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Chapter 15

Jackson carried her upstairs, he followed Lina who was leading him. She brought him to the Duchesses chamber it was the largest room available and the most comfortable. Not that Lina spent much time in it but it was always kept clean if she ever decided she did not want to sleep for some reason. But in the last thirteen years, she had no need for the Duchess suite. Jackson placed Paysley on the bed. Before he could step away Wesley rushed in and Jackson stepped away so he could examine her. He had to rip the top of her dress off so he could see the damage to Paysley.

She was bleeding but not too badly upon closer inspection it was not too bad it was a flesh wound. She had special padding on her side Charlotte had requested after finding out someone put a price on her head. After he cleaned the wound he noticed she had not wakened. He knew she was not queazy over the sight of blood. The wound was not life-threatening. Why was she not waking up? He dawned on him her breathing was shallow and he did mouth-to-mouth and chest compressions. If his diagnosis was correct she had also been poisoned. Jackson knew from Wesley's action what he believed had happened to Paysley. He moved closer to the bed.

"What can I do to help?

Wesley only shook his head telling Jackson he did not need him to do anything and he was interrupting his counting. Jackson stood there waiting in the background he heard the sounds of people. A voice he knew to be his mother's. She was ordering everyone about making sure no one got in the room unless Wesley needed them. The other person he could hear was her sister. She was yelling at his mother, not something he would recommend. He was called back to the moment when he heard her gasping for breath. When he looked down at her he smiled and said a silent prayer thanking god she was alive.

Wesley was checking her pulse while she was trying to get more air. She began to cough out who had done this to her.

"The Earl of Strood is the one who did this to me."

While Wesley was keeping her from getting out of bed Jackson went to the door to let them know Paysley was alright and who had done it. Vaughn and Victor were standing closest to the door and were ready to jump on him as soon as he opened the door.

"What happened? Is she alright?"

"She will be fine, Wesley is finishing up with her now. She told us the person responsible was the Earl of Strood. See if you can find him."

Jackson shut the door and went back to watching Paysley. Wesley left them alone once he was finished letting her know she should not get out of bed for a few days and that was an "ORDER" he knew was going to be useless. She had never listened to a lot of them when she was growing up. He left Jackson to deal with her. Once they were alone Jackson sat on the bed next to her.

"I am sorry that I was not there to keep you safe."

"This was my fault I should have stayed inside with the others but I was excited to see you that I went outside to wait. I hope you are not mad at me?"

"I am not mad I am relieved you are all right and Wesley was here to act quickly once you were found."

'What was decided in your meeting tonight?"

"There is enough time to talk business after you rest."

"I was unconscious how much more rest does one need?"

"Paysley, I want you to rest up until Friday night when we have the party at Vaughn's where there will be plenty of security. Then Saturday we will be married and I will make sure no matter where we are you are protected. "

"I have thought of the most private place to have our honeymoon. I already arranged it if its alright with you?"

He smiled at her. With her sexual imagination, what did she have in store for him?

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