Chapter 29

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They arrived at the supermarket. They have assigned stuffs to get and they were sent by pairs.

So when the mention of by pairs was brought up, all of them almost naturally came closer to another. For example, Hua cheng naturally got paired up with Xie lian. Qianqiu naturally got paired up with Qi rong. And Banyue naturally got paired up with Pei su. Yushi Huang approached Zu xian to pair up with him so that leaves Mu qing and Feng xin.

"I guess we'll go together then." Feng xin shrugged.

"Why? Do you want to be paired up with Pei su instead?"

"Pft- no? Personally, I think you are the best option. Aside from Xie lian ofcourse. But even in death, Hua cheng wont let his 'gege' pair up with someone else." Feng xin spouted without much thought.

"..." Mu qing didn't know how to react to statement. But his heart definitely does. Right after his first sentence, his heart was already beating like crazy. Heat gathering to his ears, turning red.

He walked ahead trying to hide his most likely reddened face. "Hurry up you slowpoke."

"Yeah yeah."

Their 3 days grocery list is;

Popcorn & drinks - Mu qing & Feng xin

Chips & Movie CD's - Banyue & Pei su

Meat & Ice cream - Xie lian & Hua

Party games (ex.jenga) - Qianqiu &
Qi rong

Fast food take outs - Yushi Huang &
Zu xian

Qi rong even threw a fit because he wanted to buy the drinks while Banyue and Pei su argued about what movies to buy. In the end, all of them listed down their preferences.

Qianqiu suggested the meat since he was craving for some barbecue. And since Hua cheng was a self proclaimed good cook, he and Xie lian were tasked to buy the meat.

Mu qing and Feng xin were looking for the popcorns and was planning to buy some cheese powder while they're on it.

They asked a staff where the popcorns are placed and they pointed the aisle at the far corner of the grocery store. Since it's that far away, they both decided to split up. While the other goes to get the popcorn, the other will go get the drinks.

Thus, Feng xin went to get drinks and Mu qing went on his way to get the corn.

Feng xin brought different kinds of drinks. Cola, sprite, wine, juice, and yakult. Banyue wanted the yakult so Pei su gave him money to buy 3 packs of it. While they all contributed for the others. Feng xin offered to buy the cola and sprite though.

He put them all in the shopping cart and went to the seats near the counter to wait for Mu qing.

Almost 10 minutes had passed and mu qing still didn't show up.

"What's taking him so long?" He looked around and waited for another good 3 minutes when he finally saw Mu qing walking towards him with a pale face.

"Mu qing? What's wrong?" Feng xin asked as he approached him. Mu qing was out of it and was just looking at his face with a confused expression.

"Hey. Hey." Feng xin held both of his shoulders and looked at Mu qing in the eye. "What's wrong?"

"Huh? Nothing... Nothing" Mu qing said after blinking several times and shook his head.

His face was undeniably pale and his hand was slightly shaking so Feng xin definitely knew that there's something up.

"Mu qing, please tell me. Okay?" Feng xin stated with a reassuring tone and smile.

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