
Od warriormaidenxxx

43.8K 890 275

Persephone is a thief... for royals. They hire her to steal for them; mostly out of spite, not need. She snea... Viac

Chapter 1- (Picture of Persephone)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 5- (Picture of Alexander)

3.3K 76 23
Od warriormaidenxxx

Hey guyyyys! so you better be happy that i'm posting it pretty quickly =] hopefully ill be able to upload again soon!! 

there is a !little! bit of abuseish stuff in this, not really. there is a little pain tho, so if ur a really big wimp.... idk. still read it lol. you can handle it. its REALLY not bad. 

As usual, please comment and tell me what you think!!!!!!! vote if you like it!!!!!! fan if you REALLY like it =] 

the song is just one that i listed to a lot when writing this, and it kinda reminded me of the fight with Alexander.... and i like it. so yeah... 


FLASHBACK: (Warren) “Can you control yourself?” I asked warningly. “Because we need to talk to her when she wakes up, and if you can’t do that without hurting her than I’m going to have to do it alone.”

Guilt inched onto his face and he looked down. “Yeah,” he murmured. “I’m ok.”

I turned back around to make sure she was okay, but my eyes fell on an empty carpet.

She was gone.



My head spun at the movement as I raced through the streets. I felt woozy, as if I might collapse on the ground at any moment. My forehead pounded to the beat of my feet on the road and my muscles burned as I pushed them to their limits.

I forced myself to run faster.

I had no doubt that as soon as they realized I was gone they would come after me, and I needed to get to the haven of my home as fast as possible.

I glanced behind me but quickly turned back around as black spots danced in my vision. Leaning my back against a building I paused for a minute to recover. I only let myself rest for a few seconds before running along the road again.

As I kept sprinting my heart rate increased until it felt as if it might beat out of my chest. Uncomfortable warmth spread to the tips of my fingers and around my body.  A whimper escaped from my mouth as my limbs wobbled beneath me, straining to support my weight. Not wanting to stop again I pushed myself forward, but I couldn’t take it. I collapsed to the ground, shaking with exhaustion, and something else. Not having the effort to move anything but my head, I turned it to the side and threw up weakly. My vomit’s stench filled my lungs and I gagged.

I was in good shape. This shouldn’t be happening.

Now lying down my head still pounded, but the pain became sharper, transforming. It changed from a dull ache to a fierce jab. I lifted up my arm to touch the back of my head, having to use a lot of energy for such a small movement. My hand touched something warm and wet, and when I pulled it away I saw that it was coated with blood.

The last thing I remember thinking was how pretty the bright red looked against my pale fingers.

My eyes closed.


Pain. My eyelashes fluttered as I slipped into consciousness. I opened my eyes a fraction to see a hazy shape moving above me. The agony was now centered in my head. Something touched it and I was awakened from my daze with a jolt. There was a high-pitched scream that hurt my ears somewhere in the background. Then I realized that it was mine.

I fell back asleep.


When I finally woke up, I wasn’t in my bed. Panic flashed through me and I struggled up, but the ache in my head prevented me from getting far. A moan escaped my lips and I closed my eyes in defeat. Everything came rushing back to me, how I was found and I fought. I remembered waking up and hearing shouts. I had stumbled to my feet and slipped out of the room. I had run down the streets, and I remembered feeling horrible.

“Persephone?” I heard the only voice that I trusted, and one of the few that actually knew my name. Alexander. I was safe.

“Hi” I managed to whisper weakly. I heard him laugh, but it was without humor.

I felt his hand on my forehead, stroking my hair away from my face. His fingers were cold against my flaming skin. He leaned over and I opened my eyes to peer into his brown ones. He pressed his lips lightly to mine and pulled back quickly, afraid that he would hurt me. I breathed out a contented sigh and turned my lips slightly up.

He didn’t smile at me, still looking worried. I raised my hand up to my head and was surprised when I touched bandages. I looked back at Alexander but his face hadn’t changed. My fingers roamed around to the back of my head, and I couldn’t stop a cry of pain escaping my mouth. Alexander’s face morphed into fury and his eyes darkened to black.

“Whoever did this to you…” he trailed off, looking away. “What happened to you, Persephone? I haven’t seen you for days, and I was walking down the street late last night when I see you collapsed on the ground in a puddle of blood!” He broke off as he relived the memory and cleared his throat before continuing. “You’re lucky that I found you before anyone else did! You can’t just go running off like that without telling me! This is what happens.”

Anger started to burn through the pain. “Alexander, you don’t own me. I can do whatever I want,” I said, trying to sound confident. I’m not sure I succeeded because he just laughed at me.

“Men own women, Persephone, in case you’ve forgotten,” he said smugly. God. I hated when he was like this.

“I live by myself, supporting myself. I don’t need you, and I can walk away from you whenever I want. We aren’t married, in case you’ve forgotten,” I said through my teeth.

Hurt flashed through his eyes for a second, but I felt no regret. He brought it on himself.

The hurt hardened to fury. “I’m still a man, and you’re still a woman. If you leave, when you come back people will believe my story and not yours.”

“Come back? If I left, why would I come back? I think you might have a little bit of an inflated ego, Alexander. And I suggest that you back off before what we are talking about becomes reality,” I said, shaking my head at his stupidity.

Something dangerous came into his eyes. “Maybe you would be senseless enough to stay away, but if you go, I will bring you back. Whether you like it or not.”

“And what, Alexander? You think you could force me? You forget that I am in a position to defend myself. And even if you do succeed, you think that I am going to remain with you as your docile wife? You don’t know me if you don’t realize that I would rather die than be somewhere against my will. If you force me into anything, I will never stop fighting you.”

He started to say something, but I didn’t want to hear it.

“Just leave, Alexander. Before you ruin things further.”

He didn’t move and I closed my eyes and shut him out. I lay there for a long time, waiting for him to leave. He never did. I knew that he cared about me, and didn’t want to leave me alone while I was like this. He was a good man, even if he was infuriating and thoughtless sometimes. Eventually I drifted away, hearing his steady breathing next to me.


I ran through the woods, breathing in the scent of the tree’s and grass. Sunlight filtered in through the trees, creating kaleidoscopic patterns on the ground. A breeze rippled through the forest, caressing my cheeks and blowing my hair around my shoulders. I ran alongside a glistening blue river. It laughed as it flew by me. I stopped and leaned over, looking at my rippled reflection. My hair shone and my skin glowed with life. My mask was the same but my clothes were different. I wore a loose blue dress that fell low on my shoulders. I had a leather corset over it that was laced up tightly, but not so tight that I had difficulty breathing. My hair was undone, cascading over my shoulders and down my back. I laughed at how strange and different I looked. I looked away from the river when I heard a voice drifting through the trees.

“Persephone! Come here!” It was Warren, sounding happy and kind, unlike I had ever heard him before. I ambled toward the sound of his voice and entered a clearing ringed with oak trees. Wildflowers blew in the wind and I could hear laughter and music surrounding me. Warren was lying in the middle of the meadow on his back, gazing at the sky. I ran over to join him, resting my head on the soft grass.

Above us the sky was so blue it almost hurt my eyes.

“I love you,” said Warren.

“You too,” I replied.

I glanced over to him, but his face was different. His hair was shorter and his eyes were colder. It was Alexander. In my lazy dream state I wasn’t alarmed. I laughed and turned back to the sky.

“Persephone,” he said, his voice sharp as a knife. “Come with me.”

“Uh, I don’t know. I like it here.” I smiled and turned back to the heavens. Suddenly I felt Alexander grab my arm and he pulled me up to him and against his chest.

“Hey!” I yelled. “What are you doing?”

He didn’t respond, just stared into my eyes hungrily. His face approached mine, but I pulled away. He was scaring me.

He grabbed my shoulders roughly, but I shoved his chest away and walked backwards. He walked towards me again, but I was done with this.

“Get away from me! You’re scaring me!”

He kept coming towards me, and when he reached me he pushed me forcibly to the ground. As he leaned over me I pushed myself up on my elbows. Thunder rumbled in the sky as it turned to grey. I tried to get up but he shoved me down. As his face approached mine I tried to roll away but he put his hands on either side of my body. His face came even closer, and I couldn’t think of anything to do. I lifted my hand and punched him in the nose.


I groaned as I opened my eyes from the weird dream I had been having. I turned my head lazily to the side, and started when I saw the very man from my dreams sitting in a chair next to the bed, head lolling as he dozed. I couldn’t get the image of his face approaching mine as he forced me down. His eyes had been stony, just like they were when we were arguing.

I felt better now and the throbbing of my head had almost ceased. I felt out of place and uncomfortable in Alexander’s house, especially after my nightmare. I eased myself slowly out of the bed and tiptoed to the door. Glancing behind me at Alexander’s sleeping face, I felt a moment of guilt for not saying goodbye. But I wasn’t going for good, and he needed to learn that I wasn’t going to be kept on a leash. I edged the door open and slipped out of it. 

It was daytime and I felt subconscious as I walked along the path leading away from his house. I unwrapped the bandage from me head and stared in dismay at the large amount of blood on it. Swallowing hard, I threw it on the ground and kept walking.

I took it slow on the way back to my house, even though I hated every minute of it. I could feel people stares more than usual, and I was afraid that one of the stares would be Warren’s.  I tried to make myself unnoticeable, walking along the back roads and keeping close to the buildings.

When I finally reached my house I went in through the back door, and breathed a sigh of relief as I closed and locked it behind me. I looked at the back of my head with a hand mirror and was horrified at what I saw. A gory wound lay at the back of my head, opposite my eyes. Not wanting to look further I found a fresh bandage and wrapped it around me head, taking off my mask first and putting it back on once I was finished.

I had a moment of fear wondering if Alexander had taken off my mask when I was unconscious, but I didn’t think he would. He knew that if he did then I would vanish completely, possibly threatening or even killing him first.

I was exhausted, but I didn’t want to go back to sleep. I also wanted to leave my house since that would be the first place Alexander would come when he woke up and found me missing.

I changed my dress for one almost identical and put a matching black cloak over it, pulling the hood over my eyes until the bandage was obscured.

I started towards the door, but on second thought retrieved a knife and slipped it into the cloak’s pocket, along with some money.

At the door I put on my black gloves and turned the knob, letting the sunlight stream into my shuttered house. I pulled the door carefully shut behind me and turned to walk down the path.

I kept my head down as I walked quickly towards the market place. I hadn’t eaten since yesterday afternoon and knew a stall where they sold meat pies. I fingered the gold coins in my pocket absentmindedly as I neared the stand, keeping my eyes out for pickpockets. It wasn’t likely that someone would steal from me since all the thieves around here would recognize me with one glance, but you never knew.

When I got to the stall I said hello to the owner warmly. She greeted me back, even though she didn’t know my name.

I leaned against the large pillars in the outdoor marketplace eating my meat pie. Anyone would have thought I looked a little out of place here, amongst the ragged thieves and poor servants. I wore different clothes and lived in a nice house. I could keep myself clean and I always have enough to eat. But I was really no different than them. I was a thief.


Lying on my bed, I rubbed my temples with my fingers. Staring up at the cracked ceiling I pondered what to do. Even now my fists still twitched with the need to hit something… or someone. I forced myself to lie still on the small cot, unclenching my hands and relaxing my muscles. I closed my eyes and tried to breathe deeply, but my breath caught in my throat.

My eyes snapped open as I gulped in oxygen. This was useless; I could see that after only trying it for a second. I sprang up from the bed and started pacing around my small, grey, windowless room.

As I listened to the sounds of the bar below me, guilt at my mind about the girl, about everything. Everyone. I hated myself when I lost control like that. But I was just so angry. I could still feel that anger in my body and mind. I stopped pacing, my heart racing in my chest. I leaned my forehead against the cold stone wall, closing my eyes as I struggled to calm down.

Images played through my mind, staying for only a second before being replaced by another.

The girl, eyes wild and desperate like a caged animal. Fists and feet flying as she tried to force her way around me. Mouth turning up in a savage growl even as she yelled in a voice like bells. Face looking at me unapologetically as her teeth sank into my hand. Lips red from my blood as she turned to look at me before running off. Hair splayed wildly on the carpet as she lay unconscious.

I wasn’t proud of myself about what had happened afterward. I couldn’t tell Warren about it, even though I could tell he saw right through me.

When Warren had turned around and found her missing, he hadn’t wasted another minute to argue with him. I could only trail behind him like a lost puppy as he scoured the city for her, silently fuming at me. That wasn’t like me. I wasn’t a puppy. But there were times when I wished I could be that innocent.

Thinking about innocence, I remembered the blameless people I had hurt. The looks of horror and fear on their faces.

I strode over to the mirror on my wall and peered at my face. Lines of worry creased on my forehead, my mouth set in an unhappy frown. My hair was messy from running my hands through it one too many times. But my eyes were the worst. They sparked with hatred and anger. In them lay the promise of violence.

I couldn’t look at them anymore, see what I was becoming. See was what I was.

I curled my hand into a tight fist and brought it up, smashing into the mirror, watching in satisfaction as it shattered under my fingers. As the sound of breaking glass pierced the silence, I felt pain racing through my hand and up my arm. I brought my fist away from the mirror. Cuts sliced up my palm, blood trickling in a steady stream away from them. Blood ran down my arm, warm and wet.

What was I? How was I any better than that ferocious girl? No, I was worse. Much worse. She was fighting for her life, for her freedom. And she was fighting. I don’t fight.

 I just hurt. 


hiiii, again! so alexander and robin are pretty creepy, no? =] so i know that there are a lot of guy characters right now, but hopefully there will be more girls... so yupp. hope that you guyys liked it!!! this is a pretty long chapter for me!!! i worked HARD. BE THANKFUL =] jk. 

so yeah, you should really check out my friend redsoxrulemysox . she has really awesome stories and she's my best friend, so READ THEEEM! yay!!!!!! \

okey dokey, gotta go now, biii! 

p.s. ok, so this is just me being curious... and what you say wont really change what i'm going to write, but i have QUESTIONS!! we are about to find out how psychic you guys are!!!!!!!!

ok, so first one: who do you think persephone is going to end up with?

second one: what do you think all of their secrets are (Persephone's Mask, Robin's weird anger stuff, Alexanders weirdness, and Warren's murder thingy)?

third one: yeah ok, im sitting here trying to think of another question and i'm really drawing a blank, so: what should this question be!? 

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