The x Other x Kurta

By babyneko21

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Akari is a Kurta who was born in Yorknew City, so she was never present for the massacre. As such, her life a... More

I. Yorknew Public Library
II. Breakfast Meeting
III. Confrontation
IV. Library Visitors
V. An Unlikely Find
VI. Critical Information
VIII. Unpleasant Encounters
IX. Fight!
X. Surprising Turn of Events
XI. Rescue Mission, Kind Of
XII. The Missing Peace
XIII. Empty Threats
XIV. The Showdown
XV. Finale
Author's Note

VII. An Unexpected Reunion

138 3 0
By babyneko21

• Akari •

Akari had always wondered what had happened to her mother. She came back home from school one day, only to find her father in a frenzy. He had mentioned that his wife had just disappeared, taking no belongings with her.

Her disappearance brought upon an intense heartbreak and self blame upon Akari's father, something he carried with himself to the grave. Akari, on the other hand, wasn't too attached to her mother, as many would believe. In fact, there wasn't much she had in common with her. Her mother wasn't a Hunter, and Akari recalled the countless arguments her parents had argued over her father choosing to be one. Her mother thought his career was much too dangerous, with nen being involved and all.

Additionally, her mother wasn't a Kurta. Akari inherited her Kurta traits from her father, and he taught her how to fight and defend herself. He even encouraged her, secretly, to become a Hunter herself, saying he knew she would be successful.

In order for her to tag along with Ging and her father on various Hunter missions, Cliff had trained her in nen usage and development, telling her it would assist her in her future career as a Hunter. Akari thought her father was the coolest, most down-to-earth fella. Ging was crazy in comparison.

Ging brought her back to the present moment. "There's something else you need to know."

Akari breathed in a deep breath to calm her racing heart. "Is it worse than what I already know?"

"Possibly. You remember Feitan, right?"


"Feitan is somehow related to Mika."

Akari gulped. Her mother was related to that torturer? How?!

"I don't know if Cliff ever told you, but Mika is originally from Meteor City. I don't think she was ever a part of the Spiders, but I wouldn't be surprised if she's assisted them before."

What a slap in the face! If her mother was involved with the Spiders, was she somehow involved with the Kurta clan massacre too? Did her father know that a potential enemy had lived within their home?

Oh no. What was she supposed to tell Illumi? Wait. Illumi's father had described a man. Ging was telling her it was a woman. "Ging, are you sure? My partner's source said Cliff was a man."

"Then whoever they saw must've been representing your mother. What are you planning to tell your partner?"

"I'm not sure."

"Well, I did my job and found out who it was. It's your responsibility now to use that information wisely," Ging instructed.

Akari could only nod in understanding.

What should I do now?

• Kurapika •

Kurapika received a message from Akari, notifying him that she was on her way back to Yorknew. She said she'd be able to meet with him for lunch the following day, if he was available, of course.

Unfortunately, he wasn't able to meet with her during that time, but because he was still a bit worried about her, he thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to send her to lunch with Gon and Killua.

Kurapika: Hey guys!

Gon: Hey Kurapika! What's up? 😃

Kurapika: So, I'm a bit worried about Akari. It's a long explanation, but I won't be able to meet with her tomorrow. Would you two be able to spend some time with her?

Gon: I don't see why not 😁

Killua: Why are you worried about her?

Kurapika: Something seems off about her. When she didn't meet with me on our scheduled time earlier this week, she left me a message that she had to leave Yorknew on short notice. Also, that day when we ended up having breakfast with you, she had walked into the cafe looking drained. I've been wondering what's going on with her. She keeps saying everything's fine, but I don't believe it.

Killua: I see. Should we ask her about it?

Kurapika: I don't know if that's a good idea.

Gon: We wouldn't probe too much, but we could ask enough so that we could tell you something 👀

Kurapika: I guess I'm fine with that.

Gon: Okay, we can meet with her for lunch 🍔

Kurapika: Killua, you?

Killua: Sure, I guess.

Kurapika: Okay. I'll give you her number, and you guys can coordinate amongst yourselves.

Gon: You got it 👍

Kurapika felt a bit more relieved. The young friends would be taking another friend out for lunch to make him feel better. He felt sorry for Akari and whatever she was going through, but this was the only way he could take care of her for now.

He asked Akari if she would be okay with meeting up with the boys for lunch. She agreed. He let her know that he had passed on her phone number to them and that they'd be reaching out to her. She thanked him for the kind gesture and said they could plan for another meeting time soon.

• Illumi •

Illumi sent his friend, Hisoka, to watch out for Akari's arrival. Surprisingly, she was back in less than a week. When Hisoka notified Illumi of her return, Illumi got right to work. He decided he'd find her later to see if she had any new leads or information for him.

• Akari •

Gon and Killua contacted Akari shortly after her conversation with Kurapika. They suggested a place she'd been meaning to visit for awhile, and she decided this was the perfect time to do so. They agreed to meet at 1:00 in the afternoon.

Killua was first to speak. "Hey. Hope you don't mind hanging out with us today."

Akari smiled. "I'm happy to be joining you."

"One of our friends is also joining us. I hope you don't mind," added Gon.

Akari shook her head. "No, not at all."

The three were standing outside of the chosen restaurant when a tall, young man approached them.

"Hey, Leorio." Akari was first to greet him.

Gon and Killua stood there, stunned. "You guys know each other?" Gon questioned.

Leorio scratched his neck and grinned. "Yeah, we do. My girlfriend and Akari were childhood friends."

More like neighbors who spoke to each other occasionally, Akari mentally corrected Leorio.

Gon perked up. "Wow! That's so cool!" He gave them a thumbs up. "Leorio, I didn't know you had a girlfriend! She must be smart like you!"

Leorio blushed.

Killua's eyes slid over from Leorio's to Akari's. "Hmm," he hummed. "What's his girlfriend like?"

"Please say only good things about her," Leorio humbly requested.

Akari chuckled. "What do you mean? I only know good things about her." This should be enough to reassure Leorio of his choice of a companion, Akari thought.

"Let's talk about her after we sit down," Gon said, pointing towards the restaurant. Everyone else nodded in agreement.

The friends ordered delicious meals and chatted excitedly about the past few days, and they made an effort to catch up with Leorio. It had been awhile since any of them had seen the new doctor, not to mention the pleasant surprise of him having a relationship with a girl.

Meanwhile, Akari was fuming. It felt as though her mother had betrayed her. She disappeared without a trace, and now she has the audacity to make an appearance under her dead husband's name?

Her thoughts must've been very emotional because the next thing Gon said shook her to her core. "Wow, Akari, your eyes change colors just like-"

Killua clamped his hand over Gon's mouth while Leorio shushed him.

"Just like who, Gon?" Akari asked.

"It doesn't matter," Killua glared back.

Akari backed down. She didn't have much energy, nor did she like Killua's hostile behavior. But she really wanted to know. Killua had mentioned that there was another Kurta, but she hadn't wanted to know. She was afraid they were a fake. Her shoulders slumped. "Another Kurta?"

Leorio and Gon's mouths dropped open. "You're one, too?" Leorio asked. "How did I not know?"

"I thought you wanted to keep that information hush-hush," Killua stated.

"I did, but you all might as well know. Just keep that information to yourselves." Besides, I might be in danger.

"Will do!" Gon agreed. Leorio nodded. Killua shook his head in disappointment.

"Well, Killua, who is the other Kurta?" Akari was ready to know.

Killua looked her in her eyes. "If I tell you, I might as well tell him, too. It would only be fair."

Akari relaxed her shoulders. "Fine by me."

"Kurapika is the other survivor."

Suddenly everything made sense. No wonder why there was a feeling of familiarity when Akari first met the Blacklist Hunter. That was also why they were pursuing similar missions. "Oh wow." She didn't know what to say.

While she was still recovering from shock, a passerby approached the table of friends. He tapped the table with his nail, drawing everyone's attention to him.

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