Dark World (BakuDeku)

NashiABadie द्वारा

92 5 1

Zombie apocalypse Ft My hero academia 😃 अधिक

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Three

16 1 0
NashiABadie द्वारा

Location: Izuku's House
Date: February 9th
Izuku Midoriya's POV:

My mom climbed off the bed and made her way towards us growling and swinging.

"W-What do we do?!" I yelled dodging her hand and pushing her back, Kacchan hurriedly grabbed her wrist and pulled them behind her back "I don't know but we gotta do something or she'll tear us apart!!" He yelled back.

I huffed as my mind raced, my mom was gone and now replaced by something completely different.

"We can't do anything rash, we could possibly save her so let's lock her in her bathroom and then lock her room door" I said.

He nodded "okay lead the way so she'll follow you" he said.

I did as he said and led them to her bathroom. Once I was in the bathroom, I signaled Kacchan to let her go, when he did she came stumbling towards me growling and swinging; I dodged her and ran past her towards Kacchan. I slammed the door closed and locked it with a huff of exhaustion.

"Now what?" He asked glancing down at me.
I bit my lip and stumbled back "we gotta get back before Aizawa actually kills me" I sighed before making my way towards my mom's room door with Kacchan hot on my trail.

When he walked out I locked and closed the door. We made our way to the front door and left closing and locking the door behind us.

"Okay let's go" I said before activating my quirk and taking off; I didn't have to look back to know Kacchan was not too far behind.


"You're back!" Uraraka yelled out when Kacchan and I walked into the dormitory.

We both came to a slow stop in front of everybody as they all redirected their attention to us. Aizawa stepped closer to us and looked at me "were you able to help your mother Midoriya?" He asked.

I bit my lip and tightened my fist, my head dropped as tears stung my eyes; "we were too late, she was already infected when we got there" Kacchan spoke up.

The room fell into silence and Aizawa placed his hand on my shoulder "I'm sorry to hear that Midoriya ... did she turn or?" He asked.

I slowly looked up at him and sniffled "she turned into a monster, and the only thing I could think of was to lock her up" I said in a shaky tone.

"I understand. Do you want to sit out? I think Nezu'll understand if you do" he said.

I shook my head and wiped my tears away "no use on crying over spilled milk, we have people to save" I said before clearing my throat.

He hesitated before patting my shoulder and pulling away "okay well, now that everyone is here, let's head to the main building and meet with everyone else" he said turning to the rest of the class.

"Yes sir" we all said simultaneously.

He nodded and led us out the building.

I walked slighting behind him with Kacchan right next to me, for the most part we just kept quiet and followed Aizawa.

"Deku? Hey are you okay?" Uraraka asked coming up behind me.

I flashed her a small smile and nodded "oh I'm fine, no need to worry" I said calmly.

She gave me an uneasy smile before nodding "okay well, you can talk to me if you need to, I'll be here" she said.

I nodded "thank you"

I continued walking ahead with a frown, I wasn't fine and I'm not sure if I'll ever be fine but I know for a fact that I didn't want to worry my friends. So if pretending I'm fine does that then I'll do just that.

I was snapped from my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder, I looked over and saw Kacchan staring ahead as if he didn't know what he was doing, "I'm here nerd, you don't have to close yourself off. I'm here and I'm going to stay here for however long you need ... you're not alone" he frowned.

I stared at him for a bit in shock before smiling "I hear you Kacchan, thank you for that" I said.

"Tch" he rolled his eyes and snatched his hand from my shoulder "whatever just remember what I said"

We all slowly came to a stop as Aizawa opened the door and stepped to the side "go on, I'll be right behind you" he said.

Me and Kacchan were the first to walk in as everyone else followed behind us.

After a few more minutes we were in the auditorium, some of the seats were taken by hero course students and most of the others were taken by heroes.

Aizawa guided us to our rightful spots before taking a seat at the end.

"GoodAfternoon Heroes, I'm glad all of you were able to make it to today's meeting. As you all know we have a serious problem on our hands that needs immediate attention, so much attention that we brought in our heroes-in-training; but unlike our full fledged heroes you students will be helping with search and rescue. We will not allow you to take any action until told otherwise, this is for your safety so I advise you to listen.

First I want to assign our trainees to some pros before we do anything, so if all is understood let's begin-" Nezu was cut off by screams and panic coming from outside the auditorium.

This made everyone jump up in alarm, Nezu raised his hand making us freeze in our spots; "I need the pros that doesn't work as one of my teachers to go and assess the issue outside, trainees you'll stay here with your teachers and wait until further instruction" Nezu said calmly dropping his arm.

As told almost half of the room made their way outside while the students and teachers sat back down.

"Something feels off" Kacchan grumbled.

I glanced over at him with a confused expression "what do you mean?" I asked.

Another scream came from outside along with some growls making everyone tense up.

Mt. Lady came running in covered in blood with a frightened expression, "we're under attack by those things! There's too much out there" she said.

We all looked back at Nezu waiting for his orders but he seemed lost in thought. "Nezu sir please we need more orders" one of the teachers yelled.

Nezu sighed "okay everybody up, students I'm putting a lot of trust in you to not screw this up, get in groups of five and take down as many zombies as you can, kill them if need be" he declared.

This made everyone start to whisper, Uraraka raised her hand immediately and stood up "but sir, they're still people, the same people we were sworn to protect!" She yelled.

He sighed "this is why I wanted to call the meeting in the first place, I've got word from the council and they've informed me that these zombies are beyond saving, there is no cure for this disease, so the best we can do is eliminate them all and protect those who haven't been infected yet" he explained.

My heart dropped hearing the news, this meant my mother was beyond saving. There was no hope for her and I couldn't do a thing to save her.

I felt myself spiraling into depression but snapped out of it when Kacchan gripped my shoulder.

I snapped my head in his direction, he seemed calm and collected but his eyes held empathy "calm down, we'll deal with that later. Right now we have a job to do" he stated.

I nodded "right"

We both stood up which grabbed our classmates attention "the more we sit here and question our orders the more innocent people will be infected" I said.

"Yeah so stop complaining and do your damn job" Kacchan spat.

Everyone nodded and we got to work.

I was on a team with Iida, Uraraka, Asui, and Todoroki. We were near the dorms as we fought off some of the zombies, the passed out girl we were trying to save was behind us.

"There's too much! I need you four to hold them back while I try to float her out of here!" Uraraka yelled kicking a zombies skull in.

"Copy" Todoroki grunted as he used his flame quirk to burn the zombies into crisp. I used Black whip to trap some of the zombies "go!" I snapped, she quickly ran and grabbed the girl allowing them both to float out of harms way.

I flinched as I felt my danger sense kick in making me jump out of the way. The zombie that was trying to attack me stumbled forward and growled, I landed on a branch as I scanned the area thinking of an idea.

If we can get the other students out the way then maybe we can get Todoroki to block off the danger from outside of school grounds. "Todoroki I need you to block off the entry points to the school, if you do that then all we have to do is eliminate the ones that are already inside!" I explained.

Todoroki nodded "understood" he said before using his ice to get there faster, I turned to Iida "go with him, he might need someone to watch his back!" I yelled.

Iida nodded "understood" he grunted as he used his engines to follow behind Todoroki.

Asui jumped and dodged a zombie landing right next to me. "Midoriya there seems to be no end to these things" she frowned.

I shook my head "don't worry, you should focus on search and rescue with Uraraka while I handle these things" I said allowing one for all to surge through me.

"But-" before she could argue I leaped off the branch and used Black whip to capture any zombies I could spot and drag them behind me.

When I figured it was enough I tightened my fist and used Black whip to throw them into the air, then I focused my power into my fingers to use Delaware smash. I aimed and flicked powerful amounts of wind pressure hitting each of them in the head killing them on impact.

When it was done I used float to stop myself from smacking onto the pavement. I glanced around searching for any more but I seemed to have handled the ones around this area which means I had to track more down.

I huffed as my feet touched the ground, I was already a little spent from using most of my quirks but I still had enough strength to clean up the stranglers, now wasn't the time to rest... if I did then my mind would just drift off to... mom- I can't think about that right now. Not when I have a job to do!

I fired up one for all and took off to the main building looking out for any zombies near by.

As I was leaping through school grounds I was able to spot some heroes and students, and I of course helped them out; by the time we had that handled everything seemed to die down.

"Good job everyone! We should all head back to the auditorium now, if you pass by any students or heroes please let them know where we're all meeting" Midnight announced.

I nodded and made my way to the auditorium, fortunately I was able to meet back up with my group before getting there.

"Everyone okay?" I asked glancing over everyone, they all nodded "I'm fine" Uraraka smiled "I was able to stay out of their reach and able to save a couple of students" she confirmed.

I nodded "thank God" I smiled.

When we all made it back inside we all froze at the disturbing scene in front of us.

There were dozens of students and heroes whom were badly injured and infected, recovery Girl seemed to be trying to attend to all of them but she looked as if there was nothing else she could do.

"There's so much" Asui said.

I nodded before catching sight of Aizawa, without another word I marched over to him and tapped his shoulder making him turn and face me.

"Can I help you Midoriya?" He asked folding his arms.

I glanced over at the nurse's area before looking back at him "what happened? Are they gonna be okay?" I asked.

He sighed before rubbing his head "according to one of the students there were a lot in a certain areas which caught most of our people off guard and this happened, so I'm having Recovery girl take a look at things and hopefully everything works out, I'm waiting for her right now, if you would like you can listen and ask your own questions" he explained with a tired yawn.

I nodded and stayed quiet thinking about everything that's been happening.

"How're you feeling Midoriya?" Aizawa asked.

I snapped my head in his direction before shaking my head "I'm okay as long as I stay focus on this" I sighed.

He frowned "Midoriya you lost your mother today, no one is expecting you to be okay; I really think you should sit out for a few days, we'll let you know if we need you" he said seriously.

I groaned "I really don't want to think about this Mr. Aizawa, I'll rest when everyone is safe" I stated.

He shook his head "it's wasn't a suggestion Midoriya, it's an order. I'll let you listen to what Recovery Girl has to say but after that I want you to make your way to the dorms and rest for a few days; I'll also make sure to pick a less troublesome student to watch over you until I clear you, are we understood" he said with a stern tone.

I huffed "understood" I frowned.

He nodded and we both looked back over to see Recovery Girl coming up to us.


"It's not good, they seem to be infected, everyone over there except Principle Nezu" Recovery Girl said.

"Wait Does that mean everyone over there is gonna turn into one of those things?" I asked leaning in a bit.

Recovery Girl nodded "unfortunately .... but for some reason Principle Nezu is a special case, he was bitten like everyone else but when I tried to heal him and-unlike-everyone-else- it worked. The bite healed completely and he had no fever, and with a little more test it turns out animals can't be infected like us, so he's good" she explained.

"So he's up?" Aizawa asked.

She sighed "unfortunately not, he's slipped into some sort of coma, I don't know why, and there isn't enough information on this to go on; I'm in the dark here" she frowned.

Aizawa nodded "I guess that means I'll be taking over for a while ... okay well first we'll escort everyone over there outside and have a group of capable students to give them mercy, then we'll leave the teachers we do have here with the students while we take Nezu somewhere safe, then you'll monitor him in that area and keep me posted while the teachers and pros that are here will meet me in the meeting room so we can talk about the current situation, got it?" He asked looking at her.

She nodded "Got it"

"Good, Midoriya nothing has changed for you, so while I get everything handled here I need you to go do what I told you to do" he said looking at me.

I sighed "yes sir" I said before leaving the auditorium.


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