slendermans x reader

By Darkbitch666

36.5K 585 204

you and slenderman live together and after one spice romantic night, feelings have occured and a the past beg... More

wanna play?
Game on!
The winner takes it all
Cloud nine and a lovers night
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Playtime is always fun with Slenderman <3
Fucking tease
School sucks
Answers and ownership
Date night and sweet smells
Who am I?! Who are you?
cliffs, bad memories and a hero dressed in black
Missed calls and messages leave worried minds
friends to lovers and unexpected plans
Hotel rooms reunited
Morning sickness and one happy Jeff
A restful pregnancy doesn't last long
A scare every mother dreads
A slendy family(Ending)

True stories lead to shattered hearts

562 9 1
By Darkbitch666

I sit in shock as I stare at the pregnancy test. "There was no way this was possible...It's impossible" I kept repeating in my head, I felt my stomach turn and I knew it must've been because of this pregnancy was the reason I was feeling sick. I dropped the test and felt an overwhelming feeling of terror fill me and tears pour from my eyes. I did always want a baby but not now, I was about to graduate from school well college but still I wanted a career, a life before I had kids and what will slender say?! I heard a knock on the door which made me jump and realisation hit me. "Y yes who is it?" I say trying to sound normal. "Little one its me, you okay in there?" Slenderman replied in a calm voice. I grabbed the test and hid it up my sleeve and opened the door. "I'm fine babe I just need to rest" He smiled and put his hand on my head, it was cold and soothing and kissed me "I'm gonna go to the store and get you your favourite snacks and some soup I was thinking we could watch a movie and I'll read you a story" I smile and cuddle him "That sounds amazing slendy, I'll set up Netflix" I could tell him whilst we eat about the news. He hugged me back and ruffled my hair "I love you cutie and I'll see you soon" "bye daddy" I say and he wanders down the hallway, grabs his keys and heads out. I go to the window and watch as he drives off and I feel so scared and lonely but try my best to fight these emotions. "what movie shall I watch? Deadpool? The birdcage? Coraline?" I say as i flick through Netflix and rest my hand on my tummy, and tear up a little. "Hello um baby" I say laughing a little thinking how crazy this whole situation is. I hear footsteps coming up the hallway and relax as the doorknob turns and the door opens. "Back already I see" I say not looking up from the TV but all I hear in return isn't slendy but Julia. "I'm afraid you guessed wrong weak mortal" She says cruelly. I sit up in bed abruptly and reach under the pillow grabbing the handgun from under my pillow and aimed it at her "Are you stupid? Or are your accent ears to weak to hear what slender said, YOUR NOT WELCOME BACK HERE!" I shout and she smiles more "Darling, I'm here to protect you" She said and started to approach me. I stand up out of bed and she stops and stares at my tummy and smells the air "Wow that was sooner than I expected, just means this news I have to tell you is gonna hurt you more" I snarl at her and hold my gun tighter "What are you talking about?" She smiled and took a drag from her cigarette which made me cover my face and she smiled more and purposely blew the smoke in my face which made me cough. I quickly opened the window and grabbed the glass of water on the side which slendy left for me and I took a gulp to relieve my sore throat. "Your parents death was such a tragedy, but what is even worse is you don't know who started the fire" I clutch my glass tighter keeping my gun aimed at her "What are you talking about! I'm sure the fire started from a cigarette from my stupid parents not paying attention" She laughed loudly and I had enough of her so threw my glass of water over her which stopped her laughing and stare at me. "Enough with your head games Bitch now tell me what happened!" She fixed her hair and spoke coldly "Your parents didn't die from a accident you stupid girl, your dearest slendy started the fire" I stand in shock. There was no way, slendy only just met me the day I fell off the cliff and she smiled slightly and pulled out a photograph handing it to me, I take it and examine it and feel my heart drop it was slendy with a match at my parents house and the house in flames. Just then the door opened and slendy walked in carrying a bag of snacks "Sorry darling I was so long I was looking for..." He stopped talking and stared at Julia "YOU! What are you doing here?!" He said in his scary voice. She smiled and laughs and stands aside revealing me staring at the photograph. He knew instantly what the photo was and started to approach y/n. "Babygirl its not what it looks like I can explain" "You killed them didn't you?" I say in a sad and empty tone. "Baby I had to if you just let me explain you'll understand" He said whilst trying to approach me still but I could see he was almost worried to. Julia stood looking pleased with herself and said "Well now I've gotten that off my chest I'll be leaving now" She strolled out proudly and left me and slendy in a cold atmosphere as i dropped the photograph. He stands in front of me and cupped my cheeks and looked remorseful "little one they were hurting you. I couldn't stand by and watch it anymore, all those nights of hearing your cries, seeing you become thinner and paler from being locked in a cupboard, seeing you blaming yourself... I I I had to because your my..." I smacked his hand away not wanting to hear anymore. "leave" I say coldly. He looks at me shocked "Y/n please" "I said leave slenderman" I repeated and he backed away crying "I'm so sorry y/n just remember I love you" He said and walked out slowly. I broke down crying on the floor, this was all too much. Of course i didn't want to break up with him and he is right my parents were hurting me but who else would he kill, would he kill me? I cry on the bed for hours and felt I had to be away from him, I had to decide what to do.  I am pregnant with his child for Christ sake and I felt angry and hurt. I got up and grabbed my bag and called a taxi, I was grabbing loose and cosy clothes as I didn't know how long away or if I'd even return. I went to the bathroom grabbing my essentials and my pregnancy test which had fallen on the floor from my sleeve and shoved it all in my bag. I knew my tummy would grow and even though I had money to buy some, I was in no fit state to go shopping. I received a message saying my taxi was outside and i slipped on a hoodie and looked down and saw it was slendys and started to tear up again. I grabbed my phone and walked down the stairs and saw slendy approaching me and he looked a mess, tie messy, no blazer and his buttons slightly undone. I wanted to hug him but I also wanted to smack him. I grabbed the door handle and he reached his hand out "Y/n please don't go" He said his voice breaking which made my heart shatter. I knew this was for the best though "Goodbye slenderman" I said trying my best to hold back tears and walked out, he stood for a few seconds shocked and broken and ran after me but I was already in the car and looked out the window as the car pulled away and saw him chasing the car to the end of the drive and stop falling to his knees and holding his head in his hands crying.

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