My Little Hatefuck

By sweeti_hannah

33.5K 1K 82

Most people dream of meeting Chris Motionless and being his friend. When Audrina Woodworth met Chris Motionle... More

Prologue ♪ Hatefuck
Chapter 2 ♪ Sinematic
Chapter 3 ♪ Fatal
Chapter 4 ♪ Contemptress
Chapter 5 ♪ Synthetic Love
Chapter 6 ♪ Puppets
Chapter 7 ♪ Count Choculitis
Chapter 8 ♪ Ghost In The Mirror
Chapter 9 ♪ Creatures
Chapter 10 ♪ Underdog
Chapter 11 ♪ Devil's Night
Chapter 12 ♪ Bananamontana
Chapter 13 ♪ Death March
Chapter 14 ♪ Destroying Everything
Chapter 15 ♪ My Friend Of Misery
Chapter 16 ♪ Cobwebs
Chapter 17 ♪ Wasp
Chapter 18 ♪ Break The Cycle
Chapter 19 ♪ Unstoppable
Chapter 20 ♪ Puppets 2
Chapter 21 ♪ Puppets 3
Chapter 22 ♪ City Lights
Chapter 23 ♪ Abigail
Chapter 24 ♪ Reincarnate
Chapter 25 ♪ Com Pt II
Author's Note

Chapter 1 ♪ Sick From The Melt

2.2K 54 7
By sweeti_hannah

"Will you please explain to me how you know Chris Motionless?!" Elizabeth cried when they entered the hotel room, the entire ride in her car was silent as she let the new information sink in about her best friend and one of her idols. She was still stunned and in disbelief, surely this wasn't real was it? Audrina tossed her bag onto the bed then sat down, sighing softly then looking at Elizabeth who was sitting down on the second bed with an impatient expression on her face. Audrina knew it was the time to tell the complete truth, even if it she didn't want to and it was embarrassing, she couldn't lie to her best friend anymore or any longer.

"Okay I'll tell you, but please don't freak out about it," Audrina said, Elizabeth nodded then gripped a pillow and placed it in her lap. Audrina took a deep breath, then began. "I met Chris three years ago at a concert, they were playing after a band I wanted to see. And instead of leaving, I stayed and watched his band play. They weren't bad. After the concert I headed to the back in the alley to wait for my ride to pick me up, while I was waiting Chris came out the back door. He came over and we talked for a long time until my ride showed up, he gave me his number and I gave him mine, then we went our separate ways. We talked every once in a blue moon when he was bored, or when I was bored. A few months later he was performing in Charlotte, he asked if I would come see him, I agreed since I had nothing better else to do. I drove to Charlotte, and we met up at a hotel, started talking and just hanging out when we slept together. In December he started texting me like crazy, calling me, skyping me, just anything he could. He would take any opportunity he had to come see me. Well, we eventually got into a huge argument and it made me hate him. This year in February he contacted me again and since then we've been seeing each other,  but we're not dating. But he hates me, and I still hate him. It's complicated."

Elizabeth's eyes were wide and her jaw was dropped opened, she couldn't believe her ears.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"He didn't want me to tell anyone about this, he didn't want his fans to think bad about him if it got out into the media." Audrina said, Elizabeth nodded slightly.

"I can understand, but it's his personal life. He can do whatever he wants, but I know the media would probably go wild with it. I promise I won't tell anyone," she said, Audrina smiled softly but not because she wasn't telling on Chris but because she wasn't going to tell on her, she didn't want to be known as the girl who slept with Christopher Cerulli. "why do you hate him though, what was the argument about?"

"The argument was about us, and he was just a complete jerk. That's what made me hate him, and he hates me because he thinks I'm a jerk."

"Wow, well you're definitely not a jerk!" Elizabeth defended, Audrina laughed with a nod. "I still can't believe my best friend slept with Chris Motionless though! I dream about doing that!"

Audrina raised her eyebrows with a look that looked disgusted, it made Elizabeth laugh.

"I don't want to hear the details of that dream, and I told you not to freak out."

"I'm not, freaking out would be jumping up and down and yelling oh my god. I just raised my voice a little louder," Elizabeth pointed out, Audrina shook her head, like that really was a difference. "can I ask you a question?"

"Depends what it is?" Audrina said curiously, judging by the dreams she had about Chris she wasn't sure if she wanted to answer a question.

"Is he good?"

"Oh god Liz!" Audrina exclaimed, jumping up from the bed and shaking her head as she walked away.

"What? I just want to know!"

Audrina looked out the room's window that overlooked other buildings and roads, this hotel wasn't bad nor was the view. Audrina hesitated to answer, trying to decide if she even wanted to discuss this about someone she hated.

"I guess so," she responded then looked at Elizabeth to see she was smiling widely at her. "I mean I'm not sure though."

"I understand," Elizabeth said with a teasing soft giggle. "he doesn't seem like he hates you though?"

Audrina gave Elizabeth a challengingly look, she knew she had to prove it. "I'm sure you've heard the songs off the album Infamous?"

"Heard the songs, girl, I have all of their albums and know all of their songs!" Elizabeth exclaimed proudly, Audrina rolled her eyes with a slight smile on her face.

"Sinematic, Synthetic Love and Hatefuck was inspired by our relationship if that's the word to describe this."

Elizabeth's jaw dropped instantly, she was quiet for a minute or two while those songs Audrina said replayed in her mind.

"Oh my god, I understand it now! It's totally him and you!" she said in a loud voice. "wait, if those songs are about you," she said as she put together the puzzle. "he pretty much uses you and hates you?"

"Exactly!" Audrina said. "and the song Contemptress is about me too."

"How do you know those songs are about you though?"

"He texts me and tells me to look them up, and that he wrote them about us." Audrina replied while crossing her arms over her chest.

"That's so cruel!" she said. "this is so insane, I feel like it's not true."

"Believe me, sadly it is."

"Do you regret sleeping with him?" Elizabeth asked suddenly, that was a question Audrina couldn't answer one hundred percent honestly because she wasn't sure. She didn't know if she regretted it, or even if she felt guilty for doing it. Surely he didn't.

"I'm not sure honestly," she replied with a shrug. "it's complicated."

"I understand, I would be confused about the whole situation if I was you too."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Audrina apologized, Elizabeth smiled big.

"Don't be, really. I understand why you didn't," she said then stood up. "now, do you want to go get lunch or something? Because I really don't feel like sitting in a hotel room until tomorrow."

Audrina laughed then nodded, tomorrow was the second day of Carolina Rebellion and they weren't planning on leaving Charlotte until tomorrow evening. They grabbed their bags then left the hotel room, the sun was beginning to set and it made a beautiful orange color in the sky. The air was cooling down, but it still felt nice against their skin. They climbed into Elizabeth's yellow and black mustang, clicked on their seat belts, then drove off from the hotel's parking lot.

"Do you mind if I put on Motionless In White?" Elizabeth asked after a minute of driving, Audrina laughed with a roll of her eyes.

"You just saw them in concert!"

"I know, but not all of their songs." Elizabeth protested, Audrina shook her head. Was she serious?

"I guess if you absolutely have to."

"I do, but I won't play Infamous. I'll play Creatures." Elizabeth said as she placed the Creatures album into the CD player, she pressed play then turned it up. Even though she didn't want to listen to them, it was Elizabeth's car, and her radio, so she could play whatever she wanted but Audrina respected that she asked before just playing it without caring if it bothered her or not. But Audrina also knew Elizabeth was the type of best friend that did things just to bother her, so she was preparing herself. It was still too early for her to tease her about all of this at the moment, but give it time.

"If all these words you speak of meant a thing, I'd take back all the lines against you that I sing! But I know that there's nothing real inside, your heart's invested in feeding everyone lies!" Elizabeth sang loudly, Audrina looked at her with her eyebrows arched but all she could do was laugh and shake her head. Out of all the bands in the world that could've been her favorite, it had to be Motionless In White. They had finally decided on a restaurant  (which was Fatz) before they got too hungry. Elizabeth found the closest parking spot to the door, cut off the engine then looked at Audrina with a smile.

"You're paying for half, I hope you know that."

"Ha," Audrina laughed jokingly. "we'll see about that." she said then opened the door, Elizabeth began laughing as she got out of the car. They walked into the restaurant and got themselves a booth, then followed the waiter to the booth he had chosen for them to sit. He handed them the menus, then took their order on their drinks. Elizabeth ordered a sprite, and Audrina ordered a mountain dew. He announced he would bring back bread sticks when he brings them their drinks, then walked off quickly. As they looked through the menus to try to decide on something to eat, Audrina had already decided she would order a salad, but what else would go well with a salad? She continued her concentration on the menu until the sound of her phone beeping in her bag interrupted, she was unsure of who it was, maybe a family member or a friend. She laid her menu down onto the table, gripped her bag beside her then dug inside of it until she felt the coolness of her Iphone's screen. She grasped it securely then pulled it out of the bag, reading the notification. She had a text from the one and only, Chris Motionless. She sighed softly, unlocked her phone, then began reading the text message he had sent.

Chris: I was pretty shocked to see you at Carolina Rebellion today, who knew you would actually show up? Anyways, I'm still in Charlotte for another night. Can I see you?

She shook her head slightly, tapped the text box, then began typing in response.

Audrina: Like I said I went for my best friend, she begged me to go. And no not tonight, I'm still with her.

"Let me guess, is that Chris?" Elizabeth said in a funny voice, Audrina looked at her over her phone and smiled.

"Yes it is him."

"What does he want?"

"To see me, as usual." Audrina replied, Elizabeth laughed softly.

"Don't you want to see him?"

"I already saw him today and he saw me, I think that's enough." Audrina replied with a giggle, then suddenly her phone beeped.

Chris: Can't I still see you though?

Audrina: Chris, seriously, not tonight!

Chris: Maybe I don't want to do that? Maybe I just want to hang out with you, or even just talk? You always expect that Audrina.

Audrina: That's usually why you text me.

Chris: No it's not, I text you for a lot of other reasons too! So, can I just see you?

Audrina: Hold on a minute.


"Yes?" Elizabeth answered, before Audrina could speak the waiter returned with bread sticks and butter, and their drinks.

"Are you ladies ready to order?" he asked.

"We may need a few more minutes." Elizabeth replied, he nodded with a smile.

"That's perfectly fine, take your time." he said then winked and walked away, Elizabeth looked at Audrina with her jaw dropped. She always flipped out when a guy flirted in public, Audrina could never understand why though.

"What were you going to say?" she asked, grabbing a straw and ripping the wrapping off it.

"Chris wants to see me tonight, just to hang out or just to talk. Whatever he wants. What do you think?"

"Hell I don't mind that we may have my favorite idol in our hotel room, why would you ask me such a thing?!" Elizabeth exclaimed, Audrina should've known she would agree no matter what.

"I'll tell him it's fine then." she said with a giggle, beginning to type once again.

Chris: Okay.

Audrina: Fine, we will allow you around us.

Chris: Oh, so you two needed to discuss it?

Audrina: Of course, when do you want to come over?

Chris: Now?

Audrina: We're out at a restaurant right now, we're not at our hotel.

Chris: I don't give a damn, where are you at?

Audrina: Fatz, it's not far from the concert.

Chris: Don't worry I'll find it, I'll be there in a minute. Don't go anywhere.

Audrina: Good luck getting in here without being recognized.

"He's on his way now." Audrina told her as she placed her phone back into her bag, Elizabeth looked at her with wide eyes.

"Right now? At this moment?!"

"Yes, right now."

"Do you think we need a bigger table?" Elizabeth asked in concern, Audrina never even thought about that. Surely he will bring the band members since they traveled together, and a booth built for four wouldn't work.

"Shit," Audrina breathed, Elizabeth giggled. "when the waiter comes back we'll have to ask for a bigger table."

"I got that, I'll just be cute since he's already winked at us."

"You're too weird, Liz."

"I may be weird, but I'm also your best friend," Elizabeth said with a smirk, then she sipped her drink a few times. "have you decided yet?"

"I think I'll get a salad and some pasta, sounds good enough. What about you?"

"Hamburger and fries," she replied. "why do you have to have a salad with anything you eat?"
"Because I watch my figure, Liz. You know that."

"I know, but still." Elizabeth said through a laugh, then her eyes moved and the waiter returned.

"Have you decided yet?"

"We have in fact," Elizabeth replied with a warming smile, he looked at her. "but some of our friends are coming to join us unexpectedly, could we have a bigger table, please?"

"Oh, of course. No problem, how many will be all together?"

Elizabeth looked at Audrina quickly, she was an expert at math and never had to add, she just knew and it was strange.


"You're in luck," he said while grabbing the basket of bread. "our largest group of customers just left and we just cleaned off the table, just follow me."

They gathered their drinks and bags, then followed the waiter to a big table that seated seven. They got comfortable there then ordered their meal, and started a conversation about the guy Elizabeth liked at her job.

"He's so cute," she said. "but I haven't really talked to him, the only thing we say to each other is hey or how are you. Something stupid."

Audrina smiled. "I think you should try to talk to him the next time you see him, don't be too pushy though. Just start a simple conversation, like a friend would."

"You think that would work?" Elizabeth asked with an unsure tone, Audrina nodded confidently.

"I'm sure, just try it. You may get a boyfriend a few weeks after that."

"If I do, I'll pay you." Elizabeth said with a laugh, she wasn't one hundred percent sure that it would happen.

"Good, we'll see who will be rich at the end of this."

"You're so on, Audrina."

"Good evening ladies," said a male's voice, Audrina turned her head to see Ricky sitting down right beside Elizabeth with a smirk. His hood was pulled up, and he wore sunglasses and still had his makeup on from the concert. "what's on the menu this evening?"

"Ricky, stop acting like that." Joshua demanded as he sat down a seat from Audrina, and Ryan joined him.

"Yeah, it's weird." Devin agreed as he sat down on Elizabeth's right, she was turning redder each second, Audrina smiled softly but then she realized Chris was stuck to sit right beside her, and once he sat down she got a strong scent of his cologne.

"We kindly let Chris sit beside you, Audrina." Ricky said with a smirk, Audrina smiled softly but it wasn't a thank you smile.

"Yeah, we thought it would be polite because of how close you two are." Joshua said as he tried not to laugh, Audrina knew right then Chris had to explain who she was to him.

"I wish I could thank you all," she said, Ricky's mouth carved in an O. "but I can't."

"Burn! How does that feel Chris?" Devin said with a laugh, so they had been teasing Chris about all of this, and it made Audrina want to laugh.

"Feels fine." Chris replied, then suddenly the waiter returned (but not with food) but with menus.

"Drinks for the gentleman, I'm guessing?" he said, Ricky spoke up before anyone else could.

"Sweet tea with a lemon."

"Diet Pepsi." said Devin as he gripped a bread stick and a small plastic bowl of butter.

"Mountain dew." Joshua told the waiter.

"Pink lemonade." Ryan announced, the guys looked at him strangely and laughed but Ryan didn't seem to take their laughs into consideration.

"Pepsi." Chris said, the waiter nodded then handed the guys their menus.

"It's Elizabeth, right?" Ryan asked, she looked at him quickly as he spoke her name and nodded.

"Yes it is."

"Did you enjoy the concert?"

"I really did, you guys are my idols and favorite band." Elizabeth told them, they all smiled proudly.

"But Audrina isn't a fan is she?" Devin asked, Ricky couldn't bite his tongue.

"I don't understand why she isn't though, she's a big fan of Chris."

"Okay, seriously Ricky, that's enough." Chris blurted out, Ricky laughed.

"I'm sorry, maybe I have taken it a bit too far now."

Audrina smiled then shook her head side to side in response to Devin's question. "No I'm not, I'm sorry."

"Why not?"

"Yeah, what don't you like about us?" Joshua asked.

"It's not that I don't like you guys, I think you're a good band. It's just --'

Ryan interrupted. "You don't like Chris?"

"I wish you all would shut up." Chris mumbled, biting his bottom lip.

"Basically, yes."

"Chris, you ruin everything! We could have a fan if you weren't such an ass!" Ricky hissed playfully as he pointed at him, Chris looked at him.

"I suggest you shut up Ricky, or you may wake up tomorrow morning strapped to the roof of the van as I drive down the highway!"

"Aren't you just sunshine?" Ricky said sarcastically, Elizabeth smiled as they teased Chris. He was now looking through the menu, not paying the guys any attention. In just a few minutes the waiter returned with Audrina's meal, and Elizabeth's, then took the guys' orders and walked off quickly to give it to the chef. Audrina was working on her salad as the guys continued to talk, answering questions from Elizabeth. They seemed like they were having a lot of fun, and Elizabeth seemed extremely happy. But Audrina felt awkward, she could feel Chris' arm blushing against hers and could catch the scent of his cologne every once in a while. As she continued eating she felt eyes on her, and it was making her uncomfortable. She swallowed hard then turned her head to lock eyes with Chris, his sunglasses were off and his brown eyes stared into her blue ones.

"Something wrong?" she asked with a shrug of the shoulders, Chris licked his bottom lip, running his tongue across his lip piercings.

"No, just looking at you," he replied. "can't I do that?"

"If you feel the need to." she told him, he smirked softly.

"I haven't seen you in a while." he said, his voice sounded caring but Audrina didn't believe it.

"Same, you haven't changed though." she told him, turning her head back towards her bowl of salad.

"You have," Chris said, it seemed like some eyes were on them and ears were opened to hear what they were saying toward each other. But Audrina couldn't blame them, they were probably the new fascinating news. "I think this is the first time I've seen your hair white, instead of pictures." he said, reaching out and running his fingers through her hair. The last time he saw her, her hair was a very dark blue, almost black it seemed.

"I guess so." Audrina said a little awkwardly, the waiter returned with the guys food and as soon as he left, the guys dug in.

"I haven't eaten since this morning." Joshua said with a mouth full of food, Chris shook his head. Joshua was raised by wolves, he hardly had any manners.

"We know, you ate the whole box of Raisin Bran!" Ryan snapped, Joshua smirked then swallowed his food.


"What are you girls going to do after this?" Ricky asked, looking at Audrina and then Elizabeth.

"Um.." Elizabeth began, but she couldn't finish so she looked at Audrina for help.

"Hang out at the hotel probably."

"That sounds boring." Devin said, Audrina looked at him.

"And what are you all going to do?"

They couldn't give an answer, instead they just looked at each other, waiting for someone to answer when Chris did.

"Whatever you do." he replied, giving Audrina a look that only she knew. The expression that told her he was going to bother her for the next few hours.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked, hoping she wasn't going to get the answer she didn't want to hear.

"Hm," Chris hummed as he thought, the guys watched him suspiciously and Elizabeth watched as well. "why say bye so soon?"

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