Miracle {Edmund X Reader}

By reality_sucks_31

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You loved reading books, they transported you to a world in which you wished to belong, filled with adventure... More



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By reality_sucks_31

*You guys know me by now, is it really my book if so don't have some interesting crossover?*


"He must have been tempted by the treasure." Caspian stated. Eustace the dragon stood with us on the beach. Now that we knew it was him, I could see the slight resemblance of the dragon's features and Eustace. The same look in his eye. The same flared nostrils. The same frown.

And to be honest, I was glad he couldn't talk. The last thing I wanted was to hear his shrill voice complaining.

"Anyone knows a dragon's treasure is enchanted." Reepicheep shrugged. To that, Eustace grunted. "Well, anyone from here." Reepicheep corrected.

"Is there any way to change him back?" I asked.


"Not that I know of." Peter shook his head.

"Aunt Alberta will not be pleased." Edmund muttered. To that, Eustace just gave him a look.

"The boats are ready, Sire." Drinian bowed, pointing to the way back to the ship.

"We can't leave him alone." I spoke up. No matter what, he was still family. Distant family... very distant... but family.

"We can't bring him on board, Your Majesty." Drinian replied respectfully.

Edmund looked between us. "Drinian, you and the others take one boat back. The rest of us will stay here till morning... and work out what to do." Edmund suggested. I mouthed a thank you to him.

"But you've no provisions, and no means... of staying warm, Your Majesty." Drinian countered.

It was true. Narnian nights could get as cold as Narnian winters. We didn't have the resources to start a fire here-

In a flash, Eustace blew into a pile of wood, igniting it in flames.

"You were saying?" Lucy smirked, perking up an eyebrow towards Drinian.

"I stand corrected, I'll do as you say." Drinian bowed and left.

We all took our supplies out of the boats and made a makeshift camp around the fire. As usual, I put my bed next to Edmund's. He put an arm under my head so I rested on his chest.

As the sky turned black, the voices dimmed to murmurs. I could hear all the conversations happening around me.

"I've never seen these constellations before." I noticed, looking up at the stars.

"Me neither." Edmund said. "We're a long way from home."

"When I was a boy I used to imagine sailing to the end of the world... finding my father there." Caspian spoke up in the distance.

"Maybe you will." Peter assured him.

"What if we can't fight the mist?" I whispered to Edmund. "What if this is one fight that we can't win."

"We will." Edmund was quick to reply.

"How do you know?" I countered.

"You just have to have faith about these things. Miracles do happen." He looked down at me, smiling.

I pecked his lips before nestling into the blankets. I closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to come. As I did, I could hear Reepicheep's conversation with Eustace.

"Trouble sleeping?" Reepicheep asked. I heard a snort. "Now, now. All is not as lost as it seems. I'll stay up with you if you wish... keep you company." I heard a scuffle and I peered through my eyes to see Reepicheep sitting right by Eustace.

"I'll wager you didn't even believe in dragons this morning." Reepicheep joked. "You know... extraordinary things only happen to extraordinary people. Maybe it's a sign... that you've got an extraordinary destiny. Something greater than you could have imagined."

His words hit deep even for me....

Extraordinary things only happen to extraordinary people.

Was it true that I had a larger part to play yet?

"I could tell you one or two of my adventures if you like... just to pass the time. Believe it or not, you're not the first dragon I've encountered. Many years ago, too many than I care to mention... I was with a band of pirates. I met another dragon, much fiercer than you..." As Reepicheep droned onwards, sleep became heavy on my eyelids. And it wasn't long before I drifted off.

- - -

"Y/N!" I felt a harsh tug on my arm. "Y/N wake up!" It was Edmund's voice. I groggily set up, afraid that it was danger. I aimlessly looked around for my sword. "No, Look! The Blue Star!" The sun wasn't out yet so it meant it was still night.

I squinted up to where Edmund was pointing. Indeed, a shining blue orb was in the sky. Edmund got to his feet and went around. I was struck with relief. Weeks spent on a rocking boat trying to find it, and here it was.

"Everybody!" He shouted.

"What?" Peter shot up out of bed, his hair in a mess and a sword in his hand. "What is it?" He grumbled, half asleep.

"Everybody, wake up! It's the Blue Star! Come on, wake up!"

Within just a couple minutes, everyone was wide awake and looking at the star. Boats were loaded and we were rowing back to the ship in order to follow the star.

We got on the ship and the crew jumped in action, opening the sails.

But something was wrong...

The sails looked gorgeous, but they stood still. They were catching no breeze. They were not fluttering in the wind.

"We"ll have to man the ship manually!" Drinian yelled. All the crew went down below decks. I followed them, curious to what they would do.

There was a room where a bunch of paddles were lined up. The crew members took there positions and started pulling on the paddles.

"Pull! Mind your strokes there, lads. Pull!" Drinian shouted. I went back up to see we were barely moving.

"The wind has left us. So how do we get to Ramandu's Island now?" Edmund said, looking around.

But ever since the start, my gut was telling me something was wrong with this adventure.

"My guess is something doesn't want us to get there." I whispered. Eustace was flying around the ship, sometimes hovering in one place.

"If I get any hungrier, I'm gonna eat that dragon!" As crew member yelled at Eustace.

"Don't worry, Eustace, they'll have to deal with me first." I saw Reepicheep riding on Eustace. It was nice to see them as friends now instead of arguing.

"If we don't find land by tonight, they may well eat that dragon." Another member muttered. I looked away from the situation to the blue star shining above.

I studied the light closely, trying to think of a solution, but then suddenly the ship jolted. I fell back and reached forward to grab Edmund. He stabilized me.

"What did we hit?" He said, looking down at the water.

"Eustace, that's brilliant." I called out, looking to see the dragon pulling the ship with his tail.

"Onward, ho!" Reepicheep cheered loudly.

And so the entire day was spent following the star to Ramandu's Island, courtesy of Eustace. For majority of the day, Edmund and I had returned to the bunks to catch up on sleep that we missed.

The ship came to a stop as we arrived.

"We can't be sure the other lords even made it to Ramandu's Island." Lucy muttered, looking ahead. The island was dark.

"You got us there! What did I tell you, Eustace? Extraordinary! Ha-ha-ha! Extraordinary!" Reepicheep's hoots and hollers dimmed to silence as we rowed closer to the island.

Once on the island, we followed a path that led us to a cave. Inside the cave, I noticed a long table.

"Mmm. Food." Some of the crew noted. Indeed in the table was an array of food, all laid out. It was tempting... almost too tempting.

"Wait." Caspian put up and hand and moved to the front of the table.

"Huh?" Lucy said as I followed Caspian forward and saw some men sitting there. At first I thought they were statues, sitting so still, but they seemed to be made of flesh and bone instead of stone.

"Lord Revilian. Lord Mavramorn. Lord Argoz." Caspian pointed and said. I peered closer at the 3 old men. They were so still it was almost like they-

One moved slightly, and I gasped, stepping back.

"He's breathing." I said.

"So are they." Edmund pointed to the rest.

"They're under a spell." Susan deduced.

"It's the food!" Caspian suddenly said.

"This is Asian's table." I countered. The food couldn't be poisoned. "Their swords." I pointed. Caspian took them out of their hands.

"On the table." He said, putting them on the table. I added mine and Edmund added the last one.

"That's six. Still missing one." Peter noted.

"Look!" One of the crew shouted. I looked over to see a person approach us.

He was glowing in a sapphire light, his featured illuminated. His light burned brightly, but then dimmed as he neared. Up close, I could see his features better. He had curly brown hair that rested on his head, neatly but ruffled at the same time. His eyes were a deep, yet bright green. A dimple popped in his cheek as he smiled and spoke. He wore a simple, but effective, white ruffle shirt, which complimented the slight blue halo he was surrounded by. He seemed to so familiar....

"Travelers of Narnia... welcome. Arise." He opened his arms to us.

No one moved a bit.

"Are you not hungry?" He dropped his arms slightly.

"Who are you?" Edmund asked him.

"I am Harry, son of Ramandu. I am your guide." He answered.

"You're a star?" Susan asked.

"You are most beautiful." The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"If it is a distraction for you, I can change form-" Harry started.

"No!" I quickly called out. I realized that I was louder than I had meant to be. "No need to go through the hassle." I quietly added. Harry smirked a little.

"The food is for you. There is enough for all who are welcome at Asian's table. Always. Help yourselves." Harry clapped and lights lit up the table.

"Wait. What happened to them?" Peter pointed at the Lords.

"These poor men were half-mad by the time they reached our shores. They were threatening violence upon each other. Violence is forbidden at the table of Aslan. So they were sent to sleep."

"Will they ever wake?" Lucy asked.

"When all is put right. Come..." Harry motioned to me, Caspian, and the other Pevensies. "There is little time." He started walking off and we followed him.

"The magician, Coriakin, told you of Dark island?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Before long, the evil will be unstoppable." Harry said.

"Coriakin said to break its spell, we lay the seven swords at Asian's table." Edmund explained. We came to a stop at the balcony overlooking the ocean surrounding the island.

"He speaks the truth." Harry nodded.

"But we only found six. Do you know where the seventh is?" I asked.

"In there." Harry pointed to the island in the distance. Even from here I could see the darkness surrounding it. "You will need great courage. Which I'm sure you all have." He assured us. "Now, waste no time. I hope we meet again." That was his goodbye to all of us.

Edmund and the others turned away to leave but I stayed for a moment more. "Harry?" I asked. He looked at me, the same small smirk playing on his face.

"You look a lot like...Harry Styles?" I said. It was a shot in the dark. Harry Styles was from my world. It would be a strange coincidence if he were here.

"I'm afraid Y/N, I came to Narnia like you did... with a purpose." He answered.

So this was THE Harry Styles. And THE Harry Styles knew my name?!

"When will you return?" I asked, trying to contain myself.

"When I have succeeded in guiding you." He smiled. "How did you get here?" He asked.

"One minute I was in my room, the next I was drowning in the Narnian sea." I said. With that Harry let out a little chuckle.

"My entrance was much calmer I'm afraid. One moment I was playing my guitar at my concert, eyes closed, the next, I open them and I'm here on this island." Harry took a moment to look around. "A different kind of star." He muttered. But whatever he was thinking about, he quickly pushed aside.

"You should go in and eat, you have quite the day ahead of you." He told me.

"I'm a bit worried actually." I admitted, looking out into the distance.

"Don't worry about it." He gave one last smile before he shone brightly and dissipated in the air.

I took a deep breath as I looked out to the Dark Island in the distance.

Another battle was on the horizon.

Blood would be shed.

Graves would be made.

Narnia would be saved.

But at least I'd have Edmund by my side...

and I could die peacefully knowing that Harry Styles knew my name:)

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