Dramione: The Mission

By Dramione_4evr

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7 Years After The War, Draco Malfoy And Hermione Granger Work In The Ministry. What Happens When The Ministry... More

Chapter 1: The Letter
Chapter 2: The Ministry
Chapter 3: Hermiones Friends
Chapter 4: Dracos Friends
Chapter 5: The Plan
Chapter 6: The 3 Broomsticks
Chapter 7: The Story
Chapter 8: Moving In
Chapter 9: The Mudblood & The Death Eater
Chapter 10: The Luuuuv Doctors
Chapter 11: Narissa Malfoy
Chapter 12: Astoria Greengrass
Chapter 13: Assigned Date
Chapter 14: The 'Date'
Chapter 15: Nightmare's
Chapter 16: Can I Still Hex You?
Chapter 17: Couples
Chapter 18: Cheater, Cheater
Chapter 19: Your Faith In Me
Chapter 20: Shopping Or St. Mungos?
Chapter 21: News, News & More News!


84 5 0
By Dramione_4evr

A/N: Last Chapter Yall!


Harry And Ginny Potter's Children:
James Albus Potter- 12 Years Old (Pretend Ginny Was Pregnant Before Hermione)
Lilly Molly Potter- 8 Years Old

Ron And Lavender Weasley's Children:
Daniel Smith Weasley- 10 Years Old

Blaise And Luna Zabini's Children:
Anna Rachel Zabini- 1o Years Old
Alex Louis Zabini- 4 Years Old

Theodore And Pansy Nott's Children:
Emma Pansy Nott- 6 Years Old
Connor Theodore Nott- 6 Years Old

Draco And Hermione Malfoy's Children:
Rose Narissa Malfoy- 11 Years Old
Scorpius Draco Malfoy- 11 Years Old

11 Years Later...

As the Malfoys reached Platform 9 3/4, they meet up with the Zabinis, Notts, Potters, and Weasleys.

"Finally you guys are here! We have to go before we miss the train!" Says Emma excitedly. "Why are you excited? Your not even going In the train!" Daniel says laughing. "Well neither are you!" Snaps Emma. "Oh yeah? Well at least-"

Alex cuts them off. "Guys enough! Let's get to tain befow we actually do get lay." Alex says in his baby voice, miss pronouncing some words. With that the kids start walking.

"I still don't understand how he's the maturest when he's the youngest!" Lavender says amazed. "Well, Ron and Harry are older than me, but I'm still the maturest." Hermione points out. "Good point..." Harry and Ron mumble and start walking towards the kids. Draco snicker's but gets silenced by Hermiones death glare.

As they all arrive at the train, they split up to say goodbye to they're own children.

"Daddy... What happens if I get put in a bad house..." Scorp says nervously. "None of the houses are bad kido. Just don't get sorted in to Hufflpuff, or else I'll disown you." Draco jokes. By the look of his face he didn't think Draco was joking.

Hermione stomps on Dracos foot as he lets out a yelp. "Daddy's just joking love. Any house will be happy to have you." She says softly giving them both a kiss. "I'm definitely going in Gryffindor!" Rose says proudly. "That's my girl!" Hermione says giving her a big hug. Draco signals Scorp to say the same but for Slytherin.

Unfortunately, Scorpius didn't understand what he was trying to tell him. "You me too!" Scorp says grinning wildly. Draco facpalms as Hermione laughs. "Fingers crossed!" Hermione says nudging Draco. He only grunts in return. With a few for hugs and kisses the kids run off into the train.

Draco wraps his arm around Hermione waist and pulls her close to his chest. "So love, now that the kids are gone... what do you want to do?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows. Hermione rolls her eyes. "Want to stay in bed all day and have sex?" She asks laughing. Dracos eye widened. "I thought you'd never ask!" He quickly apparts them to there bedroom and pushes her onto the bed. All was well.

The End!

A/N: And There You Have It Ladies And Gentlemen... Dramione: The Mission!

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