumbled backward. Akari looked up to see who was in the way of her escape in this critical moment. Her heart beat wildly inside her chest.

The other person groaned as they sat up. "You really should watch where you're going, even if you're in a hurry."


Akari was dumbfounded. What was he doing here?

"Anyways, are you alright?" Kurapika had gotten up, dusted off his clothing, and made his way towards Akari. He extended his arm to help her up.

Akari gladly accepted the kind gesture. "I'm really sorry about that." She rubbed her temples. How much sleep had she lost these last few days?

"It's fine." Kurapika wore a concerned look. "Let's get you to a safer place." He placed his hand on her back and walked out of the forest with her.

"Did you know what happened back there?" Akari asked, curious. How did he know she was in danger?

"Yeah. I hope you don't think I'm weird, but I realized that something wasn't right with you after our breakfast. I followed you after your lunch with the guys today to see if I could learn anything. I wasn't sure why you were sitting in the treetops, but now I know it was trap." Kurapika smiled gently. "And imagine my surprise when I learned you were a Kurta, too."

That's right!

"Ah, yeah, well Killua told me today at lunch that you were one as well. He almost told me years ago, but I didn't want to believe there was another survivor besides my father and me."

Kurapika nodded in understanding. "Is your father still around?"

"No, unfortunately," Akari sighed.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

Akari gave her fellow clan member a weak smile. "It's okay. Even though it hurts to think about it, it's been over five years."

"Yeah, but the pain never goes away entirely."

Akari silently agreed. There was no way for her to ever get in touch with her father again. He was gone for good. Her eyes brimmed with tears. She missed her father so much.

Kurapika noticed Akari's quiet demeanor. "Akari, would you like to go to a library or cafe? It may help you calm down." He glanced at her. "You don't have to speak. I don't mind sitting in silence."

Akari accepted Kurapika's offer, but with a small modification. "Why don't we go to my place instead?"

• Kurapika •

Kurapika took in the small, but well-kept, condo. It was well-furnished, with many potted plants littered across the place. He noticed a wall of bookshelves containing a vast number of books which were organized by topic and color. Kurapika was looking at his dream home.

Akari made her way to the kitchen. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Maybe some tea, if you have it," Kurapika requested.

He browsed the various book titles and topics. There was even a whole section dedicated to the Phantom Troupe. "Is it okay if I read one of your books?"

"Sure," came the soft reply.

Kurapika picked one that was of particular interest to him. The title read The Origins of Meteor City and Its Criminals. He wondered why this particular book was in the Phantom Troupe section. "Say, why is a book on Meteor City in the Phantom Troupe section?"

Akari came into view. "What do you mean? Don't you know?"

Kurapika gave her a puzzled look. Know what?

Akari continued. "The Phantom Troupe originated in Meteor City."

Hah?! "You mean to tell me they're all from Meteor City?"

"Not all. Hisoka, Illumi, and Kalluto aren't." She paused. "Well, Hisoka is no longer a Spider, but you know what I mean."

Wait, maybe he did already know that. That's why he was fooled by their "deaths" after the Yorknew auction years ago. "Actually, you're right. I must've completely forgotten." He opened the book to skim through its contents.

Though the book would likely prove to be an interesting read, Kurapika decided to browse the shelves some more. He came upon a very small section about the Zoldyck family. He didn't know that books even existed about the infamous, yet mysterious, elite assassin family. He picked the first one that piqued his interest.

The book appeared to be full of speculations more so than facts. Kurapika noticed that little notes had been left next to many paragraphs. Many had a "C" next to them while others had a "D" written beside them. Other paragraphs or bullet points had no notes jotted down. Kurapika decided to ask.

"Hey, what do these letters mean?" He pointed them out to Akari.

"Oh, 'C' means 'Confirmed' and 'D' means 'Disproven'. The ones with nothing next to them are neither confirmed nor disproven. I wish I could finish my analyses, but I quit looking into the Zoldycks when Killua asked me to."

Kurapika thought about Akari's simple notational method. He decided he'd look into the confirmed and disproven statements. He figured it wouldn't hurt for him to know more about potential enemies.

"Kurapika, if you're going to read about them, read at your own risk. If they suspect that you know more than you should, they may come after you."

Kurapika nodded. Before he sat on one the couches, he decided on reading the Zoldyck book and reshelved the other one. Akari brought him a cup of hot tea to accompany his reading.

Akari picked out a book on Yorknew's history and decided to make herself comfortable next to Kurapika. She must've been extremely tired because before Kurapika knew it, Akari was leaning on him, snoring lightly.

Kurapika reached around Akari and grabbed a throw that was lying on the armrest. He unfolded it as best as he could and gently laid it on the sleeping female. "Get some rest, Akari."

• Feitan •

Mika called Feitan later that evening. "Hey Fei, did you take care of her?"

"Not quite. We got into a scuffle, and she escaped." Feitan quickly recalled the events of that afternoon.

"Damn it, Feitan!"

"What do you want from me? Why are you after her?" Feitan wanted to know his older sister's intentions.

"It's best if she's gone."

"Yeah, well she knows about you." He decided to ruffle Mika's feathers a bit.


"I said, she knows about you. Well, she knows I was looking for my sister at one point."

"That doesn't mean she knows we're siblings." Mika coughed. "But, it's better that she never learns."

"Mika, what are your intentions? I don't think you're after the eyes." Feitan needed answers, and fast.

"Oh, I'm not." Mika coughed again.

"Then what are your intentions?" Feitan repeated his question.

"Feitan, listen to me," Mika said. "I hired you to get rid of her. I don't like it when the people I hire ask too many questions."

"I would do it, no questions asked, if it was a normal request. However, you're asking me to kill someone blood-related to me, not to mention, someone who has a tight connection with Ging. I may not always be the brightest, but I'm certainly no fool." Feitan waited for a retort.

"Should I hire Chrollo then?"

"You fool! She defeated Chrollo!"

"Oh. How about Illumi?"

"You're not understanding. I don't want her dead. Why are you after her, Mika?" Feitan was fuming inside. "Don't you dare lie to me either. Remember who trained you."

"Are you threatening me?" Mika sounded hurt.

"Yes, I am."

"Feitan, I commissioned her father's death. I cannot allow her to find out. If she does, who knows what she'll do. I'm powerful, but she – even more so."

Feitan's heart sank. "You're cruel, Mika. Why would you take her father away from her? Are you trying to make her relive our lives at Meteor City?"

"No. Cliff was just in the way of some stuff."

Wow, Feitan thought. I hope Akari finds out and comes after your ass, you heartless monster.

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