Chapter 4

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Feng xin checked his phone for the time and to their surprise, its already 9:51 PM thus, Xie lian and company finally decided to call it a day.

After exchanging byes and see you tomorrows, Xie lian walked his way to his house when he passed by Mu qing's residence. He recalled the way they parted this afternoon and the guilt returned to his system .

Xie lian hit the doorbell and was greeted by Mu qing's mom. "Good evening auntie! Can I talk to Mu qing?" He asked with his signature smile plastered on his face.

Mu qing's mom naturally know Xie lian since he's one of Mu qings only friends. She smiled apologetically. "Good evening to you too A-lian. Sorry but Qing-er went to bed early. Probably exhausted from school."

"Oh." Xie lian didn't expect this because Mu qing usually go to bed around 11PM or so. He only smiled and said. "Its okay auntie, I can just talk to him tomorrow. Sorry for the trouble. I'll get going now"

Mu qing's mom smiled and advised him to be careful on the road before closing their door.

Xie lian turned around and started to walk to his own house to finally get some rest after the tiring day when his phone rang. He spent half a minute searching for his bag and saw Mu qing's number. He immediately answered."Hello? Mu qing?"

"Mhm. You came over?" Mu qing's voice echoed from the other line.

"Yeah I did. But your mom told me you already slept?"

"I told her I'm going to bed early so she doesn't disturb me." Xie lian chuckled at the statement.

"So why did you come over? Did you need something?" Mu qing questioned.

"Oh no,  I was going to talk to you!.. About earlier." Xie lian answered anxiously. He didn't know how to open the topic.

"Yeah? What about earlier?" The voice on the other line casually asked.

"I, uh, I was overwhelmed with the arrival of my friends that I kinda let you be alone.. Im sorry.." Xie lian said in a whisper, sounding apologetic.

Mu qing was silent on the other line for a while, leaving Xie lian shifting his weight from leg to leg while nervously waiting for him to speak. "Why are you sorry? Its okay, you dont hold responsibility to look after me and always keep me company. Im not a child. You should hang out with them often. How many years we were together was also the number of years you guys didn't see each other so dont worry. And besides I already told you, I can even barely tolerate you so maybe this is an opportunity to be free from you" Mu qing said as he laughed.

Although this is what he say, Xie lian knows that Mu qing is just steeling himself because that's how it has always been. Him and his thing with hiding his own emotions. Not saying what he wants and just quietly sit at the corner unnoticed.

Xie lian sighed. "Well, Mu qing. I'm afraid you still have to bear with me because I'm still sticking with you and annoy you till the day that I die! See you tomorrow then! Bye Mu qing!" He said and hang up the call. Smiling as he imagined what the others face looked like at the moment. Then he continued on his way home.

The day after that, Mu qing got up and prepared for school. As he walked out of his house, there stood his friend grinning at him.

Mu qing sighed as he walked over to him. "Why are you grinning like that so early in the morning?" He asked, rolling his eyes. Xie lian just laughed. "Good morning to you too." And they made their way to school.

Today, Xie lian dragged him around every break time. He had his lunch break with Xie lian and the other two because Xie lian dragged him. He wanted to escape and preferred to eat silently alone but to no avail, was dragged by his friend. And the same thing happened with his afternoon break and after class.

Ofcourse none of those times were peaceful thanks to the annoying presence of a certain person named Feng xin. They bicker all the time that Mu qing couldn't help but roll his eyes so many times to the extent that he couldn't roll them anymore.

He thought that this day is only going to be a one time thing and that tomorrow Xie lian would surely let him go and let him spend his breaks in peace. But he was wrong. Wrong. The same thing kept happening over and over for the past two weeks that he gave up and went to Xie lian himself. He was now used to the two new company and somehow was able to tolerate that Hua cheng now who basically just give all his attention to Xie lian and does not give a damn about anything else. But one thing, one person he really couldn't tolerate was Feng xin who argued with him over petty things like for example how cats are better than dogs.

He really couldn't understand the guy.

One time he choked on water and the other hurriedly pat his back like he was worried. After that he cursed him saying he's so stupid to choke on water.

Then there was also one time when he spilled his water and had nothing to drink and was about to stand up to go fetch himself some water when Feng xin handed him a bottle of water. And when he drank it, the other then started coming at him saying things like spilling his water is so stupid, that he's so clumsy to the point that he might accidentally die while unconsciously holding his own breath.

This interactions of showing good deeds then cursing after irritates and confuse the hell out of Mu qing.

On the contrary when things like that happen, Xie lian just giggles while Hua cheng raises his brows then proceeds to tend to his gege.

And because of the fact that they hang out during breaks and after class naturally made them interact with each other at class. They go to the others room together, goto the cafeteria together and go back to their room together. But this didn't mean that they got along better because they're with each other most of the time. This only meant that their arguing voices is always heard in the hallway.

They just don't get along.

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