Chapter 1

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First day of class and Mu qing is already eager for summer break to come. It's because school only means one thing. Socializing. And that, he is not quiet good at.

He lazily wore his school shoes and went outside the house bidding his mother goodbye only to see his friend patiently waiting for him outside.

Who else could it be? Ofcourse Xie lian.

Xie lian instantly noticed him and plastered his signature warm smile before waving and greeting him good morning in which he  responded with a small wave. Muttering 'morning' as he approached and started walking to the academy together.

"I wonder how many nice people we're going to meet." Xie lian optimistically said, excitement clearly visible on his face. However, Mu qing only rolled his eyes.

"It'd be best not to meet anyone at all". He grumbles.

Xie lian barked out a laugh at his friend's response. His hand finding it's place on Mu qing's shoulder. "Come on Mu qing, were already college students! Mingling and meeting new people isn't that bad! It's not bad to have new friends. And besides, you can't really control people to not approach you, just wait and someone will come and talk with you!" He said with an encouraging tone and teasingly added; "You don't know, maybe you'll also find someone you'll fancy." he winked.

Mu qing shuddered at the thought and couldn't help but roll his eyes again. At this point he wonders how he could do that so often without getting his eyes stuck.

"I can even barely tolerate you and now you're saying I might find someone I'll fancy?" He scoffed.

Xie lian frowned at the 'barely even tolerate you' statement and sighed. "You should really stop doing that. You'll scare people off and they'd start assuming you have a bad personality, which! Isn't true."

At this point, they entered the huge campus gates and are walking to the building their classrooms are in. Neither of them questioning how they only spotted very few fellow students roaming around.

"Is it really not?" Mu qing only responded.

He knows himself how bad his personality is. Or atleast he assume it is. He even found it amusing to have a rather large circle friends. Never in his life did he think that someone will be willing. That's why he really really cared and has a soft spot for his friends (even though he doesn't show it), and held them very close to his heart. Up to this day, he still dont know how they put up with his shitty attitude.

Xie lian sighed at the response he got. "Mu qing, how many times do i have to tell you that you-"

He didn't get to start his rants when his words got cut off by the bell and his eyes widened instantly.

"We're gonna be late!" He freaked out and instantly grabbed Mu qing by his wrist.

They were running up the stairs of their building, their steps echoing in the empty staircase- panting til they arrived at their destination floor. Which I may mention is the 4th.

Unfortunately, they're not classmates this time around. Xie lian's class is the second room to the left of the stairs while Mu qing still needs to pass by a couple of rooms (also to the left) to get to his own.

Xie lian only bid him goodluck and told him to meet at the cafeteria before going in.

Mu qing caught his breath first before he jogged into his room. Cussing at how he should've tied his hair at home and cussing even more when he realized he doesn't have any hair ties with him.

When he arrived infront of the said classroom, he only stood there for a second. Stared at the plaque above the door that read 'Class 1-C' and took a deep breath, obviously not wanting to go in.

Just as he was about to reach for the knob the door suddenly bursted open, the edge hitting his face, and the knob hitting his stomach in the process.

"Ugh, what the?!"  One of his hand immediately landed to hold his throbbing nose while the other pressed his aching stomach. Slightly crouching forward in attempt to ease the pain, he glared at the man who was just staring at him, in shock. Mu qing guesses.

"What the fuck?!" Mu qing irritatingly spat seeing the man looking as if he doesn't plan to budge any time now.

"Shit I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I didn't know someone was outside." The person said apologetically.

Mu qing grew even more irritated. He rolled his eyes, standing straight from the crouching position he's previously at and glared. "Well, obviously you didn't know?! Otherwise would you still open the damn door so abruptly?!? Well if you're an asshole, you certainly would even if you knew someone might get hit!"

At his remark, the person blinked. And as how slow the second hand of the clock ticks, red slowly colored the man's tan face - his eyebrows furrowed. "What the fuck are you trying to say?! I fucking said I'm sorry and was willing to assist you and you just had to yap your fucking mouth as if I fucking did it on purpose!"

"Wow! And you still have the guts to curse after you just banged the door right at me?! See?! You dont even look sorry at all!" Mu qing countered. His eyebrows close to one another than it ever was before.

The man fumed and was about to talk back when from inside the room, came a voice. "You two stop arguing and let it pass. Its an accident so don't be babies and make a big deal out of it. Besides, if he already apologized and you already chewed him with words doesn't that make the two of you even. So why dont you two just mind your own businesses and stop interrupting the other classes from all your shouting. Our adviser will be here any moment." A girl with a composed face and a strict aura sternly said as she strolled over, seized Mu qing's wrist that was supposedly covering his red nose and placed a bandaid at his palm together with a pain reliever pad that she said would be helpful for the pain in his also red forehead.

Someone inside the room also chirped. "Yeah, listen to Ling wen. You're interrupting the neighboring classes."

Mu qing can only roll his eyes and send one last glare to the man infront of him with and equally crumpled face as his and humphed. Bumping his shoulder out of the way as he made his way to the chair he picked, way at the back of the room while he placed the pad on his forehead. Though he didn't apply the band aid on his nose because he thought he'd look like a fool and just covered his nose and mouth with his white handkerchief.

The man tsk-ed with his action but did not retort any further and just turned to his heels. Going out the room to wherever his destination was.

Hand still holding his handkerchief against his mouth, Mu qing absentmindedly stared outside the window. His eyebrows still meeting while he rests his chin on his palm when someone knocked on his desk.

Sighing for his bothered peace, Mu qing turned to look just to see a man smiling at him. "You should go to the clinic if the pain won't subside. And here."He placed a hair tie atop the desk."It looks like you'll need it." He smiled and walked away.

Blinking, Mu qing almost believed  Xie lian sent him a clone if that's even possible. Eyeing the tie infront of him, Mu qing internally thanked the world for atleast making it up for him for the sucky fate they gave him early in the morning and took the tie. Gathering the upper half of his long hair  and binding it with the band. Breathing as sigh of relief when cool air touched his neck.

Not long after, the door opened revealing the man Mu qing had a dispute with earlier, gaze unconsciously landing towards Mu qing's direction. For a second he stared, but immediately frowned when Mu qing caught his gaze and rolled his eyes. Averting his eye, he turned and sat down his seat silently. And following him was their adviser, apologizing for the late entry.

"Okay class so before all, introductions first. My name is Mei Nianqing. 28 years old. And will be your adviser. Now that I'm done, lets get to know you students, starting from the back."

Mu qing sighed understanding the world really isn't in his favor as he was the one at the corner back and stood up. "Mu qing. 17." He shortly but politely said and sat back down.

The teacher seemed displeased with the short introduction but still proceeded on the next student. And after a couple of peers introduced themselves, the man that argued with Mu qing earlier stood up. Mu qing could only care less and rolled his eyes.

"My name is Feng xin. Im 17 years old turning 18. I do archery. That's all."

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