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Chapter 17

In the morning Paysley woke up refreshed. She could not remember a night she has over eight hours of sleep. Of course, today was not the day to sleep in. When she opened her eyes Jane was there waiting to serve her. The tub was in the room filled with hot water. Paysley could smell the lavender fill the room. The scent filled her with a sense of excitement today was her wedding day. She threw off the blankets and jumped out of bed. Today she would start her journey of passion. She had a very long list of ideas and she planned on experimenting on Jackson. He would be her lab rat.

Odette came in while Paysley was in the tub. She was rushing around like a crazy person. Paysley thought she should be the one who was nervous. She was the one getting married. Of course, it was Odette's first child to get married.

"You need to get out of the bath we need to get you dressed. We need to get you to the church on time."

Paysley did as Odette instructed she did not want to be late for her own wedding. They were getting ready when Odette started to hem and haw as if for the first time since Paysley could remember she was at a loss of words. Then it dawned on her what Odette wanted to tell her. Paysley busted out laughing. This was supposed to be her married talk. She threw her hands out in front of her to stop Odette. The last thing she needed was this talk she had already read up on it.

"You can save the talk for one of the others. I read a book on what goes on between a man and a woman. "

The relief look on Odette's face was priceless. They finished getting Paysley dressed when Felicity entered the room unannounced. Paysley's first thought was great this is not who she wanted to see before her wedding. She was hoping she would not have to see her until after the ceremony when she was on equal titles with her sister. Both Odette and Paysley waited to see what she wanted. Whatever it was could not be good. Nothing between these two sisters was ever good.

"Is there something you need Felicity?"

"I'm your sister Paysley, It is my duty to see you ready for your wedding."

"Really Felicity I am fine you did not have to put yourself out on my account."

"It is my duty Paysley and you will not embarrass me by excusing me like I am nobody. I am the first lady of England you will accept my offer and be honored."

Paylsey counted to ten she did not want to fight with her sister not today. Odette on the other hand was not afraid of Felicity did not keep her mouth shut.

"Who gives a fig your the first Lady of England. You are the only one who is impressed by your title. Do not think the family does not know that was the reason you finally married Justin. He is such a kind man to be so in love with someone who left him for his best friend has no room to give a lecture on duty. You forsake your duty when you married Charles. So do not talk to me about duty."

"Charles loved me?"

"Of course he did no one ever said he was not in love with you. But you disgraced not only Justin but our family. Do not think we have lived down the shame of the broken marriage contract. You have never once suffered from your choices everyone else does. Go away Felicity I will not let you ruin my daughter's big day."

Felicity stormed out of the room. Paysley was speechless and Odette seemed happy with herself. Well if that was not the best wedding present she would ever receive she was in for a big surprise. She rushed over to Odette and hugged her.

"That was astonishing. No one has ever stood up to her like that."

"She has had it coming for years. I just said what no one else wanted to say. But I will tell you it felt really good."

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