Mari's got a bun in the oven

By Calurdi

22K 216 114

After some years of happy marriage and several years since hawk moth was defeated, Adrien and Marinette decid... More

Chapter 1. London seems like a big city
Chapter 2. Tikki knows
chapter 3. breaking news
Chapter 4. Morning sickness
chapter 5. Crazy cravings.
Chapter 6. It's Kicking!
Chapter 7. Insecurities
Chapter 9. I love you
Chapter 10. welcome to the world, Emma
pictures I felt inspired with

Chapter 8. The best thing I have

1.3K 18 5
By Calurdi

Another month passed by. Marinette kept growing bigger and bigger until it really seemed she ate a whole watermelon. And the weather changed too. Now it was winter, it was cold, and every street in Paris was covered with the light layer of snow. And well, Adrien loved it, but Marinette wasn't friends with winter.
Of course, their insecurities never went away, and they had good and bad days (mostly good ones) but it was fine!
You cannot cheer up yourself saying that everything is going to be fine and perfect. Because if it doesn't, then what? You have to be prepared for everything. Of course, that doesn't mean that you can't feel bad. But you can always rely on someone.
Unless that someone has to go to work.
"Nooooo.... don't go!" She was hugging him like a cute teddy bear because well, she didn't want to be away from him.
"My lady, I can't skip work." He couldn't go. She was way stronger than it seemed.
"And you have to go everyday?" She latched onto his chest and didn't let him go.
"But we're together in the afternoon, bugaboo. Besides, don't you have to work too?"
"I'm the boss, I can do whatever I want." She replied with a smile.
"It's going to be only for six hours, honey, it's going to be okay." He kissed her forehead. "When I come back we can go for a walk and play with the snow, okay?"
"Humm... Okay!" She finally let him go. But she was cold. 24/7. She hated winter .
"I love you." He stole a peak and touched one last time the belly, because he loved to feel the little kicks the baby gave each time he touched her. It was the sweetest thing he'd experienced.
And once he was gone, Marinette sighed.
"What's wrong?" Tikki flew out from the miracle box.
"Um? Nothing, I'm just so, so, tired. And so cold. Urg I can't even sleep properly."
"You should sleep now. We can handle your work!"
"Who is 'we'?"
"The kwamis."
HAHA GOOD JOKE. No way. No. The last time she let the kwamis do something alone, the microwave was filled with chocolate everywhere.
"There's no need. I'm going to sleep a little bit."
And she did. She did went to sleep wearing the most comfy pijamas she had. And she napped for like two hours. Until she felt some urgent fingers knocking the door.
"Marinette, I called you like six times and you didn't pick up. I was worried!"
"And I was sleeping." She yawned.
"No! Marinette, I'm so sorry."
"It's okay mom."
Sabine looked around her to find a box, a giant box, full of clothes, little plushies and baby things.
"Nesting impulses, honey?"
"Yeah... I feel the need of.. preparing everything. It's relaxing." She walked towards the box to look inside again to what she's been doing for the past month. "But I read that is a regular thing in the seven pregnancy month."
"What about the baby bedroom?"
"It's done! Come and see it." They walked through the corridor to reach a room right beside theirs and she opened the door. "Ta-da!!!"
The room was so cute.
"I still think you have a too big house."
"We still have plenty of space for two more kids. But look inside!"
The room was all light yellow. Like the sunset that covered Paris during the summer, or like the beautiful dawns each morning. And of course, it couldn't be otherwise, superheroes themed.
There were little ladybugs painted to the wall, like climbing it, and black cats playing with them.
On the door's right, there was the cot full of Ladybugs and Cats plushies.
On the door's front there was a huge window that let a view to the Eiffel tower, with a coach for them to sit down whenever the baby needs some attention. A little baby park was in there too, and some shelves with some of the Pari's heroes action figures.
"Oh! I love it! It has a lot of personality!"
"I know! We've been so excited preparing it. Now everything is ready."
They kept talking about the baby, advice, cravings, and some other related stuff.
"So, the doctor says everything is fine, right?"
"Yes! Everything under control. Well, I feel like there's a tiny dolphin in my stomach because she can't stop moving, I feel like my chest is about to explode and my back hurts. But that's normal I guess. Also, my usual clothes won't fit me. It's impossible."
"Can I give you some advice? Steal some of Adrien's. They are bigger and comfortable. And he'd love it."
That was a good advice.
After some time talking and spending the morning together, Sabine decided to go back to the bakery in case her dad needed help.
"I'm going to die of coldness."
"Don't you think that's a bit exaggerated, miss Marinette?" Kaalki got out of the miracle box with the rest of the kwamis.
"Ladybugs don't like winter." Wayzz appeared too. "That's why Tikki never wakes up."
"I'm not a real ladybug." She walked to her bedroom and opened the closet. "But I surely hate winter. Where are them... Here!" The rest of the kwamis surrounded her. "Adriens sweaters!" She picked one that was way bigger than the rest and dressed up with it. And oh lord, that was the most warm and comfortable thing she'd ever wear.
And so she started fooling around the house. Was she gonna work? No. Was she gonna clean? Pfff, not even kidding. Was she gonna count the hours left for Adrien to come home? Exactly.
So the time went by. She used the belly buds they bought some months ago and she spent a lot of time reading about babies, about raising kids, and well, nothing to do with it, but reading the magazines where Adrien appears. What can she say, she was crazy for him.
She still kept the old magazines when he was a teenager, and the flashbacks filled her head. All those moments she just stuttered around, him having to manage being a model, student and a superhero. And that time they found out who each other was.

. . .

Flashback: before Ladybug and Cat noir defeated Shadow Moth. My reveal version.

So here's the thing.
Ladybug and Cat noir couldn't be together. It was impossible. They had to move on. And they did eventually. Well... mostly.
Marinette still had feelings for Adrien tho, really strong feelings. And Adrien started falling for her even before he knew. They started spending more time together since his father wasn't paying him attention. Of course, he was busy terrorizing Paris.
And she felt confused, so did he. It was all a big mess. But while they tried to scape from the maze they were in, Marinette decided to make a move.
It was that moment under the rain he decided to walk her home, and they were walking together, too close, dangerously close. He had one arm around her while she was holding the black umbrella.
They were quiet. The tension was in the air.
Until they arrived.
"Funny. Hehe." He giggled nervously.
"Each time it's raining we end up together. I find this funny."
"You are right." He was staring at her so intensively that she felt a fake heart attack. "It's always under this umbrella." She continued. "The umbrella you gave me that day..."
"This was my moms umbrella." He interrupted her. "And I never gave it to anyone. I didn't want to. But... you were different. You are different." He hushed. He seemed so concentrated on not getting lost in her eyes. Those eyes that reminded him of ladybug's.
"And... I always kept it." She giggled shyly. And she can't really tell when he started to see her differently. It simply happened. As if he were confused and suddenly he chose her over another thing. "Guess, I should give it back to you. You'll need it to go home."
She tried to give it back but he insisted not to.
"Please don't. I want you to keep it."
"But... why?"
He couldn't explain it, but it was meaningful.
"It is... like our friendship symbol. Right?"
And... all the magic dropped. He HAD to say it.
"Yeah. Friendship." She looked away.
Everything turned into a suffocating silence he had the need of breaking.
"Have a good night, Marinette."
He was about to leave, just turning around, but she couldn't let him go. She felt prepared to finally tell him. Regardless the danger of being a super hero.
"I'm tired of being just a friend." She whispered, hoping he heard it.
Adrien turned around, still too shy to look at her eyes.
"And... I'm tired of you not being more than a friend." He whispered back.
It was that moment where they looked at each other, when seemed like the world was ending. Like everything around them was burning and they were protected in a bubble.
"I've been in love with you since we met." She confessed looking straight at his eyes. Getting lost in them. Those green eyes that reminded her of cat noir's. "I never stopped loving you, Adrien. And it might seem weird because I'm probably not enough for you, but if you could give me a chance, I... I don't know, I'm a huge mess but when I look at you it's impossible for me to just talk normally because I'm so crazy for you that I just-"
And he kissed her.
He kissed her.
Their lips were together.
His hands were on her waist.
He kissed her with all he had. Closing their eyes, hugging each other so tight. Not knowing about the consequences of it.
They were made for each other, in every possible way.
"I have a gifriend." Cat noir said to ladybug one of the days they were patrolling. Maybe their feelings needed to freeze but they still were good friends.
"That's great! I... have a boyfriend too."
"Oh! Really? Who's he?"
"You probably know him. But I shouldn't tell you his name." They stopped to sit down on a roof. "What about that girl?"
"She's so incredibly talented, and beautiful, and amazing... I just can't understand how I didn't realize it sooner." He seemed so in love... and She was happy for him. For real. "And you know her too."
"Okay, enough information."
They knew each other?
What was... the probability of... them...
No! Don't even think about it! That's impossible!
But the coincidences kept coming up. Whenever there was a villain, suddently he had to go. Whenever he fights an akuma, Marinette is near. And there were more coincidences. Her braveness, her strength, her intelligence. Everything reminded him of ladybug.
"Plagg... I have a really strong feeling that Marinette is Ladybug."
"Here we go again." The kwami sighed.
"Since we started dating I can't stop thinking that it's her." He lied on his bed with a lost gaze. "Too much coincidences."
"You shouldn't think about it."
"You know that since we met I believed that they were the same person, now it's so obvious."
"I'm a 90% sure she's ladybug. And I'll find out."
He was suspicious. He spent the next week just asking Ladybug silly questions like 'what's your favorite color?' Or 'your favorite food?' 'Do you have a best friend?' 'Is your boyfriend famous?' As Cat noir. He visited Marinette as Cat noir more than once. And it was so freaking obvious. He just couldn't get why he didn't realize it sooner.
Nevertheless, Marinette was suspicious too. He was making it so obvious.
"I think Cat noir knows who I am." She said out loud to all the kwamis.
"Oh, no, really? Why do you say that? We didn't notice!" Trixx replied with sarcasm.
"And I think I know him too."
"Guys! Prepare the pop corn." Xuppu said.
"I have a strong feeling that Cat noir is Adrien. I mean... they are like two different persons. But the coincidences... since we started dating... Oh my god... I'm so confused."
"I can't believe she's still confused."
"Tikki... what do I do? I think we figured it out? Wait, that means my first kiss was with Adrien. That means I've been rejecting him for years. THAT MEANS I'VE FALLEN FOR ADRIEN TWICE?" She was freaking out while the rest of the magical creatures were enjoying the show.
"Marinette." Tikki was the one to advice her. "Are you sure of it?"
"I... I do. Like a 99% sure."
"You should go search for him..."
"We know... oh my god it's the end of the world! I can't let this happen... but..."
"Stop!" She bit her.
"AH! TIKKI!!!"
"It's raining..."
Tikki was right. She's been just delaying the moment. She had to go.
A pink flash covered her and with a sudden rush she ran through the window to search for cat noir. And see that in fact he was her Adrien. That both are the same person. That she didn't have to choose or fight.
And so the rain was covering Paris. A heavy rain that reminded to that first day they met.
"Plagg, it's her. It's her. It's Marinette. She's ladybug." He was still in his bedroom.
"You know what to do."
And without hesitating a second, he jumped out his bedroom to start running on the rooftops.
This was not how they imagined it. They figured it out. After fighting together for years, after breaking their heart to the core, after everything they've been throught, they opened their eyes and saw what's in front of them.
"There you are..."
She saw him in the distance, and she started running faster. So did he. The need of knowing the truth already was burning their soul.
She stopped when she was just a couple centimeters away from his lips, from touching them. There was a huge flame inside them. An urgent necessity of touching, of hugging, of kissing, of loving, of knowing the truth, of escaping from the story they had to live.
But they stood there. Saying everything with their eyes. So close but at the same time so far.
"I found you." He whispered at the edge of tears. "I found you, Marinette." He caressed her cheeks, so gentle as if he could break them just with a touch.
"You found me, Adrien." She grabbed his hands. In the middle of the rain, in the middle of the mystery surrounding them, they found each other. "It's you! It's you! It's you!!!!"
They melted in a hug, bursting in tears, holding each other so so much while they started to detransform. Luckily nobody was there.
"I don't know how we are going to do this..." She whispered, shaking.
"It's gonna be okay..." He said still hugging her. "I promise..."
"This was not supposed to happen." She sobbed.
"Hey..." He let her go to look back at her eyes, now, not covered with a red dotted mask. "If the world has to be destroyed for us to be together, so be it. Because I am not letting you go this time." And his voice was so strong, he sounded so secure, that the only thing she did was jumping again back to his arms.
"I won't let that happen again. It's us against the world."
"As always, my lady. As always."
And all of a sudden, she started laughing.
"Huh? What's so funny?"
"I just can't believe how blind we've been!" She kept laughing each second louder. "I was in love with Adrien and Cat noir was in love with Ladybug when we were the same persons all along! What kind of crazy mess is this?" It was impossible for her to stop laughing.
"I just can't believe that you are laughing In a situation like this." She cut the hug to keep laughing.
"Come on, Kitty, this is so funny. This kind of stories only happen to us!"
"I can't believe I fell for you twice."
"I can't believe I rejected you for you."
"I called you 'just a friend' because I was in love with you!"
"Don't tell me it's not funny!"
"It's hilarious!" He bursted in laughs too. And there you have it. The Pari's super heroes, just revealed themselves, and the first thing they do, is laugh at each other.
The instant connection they made, even stronger than before, was so powerful that it could literally destroy the world.
And after laughing for some minutes that seemed hours, and without stop looking at each other, they couldn't wait any more second.
"Bugaboo, I think I can't wait anymore to kiss you already."
"I don't know what you're waiting for."
Then BAMM.
A flow of feelings discharged over their bodies in a kiss so intense that could give energy to a whole city due to the chemistry they had.
They almost ran out of energy. And it was just the first of so many more. Once they started they couldn't stop.
This was the end of a chapter, and the beggining of another one.

End of flashback
. . .

Remembering those moments were always thrilling and moving. The mix of emotions they experienced made their reveal the most important moment of their lives.
"And now we are married." She sighed still watching the old magazines.
The sounds from the keys entering the door lock made Marinette jump from excitement and wait for him behind the door. But she blocked it so he couldn't open it.
"Password." She said.
"Password, or you don't come in."
"Cat noir best boy ever?"
"Ups, almost. Keep trying."
"Marinette hottest woman alive?"
"Camembert cheese of my dreams" Plagg opened the door. "Ta-da! Now, Marinette, give me cheese."
"You broke the game!" She grunted.
"And I want cheese."
Adrien was staring at her with surprise besides the super interesting conversation the kwami was having with her.
"Is that my sweater, Mari?"
"Huh?" She turned to him smirking. "Oh, yeah... I was cold."
"I love it, you should wear my clothes more often."
"Oh, should I?" She teased him escaping from his arms. "Why exactly?"
"You look hot."
"I look pregnant and big."
"And let me tell you that you are at your sexiest, my lady." He tried to kiss her again, but she avoided it. "Oh come on!"
"You'll have to catch me first!"
She ran through the corridors with Adrien trying to chase her. A little bit useless because he caught her sooner than she expected.
"It's not fair! I carry more weight than you!"
"Better for me." He stole the kiss he wanted and took advantage of the situation to tickle her.
"No! No! Wait! Adrien stop!" She started laughing because he knew where exactly to touch. "No, please, I hate it."
"It's my revenge!"
"OK, OK, you win."
He stopped stepping back with a satisfied grinn. "What did I win exactly?"
"My unconditional love."
"More than enough, bugaboo." He kissed her forehead and went back to the bedroom to change clothes.

. . .

Another week full of cold, comfy clothes and cuddles arrived. Marinette already had a date for labour and was doing some exercise to prepare her body.
"We should do something." She said.
"About what?" He answered snuggling more.
"We've been laying here cuddling each other for two hours already, and I'm not ready to see Jack dying." They were watching Titanic, lying on their couch while cuddling.
"Okay. Let's go to play with snow!"
"But... it's too cold..." She wrapped herself even more in his clothes, in the sweater she refused to return.
"I know the perfect place to go. Come on!"
Unwillingly, she stood up and followed him to the car.
After some car ride, which was always relaxing for her, they arrived to the park Adrien was referring to earlier.
"Can we stay with you?" Plagg asked. "There's nobody here. I want to play with the snow too."
"Talk for yourself. I'm too cold." Tikki added.
"No, you come with me, come on Tikki."
"Okay, you can, but be careful."
The kwamis flew out the car and buried themselves in snow.
"This is beautiful, Adrien! Everything is so white and snowy... AH!" She felt a snowball hit her leg. "HEY." She felt another one.
"Come on, bugaboo, snowball war!"
She stood there looking at him a little bit pissed off.
"What's wrong?" He asked throwing another ball. He was gentle tho, it didn't hurt her. "Wait. You can't crouch the ground?"
She intensified her gaze.
"Oh my god you can't reach the ground! How cute is that?"
"I can perfectly do it." She replied super convinced even if she was lying.
"Oh, yeah, right, you can." He mocked her.
"Look how capable I am." Poor girl, she tried, she flexed her knees but sadly couldn't do anything else. "DON'T LAUGH! LOOK! I CAN DO IT!" She couldn't.
"Awwww My lady, you look ridiculously adorable... AHH!" Another snowball hit his back.
"Bring it on" Plagg threw him another ball.
"I didn't."
"I'm your owner."
"Marinette is the guardian."
"You're not so powerful now, huh? Super Cat? AH!" She avoided another hit that was directly to his feet. "HA, you missed me!"
"That's not fair!"
"Of course it is." She laughed at his pissed face and walked towards him. "You look so cute when you are mad."
"I'm not mad."
"You've always been a bad looser."
"That's not true."
"Let's make a snowman!"
"Let's do it!"
Adrien kneeled down to start making the snowman while Marinette was playing with Tikki and Plagg and with the snow they gave her so she could touch it.
He started making puns, of course. Puns of snow, of snowmans, of winter, of snowflakes, of everything. Every single thing had a hidden pun.
And after some other jokes and laughs the snowman was done!
"It's beautiful.... I think..." Spoiler, it wasn't.
"It's... It's like Plagg." He said.
"OH EEEEEXCUSE ME?" The alluded came to defense himself.
"Look, it even has Cat ears." She continued teasing his kwami. "Let's be honest, it's the ugliest snowman I've ever seen."
"Come on! It's not that bad?"
She laughed at him throwing another snowball.

Wait Mari, you have something on your cheek." He brought her closer to him and used his thumb to touch the little snowflake she had on the cheek. "And you have something in your forehead too." She giggled when she felt the soft and warm lips touching her skin. He was like a walking heater. "Oh, guess you have something on your lips too."
"You have the worst flirting skills in the world. You know that, right?"
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say, but with kisses I'm the number one." So proving it he kissed her making an inner warm grow inside them. Suddenly it didn't seem so cold.
"Yes?" He whispered.
"It's snowing. Look." She took away some snowflakes he had on his hair and started walking around seeing the beautiful landscape they were at. However, Adrien stood right where he was. Just looking ar her, paying attention to those details he loved. Her freckles, her eyes full of light, her way of moving around him that make him always feel like home.
"Look! I'm dancing under the snow!" She smiled spinning around.
He looked at her. At her arms, at her feet, at her belly, so round shaping her body in one of the most magical curves a woman can have.
How fast can things change?
Several years ago they were doing the exact same thing, but they were just friends. Apparently. Because friends never do the things they did.
"What?" She asked.
He smiled.
"I look like a teddy bear who ate too much."
"You look perfect, my lady."
"What's with that proud dad look?" She giggled.
"What? Can't I be proud of the awesome, powerful and miraculous wife I have?" He held her hand to pull her into a hug. "I'm so proud of you. Look at yourself! You managed to be there for your family and friends, save the world, be the guardian, deal with my cat puns and make me fall for you twice. Marinette, you can have whatever you want."
Those words. Those words rumbled inside her head as she gave into the hug with a huge smile. She didn't know what she did to have him, but he was her most precious treasure.
"And you have me head over heels for you, bugaboo." He whispered causing a revel blush through her cheeks followed by a lot of unexpected kisses to her neck that made her laugh.
"But you won't be the only girl I'll love. Soon, I'll love unconditionally another girl. And she'll call you mommy." He kissed her hand as the gentleman he was.
"Bet she'll be as kind and loving as you. Adrien." She placed her hands on his cheeks feeling the warm from his skin one more time. "From all the things I can have, you are the best one."


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