Remnant's new rulers(Godzilla...

By Dragonflyer8654

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(Y/N) and his best friend Jack are huge fans of kaiju and the internet show of RWBY.So what would happen if t... More Remnant
Learning about yourself
Team STRQ and a new home
Hollow Earth discoveries
Welcome to Beacon
First day
Stepping up
A date with a sun dragon
Hanging out with the cookie monster
Field trip
The arrival
The emerging of the queen
Transformations and a reveal

Finding out about Earth and Remnant's past

1.2K 26 27
By Dragonflyer8654

(WARNING: this chapter talks about something that doesn't get revealed until Volume 6, and even then, I don't think my version is 100 percent accurate. If you haven't watched RWBY to Volume 6 and care about spoilers, skip the chapter. Also please feel free to correct me if I get something wrong)

Ruby: W-what do you mean before you got "transported to this world"!? And "come clean?"

Y/N exhaled through his mouth, clearly stressed out about the whole thing.

Y/N:Jack and I have told you all of our secrets.... Except one

Yang:And that is....

Blake:You're not from Remnant.......

Y/N:We never were. In fact the only time we've spent in Remnant are the 4 years before we enrolled here to Beacon.

Weiss:No! That can't be true!.... Can it?

Y/N:I wish it wasn't....

???:and yet it is...

Everyone turned around to see Jack hanging out the window.

Y/N:How did you get there? Weren't you helping Nora earlier?

Jack:Turns out it wasn't Nora, Pyrrha got surprised and activated her semblance on accident.

Y/N:That's unlucky...I think

Jack:Anyway back to the main matter at hand.... What gets said in this room from now on STAYS in this room.

RWBY nodded slowly as both Y/N and Jack started to explain themselves.

Y/N: We're from another planet, but this one is called Earth. On that planet there's quite a big amount of differences, no grimm, no faunus, no huntsman/huntresses,at least in the context we're in now, 7 continents instead of 4, and no kaiju. Any questions so far?

The girls were all silent for a bit, ultimately Weiss was the first one to speak.

Weiss: How did you know me before you came here?....

Jack:On our planet, there's a ton of TV shows... we were fans of one show, and that show is called....

Y/N: RWBY, spelled R W B Y, your team name.

Everyone immediately adopted a look of the existential crisis that STRQ, Ozpin, and Glynda had, but 100 times worse.

Blake:W-we're just a TV show?

Jack:Yes....and everything you guys deal with is also just a tv show. That's why we know everything about you girls.

Y/N: From Ruby's obsession of Weiss's and Blake's past life, even the end of the school year, we know what happens, and we know why it happens.....even the bad things.

Again RWBY went silent. But then Ruby started talking.

Ruby(tearing up):B-but we're real to you Y/N.... Right....?

Y/N started to hug and comfort Ruby

Y/N: You're real to me, you all are, in fact you girls are the most real people we've interacted with other than Ozpin and Glynda...who aren't really much fun to spend all of our time with together.

Ruby smiled at Y/N's kind words and let go

Ruby:Thanks Y/N!

Yang:I have one question!


Yang:How did you get here to Remnant if there's no spaceship or anything like that? Unless you're with Ghidorah.....

Y/N:Ok let's get one thing out of the way, I'm never going to be on the same side as a Ghidorah in a battle. But to answer your question.....what's your favorite fairy tale?

Yang: Me and Ruby's mom told us a lot about the maiden tale....

Weiss:My sister would always tell me the brother god tale

Blake:My parents always told me about the protector of Menagerie...

Jack:WAIT.... Protector?

Blake:Yeah? Why is that important?

Jack:Do you by any chance remember the name of it?

Blake:I believe his name is.... Caesar?

Y/N and Jack's eyes widened before they grew a smile on their faces.

Jack:Good to see we have another friendly kaiju on our side.

Y/N:Anyway... Weiss,your sister told you the brother god story?

Weiss:Yeah.....wait a second!


Jack:Yup! Because of that we're practically best friends!


Yang:When was the last time you were in contact with them?!

Y/N:When I was passed out after the MUTO fight. They visited me in my mind where they explained some things.

Blake:That being?

Y/N:Ruby's kaiju is the daughter of the god of light.

Everyone's jaw dropped to the ground

Weiss:Are you serious?!

Y/N:I'm not joking.

Everyone comically passed out for 5 seconds.

Blake:Any other surprises you want to drop on us?

Jack:The kaiju aren't exactly from yours or our world either.

Ruby:Wait what?...

Jack:They actually come from a fictional universe on our planet called the monsterverse, or by a company named Toho.

Y/N:Godzilla, Kong, the term titan or kaiju, any of the other titans out there are inspired by it in some way or another. The biggest thing being the Hollow Earth. Which is literally named after our planet having a hollow interior where the titans came from.

Blake:So everything crazy on this planet was created on yours?

Jack:Yeah basically. Only original things on this planet are the grimm,huntsman,and it's history.


Yang:What kind of history?

Y/N:Everything that came to be can be explained, but only if you go far back, like really far back.

Jack:Back before history was even recorded by man. Where only 2 other beings other than the gods themselves and me and Jack know the information.


Blake:As in godly-power-bearing beings?

Y/N:More like two people cursed by the brothers, and are locked in a terrible conflict, in which the victors of that decide the fate of Remnant. If one wins, everything remains the same and the gods return to Remnant, with them, peace comes to the word.

Jack:But if the other wins.....

Y/N and Jack both went silent.

Ruby:What happens?....

Y/N:Remnant. Go. Boom.

Jack:And everything will die along with the planet blowing up.

Everyone went silent for the 2nd time

Weiss:Why are we just learning about this....?

Y/N:Because grimm attacks would be insane if everyone was fearing about the freaking planet ending.

Blake:Fair point... especially with the drama the white fang and the atlas military cause with their fights causing enough stress and fear.

Y/N:Which brings up another point....Weiss... your hatred of the white fang is completely justified, especially with how it has affected your family, with your father turning into the....less than kind person he is now, your mother turning into an alcoholic, and your siblings being quite distant, with the exception of Winter.

At this, Weiss started to tear up.

Y/N: However, that hatred has blocked you from seeing that, while the organization is doing bad things, the faunus serving under it can change their views and act on it, Blake here's a prime example. Same goes for you Blake, Weiss may not look like it, but she's trying to fix everything her family has caused.

Weiss rushed to Y/N and began sobbing in his shoulder, while Blake just hugged him from the back for comfort. Y/N wrapped his tail around Blake and hugged Weiss back. Eventually they all stopped, and Ruby came up with a good question.

Ruby:Speaking of family, all those stories about your life before were fake?

Jack:Everything that's us being born, raised, and growing up on Remnant, although our likes and dislikes are mostly the same.

Yang:But don't you guys have a family? Or at least something like it if not biological?

Y/N:You girls,STRQ, Ozpin, Glynda, and the professors are the closest thing we had to a family in a long time.

Jack:But to answer your question....yes we did have our's been a really long time without them though...

All of the girls sensed them becoming sadder and immediately realized being transported to this world didn't come without its costs.

Y/N:The god of light gave me this when I was knocked out, he said it would help you guys understand....

Y/N pulled out his phone, unlocked it, went into the photo roll and pulled out the picture of him, Jack, and their families and showed it to them. The girls looked at the image and smiled somberly at it.

Yang:This was you before being brought here?

Y/N:Yup.....that's my mom, dad, and little brother and sister. I'm the kid in the middle.

Ruby:You look so adorable!!! And you didn't have plates and a tail back then!

Jack:Look at any picture of us before we got transported, and you'll realize that Y/N didn't have any plates and a tail, and I'm not the muscular fit person I am now.

Weiss:....this is all so weird....finding out that we're just a show in another world, and you're people from that world.

Ruby:No one's acknowledging THE PLANET BLOWING UP!

Y/N:Well we do know the leader of the good side of the conflict, in fact we know him quite well. You might know his incarnation as Professor Ozpin.



Y/N:Ozpin, known as Ozma back then was gifted the power to reincarnate his soul into a host by the god of Light, practically making him immortal.

Yang:Oh great what's next? The evil side is his ex wife whose somehow immortal as well after they had a slightly out of control argument?

Jack:....The fact that you're 100% correct about that is scary.


Y/N:Back then, way before now, the brother gods created Remnant, and each brought their own creations to it. Light brought humanity, while Darkness created the grimm to destroy his brother's creation. They all lived in peace on Remnant, with humans back then having access to magic.

Jack:There was no drama for a while, but it eventually came up. Basically a woman was stuck in a tower, her name was Salem, until a hero saved her, a hero by the name of Ozma. He rescued her and they began to fall in love and started to live together. However things changed when Ozma fell ill and died.

Y/N:Salem... desperate to have Ozma back asked the god of light to revive him, but after he declined it due to upsetting the balance of the world, she went to the god of darkness. Since he was so eager to mess with his older brother he accepted and brought him back. Light overheard it and immediately killed him again and was angered at Darkness's actions. After this Salem started going around the world to rally an army to go against the two. After she did, she actually confronted them.

Jack:The battle would go as you expected...

The girls were all silent as they continued sharing their story.

Jack:They completely and utterly lost, with everyone dying except Salem. The gods were not happy to say the least and eradicated all of humanity except her. The god of light then made a deal with her for them to revive Ozma and let them become the gods of the world,in the process giving Ozma reincarnation abilities and Salem immortality, but they leave and let them only have a fraction of the power they had before.

Y/N:They agreed and the gods left the planet in disappointment, shattering the moon in the process of leaving. However they left 5 things before they left.

Ruby,Yang,and Weiss just looked confused at the entire thing. While Blake had a look of intrigue.

Jack:4 relics that made up the basics of humanity. Knowledge,Destruction,Creation, and Choice. Using them together, Ozma and Salem brought humanity back, but not nearly at the quality they were before.

Y/N:But they were happy with the world they created, and settled down and had a family,4 daughters to be exact. It sadly didn't last as Ozma's ways of governing were very different from Salem's, and they had a huge argument, the ensuing arguement causing Salem to kill Ozma and her daughters.

Ruby looked horrified, but Yang hugged her sister to comfort her. Blake had a sad expression. While Weiss looked mortified

Jack:Overwhelmed with grief, Salem attempted to kill herself by jumping into a grimm pool, but due to her immortality, she only came out even more different and was now a creature that lust for destruction.

Y/N: Ozma reincarnated, and decided to take action, hiding the relics in vaults hidden in each major academy he established around the world, those being Beacon, Haven, Atlas, and Shade. Each one of those vaults can only be opened by one of his daughters.

Jack:Those daughters now come in the form of the 4 maidens of the seasons.

Everyone's mouths dropped for the 3rd time

Blake:Wait....not only are the gods real, the maidens are as well!?

Y/N:Yup,well not exactly, more like their soul is in a random women and that women gets access to their magic. Practically every single fairy tale you got told is probably real.

Yang:Wait...wait...wasn't there something about a 5th thing the gods left behind?

At this, Y/N and Jack smiled

Jack:That "thing", is  the kaiju.Creatures that had immense godly power and were the embodiment of nature. They were created either to make sure balance was preserved, or to destroy it, depending on the god that created them. Some kaiju, like Mothra,Kong, and Godzilla are on the balance side, others like Rodan, Leviathan, and Nozuki are in the middle, while some like the MUTOs, skullcrawlers, and Ghidorah are fully on the destruction part. My kind and Y/N's were a bit of a special case. We are a designated alpha species, meaning we naturally rule over other titans, with Godzilla's species taking the surface, and my species taking the Hollow Earth.

Ruby:Are there more alphas out there asleep?

Y/N:4 more I believe. There's a massive dormant turtle kaiju named Gamera sleeping in his underwater temple, a large bat titan named Camazotz sleeping on a deserted island, Jinshin Mushi is probably the alpha for the MUTOs and is most likely going to awaken and/or is awakened already and finally, Ghidorah. Gamera is on the side of balance, while the rest are on the side of destruction.

All of RWBY seemed to be mind boggled by the sheer amount of info dumped on them, and the audience is most definitely thinking this is the most boring chapter in the book.

Jack:So...any questions?

Ruby:Is there anything happening soon?

Jack:In three days, Roman is going to be at the docks again, in the show, Blake actually ran away, but you guys reconciled after the fight at the docks. Anything else?

Weiss:I.....need some time to think....

All girls agreed with the heiress, which Y/N and Jack respected and left the room and headed towards the courtyard.

Y/N was silent the whole time. Jack, being his best friend started to talk with him.

Jack:Hey are you...alright? It looks like you just got out of watching Marley and Me.

Y/N:I feel so bad for them....we just kinda dumped all that info on them and brought them into this mess.

Jack:Hey at least this way of finding out is better than the way they found out in the show.

Y/N:True, but still....

Jack:We need to let them get accustomed to the fact that they're just chess pieces to Ozpin, and as much as we don't want to believe it, so do we. We're just slightly more important pieces to him, and while he may deny that all he wants, that's what we're being for him.

Y/N:True....but we're doing it willingly and we know it. Just...what do we do now?... I bet they don't want to see me for a while.

Jack:And why would that be? They're under a spell to love you.

Y/N:Natural human love, that doesn't mean they can't be upset or want to separate themselves from me for a bit.

Jack came to the realization and immediately realized what that could mean for him.

Jack:RWBY is probably going to tell JNPR as well...damn....

Y/N: Yeah... maybe we should investigate that guardian of Menagerie. Although we will have to sleep the night because I don't know about you but I'm going to sleep tonight after having to train Ruby and Yang... down to hollow earth?

Jack:I guess so.

Y/N and Jack both nodded and headed down towards the Hollow Earth entry, and entered the Hollow Earth, where they transformed into Godzilla and Kong. Godzilla walked around for a bit before finding a pool and walking into it and laying on his belly. Kong climbed up a nearby cliff face and laid down on his back. Both of them rumbled to each other goodnight before falling asleep, their true origins of their human form revealed.

On Menagerie, a titan was starting to awaken concealed inside a cave. Sensing Ghidorah was regaining his power, the titan's bio acoustics started up, it's heart beating faster and faster. Eventually it kept on going until a pair of glowing eyes was seen inside the mountain. Those eyes were glowing a bright red.

In a temple on another island, another titan awoke, but due to a much more different presence. It moved away from its abandoned slumber location and looked ahead with it's red eyes.

???(K/L)'s been a long time since I've last seen it...such a beautiful place.

It then look in the direction of a presence, one very familiar to it.

???(K/L):In time we'll meet again....sister.

In a castle in an unknown location, we see Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury standing in a throne room, one that just gives off an evil aura.

Cinder:Mistress...we have accomplished what you have wanted.

???:Well done Cinder, Jinshin Mushi is a huge part of our plans and we couldn't lose the opportunity.

Cinder:It was no challenge for us

???:Well then... did you bring her over here?

Cinder:We did.

???:Well let's pay her a visit then shall we?

The throne rotated around to reveal who was sitting in it

Salem,Cinder, and her followers followed her out of the castle where they saw the alpha of the MUTOs about 50 yards away from the castle.

Jinshin Mushi looked over at the trio and bent down towards them and she began to growl to the Queen of the Grimm.

Jinshin Mushi(K/L): It has been a long time since we've last spoken Salem

Salem:That it has Prime.

Jinshin Mushi(K/L):So what's the plan now?

Salem:You sense him too don't you?

Jinshin Mushi(K/L):I have...he's practically impossible for me not to get hungry over....but he's quite a bit stronger than Dagon.

Salem:Stronger than Dagon?

Jinshin Mushi(K/L): Way stronger, I can shut down his power with my EMP....but the kaiju can probably take on Ghidorah and make it look easy.

Salem: That's not very pleasant to hear....

Jinshin Mushi(K/L): To add onto that a Kong is with him, and they're not enemies, rather they're extremely close allies.That and I can sense that light's daughter has even more power than she usually has...I think she's bonded to a silver eyed warrior.

Salem's expression just got more sour after hearing that.

Salem:Well...we can work one problem out at a time....thankfully we can create our own kaiju, and I have one as well.

Jinshin moved her smaller legs on her chest in curiosity.

Jinshin Mushi(K/L):You have my interest...

Salem:Well... we have some of these...

Salem snapped her fingers and a bug about the size of her ran up behind her.

Jinshin made a sound that sounded like laughter before nodding towards Salem.

Jinshin Mushi(K/L): That is definitely going to be a good start.

Salem sinisterly smiled, happy that her ally agreed with her.


Cinder:Yes mistress...

Salem:Send these....creatures over to Roman, I have a feeling, they'll be very useful.

Cinder:Yes mistress.Cmon guys let's go.

Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald left, with the army of insects behind them.

(WOOHOO CHAPTER DONE! Dang it's been a while since I've updated, and I can only say, high school is preoccupying me from updating this book as much as I would like to, but I am still updating! Don't worry. I'm also going to take the opportunity to apologize if this chapter was really boring due to all the exposition,I wanted to incorporate the war a lot in this story to say the least.I can only say thank you everyone for reading this far and have a nice day/ good night!(I swear there's going to be some kaiju action next chapter).

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