From Commander To Teacher

By Winters-Reaper

9K 270 41

Y/N L/N has been with Jane Shepard ever since your childhood even when both your parents worked for the allia... More

bio & part 1
part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

part 3

1K 33 5
By Winters-Reaper

Y/N: Why do elevators take years to reach the top?

Shepard: I have no idea.

When the doors opened I saw the normandy docked, Anderson and Udina were right outside of the normandy's door.

Udina: I've got news for you Shepard. Captain Anderson is stepping down as commanding officer of the Normandy. The ship is yours now. 

Anderson: she's quick and quiet and you know the crew perfect ship for the spectre. Treat her well, commander.

Y/N: Do I get my own ship too?

Udina: No your working under Shepherd.

Y/N: What do you not trust me?

Udina: Not at all.

Shepard: I'll take good care of her, sir. I'll also keep an eye on L/N.

Y/N: Don't make it sound like I can't take care of myself.

Anderson: I know you will, commander.

Y/N: Don't agree with everyone Anderson.

I felt someone pat my back and saw that it was Shepherd.

Y/N: Any idea where Saren is?

Anderson: Saren's gone. Don't even try to find him. But we know what he's after: the conduit. He's got his geth scouring the traverse looking for clues.

Udina: We had reports of geth in the Feros system shortly before our colony there dropped out of contact. And there has been sightings around Noveria.

Anderson: Find out what Saren was after on Feros and Noveria. Maybe both of you can figure out where the conduit is before he does.

Shepard: We'll stop him.

Udina: We have one more lead. Matriarch Benezia, the other voice on the recording. She has a daughter, a scientist who specializes in the protheans. We don't know if shes involved but it might be a good idea to try and find her. See what she knows. Her name's Liara. Dr. Liara T'Soni. We have reports she was exploring an archeological dig on one of the uncharted worlds in the Artemis Tau cluster.

Y/N: We have enough people to send me and a small group to one planet, and then Shepard can take another group to another other planet.

Anderson: Well it's commander Shepards decision. You both are spectres now. You don't answer to us.

Udina: But both of your actions still reflect on humanity as a whole. You make a mess and I get stuck cleaning it up.

Shepard: I'll try not to make things harder on you, ambassador.

Everyone started looking at me like I was suppose to say something.

Y/N: No promises.

Udina: Shepherd make sure he doesn't blow up a cluster.

Shepard: I will, ambassador.

Udina: Remember that both of you were human long before you were a spectre. I have a meeting to get to. Captain Anderson can answer any questions you might have.

Y/N: Permission to blow up a cluster if absolutely necessary.

Anderson: No.

Y/N: Then I will be on the Normandy.

After waiting in the cockpit for a bit Shepherd showed up.

Joker: I heard what happened to captain Anderson. Survive a hundred battles, and then gets taken down by backroom politics. Just watch back, commanders. Things go bad on this mission, you're next on their chopping block.

Shepard: Saren's out there somewhere. And we're going to find him.

Joker: Everyone on this ship is behind you, commander. One hundred percent. Intercom's open if you've got anything to say to the crew, now's the time.

Y/N: Ooh.

Shepard: Y/N no.

Y/N: Aw.

Shepard: This is commander Shepard speaking. We have our orders: Find Saren before he finds the conduit. I won't lie to you, crew. This mission isn't going to be easy. For too long our species has stood apart from the others. Now it's time for us to step up and do out part for the rest of the galaxy! Time to show them what humans are made of! This is the most important mission any of us ever been on. The fate of an entire galaxy is at stake. We will stop Saren, no matter what the cost!

Joker: Well said, commander. Captain would be proud.

Shepard: The captain gave up everything so I could have this chance. We can't fail.

Joker: Yes, ma'am

As we walked I started talking to her.

Y/N: You know I would not blow up a cluster.

Shepard: Don't worry I trust that you wouldn't.

Y/N: Thanks I trust that you wouldn't either.

Shepard: Alright so you said you would take one planet and I'll take the other one.

Y/N: Yeah I'll take Feros.

Shepard: I'll find Dr. Liara.

Y/N: Then we got a plan.

Shepard: That we do.

After that I heard a ringing noise along with a headache. A minute passes before it passes.

Shepard: Are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah don't worry.

She gave me a look before setting the destination to Feros. After the Normandy landed I left bringing Garrus and Tali with me. And I noticed someone standing near the entrance and as we walked towards him I just had a feeling like something was wrong.

???: We saw your ship. Fai Dan wants to talk to you.

Y/N: Yeah... Who is Fai Dan?

???: He's our leader. He needs your help to prepare for the geth. They're making another push. Please. Up the stairs past the freighter.

Y/N: I don't wa-

Suddenly at the corner of my eye I noticed a red light only for the guy in front of me to explode knocking me and my squad back. Pulling my pistol I crawled back while I shot at the geth while my team got up shooting back. After we killed the ones that ambushed us we moved towards the staircase but I heard something jumping around.

Y/N: Keep your eyes open I'm hearing something.

Garrus: Understood commander.

When we started climbing the stairs some type of geth started to jump around then it aimed a red laser at me, but as soon as I shot it, it started to jump around.

Y/N: You're pissing me off!

I used one of my biotic abilities to knock the geth of the wall down the stair well.

Y/N: Ha, idiot.

We continued to walk up the stairs until we couldn't then we walked to the door that light was coming from, and when we got there guards were standing behind some barricades.

Y/N: Don't worry we took care of your guests down there.

They just stared at me before talking about the geth, so I went to look for Fai Dan. Once I got to the end of this open area we were in I saw a man and a woman talking.

Y/N: Are you Fai Dan?

Fai Dan: Yeah, are you commander L/N?

Y/N: That is me.

Fai Dan: I'm glad they sent somebody to help us.

???: You're a bit late, aren't you?

Fai Dan: Arcelia! Sorry, commander. Everyone's been on edge since--

Suddenly there was gunfire coming from the door that was close by.

Arcelia: Watch out!

Fai Dan: Protect the heart of the colony!

My team and I got into cover and when I aimed I saw geth coming up then I fired back killing one while the other went into the cover, but I used my ability and threw it back then shot it dead. After the geth at the bottom of the stairs were killed we moved forward and up the stairs finding that more geth were coming. We made it to the an area with the ceiling broken and the geth kept coming as well as drones. After killing quite a few of them my assault rifle overheated so I switched to my pistol killing a geth before switching back to my rifle after a few more geth were killed we were in the clear. We headed back to Fai Dan and he was waiting for us.

Fai Dan: The tower's secure. Thanks to you, commander.

Y/N: For now. But they will probably come back.

Arcelia: Your right, they always come back.

Y/N: I'll deal with it. If they keep coming back they're looking for something any idea?

Fai Dan: We don't know what they're after they just attacked us. Thats all we know. Their main base is at the ExoGeni headquarters. Its a good place to start looking if you want answers.

Y/N: How do I get there?

Arcelia: The skyway leads directly to ExoGeni headquarters. You can't miss it.

Fai Dan: Of course there is an army of geth between here and there.

Y/N: Don't worry we got the mako.

We made our way back to an elevator that we passed when we cleared the geth out, and this time we went in the elevator then went down. After we made it to the floor we wanted to be on I looked around for the mako but I haven't seen it.

Y/N: Hey Joker?

Joker: Yes commander?

Y/N: Where's the mako?

Joker: Commander Shepard took the mako.

Y/N: A- Alright I got it.

I just sighed before turning to my squad.

Y/N: We get walk. Yay.

They responded in groans then we made our way to the building.


We made it half way before getting to an area where we could hear voices coming from a path to the left, so we decided to check it out. Going down a ramp we saw that their were survivors and an argument was happening between a man and a woman, and as soon as we got close enough they noticed us.

???: That's close enough.

???: Relax, Jeong. They're obviously not geth.

Jeong: Get back, Juliana. Who are you? What do you want? 

Y/N: The exterminators. Here to get rid of your little pest problem.  

Jeong: Are you joking? 

Y/N: No I'm just casually carrying an arsenal of weapons, of course I'm joking. I am here to help with the geth, names Commander L/N. 

Juliana: You see? You worry too much.

Jeong: And you trust too easily, Juliana. 

 Juliana: I'm just glad to see a friendly face. I thought we were the only humans left on this planet. 

Y/N: We actually ran into a few others, Fai Dan and some others of Zhu's Hope are still alive.

Juliana: I thought you said they were all dead. 

Jeong: I said they were "probably" all dead.

Tali: They live, though the geth have devastated their colony. 

Juliana: We know what that's like. Those damn synthetics are relentless.

Y/N: Well we're pushing them back from the skyway on step at a time... one painful step.

Juliana: Is he okay? 

Garrus: He'll be fine he's just had a long walk, but we do need some information.

Jeong: What kind of information? 

Juliana: Ignore him. The geth are up in the Exogeni headquarters. Just a bit further along the skyway.

Jeong: Those headquarters are private property solider. Remove the geth and nothing else. 

Y/N: Understood, no sneaking around.

I had my fingers crossed behind my back as I said it.

Juliana: Commander, before you go... My daughter, Lizbeth. She's missing...

Jeong: They shouldn't waste time poking around. We can do a proper accounting of our casualties after the geth are gone.

Juliana: That's my daughter you're talking about! She's still alive. I know it.

Y/N: Don't worry, we'll search for her. And destroy a few things along the way.

Jeong: That is private property, you will not destroy anything! 

Y/N: Tell that to my boss, oh wait she's not here HA.

I turned and quickly left before he could get a word in, and as we got to the skyway I turned to ask.

Y/N: Is this why I'm not allowed to give orders on the Normandy? 

Tali/Garrus: Yes.

Y/N: Dammit.

We crossed the skyway shooting the geth in our way and as we made it to the building I just wanted to fall, but we kept moving and we made it to an area with no way passed until Tali noticed a path.

Tali: It's a one way drop, L/N.

Y/N: Well we got no way out but here or head back, and I am not heading back.

Jumping down we walked a bit farther into an open area that was a bit flooded and rubble everywhere, and just ahead was a body. Before I could move any farther we were shot at and we quickly pulled out our guns.

???: Damn it! I'm so sorry. I thought you were geth, or one of those varren. 

Y/N: I'm told I looked like a machine.

???: W-What? 

Y/N: I said who are you and what are you doing in here?

???: B-But... I'm sorry I am Lizbeth Baynham and I stayed to back up the data when everyone else was running, and the next thing I knew was the geth ship had latched on and the power went out. I was trapped. I tried to get out, but the way was blocked.

Y/N: Well we can get you out of here, but we need to find out what the geth are after.

Lizbeth: It's not the geth it's the barrier. They don't want anyone else getting access to the- 

Y/N: I need you to tell me, please don't hold back information that could help us.

Lizbeth: I don't know for certain, but I'm guessing they're here for the Thorian.

Tali: Thorian? What is that, exactly? 

Lizbeth: It's an indigenous life-form. Exogeni was studying it. 

Y/N: Where could we find this Thorian?

Lizbeth: I might be able to, but not with those geth crawling around everywhere. Look we need to get out of here, past that field.

Y/N: Alright time to blow up a building.

Lizbeth: Y-You don't have to do that because I think the geth ship is powering it. I've noticed the geth laying power cables everywhere. You can follow those cables, but the geth are crawling all over the place.

Y/N: Alright, and before I forget your Juliana's daughter right?

Lizbeth: Yes, you know my mother? Is she alright?

Y/N: Yes, she is alright and is with a group from the colony.

Lizbeth: Thank God, I thought I was the only one left. Please, Commander. Just get that field down so I can see my mother again.

Y/N: Just stay put while I'll go blow open some doors.

Lizbeth: You can just take my ID and get passed any locked doors. 

Y/N: No one here is any fun.

As we turned to leave a few varren's came towards us, so I quickly lifted one in the air while Garrus and Tali took care of the others I shot the one in the air until it died then turned my attention to the others until they were dead. 

Y/N: Fuck, lets get going. 

We left Lizbeth and headed to the only door in this place, and when the door opened we saw stairs.

Y/N: Only one way to go.

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