Dolls & Waltzes

By washu14

742 74 4

Two Babies have gone missing dolls left in their place. The home office decides to bring in one of the bright... More



34 4 0
By washu14

Chapter 14

When Jackson arrived at home there was a message waiting for him from Jensen. It told him that a set of twins has been found in Dartford. They were six months old and were adopted by the Duke and Duchess of Dartford at a month old. Jackson knew he had to tell Paysley but he was not sure he wanted to tell her until after the ball. He did not want her to think she had gotten it wrong. The last thing he needed was for her to sulk at her sister's party.

When Paysley walked into the ballroom all eyes were on her. She was wearing a silver ball gown with pink roses placed on the sleeves and on the right side of the waist. Her hair was done in ringlets and adorned with the same pick roses that she wore on her dress. Jackson had been told what color she was wearing tonight so they could match was wearing a velvet tailcoat suit in gray with a rose-colored vest embroidered with silver thread. When Fenton brought Paysley over to Jackson and gave her to him he was speechless she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. The music began to play and he swept her out onto the dance floor.

"You look beautiful tonight my lady?"

"Thank you, your grace. I feel extra beautiful tonight thanks to the way you are looking at me."

"It is how I will look at you for the rest of our lives. I am surprised to hear me say these words, to anyone one, but they feel right saying them to you. I love you Paysley."

When they walked off the dance floor they were met by Felicity who was ready to say something to Paysley about her tears but after one look at the Duke, she decided to not say anything. Instead, she leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Justin did as well and then they moved on to the next couple who was waiting to wish them well. The night was long and they barely had a moment to themselves. There were so many high-profile guests. After all who would turn down an invitation from the prime minister.

Jensen and Johanna were able to give the couple a few moments away from the crowd when they went off to get some air. Jackson was hoping Jensen would not bring up the message but that was too much to hope for.

"Did you get my message?"

Paysley could hear Jackson groan. She knew there was something they all knew and she had been left out of the loop.

Jensen knew immediately he had said too much. There was nothing he could do about it now he was going to have to tell her what the message was.

"I got a message at Madams there is an older couple who adopted a set of twins five months ago. It is the Duke and Duchess of Dartford. They were never able to have children and they wanted them so much. There was also the fact they have no family to carry on the title. They asked the King permission to pass the title on to the little boy and it was granted."

Paysley forgot that Jackson had not told her about the message she was excited that they might just have found the twins alive. Her biggest fear was they were real and she had killed them as she had done to her family. The problem was what would happen to the babies if they were the Viscounts would the Duke and his wife have to give them back? This complicated thing's but she was only asked to find them not worry about their future.

"We must go to Dartford tomorrow to see if they are the twins we are looking for."

He smiled at her and nodded. He did not want to call her attention to the fact he had kept this from her. Before the end of the night, Justin and Felicity were to announce the engagement and welcome Jackson to the family with a toast. Paysley was happy she had no interaction with her sister except the time she kissed her on the cheek. There was no family drama all was as it should be. She had to wonder if the boys threatened her. It would not surprise Paysley if they had done so. Since Paysley was going home with Fenton tonight Jackson and Paysley went off to Justin's study to make their plans for tomorrow's adventure.

"I think we should personally leave tonight. We can get there early enough to be back by nightfall."

Jackson laughed she was always so ready to go and solve a mystery. She was right leaving tonight would be better and they could indeed be back before the sunset again. But there was something he wanted to check on before they left. Jensen let him know the man who sent word to him was sitting behind a prison wall waiting to be released. He was hoping there was a reward for the information and would have money when he was released. The thing was he did not want Paysley anywhere near a prison. It was a dirty disgusting place he would never let her go to no matter where her investigation led.

"I have some business to do in the morning so I can not leave tonight. I am truly sorry but I am sure I can make it up to you on the ride to Dartford."

She had a very seductive smile on her face. What could be the girl thinking about other than kissing? She had a lot of liberal thoughts for a woman. Not to say he would not enjoy sharing all those things she always talked about doing with him. He was kind of excited to have someone who was as free-thinking as Paysley. Jackson went home to get a couple of hours of sleep before he went to prison.

Upon his arrival at the prison, he met with the warden to find out about the man who he was to meet. To his surprise, the warden spoke highly of him.

"I believe Ryan is being honest with his confession. I do not say this about anyone that has been incarcerated before but he has found the lord and is turning over a new page. I have talked with the clergymen and he feels he is being genuine. That is the only reason I sent the message to the home office. I truly believe him."

"May I speak with him and judge for me. Was he promised anything for his confession?"

"He was not promised anything. He is getting out soon and he is going off to a monastery to reflect and repent. He asked for nothing but your ear your Grace."

The prisoner was brought into the wardens' office so the Duke and the prisoner could talk privately. Jackson summed up the man who walked into the office. He was not a big man he was tall but he did not think he could be more than seven stones. His hair was graying at the temples. Overall he looked like someone who was down on his luck, not a man who had taken two babies and sold them. The man waited to be invited to sit and did so as soon as Jackson motioned for him to take a seat.

"I have been told you want to confess to taking of the Viscount's twins?"

"Not exactly your Grace. I did not take them I was given them."

"Who gave them to you?"

"A woman gave them to me. Telling me to do what I wanted with them she did not care she just wanted them gone."

"Can you describe this woman?"

"She was very beautiful I could tell that even with the steps she took to disguise herself. You could tell she came from money. Her rags were high quality."

"Her rags?"

"Yes your Grace. It looked as if she had taken an older fashion dress and soiled it with dirt and grime to make it look worn. But there was no mistaking the quality of the gown. "

"Do you know who the lady was?"

"I picked up the babies outside a townhouse outside London. It was a different place than I picked up the last child from her. I picked her up at an uptown townhouse in the rich merchant area of London. This time it was a little place outside London where the rich and noble lived."

"What did she offer you for your taking the children?"

"The first time she gave me fifty pounds and the second she gave me a hundred because there were two."

"What did you do with the children? Be careful of your answer because if you killed them you will find yourself hanging at the end of the gallows."

"I would not hurt a child, your Grace. I knew of an older couple who wanted to adopt children and I took the three of them to them. As far as I know your Grace they are being loved and raised in Dartford by the Duke and Duchess. I have heard they put in a special request that the baby boy inherits the title and all the Duke has. They have a wonderful life full of love."

Ryan could see the relief look on the Duke's face. He was glad he would not have to tell Paysley the children were dead, but they were alive and happy in Dartford."

"Is there anything else you can tell me?"

"No your Grace. Not that I can think of I just needed to tell someone what I had done. The VIcar told me I must atone for all my sins to enter the monastery when I leave here. I have told you who gave me the babies and who I gave them to. I will tell you that I did receive a finders fee from the Duke when I gave them the babies, of a hundred pounds for each child."

"Thank you for the information I will let the crown and the church know of your cooperation in this matter. Perhaps your sentence can be shorter?"

"I must serve my time your Grace it is only right."

"Are you willing to testify in court about the woman giving you the children?"

"Oh yes, your Grace. I plan on being available for anything that is needed. The warden has the address to the monastery I will be going to if and when you need something just contact me and I will be there to help. I really am turning over a new page on life. I serve the Lord and will do so in all ways.."

"When you get out Mr. Johnstone comes and see me and I will make sure you are taken care of."

"That you your Grace but that will not be necessary. I am a man of means and I am now a man of God."

When Jackson left the prison he road to Fenton's estate. He needed to tell Paysley that she had found the babies and they were all three were. The Blythe family was just sitting down to breakfast when he arrived. He joined them knowing there was more to solving this and not letting any of the people involved get hurt other than the countess. Who was going to pay dearly for misleading everyone? He was going to have to find out what crimes she had broken other than poisoning her husband, and her sister and brother. Word had been sent to his house last night that her brother had been poisoned as well.

"When do you think we should head out to Dartford?"

He looked a bit uncomfortable. She wondered what was wrong.

"Is something the matter?"

"It is something wrong Jackson?"

"No, not really."

He was still not sure how to tell her maybe he should let one of her nephews tell her she could not go. There were many reasons after this she should not get involved. One being she would have to go to court to fight a Duke and take away the children from him and his wife. There were no rules against a poor person selling their children, but she was not poor by any means. She had to be one of the wealthiest women in England with all her holdings. He still could not believe she had been granted the privilege of keeping her husband and brother's estate. He would have to find out how she had done that. There were so many loose ends to this case that still needed to be investigated.

When they were finished he decided that a stroll around the park would be the best place to tell her. When they were alone in the carriage he placed her on his lap and began kissing her. He was surprised she pulled away. He had hoped it would work now he had to think of something else. She moved off his lap and sat across for him.

"What is it you are not telling me?"

He smiled at her she was bright and he was never going to be able to pull one over on her.

"I went to the prison this morning to talk with a man who said he was given three children to sell. One child is now seven years old and the other two are six months. You were right he gave them to the Duke and Duchess of Dartford. I know you will want to go down there and claim the kids, but there are a lot of things we need to figure out before we go after the countess. We know she is guilty we have all the proof we need but giving away your children is not a crime. She gave them to a noble titled family and they are being taken care of and loved more than they would ever be with the Countess."

They went to the war office so they could talk this over with Simon and Vaughn in private. Neither of them knows what course of action to take. Vaughn was called over to the home office side of the government and was met with three people all looking glum. He knew it could not be good news. Had the babies been found dead? What was he going to tell Peter if that were the case?

"I take it you found the babies dead?"

Paysley laughed but it came out like a groan.

"I think that would be easier to fix."

"Pay's you are not making any sense you can not fix death."

"Sit down Vaughn let us tell you and Simon the woes we share and then we can all commiserate in them."

Vaughn did as Paysley suggested and waited for them to tell him and Simon what was going on. Jackson was the one who told the tale Paysley was still not sure what to say about the whole mess.

"We have proof the Countess killed her sister, brother, and her first husband. We have someone who will swear in a court of law if necessary. Seven years ago that Betty gave up her daughter Penelope to a man called Ryan Johnstone who then took the little girl and sold her to the Duke and Duchess of Dartford. Five months ago she required his services once again and paid him to take a set of twins off her hands.

He knew the Duke and Duchess would take care and love them so he sold them to the couple. The Duke of Dartford has even been given a special dispensation to allow the boy to inherit his title upon his death. He has also been given the title the Marquis of Bromley. The question is do we return the children to Peter or let them stay with the Duke and Duchess? Do we tell the Duke of Rugby about finding his granddaughter? Technically the sale was made in good faith. It is not against the law to sell children and it was with the consent of the mother. He was given the children to dispose of in any way he wanted we should be grateful he wanted to bring some happiness to the Duke and Duchess who were never able to have children.

"They reviewed a letter asking for money what about that?"

Paysley really did laugh this time.

"I took it to a handwriting expert Betty is the author of the letter."

Vaughn looked sick.

'Do you know if Peter was in on any of this criminal activity?"

"We do not know if he was involved with Larry Moor or the selling of Penelope. According to our source, she was the only one there when selling the little girl. He could not have been involved with the death of her sister and brother since she ran off and married Larry she was certainly out for a title and he did not have one."

"It is hard for me to believe Peter would be in on this since he called us in to find the babies. Why would he do that if he knew she had stolen them?"

Paysley smiled at Vaughn. She knew he was trying to justify believing in his second. She admired him for that.

"That is a fair point, but since we do not know we are going to have to decide on the best course of action for the babies. Should we go and check on the babies to see if they are being taken care of properly?"

Vaughn winced the Duke and Duchess of Dartford were friends of Justin's. No wonder they had received special permission to give the child a title.

"There is no need to check the children are being well cared for. They are close personal friends of the family. Justin is the godfather to the boy."

Jackson could not help think this could not become more complicated.

"I would suggest we take this to the Prime Minister then and let him struggle over this with us?"

"As long as I do not have to see the first lady I am alright with that."

They all laughed at her wit and then Simon went to summon the Prime Minister to the home office. They waited until it was almost dark and they should have all been getting ready for tonight's ball at New Cross but were waiting on him. They had sent Paysley home to get ready. It would not do to have her late to Valentine's ball. It would make Felicity mad who would then upset Justin.

Paysley waited impatiently for all the men to get there with a word of what the plan was. Instead of sitting in the ballroom with the others, she went to sit out in the New Cross front garden a place she had always found brought her peace. While sitting on the bench waiting the Earl of Strood joined her. She looked him over he was a nice-looking gentleman but he was a bit too old for her. He was Vincent's age and that was a way too old for the likes of her. But this was an engagement party so he should know she was not on the marriage market she would be married in four days' time. She had to wonder why he would invite her attention.

"I am surprised to find you out here Lady Blythe, after all this is a party for you."

"I am waiting for my intended. He is running late."

"You are too beautiful to be waiting on any man. If you were mine I would never keep you waiting."

Paysley felt a bit uncomfortable listening to his words. Why would a man say something like that to another man's intended? That was when she felt the sharp pain in her side. Suddenly she felt a bit woozy she went to grab the Earls's arm and found he was gone that was the last thing she remembered. Jackson, Justin, and Vaughn all rode to New Cross. When they arrived everyone was frantically looking for Paysley. Jackson jumped out of the carriage and went over to Jason who was standing at the bottom of the steps.

"What happened?"

"She never came into the party and we sent Tory went to look for her but no one could find her. Vincent is having the house torn apart. The rest of us are searching the grounds. Jackson left his brother and started out into the garden hoping it was not to late. Jackson had never been to New Cross he did not know the grounds he did not know where he was going. He headed straight out to not sure at all where he was going. That was when he saw something on the ground near a bright white bench. The closer he got the surer he was Paysley was laying on the ground. He scooped her up and began to run towards the house.

Jason knew before hesaw his brother he was in need of his help. He ran in the direction he had seenJackson goes in. He met him halfwaybetween the garden and the front door. He called for someone to help them toget Wesley or David Paysley is hurt.  

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