The Time Travelling Life | Dr...

By randompersonnum27

82.3K 3.4K 3.9K

Y/N, the lover of the King of Manberg and the Princess of her own kingdom discovers time travel through a fri... More

[1] Karl [1]
[2] Philza [2]
[3] Guys! [3]
[4] Time [4]
[5] Sad [5]
[6] Dream SMP [6]
[7] Morning [7]
[8] Wait [8]
[9] Her [9]
[10] Will you? [10]
[11] Fire [11]
[12] Soon [12]
[13] What.? [13]
[14] You're Lying. [14]
[15] Speach [15]
[16] Dinner [16]
[17] Ball [17]
[18] Uncomfortable [18]
[19] Possesive [19]
[20] The King of Quath [20]
[21] Plan [21]
[22] Grave [22]
[23] Forbid [23]
[24] Weakness [24]
[25] Coronation [25]
[26] Kid [26]
[27] Yes! [27]
[28] Cold [28]
[30] Mistake [30]
[31] Aplogizing [31]
[32] Panic [32]
[33] Clock [33]
[34] Countdown [34]
[35] Argument [35]
[36] Prison [36]
[37] Back [37]
[38] Technoblade [38]
[39] This time [39]
[40] Again [40]
[41] Tommy [41]
[42] Axelle [42]

[29] Knows. [29]

1.1K 49 117
By randompersonnum27

This part includes the mention of stalking/unhealthy obsessive nature and blood. If you are uncomfortable with those topic then I suggest skipping this. A summary of what happened will be in the notes at the bottom.
Be safe :)

Also big as well. Get something to drink, stay hydrated!


Y/N picked up the drawing for when she last left it on the desk before getting busy.

Taking notes that only 6 petals we're still on the stem of the Bittersweet. Added that she should move the vase to some sunlight. Maybe that's why they were falling away.

With the click of the door closing, she went down the corridor to send the picture on its way to Relzic for her mother to bring her fathers grave like normal.

And she was finally off to Hannah's ball.


Y/N laughed lightly, hand covering her mouth at a joke the bartender made that was alcohol-related. "Good one,"

She went to one of Hannah parties to clear her head slightly from all the thinking she has been doing. Karl decided to come with her to check if she was going to be okay.

"Thank you, your highness. Now, would you like a top-up?" The cloth he was wiping the counter with was slung on his shoulder as Y/N nodded. Watching him do his job,

Her eyes turned simultaneously to watch the guests of the other royal ball. Saying a thank you when her new drink got passed over.

And then she saw Prince Tyler. Playing with the cuffs of his suit, talking to the hostess- Princess Hannah- they seemed to get along. A sort of uneasiness turned in her stomach.

A hand clamped onto her shoulder, startling her. "Y/N," Sapnap (she didn't even know he was here) spoke from behind. And she calmed down, getting off her barstool to smile a greeting at him. "I didn't know you were coming, did Dream come with you?"

"Oh- uh. No. He was, busy-" Busy at home doing nothing, "-but Karl is here with me though." She continued, speaking over the lie like it was nothing. Y/N has gotten used to it. Sapnap pulled her into a hug as she spoke, only brief but somehow relaxed her a bit more.

"Really? Where?" Sapnap questioned after moving away. Looking around slightly, "I can't see him anywhere,"

Fucking stupid time boy- "He might have gone back to the castle. I haven't seen him either since I arrived." The girl chuckled nervously,

"Huh, weird," Sapnap contemplated it, ordering 'whatever she has' in the meantime. "Karl always seems to just disappear sometimes, y'know? Like, he is at the castle one day then the next just now where to be found." Sapnap started to ramble. "When I need him for something if Quackity is busy and he just, doesn't exist anymore. It's fucking crazy,"

"Yeah- I see that as well." You could sense the nervous edge to her voice, bringing her glass to her lips for a drink. "It's like one second he's here, and then next- poof! Gone."

Sapnap collected his glass from the counter. "I thought it was just me since Dream never says anything about it. Anyway, George might turn up. But you know how he is, always late; so he might not. I don't know about Minx though, might need to ask." The change of topic formed a silent pit of relief, and Sapnap tapered off near the end. Eyes filtering the crowd for the hostess.

"I haven't seen Minx in a month or so. So I hope she does come," Y/N filled in the silence, "Is, uh, Isabella on the list, per your knowledge?"

"No. Not after I told Hannah about everything. She came straight off it. But I think her brother stayed on- you know she has a brother, right? Tyler?" He looked at her with expectancy.

"Oh," said Y/N "Yeah. I do, who doesn't?"

"He's supposed to be an asshole as well, I think it runs in the family." The last sentence came as a whisper. "Don't tell my parents I said that- I'm meant to be 'bonding' with Tyler 'cause of a peace treaty El Rapids and Quath have. Even though I have never talked to him," Urgency was in Sapnap's voice,

"You have a peace treaty with them?" asked Y/N,

"Yeah, it's been there for years. Sorry- but, uh. I need to go say hi to Hannah, so I'll try to find you after. Okay?" Y/N nodded at Sapnap's words, who smiled and waved before heading towards the formed crowd in the middle of the room. Leaving Y/N by herself, once more.

Being by herself in such a big hall, filled with people that knew each other very well is an experience, to say the least. Even how she subtly watched Sapnap go to Hannah, enveloping her in a tight hug while she quickly reciprocated it. They seemed close as well.

Sapnap always seemed like the kind of guy who would give a hug to anyone.

Y/N's eyes raked over the whole room from where she stood near the bar, minding her own business. No sign of Karl, even if she saw him only 10-20 minutes prior. No sign of anyone else she knew except Sapnap and Hannah. She swore she could see Sam Nook somewhere.

Some royal trumpets played as they have been for the time she had been there, welcoming new guests. She hadn't been paying attention and watched the alcohol in her cup swish against the glass instead.

Y/N needed something stronger.

With a frown, she stopped the liquid to an idle, before drinking it all in one. Maybe she should get one of the stronger drinks? Y/N has never really been an avid alcohol lover or anything. Maybe she should change that just for tonight? Who was there to stop her?

But responsibility. And with the voices in her mind saying she shouldn't. They seemed logical. She shouldn't. She won't. Why would she want to get a drink? That's for losers. No one wants to drink that much alcohol, it's bad for you and will cause you to forget everything if you drink too much-

"Hey, me again. Can I have anything stronger?"

Y/N won't regret that.


Y/N regretted that. A lot. Why? Not because she was drunk out of her mind. No, because she is just carrying a shot glass still full of straight vodka.

Not even a sip was taken from the clear death juice. It was just in her hand, on display.

Minx did show up according to Sapnap, who wasn't fully coherent. Y/N never saw her, just taking the boy's words to heart and went wondering around the room in search.

While walking around, Tyler sort of followed her. Once she finished talking to someone, he would talk to the exact person. Like copying her in a way. Jumping from person to person and keeping an eye on the girl at all times.

Y/N was uncomfortable, of course. Seeing him immediately go to the person she said goodbye to. It may be a coincidence, maybe he was just following the groups around the room and introducing himself.

So she switched it up. Saying goodbye to the small gathering of Princess' and Prince's to talk to Sapnap again. Walking up in full stride towards him. "Hi," He turned towards her with a smile,

"Y/N-" He hiccuped, "Forgot you were here. Are you having fun?"

"Uh- yeah. Are you alright? How much have you drank?" Her concerns switched.

"Not much. Trust me, I'm fine" He reassured. It looked to be the truth, maybe not.

Sapnap looked at the small glass in hand. "Can I have that?" Was an immediate question.

"Sure?" She was unsure, Sapnap took the glass and drank it in one go. His face going sour.

Sapnap shook his face side to side, coughing slightly before placing it on a moving tray. Clearing his voice before talking again. "Anyway. Come say hi to Hannah,"

She muttered an okay, following Sapnap who surprising didn't sway in his steps. One glance behind her and she realised Tyler was coming straight for her.

"Y/N! Hey, how are you? I haven't seen you in a while." Hannah engulfed her in an embrace, shocking Y/N for a split second before reciprocating it.

"I'm fine, and you?" She said once they parted.

Something behind her caught Y/N's interest. Karl Jacobs talking to a party guest, so he was back.

"-I'm so glad you came, even without Dream. Sapnap said that you said he was busy, and that's perfectly fine. I would expect that with his new King role." Hannah finished as Y/N narrowed her eyes on Karl. Blinking a couple of times before her eyes went back to Hannah.

"Yeah. Paperwork and all that stuff. He might arrive later if he finishes it in time." She continued with her lie. Not slipping up once. When you lie a lot, you get good at it.

"That's great-" Y/N zoned back to Karl. Who was looking back at her. Then something behind her. "-him though. Rushing would result in bad things." Hannah carried the conversation.

"Yeah. He will come if he can, I promise that. Dream didn't want to miss this," Y/N talked. Distracted.

"Oh- I'm sorry. Did you need to go somewhere?" And Hannah picked up on that, looking behind her to see where she was looking. But looked confused. Like no one was there. The same confusion on her face when she turned back to Y/N, but then the gaze went to someone behind her with a smile. "Tyler! Did you get the drink I asked you to get?" Fuck.

"No, totally forgot about that. Y/N, nice to see you again." Double fuck. The girl turned around to see no other than Tyler. He outstretched his hand to be formal with a handshake. The last time that happened he kissed her hand, so she sort of relented.

"You too, I guess." She murmured. "Sorry, I have to talk to someone-"

"-No you don't. Come on, let's dance." Tyler cut in. Forcefully grabbing her hand. Y/N pulled it away.

"I don't think so. Excuse me," She tried leaving. Turning around. Seeing Hannah and Sapnap already in a conversation elsewhere. And yet again, Tyler pushed. Grabbing her forearm now. Triple fuck.

"Y/N" He outstretched. The grip was tight, not letting her leave. "Come on, I want to apologize."

"For?" Her tone gave a sort of bitter sense. Acting dumb.

"For the things that happened in the kingdom of Relzic. Now come, let's talk over the next dance." Tyler pulled her towards him. "I know this one is your favourite."

That freaked her out even more. "We don't talk to each other. How do you know that?" Voice stern, tugging at her arm once before it was let free.

"Come on-" It was like his catchphrase. "How wouldn't I know that?"

Y/N said nothing. The ease faded once she saw Sapnap somewhere else. "I said no. Now, goodbye."

"What? Are you scared King Dream would come in and see us? I thought he was busy." But Prince Tyler continued to speak. "I have tried talking to you since you entered the ball, and you seemed to just brush me off. Just let me say sorry, then everything will be okay."

"And why would you want to talk to me? Hasn't Isabella told you what I 'did' to her?" Y/N asked.

"That just intrigued me more. Wanted to meet the beauty behind the stories." He said it so casually.

"She is your sister- twin sister. Aren't you meant to hate me? Not seek me out and come talk to me- or want to talk to me anyway." Y/N continued,

"For someone who didn't want to talk to me,-" He placed a hand on her cheek, Y/N pushed it away. "-you clearly aren't leaving."

"And you are clearly avoiding the question," said Y/N.

"Maybe I want to ask you the questions. Quite mysterious aren't you?" Tyler paused, watching her expression. Surprised how it never changed from pure anger. "Running away from the person you supposedly loved. Lying saying he's busy when you know he isn't."

"And how do you know he isn't? I am his fiancé. I think I know better." She replied snarkily.

"He contacted Isabella-"

"No, he didn't." She cut in. Very adamant that of course, he didn't, Dream hates her guts ever since the lying and things that she had done.

"Yes he did, sweetheart." She held in her vomit at the nickname that came out of his disgusting mouth. "Saying that he cleaned his schedule today, especially for her. His words, not mine." Tyler stretched, "I'm just the messenger."

"He didn't." Y/N was adamant still.

"Why don't you believe me?" Tyler pouted, "You have that much trust in him?" The pout became a venomous laugh.

"You do realise he believed Isabella when she told him that you lied about your father's death. And that you hit your maid, manipulated his friends." Tyler counted on his finger. Y/N eyes widened. He never told her that Isabella said those things. Why didn't he tell her that?- No. There must have been a reason.

"Your Dream believed it so much that he dropped everything in his hands and apologized to my sister. Saying that he was going to marry her in two days."

Tyler finally looked up. Amused by her reaction. Fake gasping and putting a hand on his mouth. Fake sympathy. "He didn't tell you?" He spoke accusingly, "I'm so sorry that it came from me."

The hand on his mouth moved to his heart. The pout was back. "He-" She tried speaking.

"I'm sure your so upset with him right now." Tyler continued. Sighing dramatically at the end. "Almost a year into your relationship and you hear it from the brother. Must be so hurtful."

"Dream would've told me if it was important." Y/N excused his actions. Shaking her head slightly. "There must have been a reason,-"

"So you think that lying isn't important?-" Not when you do it yourself. "-What did he tell you about her?" Tyler pressed. "Come on, let's sit. I can help those deep emotions."

"She manipulated him," Y/N spoke again. Not daring to move to any chairs, especially with him.

She can't be mad anyway. Y/N didn't tell him about how she died and came back to life. She even lies to herself.

"Did she?" It's like Tyler got the answer he wanted. A sadistic looking smile graced his mouth, morphing into a sympathetic one.

He took a step towards her. "Or does he still love her from once they were young?"

"He never loved her. You're gone even crazier since the coronation." She was quick to dismiss it. Of course, she would. Dream told her that he never loved Isabella. "I need to go."

"Are you sure?" Tyler yet again ignored. "Or was that another lie?" He was trying to hit a nerve.

"He would never lie." She continued. Looking at his eyes. The same anger as before her surprise.

He never stopped.

"Your forgetting that I am Isabella's brother. Anything that happened to her, I know." Tyler spoke. She wanted earplugs to drown out his whiny voice. "So I would know when a special someone confessed their love to her. She denied it before realising that she liked him back. And here we are today."

"You." She pointed at him. "Are defiantly crazy." Y/N walked away. Yet to get brought back by those hands. "Stop trying to grab me-you creep,"

"I just want to show you the truth. Y/N, I have loved you for ages" Tyler confessed. "Ever since you were crowned Princess of Relzic- since we were both 16! I have always loved you and watched you from the shadows."

And then things turned.


Y/N took a step back. Tyler's grip was stronger on her forearm. "I know your favourite flower is a cornflower, before him." He talked like it would help the situation. "I know your favourite scent- and tracked a cologne so I can smell like it. I know you have a long lost brother!" Tyler continued like it was helping. "Your dad died in a fire created by 3 children called Micheal, Thomas and James in July 2016! And he called you his chrysanthemum because it was his favourite flower of all."

Prince Tyler was obsessed with her.

"I have been to all of your birthdays in the castle. I know your favourite dress was the nice blue one that you got for your 18th birthday and looks amazing on you-"

"I only wore that dress once. And that was in my room when I was 18-" She injected. But completely ignored.

The clock ticked in the background. The wind pushed the bushes in the windows making them do a coordinated dance as his hold on her arm faltered.

"-and you love shooting arrows when you are mad. Your step-dad made an archery range just for you in the gardens of the castle in Relzic, just for you to relive your anger." He smiled. Fucking smiled. Like he was making progress and she would swoon over him. "Your favourite necklace was the one Wilbur gave you- the one with the blue powder."

"How do you know about Wilbur?!" She was scared.

"I know about everything, my love." He continued to have that smile. "I know you love visiting that house in the snow- and Philza? Or Phil, correct? You see him as a father figure."

"I would do anything-" He took a deep breath."I would do anything for you Y/N," He seemed to calm from his rambling. Y/N was horrified. "But ever since you went to that castle in Manberg you have changed."

And the happiness, the excitement of talking to her. Dived into anger and hatred. Not hatred against her. But against her fiancé.

"If only you just stayed in that house! Then Isabella would get who she wanted, and I could have you," Both of his arms caged her forearms.

"You should be mine. I loved you first!" The grip tightened yet again. "That lying, cheating fucking King doesn't deserve such a Goddess like you, mon amour. You are meant to be mine. Y/N."

"Would you love me more if I killed someone for you? Or changed me? I would do anything. Anything you ask. Just say- I want to be yours. You are meant to be mine!" Tyler continued, rambling and babbling. It only made her more terrified.

"Get the fuck off me!" She practically screamed. Realising a couple of judgmental eyes were already on them. Not the people she wanted to see what was happening though. "Get the fuck away from me."

"What do you want me to do to prove how much of a scum Dream is? I'll do anything." His eyes widened also for a second. A sort of plea.

Seeing how scared and shaky she is, he softened instantaneously.

The voices in her mind chanted 'anything' over and over. She started getting a headache.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I just need you. You are like a drug to me Y/N, I need to see you every day. With me. What can I do for you to love me back?" His voice also softened to a small whisper.

The eyes looked away. Like they were on a stage.

Y/N never liked eyes on her. It gave her a sort of scare that whatever she was going was wrong. But right now. Being held by a clear crazy person obsessed with her, she needed every eye in the world to be looking at her. Looking at them.

She couldn't do anything as a hand came and caressed her jaw once more. It was soft. It was meant to comfort. But it only gave her more agitated. "What the fuck is wrong wi- mm!" Her voice was muffled as the hand covered her mouth.

"As much as I adore your voice sweetie. You are too loud and would draw attention." He continued.

A dance started while he was talking and she didn't realise. They were right in the middle of it. Surrounded by people too infatuated by the other in front of them to see her.

"Now, as I said. Anything you wish. I could bake you something, I could hurt someone. I would kill someone for you, my love. Anyone you want. Anything you desire."

He kept that sickening smile. "Don't cry, angel." Tyler tried to soothe, thumb wiping away the now noticeable tears.

She still couldn't say anything. The hand muffling any attempt. Y/N tried to kick her legs in direction. But he seemed to move around them. She tries her best. Anything to get him away from her. "Oh! Right," He moved the hand away, going back to her jaw. Like he forgot he covered it in the first place. "Say anything. I would do it."

"How about staying the fuck away from me?" She cursed, yelling it as loud as she wanted.

Y/N didn't know what to do. He was too close. Too close for comfort.

Her breathing was unsteady as he just laughed. Like it was a joke. The voices were loud. Switching from chants to yells. Yelling at her to run. To get out of there. To leave and never return. Back to Dream. Anything to go back to Dream.

She wanted to be independent from now on. She wanted to leave whenever she wanted. And this was meant to be to clear her head, not introduce a psychopath and stalker she had for years.

She didn't realise her shout made people turn to stare. Even the music switched off.

She didn't even see how people made a path for something.

"Oi! Motherfucker!" Someone spoke paired with loud steps running over to them. It sounded like heels. She couldn't quite difference the voice from anything else. It was slow in her mind.

What wasn't slow was how the psycho (Tyler) turned around to see what was happening. The hand on her jaw forced her to stay looking at him and those ugly eyes to match his personality. Not letting her see who shouted it.

But what she did see was a fist punch right in the face of Tyler. Making him bring his hands off of her.

It reminded her of the Masquerade when she was in the competition-like scene a little under a year ago. Isabella punched her in the jaw, and it hurt for days.

Someone helped her away. She couldn't see who the person was from the clouds that went over her eyes. Making everything blurry. And once it faded and she stopped struggling away from the person. She recognised him very vividly.

That person that she was struggling with was Sapnap. Eyes widened like hers had before and asking something she couldn't hear. Her eyes focused on the person who punched Tyler.


"What the fuck are you doing?! Huh?!" Minx continued to yell at the injured. Ready to swing her hand to his face once more.

Tyler tried to reach for Y/N, saying she needs to be in the safety of his arms. That made her madder. "The fuck?! Who the fuck even are you?!"

And she hit him again. Making him double down in pain. "Don't you fucking touch her- you focking asshole!"

Minx kicked her heeled foot right in his groin. Him fully on the floor now.

No one restrained Minx until he was bleeding.

Two strong guards held her arms behind her back and her feet from swinging around. Minx swore at him still, saying how disgusting he was and how he should be 6ft underground.

"Hey," Sapnap tried to get her attention. Repeating the same word over and over again. She didn't realise she was crying until he tried to wipe them away. And she flinched back from his hand. "It's okay, you are okay. Everything is going to be okay."

Sapnap let her be comfortable. Moving his body in front of the scene that was happening, making her unable to see it the best he could. He wasn't touching her in any way, no hands on her shoulder like they once were, just cautiously there for protection. If she even needed it.

It was clear that protection was needed. As Tyler regained strength and tried to get back to her. "Y/N! Y/N, I love you so much! Don't leave me,"

"You focking twat! Let me at him! Let me focking at him or I swear to god I will hurt you both just as hard. He fucking hurt my friend! Let me fucking hurt him back!" Minx continued to shout.

Sapnap body blocked Y/N, any advancement towards her by anyone. Even if they weren't the offender. He made sure Y/N was safe and alone, with no one to hurt her. No one could even lay a single finger on her for either intention.

More guards came out from a secret door or something, it was like they spawned. Pinning Tyler against the floor for precaution and making sure he can't escape.

The voices still chanted Dream, some praising Minx for the blood. She looked at the floor, shaking.

What the fuck.

"What happened?" Sapnap tried again, clear worry in his voice.

"He is fucking crazy," Y/N said, voice shaky. "He kept calling me his love and told me he loved me since I was 16. I only met him three times including this one and he knows everything about me." She was scared.

"It's okay-" He tried,

"It's not fucking okay! He's been watching me for 6 years." Y/N emphasised.

"You're safe now, we will try and find Karl and then we can all go back to the castle. Okay?" Sapnap continued to talk. But Y/N was still shaking.

"He watched me for 6 years Sapnap- what the fuck." She kept on talking, saying the same words again with pure disbelief. Minx kept on yelling swears and threats

"Y/N!" Hannah ran over with widened eyes. Directing an ensemble of guards to make sure Tyler was far away and for him to never return. "Y/N are you okay?" She was also worried.

Sapnap separated Y/N from Hannah. In the middle of them. Hannah was a friend. But Sapnap was in a cloud of protection like it was his duty.

"He-" She hiccuped in her words, wiping away her tears. "He is a psychopath." Her words weren't steady.

"What did he do?" Hannah continued to question. Before getting a very stern glare from Sapnap to not ask stupid questions. Minx is in the background still swearing and kicking. "Sorry- just. Let me bring you outside, I can get one of the staff to get you a glass of water to calm down."

Y/N still was scared. Karl was nowhere to be found once again. Maybe he wasn't even there before it. Maybe it was her consciousness telling her to walk away. She should have left. But now she knows about Tyler watching her.

What else did he see?

That same question repeated in her mind. Not to mention how the voices wanted to have a human body for each of them just to beat the shit out of him.

Minx wasn't happy, to say the least. Spitting on him at least 5 times before he was escorted out by at least 10 guards. Tyler continued to scream nicknames for Y/N and her name in general.

She was in her own mind. She came here to not be in her mind yet in the end. Her mind was her safe place. Her brain was filled with thoughts and scares. Now on top with someone watching her for the past 6 years without her knowing. Everything was bad.

Y/N forgot to respond.

"Y/N?" Hannah's voice was small, had a worried edge to it even. Minx started to calm down, very slowly. "I'll have guards stationed around you as well," Hannah added, trying to ease her more.

"I'll be out there if you want? I can get Dream as well- I'm sure he that busy that he won't come down here after that shit show." Sapnap added, testing if it was okay to put his hand on her arm. And when she moved away quickly, he seemed to just keep in arms reach.

At one sight of Y/N, you would see how mortified, how shaken up she was. Those words thread through her mind. How he said that he knew her. That he loved her first. That he saw her favourite dress on her when she only wore it alone in her room when she was 18. That he knew everything about the fire.

That he would do anything for her.

She took a breath. The guards holding Minx back slowly started to let go. Trying to keep her from hurting them.

"He-" She tried to talk,
"Okay- let's try and move your thoughts somewhere else? Okay?" Sapnap spoke in,

"Let's go outside. Minx! Can you come with us?" Hannah called, Minx immediately nodded. Went straight to her side. Surprisingly when she put a comforting hand on her forearm, Y/N didn't move it. Maybe because it was more slender than his.

Yet the burn of someone else's still was there. And the sting that came with it burned even worse. 

"It's okay. Come on, I'll bring you out. And if he comes anywhere in eyesight I won't hesitate to hurt him again. Even harder this time." Anyone can tell how Minx talked that she was still angry. Even the dumbest person in the land could see the anger that goes through Minx's veins. Her adrenaline pumping through them like blood.

Y/N nodded shortly. Barely even moved her head. Sapnap went to the other side of Minx, Hannah in front with a guard and a different guard in the back as served as extra protection.

People gawked at them as they left. They never stopped looking, eyes piercing in a way that hurt her. Like tiny spears jabbing at her skin with every eye contact.

If that were to be real, Y/N would've been impaled by thousands (Maybe millions including the eyes that can only be seen through her own) little spears in every corner of her being.

Why couldn't they do that earlier?



hey hey :))

I got scared writing this lmao, wasn't even fun since it was at night so even worse

Anyway, summary;

Y/N goes to a party to be independent and get away from thoughts with Karl, who disappears straight when they get there. The party is made by Hannah. Sapnap sees and talks to her, y/n lies about how Dream is busy. While talking to sapnap she sees Tyler and gets a stronger drink.

Y/N doesn't drink the stronger drink, goes around trying to find Minx after Sapnap says he saw her. Tyler follows her, going to every last person she talked to talk to them himself. Y/N catches him and goes to Sapnap.

He drinks her drink, saying that he isn't drunk yet. They both go to Hannah and Y/N sees Karl behind her once they hug. Y/N tries to excuse herself. But Tyler wants to speak with her before she can leave.

Y/N doesn't want to. Keep on trying to leave but Tyler never lets her. Saying that Dream is with isabella while she is here and that he knows that because he is her brother. Also saying that Dream asked Isabella to marry him when they were younger but Isabella turned him down before realising that she likes him.

Y/N denies everything. Tyler continued to say that he knows everything since he is Isabella's brother. They are similar and very close.

And when Y/N tries to leave once more. Tyler gets desperate for her to stay. Admitting to knowing everything about her. Focusing on the fact that she looks nice in her favourite dress, where she only has been in that one in her room when she was 18.

He starts rambling about how Y/N is meant to be his. Because he loved her first, and ever since she went to Manberg Y/N has changed. Tyler keeps on going about how he would do anything for her to love him and not the 'cheating asshole'.

Tyler forces her to stay by keeping his hands on her forearms. And when Y/N tries to yell, he covers her mouth. A big dance happened as he started talking, so they were crowded with people too focused on doing that dance to even see what was happening.

When Tyler asks her what she wants him to do, repeating that he would practically kill someone for her love. Finally letting her talk. Y/N screams for him to get away from her.

That alerted Minx and Sapnap. Minx yelled at him for his attention before punching him across the face, which hurt from the rings littering her fingers. And Sapnap held Y/N away from Tyler and kept her safe.

Minx kept on beating Tyler up, only getting restrained when the man was bleeding a lot more than a normal person. Yet she continued to berate and even spit on him as he gets taken away. Tyler still shouts that he loves Y/N, calling her various pet names before finally getting out of the room.

Sapnap blocked everything that happened and tried to calm her down. Y/N kept on repeating how Tyler had continuously watched her. Hannah says she should go outside for some fresh air. And she leaves with Minx, Sapnap, Hannah and 2 guards for safety.


So yeah, haha. Fun.

It is late rn while I am finishing this and I don't know how I am going to sleep with this in my mind. Save my soul.

How was your Christmas? Mine was great

Have a nice day. Hopefully, this didn't scare you and scare you that much. The next chapter will come out next Tuesday, take care of yourselves!

5674 words

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