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Chapter 12

Charlotte had the entire house surrounded by agents no one would be able to get into the ball without an invitation. She would know tonight if they made an attempt on Paysley's life if the assassin was nobility or rift raft. She remembered back to Cory when the assassin was a nobleman. He could not possibly be the first and only one. She also had a backup plan there were a lot of noble agents coming tonight she sent them word to keep an eye on Paysley. No one would hurt her family.

Upon Paysley's arrival, she was surprised to see how brightly lit the ballroom was. Her aunt seldom threw parties but when she did they were always grand. She looked around the room and saw the faces of her entire family Felicity included. She had never realized how large her family really was. She laughed to herself her family alone could fill the ballroom. Everyone could tell when Jackson walked into the ballroom Paysley appeared to shine as brightly as the room. Jackson walked over to where Paysley was standing and brought her close for an embrace. He could not wait to be able to bring her close to him for other reasons. The girl's words alone were giving him the sleepless night he could not imagine what having her alone in their bed-chamber would give him. God help him he was smitten by a wisp of a girl.

He watches her dance with her intended and with a few other men she appeared to be happy to bad by the end of the night she should be dead. He planned on finishing the job at the stroke of midnight it was as good as time to die as any other. She had about thirty more minutes of life left. Maybe he should ask her to dance? He laughed to himself how poetic he would be her last dance. Just before the stroke of midnight, He went to ask Lady Blythe for her last dance, but before he could ask her she disappeared. He went out to the foyer to see if she was there, but she was nowhere in sight. He rushed back into the ballroom to check again but she was not in there he went out onto the balcony. He stood at the top of the stairs and looked over the grounds but she was not out there either. Where the Bloody hell could she be?

Paysley was sitting in her Uncle Andrews study waiting for the lecture to begin. She was not sure what she had done that caused her to be pulled into the study and surrounded by a room full of agents.

"Victor Valentine, why did you drag me in here to Uncle's study?"

"I had a bad feeling is all."

"You had a bad feeling?"

"Yes, I just could not shake the feeling you were in danger. Aunt Charlotte ordered all of us to make sure you were safe and if we had an feelings to take out of danger."

"But I did not sense or see any danger. I do not understand why you are all being so protective."

Jackson cleared his throat to get everyones attention.

"She was never told anything."


"Victor Valentine watch your language."

"I apologise Auntie but if you do not know what is going on then this was just a test and we should all return to what we were doing."

"Are you crazy Victor? I want to know what is going on. You can not drag me in her and then tell me it was all for nothing when you have me surrounded by twenty agents. So give what is going on and I want an answer right now!"

"Jackson take her home and keep her there."

Jackson went to help her out of the chair, but she pulled away.

"I am not going anywhere until you tell me what it is I do not know."

Victor knew he should not egg her on. But it was Pays and he had always twisted everything she said if he could.

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