Unspoken - Book 1 - S.S.

By OneandOnlyElla

11.9K 517 596

"New year, new us..." Diana rolled her eyes as she turned to look at Lydia from her place in the passenger's... More

Wolf moon
Second chance at first line
Pack mentality
Magic bullet
The tell
Heart monitor
Night school
Wolf's bane
Code breaker
Epilogue: Healing
Thank you

Prologue: New girl

1.8K 42 29
By OneandOnlyElla

A/N: Welcome to my new Teen Wolf book! This will follow the story of my OC through all the seasons of the series, so I hope you enjoy the story I have prepared for you! I will be trying my very best to post here at least twice a week, but your votes and comments are really what keep me motivated, so if you enjoy the story, please feel free to let me know!

Allison should have thought that going on a run like that alone in a town she barely knew was a bad idea, but after having moved for the fifth time in the past two and a half years - and now, to a town in the middle of nowhere, no less - she had had a little time to herself, away from her parents and the best way she knew how to do that was to grab her phone to listen to some music while running through the woods. So, in hindsight, that hadn't been one of Allison's brightest ideas, but now, she was lost and, apparently alone, so how would she be able to go back home? Even if she did call her dad, what would she tell him? All she could see around her were trees so how would she describe whatever she was for him to find her?

So, instead, she decided to try and find a solution for herself, so, walking around for a while longer, Allison tried to find anything around her that could help her even if a little bit and, thankfully, after about five minutes of wandering around, she ended up stumbling upon what Allison could only really describe as being her salvation.

"Lydia, I told you before..." The girl was saying and Allison could only assumed she had a phone lost somewhere in her long blonde hair as she paced around right at the edge of the woods, in front of a car that Allison supposed to be hers considering the set of keys in her hand. "I don't want to go out with him. No, I know it's meant to be a double date thing but I don't even like Jackson and all of his friends are exactly like him! Yes, Lyd... I know he's your boyfriend but... No, okay? I'm not going. You have fun with your boyfriend and his stupid friends, because I'm not putting my sanity at risk because of Jackson again, so... Bye."

After that, there was a moment of silence and the blonde girl laughed quietly at whatever the other person had said on their side of the line before shaking her head fondly.

"Yeah, love you too." She said, before closing her flip phone and throwing it in her bag before starting to make her way toward her car.

Widening her eyes, Allison realized she should probably make herself known if she wanted the girl to help her at all, so, stepping out from the middle of the woods, Allison hoped the girl would hear her and turn around so she wouldn't have to call out to her and, fortunately for her, the blonde did, turning around in a flash, with wide eyes as she looked around, almost frightened before breathing out in relief when she noticed Allison standing there.

"Oh, my God..." She whispered quietly, placing a hand over her chest before chuckling quietly. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry." Allison mumbled. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine." The girl assured. "It's just... No one's usually on these sides of the woods, so I really didn't expect anyone to be here."

"Yeah, I was just, hum... Running." Allison said.

"From what?" The girl asked, clicking her tongue when she noticed Allison didn't laugh. "Yeah, that was... A joke. Or, at least, it was meant to be."

"Oh!" Allison gasped, smiling a little at the sudden awkward atmosphere she had created for the two of them. "Sorry."

"No, it's fine. It wasn't a great joke anyway." The girl shrugged. "It's just... This town is kind of... Quiet. Nothing ever really happens here and nothing really ever changes so... Actually... I've never seen you around."

"Yeah." Allison nodded. "I just moved actually."

"Oh!" The girl smiled. "Oh, hum... Welcome, then. I guess. Do you live nearby?"

"That's... That's kind of my problem right now." Allison mumbled, blushing a little as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "Yeah, I'm kind of lost, so..."

"Oh, that's okay." The blonde girl assured, putting on a kind smile as she approached Allison slowly. "You know, I was born and raised here so I kind of know this town inside out. I'm pretty sure that if you give me your address I can give you a ride home. If you don't know your address, you can give me something near your house and I'll figure it out."

"Oh, you really don't need to drive me home." Allison smiled a little. "I mean, if you just give me directions, I can walk back."

"Don't be silly." The girl shook her head with a smile. "I'll drive you home, it's no trouble. And I promise I don't bite."

And this time, Allison laughed. The girl smiled, happy to see she had put Allison even a little bit at ease. Extending her hand out to her, the blonde offered Allison another smile.

"I'm Diana, by the way." She introduced herself, causing Allison to smile back at her and shake her hands in hers.

"Allison." She said.

"So, Allison..." Diana said, as if testing out how the new name sounded in her tongue. "Do you want that drive home or not? We can use that time to get to know each other a little better. I mean, I'm assuming you're starting school too, next week?"

"Yes." Allison nodded. "I'm going to Beacon Hills High School."

"Me too!" Diana smiled, nodding back at her car as she unlocked it as if to invite Allison in. "What year are you going to?"

"Sophomore?" Allison frowned, almost insecure about her answer, but if Diana noticed, she didn't say anything and, instead, just beamed.

"No way, me too!"

"Really?" Allison laughed, almost not believing her luck of meeting someone who sounded like such a good friend in her grade a week before school actually started. "That's... That's great."

"It really is." Diana smiled. "If you want, I can totally show you around school on your first day. You don't have to stick around with me if you don't want, of course, but, you know... Just so you don't have to go through the whole new girl process alone."

"I would actually like that." Allison asked, finally climbing into Diana's car as the girl climbed into her driver's seat and put on her seat belt with a nod of her head as she started the car.

"Great." Diana smiled, driving off of the woods and into a small road nearby before turning to Allison with a little, playful wink. "Because I really feel like we could be good friends."

"You know what?" Allison asked, surprised by how at ease she truly felt with Diana after so little time in the presence of the girl at all. "I think so too."

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