The Frontier


736 35 18

Will,a newly revived Reaper is forced to Adapt to the sudden change of environment. The world he lived in (an... Еще

Good Morning bright DEAD world
Crazy Alien Weapon
Into Haven We Go.
Life In Haven


46 4 4

Hey guys Kuna here.... I was originally planning to update today but something happened... Something I would, and probably you would call a terrifying experience. It started when me and my friends Jake and Ryan went through some light brush close to the forest. I found a relatively clear spot amongst the grass and played there resting. I turned my head slightly and amongst the tall brush, three or four feet away was the biggest Pit Viper I had ever Seen. I'm not joking this cheeky  motherfucker was AT LEAST eight feet in length. My eyes flashed before my eyes I jumped up and it lunged at me. It latched onto my jacket and started twisting viciously. It's was able to rip a large hole in my jacket before lunging at my bare arm, I ripped my arm away as it lunged and it was only able to rip  my skin with the tips of its fangs not far enough to inject its deadly venom into my blood stream. This gave me enough time to run from it though. Yes I know I was dumb to lay down there but where I live its estimated for there only to be 116 pit  vipers and katy is a big ass town to live in. I was bleeding very bad and my vision was going dark. I can't remember much but   remember stumbling out of the brush towards our truck and falling unconscious. I woke up three hours later in a hospital bed hooked up to a heart rate monitor and a IV. The doctor walked in and explained everything. Apparently the snake that had attacked me and previously attacked and killed four other people. Animal control was able to catch it and take it away. So long story short I could have easily died today. I wouldn't have been able to say good bye to my family and girlfriend just poof gone six feet under.

I have to take a couple days off to spend with my family and girlfriend because I just realised death is too real and that I might have not even be here writing this if things would have gone differently. Just the thought of leaving my family and love behind breaks my heart... Now enough with the sad shit! I will make up my absence by posting (hopefully) two chapters Saturday and two chapters Sunday for you guys!

Peace out-Kuna

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