Do You Hate? •fengqing• Heave...

By nonononononono_0

44.7K 2K 1.5K

They say that Mu qing and Feng xin is the perfect example of the saying 'water and oil don't mix'. Well, it's... More

Author's Note
About the story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 3

1.3K 65 101
By nonononononono_0

"Hi there Mu qing." The girl greeted.

Mu qing nodded."Ling wen..?" He greets with an unsure tone.

"Yes that's me. Ling wen. So, how did you end up here? This is quite far from the cafeteria. Do you not have friends to eat lunch with that you decided to just stroll around during lunch time?" Ling wen who started to walk asked without hesitation. Quite harsh.

Mu qing frowned. "I just wandered around after eating to digest and somehow ended up here. How about you? Did you already become the teachers pet first day of school?" Also quite harsh.

Ling wen chuckled and shook her head. "Well let's just say that I was there to save your ass from getting lost and getting late." She smirked.

Mu qing can't retort and just rolled his eyes as he ignored the mocking statement.

They continued walking in silence when Mu qing, after all, thought he couldn't end the conversation with his disadvantage. "If you were there does that mean you didn't have friends to share lunch with and decided to have it with the teachers instead?"

However, Ling wen just sighed. "How I wish to not have friends. Unfortunately, i somehow got acquainted with a womanizer and a tyrant." She said full of sorrow as if she's regretting ever getting acquainted with them.

Mu qing looked at her and couldn't help but hold back at her demise. Somehow relating to her. Just then, they arrived at the door of their room.

Hearing the chuckle Ling wen couldn't help but sigh again and complained; "Mu qing, you can't just laugh at other peoples problems. I swear we can change lives if you want if that means I get to escape those bastards idiocy."

This time Mu qing tried so hard to keep a calm face but really couldn't help it and let out a hardly suppressed laugh . But this laughter didn't last long when he shifted his eyes away from Ling wen and into the front where he saw Feng xin looking, or more like staring at them. Him.

Ling wen, who noticed the situation thus opened the door and pushed Mu qing in to stop the tension.

"What the hell? Why did you push me?!" He blurted at which she replied with; "Just saving the world from a heavy tension." And walked pass him.

Mu qing, dumbfounded, just rolled his eyes thinking that her friends 'idiocy' rubbed of her and walked to his chair. Ignoring the one still left outside, still staring at him.

Snapping out, Feng xin blinked and also moved to enter the room when his eyes wandered to Mu qing's direction only to accidentally meet eyes with the man the moment he was about to take a sit. His eyes automatically shot a glare while Mu qing fought back by rolling his eyes.

The afternoon class bored Mu qing to death as it was just all about their summer activities, introduction and stuff.

When the bell rang, sign that it's already time to go home, Mu qing grabbed his bag and walked to Xie lian's classroom. This became a habit of him because they usually go home together. But looks like today will not be like their usual afterclass routines.

When he arrived at Xie lian's room, first thing he saw was Hua cheng approaching his friend. They were chatting with each other, looking like they were making plans for this afternoon. Seeing this, Mu qing sighed and grabbed his phone to text Xie lian when from his side, someone shouted Xie lian's name.

Xie lian looked over at his direction and called while walking closely to them,"Feng xin! Mu qing!"

Mu qing nodded and Feng xin grinned. Hua cheng was following close behind Xie lian who made his way to the two. "We decided to hang out, join us!" Xie lian excitedly exclaimed.

Feng xin automatically replied with;"Sure! Let's catch up." While Mu qing on the other hand was silent for a moment before declining. "I'm good. I'll go home now." He only said and turned to leave.

Xie lian attempted to stop him but Feng xin beat him to it as the man grabbed for the others wrist. "Why wont you join us?" He asks while starting at the startled expression of My qing's face.

"And why would i join you?" Mu qing replied with a confused face. The rudeness not concealed in his tone.

"Well, duh because Xie lian went out on his way to invite you?!" Feng xin reasoned, his voice slightly rising. He also doesn't know why he's stopping this annoying man but just felt the urge to.

Mu qing rolled his eyes and snapped. "So? He invited me, okay. But that doesn't mean I'm obliged to go!"

"So wandering around with that Ling wen and laughing with her is fucking worthy of your goddamn precious time while spending time with your friend is not?! You sure have sorted out your fucking priorities!"

"What?! Why did you even bring that up!? Wait, why the hell do you even care, and why are you even stopping me?! Just mind your own business! You should just be grateful and thank me for not ruining your happy reunion with my presence!"

With his outburst, Feng xin was taken aback and so was Xie lian. Hua cheng however,  just smirked.

Mu qing seemed to just realized what he had just said and awkwardly cleared his throat. But he does not regret. "Now let me go home. And enjoy my fucking absence." He spat. Managing to pull his grab out of Feng xin's loosened grip and walked away.


"Let him be gege, he doesn't know how to appreciate being invited by you".

Xie lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry and just sighed. He realized how he treated Mu qing all day and he really REALLY felt bad. He knew Mu qing's personality so well. This includes his anxieties, his tendency to overthink stuff and his insecurities. Xie lian got overwhelmed by the fact that his childhood friends are here and momentarily forgot about his friend.

He feels guilty.

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