Saiouma Oneshots

By lializzzz

42.2K 580 1K

I'm sorry I couldn't help myself! There will be angst, fluff, and other stuff. I also take requests! I guess... More

The Chase
Thank You
Dinner (Part 1)
Power's Out
Movie Night
Late Nights
Freeze Your Brain
Little Shu
Birthday Candles
Party Gone Wrong
Anxious Abandonment
Look at the Moon (Part 1)
Awake With You
Drunken Liar
Raging Bullets
A Simple Rose
Music to My Ears
The Fanciest of Parties
Your Second in Command
Bloody Rose Petals
Not Discontinued

Birthday Kisses

954 16 25
By lializzzz

!Post game AU!

Shuichi's POV:

"Happy birthday, Shushu, goodnight." Kokichi whispers as he kisses my forehead. He just walked in the bedroom, probably just coming home from work. Kokichi works as a detective with me, we're partners on most cases. After the killing game, and after Kokichi was better, we decided his deduction and lying skills were needed in the field. It was a long while before Kokichi could start working due to his mentality.

Everyone in the game was physically okay, but we can't say the same for our mental state. We all had to under-go intense therapy, hell Kokichi and I still go from time to time. Mainly Kokichi wants to go, but is too scared to go alone, so I normally sit in on sessions with him. I'm glad he trusts me enough to let me do all of these things.

During the game, Kokichi and I had feelings for each other, but we never confessed, and Kokichi definitely didn't trust me as much, but now he trusts me more than anyone. I love him a lot, and I'm glad he's alive.

"Why are you home so late? It's midnight." I ask the shorter male. Kokichi smiles at me before kicking his shoes off. I tiredly rub my eye as Kokichi leans over to kiss me.

"I finished your work while I was there. I didn't want you to stress about work on your birthday, so I decided to flip roles and be the one coming home late." He explains with a soft smile. I smile and hug Kokichi down to the bed. He's still in his work clothes, but I don't think he cares.

"Mm, you're my favorite person." I sleepily mutter into his shoulder. Kokichi giggles before kissing my head.

"Go back to sleep, darling, I love you." Kokichi says hugging me still.

"Mm, I love you too." I close my eyes, drifting off to sleep...

    The next morning, I wake up to Kokichi still sleeping. He somehow ended up clinging onto me, and we kind of switched places. I kiss his forehead, petting his head. Kokichi's eyes slowly flutter open as he looks up at me. "Happy birthday, again." He says with sleepy eyes.

"Thank you, Kichi. I love you."

"I love you too, Shumai."

Kokichi pecks my lips three times before jumping out of bed. "C'mon, we have things to do!" He exclaims, smiling.

"W-What?" I ask, sitting up, and rubbing my eyes.

"Your day is booked, Shushu! It's about ten in the morning, so we're gonna get dressed, and then we are going to brunch with everyone from Monokuma's game of hell." Kokichi's smile falters at the nickname. I walk around before tilting his chin up. I kiss him before ruffling his hair.

"If Maki gives you any shit today, let me know." I say, kissing Kokichi's cheek. He smiles before nodding. We get ready for the day before heading out to the brunch.

Kokichi drives for once, me in the passenger seat. The car is quiet aside from Kokichi's soft singing to the radio. Ever since the killing game, him and Maki constantly fight still. She can't get over how Kokichi killed himself, and basically brought Kaito with him. Kaito and Kokichi get along now, only the occasional bickering. Maki's just a cruel kind of person who can't move past it. I've been nice to her, and I try not to be rude, but whenever she tries to attack Kokichi, then I have a problem.

"Kokichi, I love you more than anything." I blurt out of nowhere. Kokichi stops singing, and starts smiling.

"I love you too... y'know, as much as I despised the killing game, I'm somewhat thankful for it. If I had never been trapped there, I wouldn't met you." Kokichi replies. "I mean, who knew that I'd have to get crushed by a hydraulic press to get my crush to notice me?"

I laugh at Kokichi's remark before placing a hand on his thigh. "Yeah, but was it worth it?"

"Oh, hell yes." Kokichi says, pulling into the diner. I chuckle, as Kokichi and I get out of the car. He latches himself to my side as we walk in the restaurant. Immediately, everyone at the giant table in the middle of the room, stands up and screams.

"Happy birthday, Shuichi!"

I look down at Kokichi, smiling, but internally dying inside. Everyone else in the diner starts clapping, and cheering my damn name. This is funny, but horrible at the same time. Kokichi and I sit next to each other, and everyone starts talking.

The waitress lets us all go up the buffet, and as usual, Kokichi makes me get his food for him. "You couldn't get my food this time since it's my birthday?" I ask as Kokichi points out what he wants- which I already know what he wants. 

"Nope! I can't get my own food because you do it a special way." Kokichi replies.

"How the hell do I do it a special way?" I chuckle as I put syrup on Kokichi's chocolate chip pancakes.

"You just know what I want, and how I want it." Kokichi says, grabbing two forks. I roll my eyes and smile at my tiny boyfriend.

"You, my tiny sir, are mean." I joke, handing Kokichi his plate.

"I'm not mean, you're just sensitive." Kokichi jokes back, giggling. He takes his food back to the table while I make my plate and join him moments later.

"It's Shuichi's birthday! Don't say that to him!" Kokichi exclaims at Miu, who just called my dick small.

"Plus, I'm the only one here who has actually seen Shuichi's dick. Let me tell you, honey, that dick was eleven inches."

"What the fuck, Kokichi!?" Miu asks as everyone laughs. I sit there red as all hell, taking a sip of my water.

"Okay, but is he lying, Shuichi?" Kaito asks looking at me. I choke on my water and Kokichi starts dying.

"U-Um well- I mean he's not really lying..." I admit quietly. Kaito then chokes on his orange juice, and Rantaro starts wheezing. Kokichi leans on my shoulder, gasping for air at this point. A few other people are crying as well. The surrounding tables just look concerned for us.
After the brunch, Kokichi told me we were all going to regroup for dinner as well. I didn't have a problem with that as we used to do it everyday. I glance over at Kokichi, and I notice his eyes are intensely focused on the road. He looks deep in thought about something, almost nervous.

"What is it, dear?" I ask, placing a hand on Kokichi's thigh.

"Nothing, why?" Kokichi asks. I smile and grab his free hand instead before kissing it.

"I'm a detective, Kichi." I reply simply.

"It's nothing you need to be worried about, okay? This is your day, be selfish, damn it!" Kokichi exclaims, chuckling. I smile before brushing it off, but Kokichi's look still lingers in my mind.
Kokichi and I stoped by several shops today, and he bought whatever I wanted. I tried to pay once, and he grabed my wallet, and credit card, screaming "You don't have money privileges anymore!" to the entire store. Everyone started staring, and Kokichi and I stood there awkwardly.

As the final event, we're supposed to remeet with everyone else for dinner. A few had to cancel though. So it's only going to be Kokichi, Miu, Rantaro, Kirumi, Angie, Tsumugi, Kaito, Maki, and myself. Kaede wanted to come so bad, but she had an emergency with her social worker. Her and Rantaro are trying to adopt, and Kaede told Rantaro to come so that she could take care of whatever was happening.

Kokichi's eyes are still trained on the road, and he looks even more nervous. He's only humming and not singing. That's so odd! What is wrong with him?

"You're tense, let's talk about something." I blurt out, deciding not to push for him to tell me what's wrong.

"Okay, yeah, so do you ever wanna have kids?" Kokichi asks, looking as if he didn't even mean to say it.

"Yeah, someday I would love to have kids. Why do you ask? I mean do you want kids?" I reply. Kokichi still looks scared as all hell, but he starts to settle.

"W-Well of course! I just was curious because Kaede has that whole thing going on tonight." Kokichi says, pulling into the restaurant. We step out of the car, and I pull Kokichi into a kiss.

"Thank you for the best birthday. I can tell you worked your ass off." I thank Kokichi, kissing his forehead. He blushes for a second before smiling.

"The day's not over yet! I still have a few more tricks up my sleeve." Kokichi says. I smile as we head inside.

Kokichi and I sit down at the reserved table, and everyone starts talking. Kokichi rambles about how much fun we had shopping and eating all day while I watch him, smiling with a hand on his thigh.

I've wanted to propose to Kokichi for a long time, but I was always too scared that I would scare him off. I'm going to propose one day, but I just don't wanna scare him off with a ring.

About twenty minutes into the dinner, Kokichi suddenly stands up. "Okay! I can't take it anymore!"

"Kokichi wha-?" I start, panicking, standing up as well.

"Shuichi, I love you. I love you more than anything humanly possible!" Kokichi says, taking my hand. Suddenly, he drops down on one knee. Oh my God...

"Shuichi Saihara, you are the best person in my life. Before you, I had no one! Sometimes part of me thanks the heavens that the killing game happened. If it didn't, I wouldn't be where I am today, with you. Shuichi, you are the kindest, most compassionate, most dense person I have ever met. So..." He pulls a red velvet, small box out of his jacket. "Will you marry me?"

Tears stream down my face, and all of the jitters go silent, waiting for my answer. "You can't do that! I'm supposed to be the one proposing! I have a ring and everything in my drawer!" I exclaim, laughing. Kokichi laughs, holding my hand like it's fragile glass.

"Looks like I beat you to it, didn't I?" Kokichi giggles, opening the box to reveal a shiny silver ring. "So, Shumai, what's it gonna be?"

"Yes! Of course I will!" I exclaim as Kokichi slips the ring on my finger. I pull him up and in for a kiss. Everyone starts cheering, and clapping for us.

"Thank you, you really made this the best birthday."

"Of course, Shushu! I love you!"

"I love you too!"
Sorry it's late, but I wrote the last bit in class :,)

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