Obey Me: UnExpected

By CandleQueenEleven88

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I DO NOT OWN OBEY ME! I am a just a fan, that's it. During selection time and they are looking for a excha... More

Selection Day(flashback)
Decisions, decisions
The Leap
Tokyo! Tokyo! Tokyo!
Hotel Corvo...
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 1
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 2
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 3
Tokyo! Oh. No!
Toky...What did you just say?
Welcome to Devildom
Welcome to Devildom Part 2
Inside the castle
And so it happened...
Storms approaching
RAD Part 1
RAD Part 2
Welcome Home
First Day Back
Back To Normal
The Waiting...
Together Again
Rebuilding the Shattered Hearts
Final notes
The One who Ran Away Part 2
One sided love

The One who Ran Away Part 1

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By CandleQueenEleven88

Before Brianna their was someone else, someone who Diavolo loved a long, long time ago.  D'Narah, whose portrait hangs in the portrait room, she was similar to Lord Diavolo, a half demon born from a human mother and demon father, and also someone who loved the human world. But unlike Lord Diavolo, she would visit often, a lot, she even lived there, something his father told him to never do. Now when D'Narah was born, she was absolutely beautiful. For a demi-human, she had long white hair, tanned skin, and light hazel eyes.  As a child she was sought after, many nobels, who would pay handsomely for her to marry their sons, but her family turned everyone of them down.  Because what D'Narah wanted was to go to the human world, somewhere her mother took her when her family were together, happy, and loving.  Then one day all that changed when D'Narah's mother got sick.  Her father drank himself due to his wife's health, by the time D'Narah was 8, she had to take care of her mother, because her father couldn't.  He would watch as his wife being taken care of by their child, everyday she would get sicker and sicker until she died.  They couldn't make ends meet, due to his excessive drinking, so D'Narah did manual jobs to provide food, until one day the daughter of one of the Demon King's councilmen, married her father, in hopes of presenting D'Narah as a potential wife for the Demon King's son, Prince Diavolo.

   "No!  I will not marry someone when I get older!"  D'Narah yelled at her father, but was told this by her new step mother.  "You will, we have a agreement.  Now I want you to start looking presentable for his highness for when you reach the marrying age of 18, you will be married to him."  D'Narah hated everything about this, the fact that she had to marry someone she never met even if it was the Demon King's son.  Since her father remarried, she wasn't allowed to go to the human world anymore, instead she was left home a lot to take care of her step siblings, Ra, Adari, and Centry.  Now with them being full demons, they grew faster than she did.  She was only 10, when all three of them towered her, and she was older by 3 years.  D'narah loved her new siblings very much, they would talk about everything, including their hopes and dreams, and they would express how they wanted to marry the Demon King's son, but they couldn't, because D'Narah had to by word from her step mother. Her step mother, who was a full demon, never liked D'Narah for being something she couldn't control, half human.  She felt that demons and humans dating, marrying, creating children were abominations.  She even despised the Demon King's son, but if she wants her father to remain on council for the money, the status, then by the marriage made to D'Narah's father, she would definitely get first pick as to him having a beautiful granddaughter.

   As time went on, D'Narah grew up into such a stunning young lady, who is now 17, her siblings how ever looked much older now.  While out shopping she and her sisters would try on the latest fashion of the human world.  She would talk about it so much, that it would cause arguments between her step mother and her father.  She's even expressed how she can't wait to leave Devildom when she's 18, instead of marrying Prince Diavolo.  "I know a way to leave and go to the human world, and be gone for good.  I use to go all the time with my mother, I miss those trips."  She expressed to her sister Ra.  "You should go, you always talk about it so much.  You should leave here."  And so on the day of her 18th birthday, D'Narah left home.  By morning, nobody knew where she was.  They searched all over, looking for her.  D'Narah step mother, Sh'Akariah, was furious.  "Where is she?"  She asked her children.  No once said a word.  "I want to know where that girl is, and one of you know."  She slowly walked towards them, waving her hand, chanting a spell of truth, until Ra's body broke out in hives.  "I see someone knows where she is.  Ra, where is that abomination?"  As Ra's body itches, she couldn't stop scratching, she hated this torture from her mother, she scratched and scratched and scratched until she couldn't take it anymore.  "THE HUMAN WORLD!  She's in the human world."  Sh'Akariah was furious.  "What?  How dare she..."  Sh'Akariah calmed down a moment.  "Fine, if she wants to join the peasants called humans, then she is no longer allowed in this house again!"  In the human world, D'Narah was happy, well mostly, she did miss her siblings.  She managed to find work in a bakery.  She had a rough start but once she got the hang of how things work, she has improved a lot.  Plus with her beauty, they had many new customers.  Which also brought on problems for D'Narah also.  Many of her coworkers didn't like her, they felt that she attracted the attention of men, as they too were looking for suitors.  So she was ostracized from fellow activities the other women did.  She managed to get a place of her own too, which was unheard of, for a single woman living alone with no husband.

   One day at the bakery, a new hire name Renee, was a sweet young woman, with blonde curls and blue eyes.  She was hired to attract the attention of men away from D'Narah, but didn't go as planned because Renee wasn't very good at her job.  She would short change people, get orders wrong, and would also cry when frustrated.  D'Narah saw the troubles she went through, and seen how none of the others tried helping Renee, instead they would simply dismiss her entirely.  Renee would cry in the back alleyway, where D'Narah found her, befriending her and also helped her improve.  So much so, that them two together got business booming.  Which drew in even more customers.  Things were going great in the human world for D'Narah, but also it wasn't, she was alone a lot.  All the money in the world can't buy missing your family.  On her days off, she went back to Devildom.  It was a while since she left, so she figured if she returned they would forget all about this marriage thing, and it worked only by avoiding them all together.  She stayed mostly downtown in the shopping district.  She would walk all over Devildom trying not to be seen by anyone who knew her family.  But she was spotted anyways by her sisters Ra and Adari.  "D'Narah!"  Ra yelled, as they ran up to her.  "Oh my gosh, we missed you.  I can't believe you came back.  Mom told us you were to never come home again."  D'Narah hugged her sisters, and cried because she missed them.  "Where's Centry?"  D'Narah asked.  "He's a council member now, betrothed to another council members daughter.  She's a terrible person, we don't care for her."  D'Narah was happy.  "So are any of you getting married then?"  They both shook their heads.  "No, we haven't been able to date anyone, mother doesn't want us to.  She only wanted you to marry Prince Diavolo, so she could get rid of you..." Adari said, not really meaning to.  "I'm so sorry D'Narah, I shouldn't have said that."  D'Narah smiled at her and dropped the subject.  "Never mind all of that, let's go shopping like we use to."  And they did.  They would frequently shop when D'Narah would visit Devildom on her days off, which grew suspicion on their mother seeing her daughters behavior from time to time.  So much so, she had her son follow them, and report back.  Centry, who was D'Narah older half brother, felt indifferent toward his half sister, she never knew how he felt towards her, they just never made any effort to get along with one another.  So while he was watching his sisters he saw that they were shopping in all the store they use to when D'Narah was home.  "That's strange, they never shop there unless..." And out walked D'Narah, holding fabric that she knew her sisters would like.  "She's back in town, I have to tell mom."  He goes to leave, and alert his mother.  Once home, "Mom, D'Narah is back, she's at the clothing store with Ra and Adari."  Sh'Akariah who was entertaining guests decided she needed to pay a visit to this clothing store.  It took a matter of seconds for them to be face to face with her daughters laughing and enjoying shopping with their sister.  "My, my, my, what do we have here?  I see Ra and Adari found D'Narah, I'm so glad you are home safely sweetheart.  We missed you dear."  D'Narah was scared, because in all her years alive, she's never once been happy to see her, in fact she wished she'd never been born.  "Hello step mother, it's a pleasure to see you.  You look wonderful."  D'Narah said, as her sisters all agreed.  "Well, we wanted to see you before you left again, oh, do go see your father he misses you as well.  Now have fun girls."  Sh'Akariah and her guests all left the clothing store.  "Will you let her disgrace your family again Sh'Akariah, or will she comply this time?"  Sh'Akariah stopped.  "Everything will be fine.  In due time, ladies."  And they continued with their gathering.  Before D'Narah left to go back home to the human world, she stopped to visit her father, who wasn't doing so well, he started drinking again.  "Father, father it's me, D'Narah.  How have you...been, Father are you drinking again?"  She yelled to her dad.  "Why are you here?"  He snarled at her.  "Shouldn't you be wasting away your life in the human world."  D'Narah shook her head.  "No father, I'm doing great.  I have a job, a place to stay, people are treating me better now.  I'm finally happy, and I had to leave.  I don't want to marry someone I didn't love.  I want what you had, you know with mom."  D'Narah father threw a bottle her direction.  "No, you will never be happy in the human world.  You have disgraced our family, you have turned your back on this family, all because you want to be closer to humans.  What about us, D'Narah? You could have been happy with the Demon King's son.  We could still be rich, instead, I'm working favors until I pay my debts, all thanks to you!"  Her father cries.  D'Narah was broken.  "Don't ever come back here again.  I no longer have a daughter."  When he said that, she ran, ran far, ran away to the human world.

   Once back, things took a terrible hit.  The bakery where she was really loving her job, started reducing her hours, hearing rumors of her being a demon pretending to be human. The other women were scared and a lot of them hated demons.  She tried other bakeries, even butcher shops, even factory work, nothing and none would hire her due to this rumor.  Which cost her her place of residency, the renter threw her stuff out on the streets.  Now she was jobless, homeless, she didn't have anyone to turn to, or even anywhere to go, so she had to return back to Devildom.  She had some money left, it was money she saved to live, but because she couldn't find work, no use staying any longer.  At the Demon Lord's Castle, Prince Diavolo, overheard the little d's speak of a D'Narah, the one who was promised to Prince Diavolo.  He heard that she was in the human world, and how her family kicked her out for it.  Prince Diavolo was also interested in the human world too, and wanted to know about her.  "#2, who is D'Narah?"  He asked.  "She's the half breed, who was promised to you, but ran to the human world, she's back in town, looks like permanently rumors spread that she was a demon and they all turned their backs on her, why? Would you like to meet her?  We hear she's very pretty, turned down ever suitor even Prince Teivel?"  Prince Diavolo was intrigued.  "Where is she now?"  The little d's told him.  "The clothing store, why?"  Diavolo smiled.  "Invite her here to the castle, we will have a formal greeting."  And the little d's went out to find D'Narah.  While trying to cheer herself up, she was approached by little ghost demons.  "Hello are you D'Narah?"  She looked around and answered.  "Yes, and who might you be?"  As she reached down and pet him on the head.  "Well I'm #3, and we were sent here for you.  His majesty Prince Diavolo request an audience."  D'Narah smiled and shook her head.  "No, tell his majesty, I'm not interested."  The little ghost demons laughed.  "Hehehe! Nobody denies his majesty.  Here's his address, see you in an hour."  And they took their leave.  So D'Narah set forth on the journey to the Demon Lord's Castle, down a long rode, through the woods, sat a giant mansion.  She wasn't impressed with the giant home, so she knocked on the door as so.


   D'Narah waited until the door opened, and was greeted by a butler.  "Yes, and who might you be?"  Said the butler, who knew who she was.  "Hello my name is D'Narah, and their must be some sort of misunderstanding, for I don't want to meet this Prince Diavolo, and I would not like to have an audience with him.  Thank you and goodbye."  She goes to leave.  "Hello, I don't believe we have met.  I'm Barbatos the butler, please come inside, I have tea for you if you would like."  D'Narah thought it over.  "Okay, because you are friendly, I will have one cup."  And walked inside.  She has never been inside the Demon King's home before, giant portraits everywhere, all from the Demon King's family.  She followed behind Barbatos to a dining room, where she was directed to sit on one side of the table.  A place setting for two was set and she waited for her guest to arrive.  Stunned by the layout of the castle, she didn't hear Prince Diavolo arrival into the room, but Prince Diavolo didn't say anything as he was taken aback by her beauty.  "Oh hello.  My name is..." He interrupted her.  "D'Narah.  Wow, I'm sorry for staring, but they never said you were this beautiful."  And D'Narah rolled her eyes.  Prince Diavolo was confused.  "I'm sorry, isn't that something every woman wants to hear?"  She shook her head.  "No, sometimes hearing it over and over make you feel ugly.  Anyways, I'm sorry to waste your time, but I will not be staying long.  I need to leave."  D'Narah goes to leave.  "Please stay, we haven't had tea, and I don't get any visitors.  I am interested in the human world like yourself, seeing how we both are half demons."  D'Narah turned to Prince Diavolo and sighed.  "One cup, and that it."  D'Narah sat back down and Barbatos served then tea along with several human world treats.  "Oh my, this is delicious.  That's funny, because I use to work in a bakery in the human world, and it was good but this is better."  She said, enjoying Barbatos baking.  "Really you had a job?  Why are you no longer there?"  D'Narah got sad.  "I don't know, things were great.  And one day, everyone hated me.  I lost my job, I couldn't find work elsewhere, then I lost my home.  I was kicked out of my home here.  So I've been trying to find something.  I'm just lost now."  She began to cry and Prince Diavolo offered her a place to stay at the castle.  "Why not stay here?  We have plenty of room.  I would love another person to talk to?"  He said with a smile.  "Oh no, I can't.  Not after what I did to you."  Prince Diavolo was curious.  "Did you want to get married?"  He asked, as she held her head down.  "No, I wasn't ready.  I've always wanted to live life first, then get married like my mother.  But things changed, and so I ran.  I'm sorry about that."  She said looking up at him.  Prince Diavolo smiled at her.  "It's okay, I wasn't ready for marriage either.  But one day I will."  After a moment to collect herself, D'Narah agreed to stay at the Demon Lord's castle.  "I will accept your offer on one condition.  Never tell my parents I'm here.  They must never know I have returned."  Prince Diavolo and Barbatos both looked at each other.  "Agreed.  Now follow me I shall show you to your room."  She followed behind Barbatos and they entered a room, that was ridiculously huge.  "My goodness, my apartment was the size of this.  Oh no, this is too much, please I will take a smaller room."  Barbatos smiled and continued to show her her own personal bathroom, closet for when she get clothes.  And where other places in the castle were.  He showed her the library, the kitchen, the piano room, the garden, several ball rooms and ones she not allowed.  "Down this corridor you can not enter.  This side is for the Demon King only, please stay away.  But everything on this side of the mansion belongs to Prince Diavolo and he has allowed you access to anything."  Barbatos smiled and turned to walk away.  "Thank you.  I appreciate it."  He stopped and turned towards her.  "You're welcome, Miss D'Narah, I'd say, you and Master Diavolo have a lot in common."  And he continued down the hall.

   As D'Narah settles down in her room, she start to miss her sisters.  The little d's walked into her room with bags upon bags of clothes for her.  "We have collected clothing from the store you might be interested in.  Please try these on, and see if you like them."  D'Narah was feeling a little better.  And tried on all types of clothing, but she enjoyed the dresses more.  "Perfect fit.  Thank you, I love dresses."  They started hanging up the clothes in her closet, and filling up the drawers with clothes from bras to panties and even night wear.  "Oh, you guys went shopping for everything."  She said to the little d's.  "Yeah, #4 picked out your bras and #1, grabbed your panties."  They finished in no time, and left the room.  As she looked at the clothes she heard a knock at the door.  "Hello, how can I help you?"  She asked as she was face to face with Prince Diavolo.  "I was wondering if you wanted to come to the library with me?  I know you could be busy, but I was wondering..." D'Narah smiled and agreed.  "Sure, lead the way."  And she walked behind him, but he wanted her to walk with him.  "That dress looks beautiful on you."  She nodded.  "Yes, thank you for this.  It's absolutely lovely."  Prince Diavolo smiled.  "It's right this way."  He and D'Narah talked more, about the human world, what they had their. About her family, his family.  She learned that he too had a human mother.  "You had a human mother, where is she?"  D'Narah asked.  "She died right after I was born.  I never got to met her, and my father never talked about her.  I asked over and over, but he would close himself away from me, raising me to be a ruler like him.  But I'm not like him, I care about the human world.  So much so, I want to unite the worlds together again.  We have three worlds and I would like to see all of them, and maybe we can share technology with everyone."  D'Narah got excited about his plan.  "Would you leave Devildom for good, to be in the human world?"  She asked.  Diavolo looked at her.  "No, this is my home.  As much as I would love to go to the human world, this is still home, this will alway be my home."  D'Narah understood.  "I guess that's what's different between you and I, I wasn't expected to do much, but to listen and obey my parents, but I wanted to follow my mothers journey.  She would talk for hours about the human world, her family around holiday time, gathering by the fire at night.  The warm sun on her face during summers.  I wanted to experience that and I did.  And I can't wait to go back.  Thank you for letting me stay with you, I shall be leaving once I get back on my feet again."  Prince Diavolo didn't want her to leave.  "Have dinner with me?  It will be here, just the two of us.  What do you say?"  D'Narah was hesitant but she agreed.  "Okay.  I will have dinner with you."  She left to go back to her room, to change for dinner.  A hour went by, D'Narah was wearing a different dress, a red dress this time, while Prince Diavolo wore his normal Prince attire.  He was speechless when he saw her in red.  "That is definitely your color.  May I have a dance with you?"  She agreed and took his hand, and danced around the room.  They continued their evening with dinner, and tea on the balcony.  "I can honestly say, I have enjoyed myself tonight.  I want to thank you and so I will.  Thank you Prince Diavolo.  You have a heart of an angel."  They ended their evening with a light peck on the cheek.  D'Narah headed to her room, thinking about the kiss. 

  Days turned into weeks and D'Narah and Prince Diavolo began to get closer and closer to one another.  They still sit and drink tea, read together, and enjoy walking through the gardens, until Prince Diavolo asked D'Narah out on a date to Ristorante Six.  "Yes, I would love to."  Once they arrived they had a private section for them, served with all kinds of food.  They ate, drank and enjoyed their date until they left to go back to the castle.  As they walked to the steps, Prince Diavolo expressed that he was interested in dating D'Narah, and she was interested in the Prince himself.  "I would like to formally date you, I'm not asking for marriage now, but I would like to be with you."  D'Narah smiled and stepped closer to him.  "Yes."  And they shared a kiss on the steps at the front door.

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